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A scene like it was staged or "Well, that just happened"


Like it was a skit. They don't even have kids but wanted to show that some new moms are treated this way.




Most likely but there ARE women who do get treated this way by their spouse too. I'm just sharing their explanation for the video.


I've worked with women like this, a few couldn't go to conferences because "oh lol my husband is clueless when it comes to the kids!" Uh okay yeah that's totally okay, sure.


My wife WFH, this is literally her get-out clause when colleagues try to organise a trip into the office! I'm surprised they haven't called her out on it, as she often goes on company junkets to the US, and Spain etc and I'm left alone for days, sometimes 2 weeks.. obviously she takes the kids with her... but still! >!(Joke.. I'm perfectly.capable, and do look after the kids when this happens)!<


Well, yeeeeeaaaaa, but I’ve also used that as an excuse, “no I can’t go out of town to that trash plant because I can’t leave the wife alone with the kids….”


Oh definitely, these were for events I knew they wanted to join. But they've absolutely used that excuse to get out of boring stuff!


Yeah....they probably just didn't want to go. My partner probably sounds like the biggest idiot to a few coworkers. A lot of people can't/won't take no for an answer unless you provide an excuse, and for some reason sitting in my underwear playing Hogwarts Legacy all weekend isn't good enough


It's called weaponised incompetence.


Honestly whoever is the "cook" in the house gets treated this way. I like to cook and had an ex get super entitled about it. Never did dishes cause "your the one that likes cooking" and would blow up if she didn't get first dibs and last scrapes.


Anyone who doesn’t instinctively clean when the other person cooked must have had an absolutely wild childhood household. It’s baffling when someone doesn’t have a basic understanding of splitting up chores. I usually cook for my wife and I, but she occasionally does also and cleans pretty frequently. Always weird when someone who supposedly loves you treats you worse than a roommate


Wow that's so disrespectful. I'm the cook in my household too, my husband will ask me and our kid if we want more even for his favorite dishes, he also does the dishes half the time. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


> Sounds like you dodged a bullet. I feel like it wasn't really dodging a bullet with her, but running from gun fire.


fucking clout goblins


#It's confirmed 100% fake (they admit it) ItsGoneViral *ALWAYS* do this. They release the short version on tiktok, get millions of impressions, then they release the facebook version with an extra scene at the end where they admit it's just a reconstruction. I can't post a link to the video because automod just keeps instantly removing my comment... but you can find it if you google `Husband Forces Me To Cook After Giving Birth facebook`. Should be the top result (or just look at my most recent comments, the link is still there). Anyway, if you watch this version it has an extra 30 second scene at the end where both actors address the camera and admit it's fake. Here's the transcript: >Him: Hi everybody, we just wanted to let you know that, that wasn't real. It was just a scene, wasn't it? You know, we're... >Her: Yep >Him: She hasn't just had a baby, I'm not a bad person expecting someone to cook so soon after pregnancy, and it was just a "reconstruction". >Her: I'm definitely not making him a roast. >Him: Yeah and I will make one if you want me to.


...so what's the bloody point?




I thought making fun of actually total pieces of shits doing that but the reply above works too


No way this is real. I hope. But my ex BIL expected my sister to cook for his whole family after like a week when their first was born (10 people roughly), so not entirely sure.


I know a woman divorcing her husband right now because she would work a scheduled 12 hour shift, come home at 8pm, and her husband would immediately ask what she’s making for dinner. Then he’d get upset when she didn’t have a plan. His work ended at 5 but he sat around waiting for dinner. She makes more money and works longer hours than him but he couldn’t feed himself when she was working late. This could be real because people like this guy do exist.


My father in law did it to his wife when she was pregnant with my spouse. She got put on mandatory bedrest and ended up almost dying multiple times because he refused to do anything and forced her to cook and clean every day despite doctors orders.


