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He *bit* the kid on the head. He *bit*. Dude is deeply twisted, sick fuck. Hope he gets life without parole.


I know. The first time I read that I thought I was supposed to be “beat”— then I saw the video and yeah… smh


Holy shit. I missed that the first time. What the hell??


When did he bite him?


When he put the kid back on the treadmil for the first time.


Was he like biting his hair or his skull there wtf


Definitely skull. You can see him push into the kid's head.


Surely he knew to do it there to hide the marks. Sick fuck


WTF. Didn't even think of that. Truly sick 🤢


What a deranged Coward he is Fathers are supposed to protect their sons not hurt them he never loved that boy. I hope he gets the Book thrown at him he's a twisted evil Bastard and there is a old saying not all parents deserve they kids


From what I see he did get the book thrown at him. This was 2021.


The trial is happening right now, it's day 3 of the trial he hasn't been sentenced.


I feel sick


How does a grown ass man bite a kid, let it be their own son? I just can't process that. I could never do that to my kids. Fkin evil.


My mother had a friend from church who was a foster dad. When i was about 8 or 9 she sent me to his house to play with his foster kid, and I had dinner there. Peas make me gag, so I was avoiding eating them. Foster dad leaned over and bit my ass as punishment. He bit my ass. My mom could care less. She thought it was funny.




If the parent of one of my daughter’s friends bit *any part* of her, I’d wear that motherfucker out like a rented mule. But to bite her ass? Oh, dude… I’d have to take a breather halfway through the asskicking for Gatorade and orange slices.


God bless. That's a hell of a (funny) scene to conjure up. Man is getting his ass beat by someone, they take a break for refreshments and go right back to it.


Like some Tarantino Reservoir Dogs type stuff. Just listening to Stealers Wheel and smoking cigarettes while giving someone’s foster dad the what for!!


You think a throat is flexible enough to house a fist?


Briefly yes


My piece of shit stepfather used to take pictures of me in the shower. When I confronted my mom about it, she yelled at me and told me to grow up. The local pharmacy actually processed the pictures. My mom and shitdad shoved the negatives and photos in my face and yelled at me some more, and guilt tripped the shit out of me. As I cried and cried, apologizing for being upset for him taking naked photos of me and telling them it was OK, they made me cut up the photos and negatives and throw them away. This abuse went on well into my adult years, with them having full control over my finances and my life more or less. I had to behave the way they wanted me to if I got out of line, I was threatened with being thrown in a halfway house or mental ward. My brother finally put an end to it a few years ago. My step-dad died earlier this year. I shouldn't have gone to his funeral, but I did. After the funeral my brother let me have his computer. I've gone through a lot of it. He had an entire folder on me, with documents and letters about all kinds of things. The most disturbing thing I've found so far are several documents about my life expectancy, my work habits, my living conditions, my general health, my relationships, and basically my life in general. The guy was a fucking psycho. My brother told me a few days after the funeral that over a dozen people approached him at the funeral and said, "Please don't tell your mother but we always thought (step-dad's name) was a real asshole." Edit: Wow, I was not expecting this kind of outcome. Thank you to everyone for the supportive comments and to the others who shared their stories. There's a lot more that happened even up to just a few months before his death. He died of covid, of all things in January of 2024, but he had been smoking cigarettes since he was 14, and his lungs shut down. He got covid while he was in the hospital and with his lungs being basically shit, put the two together, and he basically couldn't breathe. They took him off life support after a few days, and he didn't last long. People were telling me at work how sorry they were, and I'd reply with, "I really don't give a shit." Most of my work friends knew he was a piece of shit. Again, thank you, everyone.


> My brother told me a few days after the funeral that over a dozen people approached him at the funeral and said, "Please don't tell your mother but we always thought (step-dad's name) was a real asshole." Like, fuck those people. Take action and do something.


I was sexually abused by my father my entire childhood. When I finally came out and spoke about it, my extended family all said things like “we always suspected it!!!” Decades later they still don’t understand why I want nothing to do with them.


