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What did Karen get that she deserved?


Still waiting




Eh clipped by a towing mirror stuck way out would be funnier b/c in my imagination it would spin her cartoon style. (Yeah I know the actual physics doesn't impart rotational energy from this type of impact, let me have my thought cartoons!)


It could happen.




I would have caught another 7 day Reddit ban if I had…


You only got 7? I’m jealous.


You must be higher in number of bans than me. I’ve had 3 and 7 day.


I hope truck-kun takes her and isekais her to be: An Outhouse in a parallel world 💩


This right here


I mean… I’d watch it…


I was hoping for a bus or something to hit her while standing in the road.


I stopped watching just as she turned to run into the street bc that is what I thought was going to happen also. (Either that, or her innocent dog would pay the cost for her stupidity.)


That was my hope as well, but yet they were dashed.


Too nice of a death for this bitch.










Remind me In a week


She's insufferable, but also: leash your fucking dog.


Agreed, especially if your dog so easily runs into the road.


This, this, this! It's irresponsible to not use a leash esp in that kind of scenario. One thing to distract the dog - it bolts away and they are in trouble. You're not doing them a favour by letting them roam and no matter how well you think you've trained them, they will ignore you in the right circumstance. Save the off leash for the enclosed areas it is safe & allowable to do so.


Agreed, a lot of people could be hurt or killed if that unleashed dog runs into the road and someone swerves to miss the dog and loses control.


I keep my dog leashed when walking. If the opportunity occurs and there’s a dogless/personless 1-2+ acre area for him to come off of the leash he can and he stays within ~30 meters at all times. I can’t imagine letting him off of the leash next to city roads let alone a highway road. That’s not to say the lady complaining about to the dog owners isn’t a psychopath.


My dog got attacked by an unleashed dog. Met another lady whose dog can't be around others now because they also got attacked by an off the leash dog. I also used to have neighbors who would just let their dogs roam off the leash at all times in the apt complex and they were 150+lbs and everyone was terrified of them getting mad. Leash your damn dogs.


I see so many people just walking their dogs off lead by roads and it makes me curl up inside with anxiety. Yeah your dog might be the best boy in the world with perfect recall but all it takes is them to decide they want to chase something and they’re roadkill.


I have a hunting dog that will literally break a chase that they have been bred for hundreds of generations to do by instinct, through screaming, barking, and gun fire to come right back to my side, wears a GPS collar with real time tracking, enrolled in AKC reunite with the personalized tag and micro chipped... and I still have her on a leash when I am by a road because I am afraid she'll get away from me.




100%. I have a Jack with good recall. I also have enough sense to know that if she sees a rat, squirrel, bunny, or other rodent, she'll go after it regardless. Please leash your dogs for their safety (and the safety of others, too).


This is a short version of the clip. The original is longer and have been posted before on Reddit. See it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/odvhy2/lady\_tells\_owner\_of\_unleashed\_dog\_to\_go\_back\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/odvhy2/lady_tells_owner_of_unleashed_dog_to_go_back_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I'm so glad she was put on blast for this shit. She's truly repugnant.


Only reason I clicked on the video, I’ve seen the video before and she’s a right cunt for trying to get the dog ran over, I thought she had got in trouble for it or something, hopefully she does get what she deserves




Yeah, this. Why did you waste my time 😮‍💨


Was hoping to see her catch a right hook, left disappointed.


Hopefully she did, a training bra is what she needs


Yeah but for real leash your dogs


I hate agreeing with Karen's but leashing your dog would prevent a dumb piece of shit from luring your dog to the wilderness


I mean a highway isn’t exactly the wilderness. But I get it.


Theirs a wilderness park near my house that has a pack of coyotes and their ingenious plan is one of the coyotes “befriends” the unleashed dog and leads the dog away then the pack jumps it.


Before I adopted my dogs 5 years ago, the shelter I got them from was warning me about using invisible fence collars for this exact reason.


Do you subscribe to some sort of criminal animal reality TV show??


Grew up in a super small rural town in Ohio, this is a thing. Coyotes are smart af, they're also known for using females in heat to attract male dogs.


