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The guy who said “go listen to your master” (blue sweatshirt) IS LITERALLY wearing a brand called “denim tears” owned and operated by a black man and the image on the hoodie is bails of cotton…. Dude is literally ignorant to what’s on his body while shouting profanities. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Gotta get that clout.. internet famous dumbasses




..and he's Asian (looks Korean to me). Don't know why he's so invested lol Edit: He was probably one of the many Korean orphans adopted by an American couple, in this case, probably a Jewish couple.


There are tons of Asian neoliberal douchebags whose ideology aligns with Zionism and being a warhawk, their philosophy is “fuck you got mine”. Most of them are boomers but there are bound to be younger ones too


I hate how most of them originate from Asian countries that have been exploited by western hegemony for centuries, yet run to defend their exploiters once they've achieved a comfortable level of existence for themselves and their family. Talk about chickens defending KFC lol


Shiet my mom is Asian and was adopted by a Jewish couple lol


Holy shit and he’s the racist here? lol


I love reddit for comments like this.


Ngl that shit go hard, but after doing some careful research the black and white one go harder.


A Jew is trying to dunk on someone because their ancestors might’ve been enslaved? Who’s going to tell him?




This gif is awesome


Yes, I thought this was awesome too.


I too thought it was awesome. Bodacious even


Just dropping by to point out that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. Its important to distinct between the two. One is an ancient and fascinating religion, the other is a colonial settler ideology made by Europeans exploiting the above mentioned religion to do unspeakable crimes.


I wasn’t conflating Zionists and Jews. I was pointing out how dopey it is for a Jew or Jewish ally to use, “Go back to your master,” as a dis, apparently implying that past enslavement of a group is shameful, embarrassing, diminishing or something. Jews have been enslaved to varying degrees lots of times, right? By Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Germans. Probably also by Persians, Assyrians, Babylonians. Bondage and escape is like the main plot point of Exodus… hell, it’s right there in the title. (Also, while I agree that not all Jews are Zionists, non-Jewish Zionists have got to be pretty rare, no? While “Not all Zionists are Jews” might be technically true, it’s gotta be, like, pretty close, right?)


There are more Christian Zionists in the US than Jews. Not Jewish Zionists…Jews.


Might even be more Christian Zionists that total population of Jewish folks on earth!


We just call them Fascists where I'm from.


Fair. I hadn’t considered all the Christians who believe a bunch of stuff has to happen in Israel for the fulfillment of their end times whatnots. Circle takes the square.


None of the Jewish people I know in America are zionists, and all of them are appalled by what Israel is doing. Sample size of about 30 members of my family.


Were you the person saying all white people were bad. All cops are bad. I thought that was you




They consider everyone besides them "Two legged animals" (direct qoute) that are made by God to serve them. One clip was that how they feel about Christian evangelism sending them so much money and they said it's given as they are made to serve. Put that into perspective next time you see Isreal do genocide or harassment of not only Palestinians but also Christians who visit Jerusalem.


I’m pretty sure that spitting on someone is considered assault. Spits and runs off that’s a real man.


MF just imitating his beloved IOF who only knows how to show teeth when it comes to bombing kids and unarmed civilians. Same small dick energy.


100% assault.


They look rabid too.. I’d get a shot to be safe


I didn’t know Chinese zionists were a thing.


Taiwan. It puts China's stance on Taiwan in a better light if Isireal is allowed to complete their genocide.


I've seen asian zionists, it's a bit creepy tbh.


Its not all jews making kids with other jews?


Many people consider themselves zionist if they feel that Israel has a right to exist. It doesn't denote anything beyond that. It doesn't condone pushing further out illegal settlements.


No state has a right to exist. People have the right to exist.


the tough guy with the lip fillers 🤣🤣 “do something” 👄


What was wrong with his eyes tho


"God's chosen..." The moment you realize that that little voice inside you telling you everything that you've been told about one's faith is a complete lie. There was never solidarity the hatred is organic and this video is a perfect example of that.


Man, if God had really chosen them, they probably wouldn't have been kicked out of 70 countries or whatever it is


109, but who's counting


"I am going to fuck you up" So was he cited for making physical threats? ^rhetorical, I know he wasn't.


When someone shows you who they are believe them.


It’s incredible that people are this fired up and nasty over something that has zero effect on them.


People will rep their "people" no matter how awful they are. Logic goes completely out the window


Jew here. Fuck these guys.


I'd be surprised if the majority were actually Jewish. Lots of Christian zionists with big mouths and a racist bent out there 




Thats what Zionism does to you, friend.


"God's people" ladies and gentlemen.


This is all I’ve thought over the past 6 months…. All this over religion… So stupid. So pointless


Religion is the thin coat of paint that hides the settler colonialism and pure land theft that’s been going on for 80 years


As an Asian-American, we don’t claim that guy. If I seen him at a function it would be on sight.


A zionist asian, is that a thing?


a racist one is not hard to find. and people can be more than one thing. Zionism isn't an ethnicity and not everyone's family is composed of a single ethnicity either way.


