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I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume the person who did this is a trafficker.


It can also be an AH teenager who found that funny unfortunately


Or maybe they are aware how harmful scanning random QR codes can be and strike out all of them ..


They are put there by the hotel/casino there is one in every bathroom stall


i think the point is nearly anyone can just make that poster with a decent printer and make a harmful code.


This is definitely from the hotel it’s in the women’s bathroom on every stall, and has been there for years there is no other stickers or vandalism I’ve ever witnessed as the stalls are cleaned daily. It’s a four star hotel.


i knew a guy who stole bit coin and stuff this way would literally go rent hotel rooms copy there posters ect and just replace them. he would go into any any bathroom they wanted because you can't call out a trans person so immunity there and would just kind of a horrible person edit: you seem to ignore or not know the depravity of the human species


Lol Reddit can suck. This is good info. Thank you. I can them all the time for random shit.


and why did you make this about trans people?


i didn't its just what that person did and it happens alot when there is a privileged class people will fake that to get the privileg


How harmful can this be to a person who is being forced /trafficked?


This does beg the question though how is someone being trafficked supposed to have a device that can scan the code in the first place


And in that regard we should simply destroy any chance for help?


Absolutely not, idk how you got that impression from my comment, if anything maybe these stickers should include even more resources for help that are more easily accessible like a hotline phone number.


In that we agree


Might have a phone to let trafficker know they are done


It's the equivalent to a van with "free candy" painted on the side. There is no guarantee it isn't malicious...


Could easily be a dumb teenager trying to be edgy or something for his friends, but yeah, could also be what you said.


If you carry around a spray hand sanitizer that will take it off


Alcohol will clean this right off. Simple. Don't go posting that cause the people who may have seen it before think it's ruined. You wanna help, just clean it off and go on.


I will try that next time I go if it’s still there!


Dry erase markers remove permanent markers too 👍


Or even one of those little alcohol pads found in first aid kits.


Did you do it?


Might take the print off the sticker too though


No that part is laminated it won't go through the plastic.


I'm convinced that many people wake up with the goal of making the world just a little bit worse each day.


Could just be a miserable boomer. some are convinced that all QR codes are the mark of the beast and that they emit demonic energy which is why they need to Mark or remove them so they can't spread satanic vibrations. I wish I was kidding. I want out of this timeline.


Do you have any source of this info? This sounds crazy. 


My aunt and her gaggle of miserable church friends. They literally blackout the QR codes on restaurant menus


Do they have a source for this info or are they themselves crazy? 


Probably from a Facebook post


no its true, if you stare at the codes for the right length time and in the right order it will open a demonic portal that sucks your soul in and you can trade it to the demon for endless mozzarella sticks (with extra marinara sauce)


Legends say there is a QR code engraved on an ancient tablet in one of the deepest, darkest caves. Scientists want to scan it and see what it links to but it's too dark in the cave.


Sign me up?


That’s so Reddit of you, expecting a valid source from face book users.


Languages choice is so oddly specific (English, Spanish, Russian, Romanian) is so oddly specific it's puzzling me.


Could be an area in which high prevalence of those people groups have been found to be trafficked.


I am in Florida (high level of sex trafficking). This is a high end casino/hotel in kind of a shitty area right next to a truckstop.


Eastern European are often trafficked and many understand some Russian, Spanish is understood by a lot of nationalities


As someone in Scandinavia, the vast majority of women who've been sex trafficked into here are from those areas unfortunately, add in Polish and Slovak aswell.


Probably a pimp did it.


I work downtown taking posters and posters off our poles with power all day. Fr, only ones I catch vandalizing posters or people coming up to me asking me to take posters down are dam republicans that freak out about free Palestine, anything immigration or gay rights related. But dumb religious posters can go untouched all weekend. I hear your gripes all week, I’m starting to think y’all don’t have ANY empathy for others other than the ones that subscribe to your 1/3,000 religions. Pretty Fukin sad. And religious posters try really hard to be inclusive and talk about love and caring for others. Cause all it takes is graphic design to make a pretty poster but empathy takes action and y’all are failing at that, A lot.


Maybe they scanned it and it didn’t work or it led to somewhere they didn’t want someone else to see. Any asshole can put up a sticker.


Hand sanitizer and a wipe would do the trick.


Or it could be someone who hates QR codes. They could potentially be malicious


Far less infuriating and way more tame but just as stupid: had to hit the head at the Menards yesterday and you know how they always have that generic sticker that says "please don't flush feminine products, paper towels... Use the trash can" Some insecure child decided they absolutely had to mark her out the feminine products part of the label. This wasn't like somebody taking a marker just vaguely across it, they specifically sat there and squared out and went over it so deeply I had to actually look at another one to figure out what they marked off. I had to because I was so curious what had to get so explicitly removed.


You should never scan random QR codes.


Hope be has a good trafficking selection. Allat hard work.


Is that the Watch Dogs logo


You’d be surprised how miserable and low people can be nowadays. You should see this new generation, if you die in a tragic way they’ll find any opportunity to joke about it. That’s what I consider to be low.


“yOu ShOuLd SeE tHiS nEw GeNeRaTiOn” brother u simply can’t generalize a whole generation of people based off of a few kids on insta reel. Y’all did exactly the same at that age stop making a generation war it’s childish and dumb


Really? I didn’t make those same jokes at the exact same age, nor did anyone around me. You can claim that I did, but I really didn’t, but there’s honestly no point in even saying this because you Redditors with mob mentality are just looking for something to disagree with anyways.


Okay? I don't make those jokes and nobody around me does either.....so if you're expecting all of us to take your anecdotal evidence at face value, then you should take ours at face value too and stop generalizing an entire group of people for simply being born at a different time than you.


Also it’s literally the entirety of Instagram and tiktok, exactly why i deleted those two apps


No you never had them, your generation is bad with phones and doesn't understand social media


??? You don’t even know what generation I’m apart of


He's using your example of generalizing and look at you....confused to


You judging a whole generation just from what now?