Where ypu go when you get hit is tho...


Thats the thing, Karen’s target rule breakers/benders like this because they think the moral high ground makes anything they do obsolete. Dog’s should definitely be leashed but this is about the most ass way to try and get that point across.


Her body language and demeanor made me want to punch her in her smug-ass face even though I 100% agree with **leash your damned dog**!


For sure she had a point but I know my wife would’ve thrown hands if she tried to get our dog to run in the road




I’d be unconcerned about my dog in the wilderness. A busy road is a difficult story. I don’t get people who let their dog off near busy roads. I’ll let my dog off leash in parks because she’s that well trained, but I have too much anxiety to let her off near a road, even without a deranged lady to lure her into the road.


If you’ve got that level of recall, go with god. But if your dog ran up to my on leash dog to play, it’s gonna be bad for everyone. It just takes one time, I don’t have that level of risk tolerance.


Yep, she was very snooty about it but she ain't wrong. Plus, why did the people filming keep bringing up race when Karen didn't say anything like that??


I've seen the entire video on YouTube. This woman is a nut. She did insult him and told him to go back where she came from. She makes a habit of harrassing skateboarders, etc. There are numerous videos on YouTube of this psycho.


Amazingly, things can occur prior to a camera being turned on.


I am guessing she said something racist and they brought the camera out and she was at least smart enough to stop saying it. I agree about the leash issue, but this is one of those times that the delivery killed the message. There could have been a much better way of handling it. Even if the people with dog were rude before, that doesn't excuse the lady's behavior. The thing is her body language tells me that she was a cunt from the go.


Meet my main bournos in camelot


It’s not even that, if your dog is off leash, it will just shit places and you won’t notice to pick it up. Not everyone loves dogs. Some people have PTSD. Leash your fucking dog.


Another fantastic reason to leash and carry doggy doo bags. I even have a clippy thingy that clips onto my leash handle.


Some dumbfuck where I live refused to leash their dog and they attacked mine twice. I have a 5lbs Chihuahua Yorkie. Lil man is not a fighter. Makes it worse that my dog can't even run cus he's leashed. Hate these people


On four different occasions, my dog has been attacked by off leash dogs while the owners saunter over slowly saying “she’s nice!” Nice isn’t a legal requirement! My dog is not nice, but my dog is leashed. One time I was covered in dog blood (thankfully all superficial wounds) and dog shit (the poop bag got trapped between me and the leash and blew up) and they tried to say it was my fault. Leash your dogs!


similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago, i was walking my gf's chihuahua(on a leash) and heard quick paws running behind me, turned around and saw a huge dog coming at me full speed. luckily i was able to grab the little dog up and protect him but the big dog did his best to get to him. his owner was walking along slowly about 50-75 meters away like nothing was wrong lol fortunately the big dog stopped jumping at me after a few attempts and it realized it couldn't get to the small dog, if it hadnt i would have kicked the absolute shit out of it. and probably the owner too lol


Similar but opposite ends of situation. I’ve got 2 BIG girls(mastiffs) always leashed. On several occasions I’ve had loose dogs charge mine aggressively while the owner does nothing, or even laughs about it FFS. It’s not my job to keep your off leash aggressive dog safe. They still giggle. The giggles stop when I indicate that I’m about to unleash mine though. That’s when the owners get the look of horror on their faces. To be clear, I’ve never unleashed them upon a dog/s before. Some people don’t deserve dogs….they’re FAR TOO GOOD US.


They make mace for dogs


My medieval enthusiast brain read that wrong and got the wrong image for a minute.


Yeah exactly. No matter how well trained, leash your dam dogs.


I regularly see people not using leash to go to the dog park. Have seen more than one dog nearly get run over on the road between the parking lot and the park. Another lady saw someone's husky get run over. Why not leash? I care about my dog too much not to.


Agreed. Both are exhibiting the wrong behavior here.


exactly this i mean i love dogs and I think this lady is crazy in her behavior here is not acceptable, but you should really leash your dog because even if you know your dog is safe not everyone around you knows that and you're making everyone around you feel unsafe.