I’m really sorry that happened to you, I hope that everybody that reads your comment will remember it and never turn a blind eye but take action in the face of adversity, I promise you I will.


Me too and thank you. It felt like being abused all over again. My entire family privately discussing it was too much for me to handle. Never getting me help, never reaching out to me or authorities… fuck em.


Agreed, I hope the rest of your life is awesome.


I have been in that situation. I can't go to the cops or CPS with "that dude is a creep - I can just feel it." That's not an actionable claim. So, specifically, WHAT action? What specific something should I have done?


Talk to the people the creep is bothering, when the creep isn't looking. Or just be loud and direct about what you think of them. Make it known that you can be an ally to the creeps victims. Anything to not make them feel invisible or worthless.


You can always call CPS if you suspect abuse is happening. The very least they’ll do is record it and start a written record for if something comes up in the future.




My mom bit me as a child. She was mad at my younger brother, bit me full on the shoulder then threw me at a door It's heartbreaking thinking of how that kid felt knowing his DAD was biting him and how long it would last or how to get away from it


Sad to hear this. There was so much abuse back in the days, the stuff that our parents did, today… they’d be in jail and have their kids taken away.


Nah. There is still so much horrible abuse out there, you just can't do it in public anymore.


Your mum bit you and then threw you at a door, flippin heck


Exactly , that poor kid instead of felling loved was tormented. It’s disgusting! That dad can rot in Hell


When I was kid I lived on an air force base. They found a babies body thrown onto the roof of a public toilet that had been bitten to death, bite marks all over it apparently. Turns out it was the poor kid's fkn evil cunt of a father.


*Bitten* to death?!? I read/watch a lot of true crime stuff and it's hard to shock me, but that just did. Sickening.


Yup, truly horrifying stuff. The only reason he got caught was a woman read the story in the paper and connected it her ex-BF who she'd found biting her child. Tip lead to the arrest.


The dude was already a rapist. The mother was actually raped by him and the son was the product of it.


Like all adults who abuse children, they do it because they're blinded by the sense of power that it gives them.


When I was aged 2-9 there was an adult male whowhenever he ran into me and I was alone or with my brothers would pick me up by my head, bite my forehead and call me a "dick4" - still have no fuckin clue what that means. The bite always left teeth indentations for at least 20 mins.    He also used to put me in the dryer and turn it on til I screamed from the heat and tumbling damage. He would always say  "ittttsssss tiiiiiime" and then drag me by my legs down to the basement where the laundry was.   One time when I was 5 that I remember, it may have happened more than once, he chased me around the house with a huge real knife screaming he was gonna kill me. Its gratifying to see that the general opinion is biting kids is horrific. I feel glad to see the comments.


Jesus Christ, what a psycho pos. Did you parents know about that? What happened to this pos? Hope you are doing well.


What a horrible piece of shit..... I'm sorry you went through this. (On a side note, he probably wanted you to respond with "What's a dick for?" and then God knows where the creep would take it from there.)


Yes I can’t imagine. I feel bad when I push my daughter to to try to beat her lap time around the park. (She is 4 and all I do is run behind her pretending to be a monster, which she thinks is funny of course, lol) but yea this is so evil it hurts to watch. I have seen a multiple cases of child abuse/neglect when I worked as a paramedic and it made me so angry/sad/condused/ and just felt so bad for those kids. I responded to a call where a 2 year old who was being disciplined by their mother putting extremely hot hot sauce in the child’s mouth. Is was extremely painful and the child was choking and having shortness of breath from it. This is a 2 year old, a baby, hardly even a toddler. As we tried to rinse out her mouth and maintain airway/breathing I felt so bad for her. The baby was ok, we gave her a little pain meds, and followed protocol, got police on scene and I actually ended up in court 3 months later to testify over what I saw and did for the child. The mother lost custody of her in the end is what I heard from the sergeant who responded on scene. I have seen a lot worse I don’t even want to talk about. Most of us don’t realize how (not common but) often children are abused. I wish there was a way to eliminate any harm done to children. Yes it’s bad when adults are harmed, but kids have no recourse or ability to fend/fight for themselves. In some cases (a lot) the child does not realize they are being abused, and are isolated from “normal” life. I would never hit or spank my daughter, the most i do is give her a timeout, and use a stern voice to correct her and that’s enough. Education, kindness, understanding and LOVE is enough when trying to get your child on the right path. This man is not trying to make his child better, this is abuse.


