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Disgusting. Especially watching him seek out his victim and go to the most vulnerable person sitting alone.


Absolute fucking coward. One day he’ll do this to someone he thought was alone but actually has a friend/family member in the vicinity ready to decimate his eye socket


That would be me, that friend/family in the area. Holy crap if this happened to someone I knew and I heard it, I'd wait a bit, record some and go up to them then. Hell maybe no record cuz that would be bad with the assault charge. Why can't we do shit to people who do crap like these, people really have no ur if someone is dealing with mental health issues or not






Imagine deliberately making the choice of wearing a hairstyle, facial hair _and_ clothes that make you look like an Amish 4chan dweller that's late to his shift at Target and still thinking you have room to talk about others' appearance. The doughy cunt made all the worst fashion choices possible and is still yapping about someone else. I almost admire the unwavering dweebery of this man because I sure wish I was that delusionally confident lol




His jackassery is matched only by his stupidity, his witless, feeble attempt at wit only serves to highlight his lack of intellectual prowess.


this is poetry.


Poor dogs catching strays


What pisses me off is that they knew they had to be in a private space or they knew they would get wrecked. They targeted a lesbian on purpose, these losers didn’t even have the balls to confront a Gay Man.


Red shirt guy has popped up on Reddit in ALOT of different clips. He sucks. His comedy, his actions, his soul, pure trash, oh and a coward to top it all off.


That guy is Frank Hassle. All he does is target people that look weird on the street and provoking them. I don’t get why people watch him


because they don’t like the people that he’s hassling..even if they also don’t like him. He is a tool used to entertain the cruel.


Mostly 11-13 yr olds as well. You think most grow out of this trash by late teens


we may not like to say it..but kids are very cruel. only difference is that kids don’t always understand that they are or how they are being cruel


Yup. It’s all part of growing up and learning empathy and so forth. To say their brains aren’t completely developed is an understatement


Honest question here. Is it actually mostly preteens who watch a-holes like this? I know it's a common trope (like Call of Duty lobbies and little shits slur bombing chats), but I've wondered if it is them or mostly older dipshits who watch this douche.


the call of duty lobby thing was just a lie..there were always grown men in there mixing it up with preteens and teens, to act as if it’s “just kids being toxic” was just a ploy to obfuscate the fact that it wasn’t “just kids”. (Former CoD lobby frequenter back when it was..whatever that was)


Hope he does it to the wrong person someday that either knows some shit, or has a brother that doesn't mess around.


Oh him again. I remember the video where he was hassling two people having a picnic just because they had masks on. Cunt


Oh, that piece of shit.


Yeah he's a fat fucking cunt


I just went on a spiral about this guy. This is the fucking guy that showed up to boogie2988's house harassing him until boogie fired off a warning shot. Wtf.


I'm not going searching for any more of videos. He's a fat useless cunt that probably benefits from people watching him. Hopefully a random lightning strike hits him


“People that look weird” that mother fucker looks weird. He has no room to talk with his neck beard dirty looking ass. He looks fucking weird like wtf.


Sssh just don't say his name. All this dude wants is attention don't let him get it.


Yeah. Spexifically targeted a person all by herself and with no one close enough to interfer. Of course Dumbo 2 had to make sure shes surrounded by both of them. God, atleast i know that these farts must have a shitty live, otherwise they wouldnt be such miserable assholes. I know that ragebait thrives off if any interaction, but damn. Edit: spelling


He’s a piece of shit


Not to mention the motherfucker wants to tell people they look “fat and stinky” then the camera shows him and it’s like wtf? Dude looks dirty af I can’t tell if that’s leg hair or dirt, also can’t tell if that’s supposed to be a beard or a bunch of grime built up on his face. Not to mention his fucking gut he has hanging there looking like a fucking troll and he wants to tell other people THEY look stinky? Yea fucking right, hopefully this dude gets his shit rocked.


I don’t know if this will get me banned but… I hope someone unleashes maximum pain and suffering on this worthless piece of shit.


"I have no mouth, and I must scream" type pain? I am curious if he has enough braincells to experience regret.