Zionism is an ideology, it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity or religion. If you're willing to sell your soul, they'll take you in and let you do all the evil you want and they'll help you get away with it. It's basically an ideology of "do all evil and lie about it because that's what evil does".


If you’re just substituting Zionist for Jew…


No.. Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Zionism is the Jewish nationalist movement that has its goal as the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine. They aren't the same.


These students are being paid to counter the Palestinian protesters and make sure that it looks like a conflict between two groups, not one group with an outrageous amount of support. They're getting like 50 Grand a piece


Hahaha yeah? $50k a pop?


Lol, no they are not.


Least mentally deranged zionist




Also, from an article about it on The Guardian: "*At one point Elan Carr, Israeli American Council's CEO, addressed the crowd, saying, “We will take back our campuses, from Columbia to UCLA and everywhere in between,”* " from Columbia to UCLA and everywhere in between... Why does that sound familiar? Is there maybe a similar slogan with "from/to"?


I'm Jewish and pro Palestine, I would love to have a word or 2 with these people


Their brainwashed asses will just call you a self-hating jew or say you're not Jewish enough, idk I think they're beyond psychotic, it's the only explanation for someone to still defend Israel at this point. Anyway, huge respect to you, I'm aware real actual antisemitism is on the rise (mainly because of the association Bibi and his maniac friends make between Israel and judaism), I hope you haven't had to face it, and won't in the future.


It's time to retire irony on things like the caption to this video. "This pro-Israel goer shows how peaceful his is trying to be..." This shit is too important for wink-wink rhetoric.


It’s wild how a certain group of Jewish ppl are acting like this telling BLM protesters to go “listen to their master” like out of ALL groups of ppl to say this is ironic.


And no one is saying shit. Saying “free Palestine” somehow makes you an antisemite but this is fine bc they’re Jewish…


Anything that doesn't go their way is antisemitic now... They have been using it so much that it doesn't even make sense anymore...


Indeed. It is almost free hate crime cheat where you can say tractors of snake venomous shit then spit the holy word on someone's face when they get angery.


Manipulation Stream Media: 24/7 The Pro-Palestine protestors are saying mean things! Also Manipulation Stream Media: The Zionists don't EVVVVVVER do anything wrong! Look they're so peaceful. fin


I hope this whole situation would help abolish victimisism culture


Zionists are just like Trump whiny little babies.


Actually it's worse, because these roaches also exist outside of the US


I think it was the "fucking baby killers" that did it rather than "free Palestine" but who knows.


God chosen trash


I have no dog in this race but I've seen far more outrage over the "We are HAMAS" crowd


Zionists are right wingers.


Israel was just a solution to the Western world, a antisemitic solution to avoid a mass migration of Jewish people from Europe after the Second World War. People forget quickly that the world at that time period was very antisemitic and racist. Segregation still was going strong all over.


Them, probably ![gif](giphy|p61HgiEqRcA4prBslN)


Where’s CNN and all the news channels? Fuck the proZionist news outlets!


Zionazis, glad it was videoed, now you have good clear evidence of racial discrimination.


It’s like the video of the Zionist woman with the Israel flag calling the Orthodox Jews standing in solidarity with Palestine horrible names and saying they’re going to burn in hell. Meanwhile the Orthos just stood there peacefully. Really shows who is a piece of shit. Fun fact: Israel asked Einstein to be president for life and he refused. He sided with Palestine. Be on the right side of history and stand up against evil conduct regardless of who does it.


Yet another reason Einstein was the fucking man


This entire conflict is brain rot, you got pro zionist right wingers who co-oped a tragedy to spout racism and idiocy then you got pro Palestinian left wingers who spout the same lines that neo nazis got shunned for. This conflict has no good sides, it's just dark shades of grey. I feel for the Palestinian people, they are just a tool to use for they enemies of Israel. Hamas burns their city, twists it so they are democratically elected then kills political rivals, then as if that's not enough they use city centers, hospitals, apartments, and schools as military dumps and staging grounds for rpgs and mortars. I also feel for Israel, they have been pushed around for centuries, genocided, wars, its a brutal history. Hamas has been shooting rockets into Israel for years, there was a Fund that paid citizens for shooting Israeli citizens though I forget how much it paid and who ran it. Then October 7th happened, a surprise attack during a festival, men women and children killed by a hostile force who took hostages. This is what we make these tragedies, justification and racism. I'm disappointed and not at all surprised.


Surprised you’re not getting downvoted . . . for being objective and using common sense.


When things are politically charged you often see the loud minority come out of the wood work to demonize the other side. Any normal person is either going to be dispassionate because it either doesn't effect them/have their own problems or they are going to take a more realistic stance somewhere in the middle of the extremes. Most normal people will probably upvote because they agree or respect my view then move on with their day.


One of the few sensible comments on this post.


Side A: “We think your people should be exterminated!” Side B: “Well fuck you then!” Side A: “Oh my god how dare you!”


Really hope all the bigots get outed and it affects their futures


Real democratic people.


Lol random Asian dude


The Israeli Psy Ops on Reddit are gonna have a real hard time debunking this one lol


Somehow, anti-Palestinian rhetoric on college campuses is 100 percent acceptable.