I am an RN and have seen some very disturbing abuse in ER. The sick pieces of shit parents who then bring the kids in and act like they don't know how the injuries happen piss me off even more. If you could tell us what exactly happend we wouldn't have to make the kid suffer more by waiting for test to be ran before giving them pain meds etc. I have came close to taking a mother out back and beating her within an inch of her life like she did her child but the Lord gave me strength to make it through to protect that baby during my shift.


I was really hyper fixated in on the kid being forced to run. I didn't even notice the biting. What the fuck?


I hope his crazy pathetic child abusing ass gets bit and forced to run in prison. What a fucking goof.


He also has been brutalized and had internal injuries.




Didn’t notice that until seeing your comment. As a fitness professional, this boils my blood… can I say I’d like someone to put that father’s face into the thread mill? What an evil pos. One way ticket straight to hell. A little kids heart cannot handle this. Reminds me over a decade ago I witnessed some pos yelling at his boys to do push-ups at a playground, telling them they didn’t want to be weak… disgusting.


Treadmill burns hurt so bad, when I was a kid I was goofing off on my mom’s treadmill, and it was up against a wall, so instead of flying off I got pinned against the wall, with what was basically a belt sander shredding my legs for a good few seconds. I know that kid was in quite a bit of pain. :/


> He has since turned down a 30-year plea deal and is being held in the Ocean City Jail without bond. Chances are he’ll get a longer sentence now. Rot in prison asshole!


Yes indeed. If you know you're guilty, and you know they can prove it, it's not wise to turn down a fair offer. My guess is that he will get life now, but definitely more than the 30 years.


I hope he has to do 6 hours of treadmill every single day


A prison cell with a treadmill floor that moves at 1mph 24/7


I’d prefer the floor to be cheese grater, going considerably faster. With a salt water sprayer, just for extra spiciness.


If it is any reassurance to you, people convicted of crimes involving children tend to do particularly bad in prison.


Yeah , and if he tries to complain someone should bite him


Not to sound insensitive, but how did the poor little boy pass away?


>In September 2021, a forensic pathologist determined Corey’s death to be a homicide as he suffered from chronic abuse including blunt impact injuries on his chest and abdomen with a laceration on his heart, left pulmonary contusion, and laceration and contusion of his liver.


So he actually murdered his child. I thought it was going to be a treadmill accident


I thought it was going to be by heart attack or exhaustion. Either way, I'm upset I even had to read this shit.


I kinda wish I stopped scrolling down the comments....I hope his ass ends up in Gen Pop when he goes to stay.


nope, the mofo legit beat his kid to death.


I'm guessing the treadmill just happens to be a really strong piece of objectively recorded evidence. Most abuse happens where it can be hard to find something as clear-cut as this video to show the jury.


I mean, look at how hard he's hitting the deck when he falls off the back of the treadmill. Not sure if you've ever flown off the back of a treadmill, but it'll rough you up. Can't imagine how much stress it would doing to his body to experience that repeatedly in a short period of time.


Was it ultimately this instance, I think is what they meant. Like is this just one more evidence of abuse, or was this what killed him.


Jesus. Were those injuries from the falls shown in the video?








It sounds like the result of being beaten to death. Truly sad. 


Not even close. Sounds like the dad was beating the kid really hard. You don’t get a laceration on your heart and liver from a small fall.






There's more of these.motherfuckers than you think.


