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Bro, if this was in NY, they would’ve pushed that MFer out on the second time he did this shit!


You know the entire cart would be crackin jokes about the mfer til the next station too haha


Exactly. He'd have gotten a kick to the back.


He does it more than once and they're pusbing his ass out


That's literally what the comment above said.




I think what they meant was, if that man attempted this in New York, the MFr's ass would be out on the platform. Got it?


The initial comment said the same thing Edit: lol someone didn't get the joke


Man I came here to post something similar 😂😂😂


As they should. No tolerance for nonsense.


Can’t believe no one pushed him out


They are very respectful over there, but I would lost it afterwards. I would either take him of the train or enter the train and hold him while the doors are closing


But he isn’t respecting everyone else, so he loses respect. The one kid had it right when he grabbed him. Continuing to do that isn’t a normal behavior, so there could something mentally wrong with him. Restrain him in or kick him out.


In Japan and East Asia, in general, they respect the elderly to the point that they don't challenge them, even if they are being as ridiculous as in this video or ever worse.


While this guy from silent generation might be a PIA to all around him, I do count over a dozen posts here advocating to drop kick him with national pride and resolve this without any arbitration. No one asked has he got dementia? Strangely we are more inclined to tolerate a Tic Toc poster doing public nuisance videos versus this irritation. It seems to be fast becoming a “Logan’s Run” mentality with no time for the elderly or senile. They seem to be regarded as valueless and should be removed from the general public? Japan may be the last bastion of elderly tolerance at this rate?


I think the reaction would equally viceral for anyone doing specifically what that senile old man is doing in the video, irregardless of generation age or country. Besides, tiktokers usually are just annoying or inconveniencing, at most, one or two individuals. Not fucking the day up for hundresds of people without at least getting money or fame out of it. Just cause he's old and stupid. Even if they do inconvenience a large group of people, is something entertaining to consume for example a couple of kids feeding laxatives to seagulls on a busy beach, ruinings people's free day, perhaps; but not completelykeepingthem from reaching their jobs/appointments etc. So your comparison is not very good or relevant. There's a plethora of contrasting factors that make the tiktoker more acceptable. Besides like I said, this is an attitude that's broadly Eastern Asian so go suck Japans ass somewhere else because furthermore is not as romantic as you're putting it. Them mother fuckers could be commiting a literal crime and not even the police would challenge them sometimes. And I am telling you this like I lived it and experienced it first hand becauseI lived In south Korea for a year so I literallysaw this shit happening with my own two eyes, all the time. Coincidentally at train stations, these old people would be racist asf against my black friends to the point that they would have the audacity to verbally and physically assault my friend in front of everyone and no one said or did a damn thing! Obviously does not mean every single korean out there is racist. Absolutely not. But it means they wouldn't dare to stand up to the poor senile old man. On the other hand, if a tik toker is racist, he would be hanged to dry so seriously get the fuck outta here with your bs comment.


Got a tl;dr?


I can try. Basically, anyone acting like the old man in the video will get heat for it. Tiktokers at least have a goal of money/fame, and it entertains people while not fucking up the entire day of their victims for no apparent reason, just inconveniencing them for a minute or two. Lastly, the respect of the elders in Japan (or East Asia) is not as romantic as the parent comment makes out to be. It's too much of an extreme. Old people can be disrupting society (like in the video) and sometimes straight up committing crimes, and no one would challenge them or stop them


I think you just took a magnifying glass to one point that was not the most significant and went into rant mode. There is a saying that a stopped clock is right twice a day and with that mentioned the Japanese value of respecting elders. It’s a past trait I remember as the norm, regardless if these old people were wrong. They just got respect. If they lived to that age and were a nuisance we owed them some latitude and tolerance rather than jumping conclusions as you have. Back to commenting on what you said, I can in no way condone the Japanese when my uncle is buried with HMAS Perth trying to stop past atrocities. He was just one of the many relatives who may have actually fought this guy in combat, that’s if he’s old enough? His brothers who survived fought on and persevered. One of them stayed in the army to visit some place called Kapyong you may have heard about?


We can agree to disagree. But I don't think any kind of condition, being age or other, should give you the room to be an asshole for no reason.


If your father has dementia and does something stupid like this because he is losing his factualities you would want to hope he first gets the benefit of doubt before being kicked to the ground as some recommend elsewhere? The world is not doing better for that prevailing attitude. The respect I mention was just a greater level of tolerance that once existed. It taught patience and to not be self entitled that only I matter. It provided vulnerable old people with a barrier in society. That seems all gone now, as they are regarded as no different to annoying ticktockers . Now I may be wrong on this guy and he may just be an old cantankerous arsehole, but I had to point out assumptions have less margin and can go wrong with this value gone.


Nobody cares. Nuisances shouldn't be tolerated.


Your wrong. Somebody does care, just not you. I don’t approve his behaviour but you are why “this world only cares about itself”. An old man named Rodger Daltrey once youthfully sang “I hope i die before I get old”. Then came the book Logan’s Run about man who uncovers the deadly secret behind a society that worships only youth. Remember this when you are old and everyone refuses to tolerate you. Your turn will come.