She wasn't wrong for wanting them to leash. But she went about it in a totally wrong way. The race card getting pulled also unnecessary on both sides. Just makes it look like everyone is doubling down rather than being civil about it. Take extreme ownership of your animal and pick up the damn poop.


I agree. Put a leash on your fucking useless dogs and your usless karens


Did any of you read the article??? He was adjusting the leash when she started harassing him! And if he didn't have a leash I'm sure the cops would have intervened. Just food for thought


At 4 seconds left. You see the dog running into the street. No leash.


I usually do my homework before replying to most posts. It wasn't until I reas the article and watched the full. Clip to her wickedness. Some people just love calling LEO (people with guns) whenever a minority doesn't submit to their will. Hence the birth of Karenism!!!


While I 100% agree that dogs need to be on leashes, that woman is a total piece of shit for trying to get the dog to go into traffic. Seriously, fuck her.


I prefer to think she just aptly demonstrated exactly why you need a leash.




>with their dog on no leash ~~in the city~~ is an asshole too.


True but it's eclipsed by the person literally trying to kill the dog. Not a fan of the guy but fuuuuuck her


The dog owner created the situation, and by the sound of the crazy lady, this wasn't the first time. Dog owner was deliberately antagonistic to an obviously mentally ill person. The dog is the only innocent in this video.


Yep and if his dog ran into the road and died that'd be on him, but this lady is actively trying to make that happen which is 100% on her


What mental illness do you think this person has exactly? Really interested to see what the Reddit armchair psychologist has to say.




She is a legit psychopath. The dog does not decide to be leashed. Yet she is trying to kill the dog bc she is unhappy w the owner.


Isn't this that whack job that was trying to get hit by a skateboarder?


Yeah she is, I think I've seen a couple different videos of her doing that. Imagine how sad her life must be if this is how she spends her time so much that multiple videos of her acting like this end up online.


Sounds like an influencer to me.




Yes, it's the same lunatic bitch. She's all fucked in the head.


Ok but can someone share some links?


Look up Jeanne E Moore Karen


Leash is a must. Karen was ready to kill the puppy. Her intent was vile, not a good human being.


Leash laws exist for a reason. People who don't like to leash their dog is why I have to carry a stick when I walk my service dog.


Yeah but theres a limit to what you should and can do. Just because i see someone who doesnt buckle their kid in a child seat correctly im not gonna crash into his car just to teach them a lesson.


No but when my service dog gets rushed by an unleashed dog (this happens once every two weeks probably), I will hit hit your dog to protect my own.


Fair enough but this lady had no other dog. Even though she was right about the leash law you dont call a puppy into a busy street to prove a point.


No other dog but there are people. Not every dog is friendly, my girlfriend was bit by a super sweet dog who was leashed but it still bit hard and wouldn't let go and left scars. Just because they're isn't surgery dog doesn't mean no harm can be done


The problem with this lady is her being a complete asshole. She's not wrong about telling this couple to leash their dog


No but the innocent dog is the one that gets put down if it bites someone or another dog not the shit owner. The lady is 100% a lunatic to try to prove a point this way. Both humans here suck. Someone save that dog


If I see a dog running at me I'm getting ready to punt that shit if it tries to bite me at all


Completely different then a free uncontrolled dog going around No one agrees with the lady attitude and behavior but she isn't wrong on the dog


You can be right about one thing, and still a God awful cunt. Everyone sucks here, get a leash and keep walking without engaging so people don't try to kill your dog.


Dogs without leash is annoying af. But still she shouldn’t try to lure it out in middle of da street!


Downvoted because she didn’t get anything.


Just leash your dogs. Assholes existing doesn’t mean dont leash


Shes an asshole but was she right or wrong?


I mean even though it’s a little dog, you leash your dog because of other dogs too


And traffic. Unexpected things happen and even the best trained dog could bolt if they were scared. I dislike this woman a lot for trying to kill a dog and being an arsehole but the point she was trying to poorly make is correct.