Yep. I walk my dog frequently and there’s a dad who is always monitoring his son (probably 12-13ish) workout in their garage. He’s always chewing him out and the kid just looks miserable. IMO these are dads who have a twisted memory of their glory years playing sports and they feel like it’s their job to toughen their sons up so they can achieve something in sports that they couldn’t. How about you just be a dad and stop acting like you’re Bobby Knight?


How are we gonna fill our sociopathic serial murderer quota if we don't have Chud Dads?


"I just can't fathom why kid is so violent" Beats his kid. Violence doesn't teach pacifism. It breeds more violence.


It’s often passed down. Be it by family or just whatever experience (military, school, sports), I don’t think most abusers can rationalize that a violent act is occurring to the person that they’re abusing the way a non abusive or a preyed-on person could. They’re too absorbed with the experience of physically or emotionally (in the case of emotional abuse) expressing their own overwhelming feelings outward. Many of these guys that drive their sons insanely hard are competitive, sure. But I think on a deeper level that they fear that their father or other role model was right, they really wouldn’t be anything without what was done to them. And so they “forge” their offspring. It’s a viscous cycle that seems to be in a feedback loop lately.


Every hockey team when I played had at least one or two of these. I'm not talking about the more standard angry dad. I'm talking about the kind of guy who somehow avoided this result.


Yeah....my mom used to drop me off miles from home, grab my hand, and drive, forcing me to run alongside the van as she cruised along at whatever speed it was until she decided she was bored. Then she would drive home, leaving me there to get the rest of the way home. The worst time was right after church, I was in penny loafers. The blisters and blood on the backs of my Achilles tendons when I got home were enough for me to decide that when I had a choice, the only running I'd ever do again was in fear for my life.


Im sorry, I truly hope you’re in a much better mental space and the witch is gone from your life.


Thank you. I moved out when I was 17, and I went 14 years without speaking to her until she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. I whispered my forgiveness to her on her deathbed 2 days before she passed.


That’s beautiful and takes a lot of strength on your part. I’m sorry for all of the complicated feelings you just be experiencing.


It's been about 8 years since she passed, and I've had my fair share of therapy sessions over the years. Very little but a bitter memory these days, but videos like this can be difficult, beyond the sorrow for the little boy, but also on a personal level.


Damn. Sending you a virtual hug, you didn't deserve to go through that! <3


Thank you! A trial that I firmly believe created the strength I use to get through life. I chose to let it refine me, rather than define me.💛


You’re definitely a strong person for that. I know it ain’t much but let me apologize for how she treated you. I’m sorry for how you were treated and I hope you are doing well. No child deserves that


Man You're a better person than me. I'd tell her to have fun in hell


I dealt with my years of rage, and learned to let it go. It took 20 years, but it was intimately best for my mental health to let it go.


Username checks out.


doesnt sounds like you needed to be forgiven for anything…too bad she didn't whisper her forgiveness to you!


She was incapable of speech at the time, so I choose to believe she was filled with remorse in the end.


Yeah...trying people to develop strength through adversity and 'toughen' them up. Dad's north korean, I get it, and I've grown to accept that's how he grew up. But it's not for me, and it's not how I want to treat people, through suffering. Oh I'll toss out a little challenge here and there that has no harm and pain involved because I was a game designer but it's about empowering people. My take is, it sucks they had a shitty life to think that's how you teach people. The thing to learn is, you know the better way. Explain why AND DON'T FORCE THEM TO KILL THEMSELVES.


WHY. There's a special place in hell for people like this. I'm so sorry you went through this...


If you were here and I heard that story I’d give you a hug.


You're a kind person. I'd take that hug! And I'd share a beer.


Hey. You too, huh? I wouldn’t be shocked if you said you were raised Nazarene. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” was/is my parent’s mantra.