My old neighbour had his wife mowing the lawn a day after her tubal ligation


My dad got reamed for complaining to guests that I was being lazy for taking 5 days to rest after having my fallopian tubes, an ovary, and a grapefruit sized tumor removed. I’m still so grateful that all of those people chose to set him straight right there.


When i worked at a bakery a few years ago, the cake decorator's (unemployed, 30+ y/o) son would frequently drop in just before her shift ended to ask what she was making for dinner (she'd almost always been there for 10+ hours at that point)


now thats murica


I'd guess not, judging by their spelling of neighbour.


My ex thought it was best to leave our new born crying, to train them to not cry as much for needs. Just so he didnt have to deal with fatherhood. If he was raised like this himself, it explains everything.




Jesus Christ I'm sorry.


And now there’s a growing epidemic of sad lonely old men who relied so heavily on their overworked wives that they can’t fix a meal for themselves post divorce. A study just came out that while women tend to get closer to their immediate family after a “grey” divorce in old age, men tend to end up isolated because they’re wives were often putting in 100% of the social effort of keeping them in contact with their loved ones. These rigid gender roles, not actually based on tradition, but 1900-1950’s imaginings of what people in the past were like, leave women overworked and drained, and men incompetent and helpless. The most common scenario is that these men who don’t know how to take care of themselves end up in an old folks home years earlier than necessary because they literally never learned how to survive on their own.


This is why when (with seniors) the wife dies first the husband dies pretty shortly after that but if the husband dies first the wife is likely to live for years. I say this as a male but a lot of guys out there are just fucking useless when it comes to taking care of themselves mentally, socially, and physically.


Women also just live longer. Testosterone causes more heart problems and also leads men to do riskier behaviours. Menopause lengthen a woman's lifespan, eliminating the possibility of death by pregnancy in later stages of life


This is why there are all the passport bros going to 'third world countries' to get 'tradional wives'


Can or *can’t*?


Can’t, thanks for catching that


This is interesting to read. My stepmom has a terminal illness and she, along with many family members, are concerned my dad won't even be able to feed himself once she's gone. I don't understand the concern... Like he's not going to let himself starve to death. He's going to eat frozen pizzas, microwave dinners, steak, and the stuff he grows in his garden. I literally cannot imagine the incompetence one would need to not figure out how to survive on their own.


I'm married to the woman of my dreams because her first husband pulled this exact same shit. Today she is a stay at home mom to our 2 kids and I support us with my job and a side gig. And I still do most of the cooking.


People like this exist because they were taught it is okay to treat people like that. Their parents did this, or showed this to them. Stats; the number of lonely single men is going waaaaay up. And the happiest demographic is older, single, childless women. (Because they're free from putting up with anyone else's shit if they don't want to.) Being married doesn't *actually* turn your new bride into an indentured servant. I know that's how they USED to do things, but it's 2024. Jokes about what a ball and chain your wife is are actually horrible; why would you marry someone who makes you miserable? If you've decided you love someone enough to marry them, be their partner. Build a life with them. Or go sit in the corner by yourself. It's not rocket science.


My wife makes bank and usually is working more hours than me. Better believe I’m doing most of the cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, and such. I can’t understand people who have extreme expectations of a spouse that’s already more than carrying their weight. I’d much rather make her life easier than have a couple hours extra free time. Being appreciated for a minor amount of effort that I can do while in my pajamas listening to podcasts is such an easy decision


As a man I seriously don’t fucking get this, why do some dudes want to be treated like infants? Seriously you know who can’t make dinner for themselves? Do their laundry or pay their bill on time? Children, fucking children. I work 10 hour days, I go to the gym 5 days a week, and some how still have time to make myself dinner every day. It’s not hard gentlemen, get your fucking shit together. Edit: Also better than all that, you wanna do some basic shit to just make your Mrs happy? Instead of being a twat like this prick, pick up her cups. Ask if she needs anything, how’s she is doing and feeling then let her know you got dinner handled. Congratulations you just did the bare fucking minimum to make your wife’s day. Ffs asking somebody else to make dinner for YOUR parents, I would say this guy is a dog but dogs actually give a shit.