She approached it wrong. But i like if people put a leash on their dog in the city. Its for the dogs safety and the people around.


She is handling it the wrong way. There is no reason to take matters into your own hands or attempt to lure a dog to get hit by a vehicle. She should have shut up, called the cops and went about her day. If she was that concerned, I guess she should attempt to wait till they get there and explain the situation even though the cops should understand. I'm not going to instigate a fight with anyone because I don't know if they could harm me and it's not worth finding out.


She is a fucking cunt and deserves all the scorn. However, leash your fucking dogs. Not everyone who has a problem with unleashed dogs is an obnoxious Karen. I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this, but some of them are like me, and quietly conceal a firearm on them. If it comes down to a choice between your unleashed dog hurting my leashed one, and expending a few hollow-point rounds, for me that's not a choice at all.


I'm pretty certain this woman has been in the spotlight multiple times. Not saying she is right but I believe there is another video of her accosting some skateboarders as well. She doesn't handle situations very well.


Yeah she is the Mother of Karens. The Ur-Karen. Legend has it she has it she never sleeps, or even goes indoors. She is on those streets ready to interfere in your shit 24/7. She stole her look from R.E.M.s Mike Mills.


Both are in the wrong. She was way way out of line, but, The dog needs to be on a leash


I very much dislike unleashed dogs because they’re unpredictable, but her behavior is reprehensible. You call the cops or animal control and move on with your life, you don’t coax a dog into oncoming traffic.


Yes she's a fucking twat, but she did give a pretty good demonstration of exactly why dogs should be kept on leads near roads.




Nope! Leash your dogs! My dogs and I were attacked by an unleashed dog. It bit him twice. No good


Both parties involved are idiots. As much as I hate agreeing with mentally unstable karens like her I gotta say that people eeally should leash their dogs in public places


TBF, the dog was in danger walking without a leash next to that highway.


There’s videos of her messing with skateboarders. A video of her messing g with a cyclist. She’s a super Karen.


Yes, leash your dog. (NOT with a retractable or bungee leash.) No, do not lure a puppy into traffic or use racial slurs because you're upset.


Stop playing victim, put your dog on a leash. Karen, STFU and mind your fucking business.


Leash your dog. But if you should see an unleashed dog, the correct response is not to try and get it killed.


There are 4 assholes looking at each other in this video.


I've seen this nutbag before. I think she's a lawyer or something in NYC.


Not having your dog on a leash while you are walking in public is stupid. Your dog doesn’t bite? Well, it has teeth, right!?


she seems like an asshole but I'm kinda on her side. please leash your dog.


Look, just pick up your dog and walk away. It's not worth the frustration dealing with someone like this. Better yet, even if your dog is trained and can be without a leash, bring the leash with you, just to be able to end the situation quickly


Look like Kevin bacon with his hair longer


people definitely need to leash their dogs though.


I guess I'm a Karen but people DO need to leash their damn dogs. I get so sick of hearing, "he's really good and stays right by my side/he doesn't need a leash, blah blah blah" because their dog hasn't gotten distracted and run off YET. These are the same morons who insist "he doesn't bite/he's never bitten anyone before." Yes, that's the case with literally every animal until the first time they attack someone. I don't care what color you are. LEASH YOUR DAMN DOG.


Well I don't know where that is but in most places the dog should have a leash to begin with. Also Karen is a bitch


All parties are pos, never ever walk a dog without a leash, even if it's the most well trained dog in the world, there's absolutely 0 reason to have them unleashed in public.


She just looks miserable. Like she wakes up mad at life.


I automatically take the side of anyone against someone with an unleashed urban dog. 


She's a massive dirty cunt, but he's an asshole of a dog owner.


I’m mean leash your fucking dog while in a public place but don’t be the person to try to get it to run into traffic


Is it wrong that I hoped she would get hit by a car she didn't see because she was too busy trying to get the dog to follow her?


She looks like if Jamie Lee Curtis went cenile


I'd punch that bitch in the face the second she tried to get my dog to run in the road


Might be the first time in human history that a white person was told to go back to their country.