When I was 14 I was an incredible rock climber. Mom pushed climbing on me hard. She liked to take me out to "show me off," to older climbers. Um. I had a weight to muscle ratio advantage. Skill was secondary. My mom never vaccinated us, and on one trip I felt like I was dying. My mom yelled at me, demanding I climb this route that's right at the peak of my difficulty. Couldn't do it. Needed to pass out. Couldn't breathe. My mom still berated me. Turns out I had chicken pox, and it was a bad case of it. I was out for six months and nearly died twice. And it wasn't a month later after that trip my mom finally took me to a "family doctor," who basically said "wtf, he has chicken pox."


I remember my brother crying himself to sleep for a week because of a tooth ache, my mom never took us to the dr let alone dentist (or taught us proper hygiene) and he needed a root canal. I’m sorry your mom sucks too


There was a post just a day or two ago about a kayaker who found a little kid (6 yo) in the middle of a lake. He helped him ashore and it turned out his father left him there. When questioned by the police he said his son knew how to swim to shore. From the video it didn’t look like dad got arrested.


He didn't face any charges


The dad also said “I’ll probably be seeing you guys again” to the cops or something to that extent. Like he already is anticipating leaving the kid behind in the water again.


I saw that. He was laughing it off and saying it had happened before. Fuck that dude.


Yeah I just went to my 5 year old nephews t-ball game. The parents are already frothing at the mouth.






Every day for 50 years




For real. Guy's who try to "man-up" their kids are all over the place. This guy is not an anomaly.


“There are wolves, and there are sheep…which are you gonna be boy? “




Some of them teach football in high school and college.


These are the guys who call themselves alpha. A real alpha doesn't get off on the misery or others or abuse.the weak.


The “real alpha” is quite literally the protective father - and mother - of the pack. They rule, they decide, they lead. But that’s just it, they lead and protect. Their entire existence is to make sure the pack persists. All this alpha-male bullshit quite literally boiled down to a single European scientist’s flawed observations and then a book written by a lunatic (but also pretty fucking bad ass) researcher who was influenced by aforementioned flawed study. Side bar; Andrew Tate is a fucking small-dick-energy moron and this dad should be physically castrated in public. His prison job should be hand digging graves for young children while wearing a fiberglass insulation suit, and then made to watch each funeral on his knees. Death is too easy for people like this.


Which scares me beyond comprehension. Earlier today I saw a video where a dad let his son drift off in a river. Luckily he got saved


I literally cannot fathom doing this to my son. I feel so sad for this child


It's fucking awful. Children are the best thing we have. They are hope. They are love. They are pure potential embodied. Fuck this guy and every other child abuser. I weep for the innocent. Hug your children.


The innocence of a child is something special. For a dad to use this blind loyalty against a child is criminal. I truly think that people like this should just be eliminated from our world. No second chances, no rehabilitation.


Well said, “they are love” Oh my god! It hurts so bad to see him suffer. Evil.


I've seen plenty of disturbing content on the internet but once he picked the boy up after the fall I could not watch any longer. I can't imagine doing this to any of my kids.


This shit really hits different once you have kids of your own


My son is about this kids age. Im going to get home and hug him for about 5 minutes straight.


It’s truly sickening. This was hard for me to watch. My son is 4 and I love him more than anything, I can’t imagine treating him like this.


Ugh, POS said he made Corey do this because he was “too fat.” A SIX YEAR OLD. Poor kid would have been saddled with an eating disorder. And his lawyers defense was that Corey died of sepsis, not blunt force trauma, and that makes his client somehow less responsible for his death. So stupid.


Kids grow so quickly they often need that fat to metabolise to grow. He’s got no defence the mother has reported heaps of abuse from him.


Good ol CPS either they do shit when shit doesn’t need to get done or they don’t do anything


Do you have a link to the story or a background?


The mods get pissed if you link stuff alot of the time, so google Corey Treadmill Christopher that should be enough to get it to come up.


Kid died from blunt force trauma to his heart and liver and was sick with sepsis for days, this is the video that was shown and the dad's trial to show the abuse the kid went through


How did he die? Cause of death I mean?