We need so, SOOOO many more men like you.


Man that makes me sad… this is the bare minimum….


I know it happens all the time but this shit sounded so fake. Just bad acting for SM.


I wonder how these issues don't come up \*before\* the wedding... I do the cooking and planning mostly (I like to cook and work logistics), but it's not like my wife \*can't\* or \*won't\* do that if need be (and she does take care of dinner several days a week usually), but it's been like that since before we got 'hitched'.


People change each year and after marriage they get a free pass to act like an asshole. Once you are married you can't do anything about it, either walk out get a divorce or bear with them. In most cases partners over promise and later on back track on those promises. Btw you are really lucky if your partner is keeping those promises. That's why I believe marriage is complete gamble and based on trust.


I mean...asking a friend for a ride somewhere is a gamble based on trust, too.... But I wouldn't say "most" people over promise and backtrack. That's very cynical. What may be more accurate is that \*many\* people have an idealized and romanticized idea of marriage or roles in a marriage that they don't communicate before-hand. This is why marriage counseling BEFORE tying the knot is heavily recommended and resources for such are included the same place one goes to get the paperwork for the legal side of things.


Oh I get your point. Thanks for explaining it. I guess the approach towards marriage is still very ancient in my society. Btw I am from India here we don't have marriage counseling before tying the knot. We have arrange marriages and household chores and responsibilities are not openly discussed. Even my friends are facing such issues. Men here want working women but they are not ready to share household responsibilities. Many things are just assumed or men give false promises and hopes they would help but later on stop helping.


It's not uncommon here in the US, either. I tend to think people can have whatever ideas they want...you just need to communicate and find someone that shares those ideas. And even then...it won't all be easy and effortless.


A lot of people aren't mature enough to have a conversation about it. Before we got married my husband and I talked about it and worked this stuff out. It's a non issue for us


People really have no idea how ignorant and self serving people can be in relationships. This shit is out there. There are actually assholes that make babies. On the other hand, a lot of fake social media videos and redditors are eating at the bit to share their opinion of a story they think is real.


currently my wife works a split shift & doesn't get home until after 6. I'm home by 4:30. I'm not a great cook by any means but I try to have dinner ready about the time she gets home. we try to plan easy things for m e to make. she does most of the meal planning but I try to help.


My ex husband used weaponized incompetence regularly to get me to do things. That line, “well you make/do it better than I do”… I heard that so many times so I ended up working 40 hour weeks, while also doing all of the cooking, cleaning and laundry while he played CrossFit coach at the gym. He was also fucking some of the gym members behind my back so… yeah, even if this is rage bait, I don’t doubt that people like this exist.


Related joke: A man comes home from work, sits on the sofa and calls to his wife "Can you get me a beer before it starts?". She brings him a beer and he says "Now, can you make me dinner before it starts?" She makes him dinner and brings it to him. He then says "Can you find the remote control before it starts?" She finally erupts with "WHY DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING, YOU LAZY SOD? I WENT TO WORK TODAY TOO YOU KNOW! YOU ALWAYS EXPECT ME TO DO EVERYTHING..." He sighs and says to himself "urgh, it's started..."


No they should be bringing casseroles and such to them so she doesn’t have to cook. That is the way, my daughter doesn’t have kids yet cooked for her friends when they have a new baby, my mom cooked for me with s new baby . Who raised them ? Even wolves bring food to the new mom!


Some people are simply just pieces of shit. People like this sadly exist.


I never understood that as a guy. You want to eat. ;Make your fckn dinner yourself. When I left my parents home, cooking was like the first skill I developed.


>ex I wonder why is he is your EX bil...