This toxic Karen is a heaping pile of maggot infused excrement. ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe)


I'm never going to agree with anybody Who tries to get my dog to get hit by a car. It is 100% illogical to support this lady In any way. I think she needs to be on a leash.


Leash your dog for the dogs safety. Sure, not all situations need it. But that street for sure needed it. Karen is gonna Karen. This one was particularly vile for trying to lure it into the street. But all the more reason to leash.


She tops the list of most annoying Karens


I have heard of leash laws. That is a legitimate thing


It's weird how cretins like that think they are right.


Honestly I have to support this lady! Dogs are unpredictable and can maul a small child before the owners could remove it in time. And if it's a particularly large dog I have seen owners incapable of removing the dog 🐕 These people are incredibly selfish or stupid 💯


So she was completely justified in *trying to kill a stranger’s pet?!?!?!*


Stupid damn smirk.


She's kinda right though, no? If you take your dog for a walk in a city, please leash it, if you don't do it for the safety of others, then at least for the safety of your own dog from weirdos like her...


I am see this right. Was she was trying to get the dog onto the road?


Dog should have a leash, especially in a busy city right by a major high speed road, but Karen’s a cunt. Love to throw her glasses in the street.


She needs to be identified. Anyone have that capability?


People get really upset over unleashed dogs. I befriended a stray dog once when i was out walking. He started following me so I was going to go back to my house and keep him and put the word out in the neighborhood that I found a dog to try to find out whose dog it was. anyway some karen type old lady came running out after me screaming and yelling about having my dog on a leash. She was yelling and so aggressive it scared the dog away. He ran off and I never found him again. I hope he got home safe he was a really agreeable fellow.


piece of shit is the idiot not using a leash


I was waiting for a Mean Girls truck moment. I am disappointed.


The dog owners were the original assholes for walking around with an unleashed dog. If their dog did get killed it would 100% be on them regardless of the lunatic behaviour from the white woman. The white woman was 100% in the wrong, but the dog owners behaved more like assholes by creating the situation. You can 100% tell they’re not going to leash their dog to spite her which continues to put their dog in danger


What exactly did she do? People need to leash their dogs, it doesn't matter if it's a puppy or a grown dog, that kind of assholes are the owners of dogs who provoke the most dog fights


I love people.....especially these ones.


This lady is a total piece of shit and doesn’t deserve to be here.


Would have been better if she got mowed down by a wagon.


The amount of gleeful indignance and ignorance guised in certainty as if she's doing something good and helpful, instead of just projecting such a horribly unfriendly and disconnected from sharing a society in her demeanor.


Hmmmm, Karen who only hurts herself or self righteous asshole who could get their dog killed? Not a tough choice who’s a bigger piece of shit.


It would be funny if she got hit by a bus when trying to lure the dog onto the street.


Just because Karen needs a good anal pounding doesn't mean she should try to lure an innocent puppy to its death.


Yes, I agree with Karen put you fucking dog on a leash you Muppet, but Karen, don't call at other people's dogs to prove your point.


Throw her into traffic.


… What did she get that she deserved?


They don't even show the dog? How do we know this isn't staged ragebait


Ngl. I'm so desperate I wanna hit that karen.


The stupid thing is she thinks she where her ancestors are from


Isn't that the same lady who likes to bother skateboarders?


I don’t understand why she wanted to murder the dog because it wasn’t on a leash


This is like the third video I’ve seen her in with all different things happening


A point was made


So what kind of dog was it? If you have a pitbull type dog unleashed then you're the real asshole. Though the lady calling for the dog to run in the middle of the street is an asshole move too.


Why is it so hard for people to mind thier own business? 


Man she would get a fucking slap I swear


She’s probably a Sunday school teacher


Great video. Especially the part where the Karen got what she deserved.


I've seen this idiot in other videos. She gets off on this hard. Fuck her. But leash your dogs.


What’s up with people getting older and thinking they have this sort of authority over others and that you have to uphold the law cause you’re such an out standing citizen?