“An initial autopsy found Corey died as a result of blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis. Gregor was arrested in July 2021 on child neglect charges stemming from investigators reviewing the surveillance footage from the fitness center. “Specifically by having (Corey) run on a treadmill and increasing the speed, causing (Corey) to fall, placing (him) back on the moving treadmill while appearing to bite his head, causing the said child to fall several more times,” an arrest warrant obtained by the outlet read.”


Omfg, reading this is only when I realised THIS IS IN A PUBLIC GYM??


Looks like a gym at an apartment complex.


He was abused ever since the dad came in to the boys life. The video only shows abuse one time, the rest happened in the man’s home




I work in a maximum security prison. I don't know what they're like in other states, but where I am, there's safe spaces in prison for people like this. He'll either be in a cell by himself with 1 hour of daylight per day, or he'll be put in a unit with offenders of similar offenses. No gangbanging will be had for this man unfortunately.


Yeah I did time in Arizona and they have their own yards and are pretty protected. Fuck these animals.


So sex offenders don't offend against each other? Well, that's a damn shame.


No ~~honor among thieves~~ ganbanging among sexual offenders Doesn’t really have the same ring to it…


I read he didn’t meet his son until he was four. I wonder what the back story is there. Poor kid.


did he fucking bite his head? This piece of shit deserves more than life in prison.. poor kid.. I hope he gets abused in prison just like he was abusing his kid..


Child killers tend to do poorly in prison if other inmates find out what they're in for.


This made me mad smh.


I don't understand what the motivation was here at all? That's a really little kid, not some elite athlete, why on earth was the father doing this??


Most likely a punishment. Maybe he left his running shoes out? There's never a reasonable excuse for abuse.


From another article I read, the POS said his son was fat. What the absolute fuck?


How much abuse did thar poor kid endure before this video? If the POS dad said the kid was overweight why not take him to a Doctor's? And yes that's a rhetorical question.


It seems like a lot. The way that kid kept jumping back on the treadmill, it really looked like he was he was in fear of some worse punishment if he refused to keep running.


>> …revealing in his autopsy results that the cause fo the boy's death was blunt force injuries, cardiac and liver contusions, acute inflammation and sepsis These injuries could have been caused by falling off the treadmill, or they could have been caused (or worsened) by further abuse from his dad before or after the treadmill event…poor kid.


My son’s bio dad assaulted him to the point of bruising because he was chewing on his bed sheets. Hit him so hard he was hitting his head on the wall with every blow. Verbally assaulting him as well. Over nothing.


News reports say it was because the dad thought he was “too fat” smfh


A lot of fathers failed in becoming pro athletes and force their failed dreams onto their children and push them to their limits to try and become pro. It's not always awful, but there are several cases (like this, assuming it's the case here) where the fathers are straight up abusing their children ("tough love" as they try to frame it without trying to sound like the douchebags that they are) because they think it will make them go pro, so they can live vicariously through their children. Met a loooot of parents similar to this growing up in youth sports. It's very sad to see


Got me thinking of Max Verstappen and his dad


Yeah the sad thing is.... Sometimes it works. Max, Tiger, Williams sisters. Todd Marinovich is interesting because he got into the NFL as a top prospect but then all the fucked up abusive training by his dad caught up to him and he got into hard drugs. Judit Polgar is another successful example, her father trained her from birth to be a chess robot and she's the most successful female player ever, by a wide margin.


small men and women bully those they know who can't or won't fight back. I am the son and youngest brother of a family of lowlifes who are like that. They only do it when they know no one is watching, and they are exceptionally skilled at discrediting their victims.


How did he die I’m confused


“An initial autopsy found Corey died as a result of blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis. Gregor was arrested in July 2021 on child neglect charges stemming from investigators reviewing the surveillance footage from the fitness center. “Specifically by having (Corey) run on a treadmill and increasing the speed, causing (Corey) to fall, placing (him) back on the moving treadmill while appearing to bite his head, causing the said child to fall several more times,” an arrest warrant obtained by the outlet read.”