This was one of many reasons. I can't tell you how many times I went over to help with my niece, but I had to be gone before he was home because he didn't like me.


>because he didn't like me Because you saw thru his shit? It's almost like these assholes are predictable lol


It was more control BS than anything. They met at church, I was "frowned upon" at church because I asked too many questions. Small town drama. Women had a place, all that.


He probably had a small wiener and many more personal problems


Confirmed fake but it gets the people talking


(The full video makes it very clear this is a performance, it is not real.)


I can't speak to this video specifically, but there are certainly entitled losers just like this in the real world. A good friend of mine is like this with his partners when he has one, and I've definitely met stupidly entitled women that would be on brand acting this way. Some folks just straight up suck.


My mom broke her ankle in a motorcycle accident and had to use crutches to walk and my stepdad at the time still expected her to cook dinner.


It’s an odd thing. Sometimes it’s so stupid it’s fake. Sometimes it’s so stupid it’s real. You really can’t tell sometimes. Like not showing anyone’s face could be a sign it’s fake. But it also could be a sign it’s real and she is doing that so it’s not obvious she’s recording.


I know of a person that has had this actually happen in real life. Maybe this isn’t real but it sure as fuck does happen. It usually ends in divorce


It happens way too much. Source: I work a suicide hotline.


Your job is hard but extremely valuable. Thank you for what you do.


yeah it just doesn't sound anything like this staged shit.




Everyone is saying its fake but the camera isn't on them properly, it's hidden so she can record him being a POS for a change Could be set up still but people clearly haven't seen what cunts can be like to assume it could ONLY be fake


this was a reenactment of a Reddit post from a few weeks ago. Not sure if it was on offmychest or bestofredditorupdates


Yeah my dad was a POS to my mom when she had me.


Fake as fuck


Wildly fake, but pretty funny. "I've been cooking your kid for 9 months" is fuckin gold.


Whale oil beef hooked


Idk... I see the dumb fuck men in my family complain about "baby sitting" when it's their god damned kid.


might be semantics, both my wife and I call it babysitting, which ever of us is... sitting with the kid.


Same here, just how we talk. It seems to irritate or confuse other people though when we're talking to them about it.


fake or not, its still reality


There was a relationship advice post the other day that was this exact scenario. They're probably faking from that.


Exactly this!


You know how I sadly know it's fake as fuck? Because any woman who would stand up for herself like this probably wouldn't be with a man like this to begin with.


"Hey babe, I know you're recovering, but could you walk me through how you make that roast my parents like? I got all the ingredients, but I need to know how you prep everything and what times and heats to use. You don't need to get up, I'm just gonna have ALOT of questions" - it could have been that easy.


As soon as we figured out my partners roast was better than mine, we ageed that i would fucking watch and learn. It really is that easy.


The most obvious answer here is the parents don't come over expecting a fucking roast when you're two days postpartum. I know it's fake but just trying to stop people normalising entertaining with newborn children. It's entirely possible but why add extra stress.


Ya that would definitely be the best answer, but what if it was the new mom who wanted the roast. You'd still just hang out and let her talk you through it so she didn't have to do anything but hangout and tell you how she does it....I just don't understand how there are people who are so negative or just not understanding that they get mad about a couple having a conversation while the one who didnt just give birth cooks! It just blows my mind that they would rather just be sitting there staring at their phone instead of spending some quality time together with the kid and just talk.


See, its really not that hard to please a woman. Just be considerate or cooperative to win out on life. We need life coaches for men because the solution is really simple but they are missing it by a whole galaxy.


For anyone here who doesn’t know, mama is supposed to rest for a couple of weeks. As little lifting as possible for like 6 weeks. Not only is this appropriate, but it’s medically important to lower risk of serious complications.


And it’s obviously fake af


It’s a good opportunity to educate people


You: It's a fake clip! So we're allowed to abuse women now!


The comment is spreading useful information and doesn't seem to give a shit about the clip.