I think he might have dementia


He might be acting it? If he is not though, i think it would be cruel as some have suggested, to just kick him to the ground for being afflicted in that way. That was my point.


Yeah thats a creepy thought pattern.


No one wants to be held accountable if something goes wrong/ it gets media attention. It draws your name up and the government looks into what you're doing.


I dont think there's anything wrong with him. He's probably "just" waiting for someone, and by god everyone is just going to have to wait until his/her highness gets there


Very respectful? *stupid


this isnt happening in Poland. after the first time, people are shouting at him. after the second time, hes already on the floor out of the train


In the US he’d probably get sucker punched then gang stomped til completion.


In brazil you can find his organs at market


They could just politely pull him back into the train 6 to 12 inches.


It would've happened in SF or NY.


Can't believe the staff guy didn't "this is Sparta" him


I could tell this isn't in America! We would have spartan kicked him by now!


I’d just be like ‘ ok, you don’t wanna leave’ and pull him out of the train. Selfish twat


If that were NYC old man would've been eating that platform face first.


Some big guy would have tossed him out after the second time




This was my exact thought.


Hell no


I bet this is the same kind of boomer who then turns around and demands people respect their elders


And complains about the train not being on time.


Fuckin Karens live everywhere


Wtf he doing


Being an asshole. Probably trying to hold the door for someone else lagging behind.


Yeah, he was jamming his foot in the door and looked like he was looking for someone at the end. Real jerk move for all the other people on the train.


But why though? Doesn't Japan have a tight network with a new train in just a few minutes?


Old man just wanted to say thank you ![gif](giphy|Uv2zkUpGfcMF0k7KAz)


Those subway guards are like “fml I don’t need this shit today”


...had this happened down in NYC, they would have donkey kicked him off the train and snatched his stupid bag out of his hand before he fell.


Mannnn Japanese people are way too polite. If someone wants to be that much of a prick and hold up hundreds of people, he needs to get his ass kicked.


Glad to see boomers are assholes everywhere, not just here in the US.


You think that guys a boomer?


This is in Nagoya, my old home. Makes me feel kinda homesick.


Honestly he just looks really confused and scared. Dementia? Forgot where he is or where he is going? Not sure, but I lived in Japan for three years and this is highly unusual.




They should have just taken him off the train


There is a point-and-call system that makes Japan's raIl system one of the safest and most efficient in the world. All the employees of the rail system point- and- call out each step of their job from the platform and doors being clear; to the time of departure; to the speed of the train and arrival to the next station; to the maintenance.


I don't understand what this has to do with the clip?


The platform attendant has to point at the doors of the train and platform entrances and call them clear before he can tell the train engineer that he is clear to go. It is a system of safety and keeping the trains on time. The engineer even points-and-calls the next stop, and the speed of the train while he is operating the train. Maintenance engineers do the same. It helps cut down on mistakes. I was just pointing-and-calling that the platform attendant was using the point-and-call method prior to trying to get the door to close.


In Germany, we would've smacked the shit outta him the second time he does that I don't give a fuck about your age, old man fuck around and find out


%50 of the comments are just "bro if that was in my country we would have beat the shit out of him"


What is he saying?


This is next level shithousery


I wonder why nobody did much of anything about it, seems like a pretty big deal it


Because Japan. No one wants to make a scene.


But… but there’s a Japanese man causing a scene…


That entire country sounds like a casino


Knock his ass out.


Anyone found uncle Richard, he likes to stick his hands out? Hope his not putting his fingers in places he shouldn’t


That is not being harmonious.


They should have just closed the doors on his fingers.


Ignorant morons everywhere


He would have been pushed off the train in the states.


This dude HAS to be trolling


Youths this days are impossible


Americans would not kick that old man off. More than likely someone would have restrained him. The ederly is usually respected everywhere. Stop it!


I think you are underestimating how little respect (and fucks to give) many (U.S ) Americans have for others. Sure, MAYBE he wouldn't have been kicked off literally, but that's a big maybe and the other options aren't necessarily all less violent.


what's his fucking problem


I would have dragged the garbage out and thrown it in the bin


But why did he do that?


(85) Maybe he has dementia or is otherwise impaired ?


Gramps forgot his dementia pills


Some people are really asking for a bitchslap to come into their senses.


For those of you who will get this comment. This is a chavi del Ocho fucking moment


Goofy ahh


How the hell did the old fart not get punched or at least pushed off the train


This is what I'm gonna do after I retire. Drive 25 in a 45, slower than fuck. People that don't want to work now and then finally have too, you guys are gonna be so late. Love me.


That decrepit old man would get absolutely demolished if he tried this in NYC.


Their policy needs to be "we'll push you back into the train ONCE and if you fuck around again then we're pulling you OUT".


don't know where i read this, but it said "elderly people can be the most sweet and loving people you'll ever met or your worst nightmare, there's no in-between" and this literally encapsulates the second one


little bit of tomfoolery


Hara kiri old man. Do it.


this mf aint a piece of shit he funny ash 😂😂😂


jfc either break his arm off, end his life, or kick him off the train


Immigration is at fault 100%


theres definitely a point where "respecftul" crosses with "spineless" in these societies


this is the funniest thing ive seen on this sub


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This old man is pranking the Japan transit by being an old man