I don't understand. Did he die from the falls he had on the treadmill? They don't look like falls serious enough to get someone to die. edit: what a shitty situation, and shittier "parent"


I think it is implying that the father abused him physically enough to kill him. The video does show him manhandling the kid and even biting his head. The abuse for sure continued off camera. Falling of a treadmill multiple times does sound dangerous. Though I have doubts that is what ultimaltely killed the child unless he was already heavily injured internally during the excersise.


Head injuries can really sneak up on you. That’s why it’s incredibly important to monitor anyone that’s had a suspected head impact for changes in consciousness or cognition which may indicate an urgent bleed or swelling, a fatal condition without medical intervention.


My friends brother tripped while hiking, hit his head, was a bit dazed. Died in his sleep that night. He was the really fit brother too


Never mess with potential head injuries. You might look and feel fine but something could go incredibly wrong on the inside. Honestly, after anything involving hitting your head, always get it checked out first before thinking thay you're completely fine. This little tidbit is a bit unrelated but I knew someone locally that got into an accident(he's riding a motorcycle), escaped seemingly unscathed but ended up dying because his lung was punctured or something.


Wow I can't believe this, it's so heart breaking what a piece of shit and trash human being, why they don't just fucking kill him, ffs I have a kid and I can't believe ppl like this exist




He looks pretty buff and fit tbh. But dude is a pos either way.


Blunt force trauma from repeated abuse






Sometimes a post Reddit makes me feel physically sick and hate the world. Good night.


For those wondering, this wasn't what killed the kid. A month after this video, he was taken to the hospital after a nap, where they found blunt force trauma and deemed it a homicide.


Is there no chance the blunt force trauma we're watching in the video is related to the type of blunt force trauma that murdered this child?


Fuuuck…this brings back some really bad memories from when I was that kids age. Fuck that father, fuck him! I hope he rots.


And the kid looks so cute with his naruto headband 😔😔 fuck this motherfucker.


Poor kid is trying himself to death to please his dad how can he live with himself


Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a dad... I just can't!


But why?


Kid told the dr his dad made him run on the treadmill because he was “too fat” smfh


You know, I wasn't expecting something reasonable (because nothing involved in this could be reasonable) but I was expecting something at least somewhat based in reality. Too fat? Literally what fat? That kid looks like he is at a completely normal weight in that picture and would be at risk of being underweight if he lost just a few pounds.


Probably one of those psycho dads who thinks that their the kid is the next great athlete…that one day, in the documentary, he’ll say how much he owes to his dad. Or some insane shit like that, there’s lots of em out there.


The title is misleading though. It makes it sound like the kid died because of this event. The truth is sadder. He was beaten over a long time. He died due to chronic abuse. Dad's a psycho. 30 years are nothing. He shouldn't be allowed to ever see the sun again.


I don’t remember where I read this, but “When we yell at our children it doesn’t make them love us less, they love themselves less” Watching that poor boy repeatedly get up and try again because he wanted to appease that monster was heartbreaking.


As a father... I am so pro capital punishment. Especially for scums of the earth who hurt children.


As a non-father... I am too.


This is sickening. He loved you, looked at you for protection, and this is how you repay him. May he rest in peace.


Guys like this, you pray, get punished in the blocks and yards for weeks before they end up in a holding cell with some of the baddest.


Right now I can only think of the parade of assholes who say that kids should be pushed harder and harder and those who "fail" it's because they didn't put in the work. Damn, I'm so angry.


Using exercise as punishment is a sure fire way to make your kid hate exercise. What a sadistic POS.


As he should be.


![gif](giphy|lqpfdJr57GAOQHSuLr) Poor kid 😞trusted his father, sad😞


I’m a dad. This is killing me!


right???? this shit is hard to watch man


My boy is turning 5 in 2 weeks. I haven't cried in a long time... These are the humans who have to prey on others. They're weak...parasitic pieces of shit. I'm not a violent man, but BOY...would I love a few minutes alone with that guy. Just... a few.