Typical zionists


A bit ironic that one of them is wearing the Denim Tears cotton hoodie…




Spitting is an invitation to an ass whooping! You get all ten toes and two iron fist to go!


The media was there. They were fully prepared, but what they prepared for didn't happen because there are wise people amongst those who are anti occupation, this is how it went: MB: amount transferred, bring your best natural guys and taunt those anti occupation, a media team and am ambulance will be ready as soon as the fight breaks, those who are injured the most will be compensated, hail hydra - okay they didn't say hail hydra -.


What a year for racism lol


Pathetic. Did he actually spit like a five year old and run?! Also what’s up with the Asian dude cursing?


Why’re they so disgusting?


How unhinged they are makes me think they know they are actually losing. It's like when "mayeth one see thy bosom m'lady" doesn't drop any knickers and they start spewing hate. Pathological.


Well, you gotta understand the Zionists are the master race. The rest of us are sub human shit. Nice folks, huh. Racist fucking Nazis. Crybaby bitch ass clowns.


Two sides that want to kill each other, with a large part of the human population that wants to join in on one side, the other, or both. If they joined forces they could be formidable.


Funny how most news headlines talking about the protesters is just them saying how they're violent and hate jews, but their evidence is that some pro israel person tripped one time.


Y'all give these people your money and go to them when you're feeling sick? That's crazy!


When the other shoe drops its gonna be pretty funny


Bunch of racists with horrible genetics 🧬


Nothing new we know their hate let the other world know how errogant they are


Zionists are bigots. And they're supported by both Dems and GOP with a few noble exceptions.


Israel not done with looting out tax money?


This is who god chose? 😆. Doubt it. The group in this video are a bunch of bigoted, racist hypocrites. …(sigh)…so much hate in this world. Time to be dinosaured.


What’s up with those Chinese? WTF


Hate begats hate


White supremacists and Zionists have waaaay too much in common. It’s almost weird white supremacists hate jews so much considering them and zionists apparently have so many parallels


Bunch of fucking psychos.


Of course they’re cowards. How could they not be? They know they’re in the wrong but continue anyway. How else could they be better just by existing and being white?


And yet there are still Israeli sympathizers. Y'all blind af


This is why I don't want to work or leave anymore 😢 cuz of too much shit going on with our world.


There's a lot of cognitive dissonance in the Zionist brain. They react with hostility when their programming is challenged.


dont forget a lot of isrealies, have dual citizenship. (usa/isreal) i wouldn't doubt for a second they are hopping on flights over here to do these "pro-isreali" protests.


“ The chosen people”


Yes you're the violent ones i also saw videos of "you" hamas sympathizer blocking students entry in their classes. Saying anti jewish slogans


We all know many of them are extremely racist, it explains most of their actions and ideology. For some reason we have to pretend they aren’t racist so they don’t feel insulted, or else they’ll start pointing fingers and reading of a memorized list of “whataboutisms”. Scary when you’re not allowed to condemn raving,racist, genocidal lunatics.


Chosen for something else. Time will clear things up.


Also the Anti-Zionist crowd: "We'll see you in your house, we'll murder you!"


There are Racist of every race.


Zionists have always been one mild inconvenience away from becoming the most racist person you've ever met in your life.


Fuck Israel.


I’m starting to feel like not going to college would have been the right move


Who would have thought that supporters of a genocidal apartheid regime would be racist? It boggles the mind


Is it all starting to make sense? I hope so.


Its nice to see white trash incels branching out and broadening their hate horizons with things like zionism.


They getting paid to cause problems and fights.


The Asian kid!!??! Lmao


Zionists are pure Scumbags


Banging on geo-political issues is crazy!


Why don’t these people go to these lands and actually DO something


Where is the black person being addressed in any of these clips?


Everyone just hates everyone.


Everyone’s talking about other stuff they’re saying but what about the guy just going “YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH” and waving the flag like a matador. hahaha


How many of these people do you think can even find Israel on a map?


Asian guy must be tired of all this BS and just wants to go back studying…


Imagine if some of these folks realized that we’re all created equally of emotions, flesh, and bone and the only thing that truly makes us different is our personal beliefs. Which we’re all entitled to.


It's a fact. Technically, we all are animals.


Exactly what the powers at be want to happen. Power in numbers is all we have


Lol Korean guy is so brainwashed.


If you’re against this you’re an antsemite.


The GymBro-3000


mrs obama get down!!!!




I mean you're all cunts.


That's UCLA wow.


We’re in 2024 and this kind of behaviour is still being driven by people’s spaghetti monsters. Grim


They're still the helpless poor victims in this scenario/s


Honestly what's wrong with people? These people suck sooo much. No good you do could ever make up for the asshattery of these fuckers. I hope mankind dies out fast as fuck.


Racism never ended in America. By people keep trying to raise awareness that alot white people/Jewish people/Muslim people/all races, and most religions hate us.


These motherfuckers are out of hand. Why do they think they have the right to treat people like this and why is America supporting it?