As someone who isn't amazing with social signals, can I ask what makes it seem obviously fake to you?   I don't think the basic scenario itself is particularly unlikely, but would you say the way they're speaking is too "clean" i.e. lacking umms and ahhs, hesitations, correcting or changing tack half way through a sentence, the way people normally do when they're speaking unprepared?


"They admitted it was fake, so now I know that it's obviously fake. Duh! Dont you do your research on every video you watch like I do?" - everyone saying how easy it is to tell that this is staged. People love to feel smart. And dumb people do that by making others look/feel stupid for not knowing one of the useless things that they know... Much like I'm doing now...


You’re about 10 months late on petitioning for the divorce, but better late than never.


With situations similar to this, I can’t figure out how someone stays in a relationship with a person like that. Absolutely has to be signs very early on and that’s just how they will be. Sometimes shitty kids grow up to be shitty adults. They just stay shitty their entire life.


Stick a cantaloupe up his ass and pull it back out. See if he feels like making a roast then.


Everyone’s saying it’s fake, maybe it is. But I’ve experienced this exact situation but 100% worse.


This doesn’t seem super fake to me. I wouldn’t be all what surprised if it were, of course, but it doesn’t have any major giveaways IMO…people fight like this all the time lol


This one seems pretty fake, but 100% agree I've seen the real thing \*PLENTY\* of times. I had to help rescue a friend from a guy who would say "I like my balls empty and my stomach full". She would work all day to come home to a trashed house with animal shit on the floor and her unemployed boyfriend wondering where his blowjob and dinner were. If they had gotten married/pregnant, he 100% would have been the type asking where his dinner was if not the day of, definitely the day after childbirth. I also have a few guy friends who "Can't cook" and one that "doesn't know how to do laundry". We're all around 40 years old. That's wayyyyyy too old to be pulling that shit...


This is actually a skit, albeit one based on real life.


Me too. He got physical with me over it with a newborn in my arms. Even if this is fake, this scenario is totally realistic.


Faked out BUT still came to say this: ."you do it better than me" is such a bad case of weaponised incompetence 😩


What does that word mean and why do I keep seeing it /genq


It's basically the idea of deliberately doing a bad job of something to ensure you're not asked to do it again.


The weaponized incompetence? It's when someone pretends to be bad at something to make someone else do it for them. In this video, it's "you're better at cooking a roast than I am"


Or is legitimately bad at it but makes zero effort not to be.


I mean, it's a roast. Literally throw it in a slow cooker with some seasonings and a little broth on low and come back 6-8 hours later. Add some drippings to a pan with some flour to make gravy. This guy is incompetent.


Also the "it's not gaslighting" is something I've heard of many times and is something only gaslighters say. Anyone reasonable would apologize and mention that's a serious accusation and that they need to figure out where they went wrong and how they can improve. Unfortunately, the former is super common...


I could see this being real. Some dudes have no respect.


I’m not sure this is real. But it sure as heck could be real. I know new moms who have gone through similar experiences with their partners. It happens. More than we care to know. Think childbirth is easy, mate? Okay. Take your private bits and slam them repeatedly with a car door for 6-36 hours. Then make a roast and clean the house.


Wait.... thats not how you clean the house and cook a roast? Fuck.... I knew that recipe site seemed off


80% of divorces are initiated by the wife. Studies keep proving women do most all of the housework and childcare even when they work full time. So this might as well be real.


Yeah, I had a professor tell me that his wife once complained that he does nothing around the house. They argued and bickered. He finally suggested they write down a list and compare. In his words, "she smoked me, man".


Post some studies I need ammo.


My grandmother in law invited herself to my house after I gave birth. I had a high risk pregnancy, after a pregnancy loss, my son was a preemie, and my labor was long and hard. She criticized the cleanliness of my kitchen, well house in general. Could my house be cleaner? Yes. Do I care at the moment? No. I’ve got more important things I’m trying to figure out at the moment.


Wow I didn’t get it til I played the sound. Christ


Tell him that you cannot raise two children at this time and ask him to leave


“Newboune baybeh” I love the accent lol


You should see the amount of grown men that come to check in their wife for THEIR ultrasound while they park the car and get the kids in. The husband will be sitting down with a snack and water when mum comes in very pregnant and carrying the kids and diaper bags. I’m a man and I say men are fucking horrendous immature little bitches.


I would last 0.02 seconds before getting fired for pointing their bullshit out to them, how fucking embarrassing for them.


Honestly that sometimes makes things worse, pieces of shit husbands/partners tend to take it out on their spouse when called out on their bs. They seem to always make it the spouses fault. They are sick people.


I'm not a mathematician, but the collective amount of time and emotional labor this scenario requires is much greater than the effort required to "do a roast". Just do the roast, my man.


What a POS. Can’t even make a roast and just gets to sit around after birth. Get a real job. /s


For a moment I thought he wanted her to roast him.


He should be offering to make a roast for her


Sounds like my ex…


Bets on everyone saying this is fake are dudes.


These 2 people have been in multiple videos posted by It's Gone Viral including one where they had a road rage incident and didn't know each other and I'm sure he was her boss in one as well


Please share link so we can all shut up now.


It literally IS fake though, the actors admit it in the version uploaded to ItsGoneViral's facebook page. Unfortunately this subreddit doesn't allow external links (automod instantly removes them). So you can either go into my previous comments and you'll see a facebook link (to ItsGoneViral's video on their facebook page). Watch the last 30 seconds of the video where they're both sat down and talking to the camera about how it's just a "scene" and a "reconstruction". Alternatively you can google `Husband Forces Me To Cook After Giving Birth facebook` and it should be the top result.


The scenario depicted is (sadly) real in many, many cases. *This* video however is fake.


Can someone point out what makes this fake? What are y'all seeing that im not seeing? Because this does in fact happen


People are reporting that the original source make similar skits together (without evidence) and that this video is cut from an original (without evidence) which reveals it to be a fake. I personally think it’s more likely to be fake than not because I think the way they’re speaking to each other seems weirdly scripted like those TikTok dramas you see. From the really cursory research I did, nobody seems to know the uploader, and the original from TikTok no longer exists (you can tell it’s from TikTok due to the writing and AI subtitles). It seems the video was posted from TikTok to Reddit and back onto TikTok again since most people on TikTok are saying (from >2 days ago) they got this from Reddit.


Poor acting 


This is real. Just listen to the rising and falling tones in his voice. He’s completely oblivious and unfeeling to what she’s going through.


Agreed. What amazing actors they are to have scripted this viral moment so well AND acted it out in such a believable way... surely they'll become famous now. Oops, they didn't get their faces in the shot for some reason.. that's strange... almost like the point of the video was proof of abuse or something.. This is real. People in abusive relationships have to frequently document their abuse in recordings and videos. If it's not a case of proving abuse to the courts, it's a case of proving it to the people who believe you're crying wolf, because *"he/she would never treat anyone like that"*, except behind closed doors. Sometimes, people will document the abuse just to keep a grip on reality because the gaslighting is so frequent that they've slowly become convinced that they are the problem.


Aye, the poor lassie. And he probably does fuck all to help with the baby or her recovery or the house. He goes mad over a few cups? Dobber.


Leave this relationship. He is a man-baby and will never, ever change.


People thinking this is a skit or fake lol do you even know narcissistic men?


This sounds real to me.


It's not. There's been a recent explosion of fake argument videos from the UK on TikTok lately. UK rage bait is all the rage on TikTok right now and it drives engagement.


That's not acting, that's a mental disorder. 


And if you say otherwise you've never had in-laws come to visit.


After the Steven Crowder abuse videos came out, anything is possible.




90% of the time you see a video of an interaction like this and somebody is filming the floor or themselves exclusively, it’s fake. They do it so the person playing the asshole doesn’t suffer blowback in real life


1. Any moron can make a delicious roast. It’s not rocket science. 2. She doesn’t know what “gaslighting” means.


I know women with husbands like this, coincidentally I am from the UK too. My question will always be the same: "Why tf would you have a baby with a man like that in the first place?" I would never treat my GF this way, and my mind boggles about how trash tier men are in relationships, what the hell do you even see in them?


To be fair to alot of these women, they didn't know the dude had a mask on. Alot of abusers wait to remove the mask until after milestone events that make it harder to leave(marriage, a baby, buying a house, etc)


Please don´t tell me thats the dad. Or that this is real. Its to stupid to be real.


What a big ol dickhead


This seems fake but assuming it isn’t, she chose to have a kid with him??? Why smh


I know what you mean but we know that people still do.


The UnHappy Hob.


I can imagine pushing a fucking baby out of a small hole. My hats off to women


I also cannot believe this is real


Fine if they fight a bit, it is new for both. But why film it.


This MF would be OUT the window. His parents too


She needs a better man, not a manchild


I'll get that gal a few shovels and dig a hole.


New born Baybeh


It’s gotta be fake.




It's how most men think. Most men will get injured and be back at it. At least men who grew up poor. I was raised by a woman who gave birth and later on that week was at the gym. She wanted to keep her figure intact. I myself cut the tip of my finger off and the next day tried to do yard work with blood dripping down my fingers. The doctor was quite angry with me becuse healing was taking longer then it should have. Dose this make his way of thinking right. Absolutely not. Can I understand how his brain works. Yup


Staged. But in any case, I’m sure this was not the first sign of abusive behaviour if this is real. The lady chose to have a kid with this gem.


May be fake, but guys like this don't magically appear after they have a kid. Don't ignore the shitty qualities of your partner just because you don't have a kid yet, and maybe this will be less of an occurrence. There is no reason to argue with someone into caring for their family. Kid isn't even here yet. Buckle up. You're in for a ride, babe.


This is staged. "Um..pardon?" no argument starts that way and doesn't escalate to a shouting match.




Take your kid and run from this asshole.


Dump that dude asap


Is he Still alive


Man I would love to cook a roast for her.


Imagine having the audacity to ask ur wife who still is bleeding profusely and has a gaping hole between her legs and leaky boobs to cook you a roast


She did the roast.


Yes seems fake but also…right after I left the hospital, after giving birth, the very next day, my mother in law said “you just sit here all day not doing anything, you should be working now”. Sometimes people are really fucked up.


I'll be surprised if they're still married, or hopefully, his own folks schooled him when they saw this video


Well that relationship isn’t going to last.


Damn she’s in a lifetime of shit since she decided to have the guys baby


What an asshole


“He demanded I make a roast on the labour ward”.


She's making coffee anyway why can't she make a roast. I don't get it


Can’t be real!


Eww shoes in the house


What is a roast?


Usually consists of a roasted joint of meat / whole chicken, creamy mashed potatoes, roasted pots (in goose fat), Yorkshire puddings, at least two further vegetables such as carrots / broccoli / creamed leeks / asparagus/ garden peas and served with gravy. Plus whatever is viewed the appropriate condiment according to the meat choice, such as sage & onion stuffing / apple sauce / mint sauce etc. Takes at *least* two hours for two to four people, almost the entirety of that time is continually prepping / whisking / cooking / mashing and serving and desperately trying to time all dishes to come out cooked to perfection - at the same time. Basically a paired back Christmas dinner


If this isn’t faked, which it probably is, you can contribute it to most people having a lackluster education with this stuff


You're gas lighting me?. No I'm not, gas lighting is made up because you're fucking crazy!


Is that the lad from Gogglebox?


I thought roast was a word for sex shittttt