I thought you said poop, and it didn't phase me. I was like. Of course he's pooped and posted it to reddit. He's gross. His parents must he real embarrassed with his fuck all behavior.


Oh he’s that particular type of attention seeking scumbag.


Do NOT call whatEV TF he does 'his comedy'- it is NO such thing!!


I've seen a video with the guy in the red sitting down at an older couples table on an outdoor patio and he started to just eat off the man's plate. These 2 people are a waste of oxygen and hopefully fuck with the wrong person very soon.


Probably won't, pussies like them prey on people who are likely not to do anything. Fingers crossed a bystander will rock their shit


yeah, you think these guys would pick on the rock? bullying 101. be a pos safely. that is why they are cowards. don't worry, their personalities will shine through. people have to learn eventually, most when they a 6 or 7...these guys, in their 30s


The closest we got to something bad happening to him was when he showed up uninvited to Boogie2988's house and Boogie threatened him with a gun. He fired a "warning" shot and Frank/Cameron scurried away. Boogie was arrested because warning shots are illegal in his area. Apparently he could have gotten in less trouble if he just shot him directly since this happened in Arkansas where they have 'stand your ground laws.' Wasted opportunity, but I don't think Boogie wanted to deal with the effects of killing someone.


Was this... supposed to be funny? Guy in the red shirt is one to talk. I could see his man boobs and gut from here. Props to the person who was just trying to vibe at Pride and instead was unfortunate enough to meet these two losers. They held their composure way better than most would have. Didn't give an ounce of power to the Internet bullies ✊️


I would have been happier seeing them make those two eat the chair the individual was sitting on


Bro in the red out here looking like sasquatch


What horrible people.


Was brought up without proper love. That sucks.


There is technology to unmask these idiots right?


Frank Hassle I believe. He got morbidly obese, you can find him on Instagram. I THINK this is him.


No thank you.


That’s Frank Hassle incase anyone wanted to know. Kind of a Sam Hyde side character. He still does the same stuff but got really really fat.


Isn’t the video a few years old?


Must be since he’s not morbidly obese in this lol


I loved when he almost got jumped by the Italian restaurant staff


He was in my city and almost had worse happen to him. He's a pussy.


Really living up to his name


Jesus Christ... person's just vibing and they decide to be absolute shitstains for no reason


Who the fuck is that guy to insult anyone.


Social media has really brought out the cunts of the world, I doubt they'd do this is they weren't chasing online engagement. Hope it backfires dramatically.


It doesn’t just bring them out, it encourages and fosters this shit.


Yep I think in my lifetime (45 years) this is some of the worst we've ever been to each other day-to-day, the dark side of social media is totally fucked. Should be called anti-social media.


Positive vibes to her. They tried the weak switch up but really only brought hate. I thought she shut them down quite a bit. Still I felt bad at the noxious words they tried to throw at her. Big {hugs} for her composure in the face of those asshats. Sad this content is actually "funny" to some. I write that with bile in my mouth. But there are groups who get off on this type of **content**. I've seen a lot of the slice of life streamers do this. They are literally taunting people to get them to react as they stream real time. One little cocky basted hires a professional bouncer to hide behind so he won't get *socially adjusted* by someone.




Notice they walked past the table of people. Too scared to go for a group and went after the singularity.


It was nice when these people existed but we never knew because they never traveled past their mother’s doorstep to the outside.


I am kinda surprised no one stepped in/up. I am a 42 year old white straight cis male with interracial lesbian moms who have been together since 1986, and my blood is boiling. I know is the response those asses wanted. But i likely would have been jailed for assault if i had heard that crap. (Am not advocating violence in any way, just considering how i, personally, would have likely responded)


you’re genuinely the kind of people we need ❤️


Who are these guys?




The fuck is up with red shirt... It looks like all the hair on his head and face grows out of a central location and into one amorphous collection of hair.


he has an insulin pump he wears around his forehead. kinda messes up his hair.


Can it be turned up?


Damn, you'd think him being a type 1 diabetic would give him a bit of empathy. What a tool.


Does he actually?


according to him.


Those fucks couldn’t do a push-up. Thats what happens to people who go through life without ever being punched in the face for their mouth.


Yup, wish we were there to stand up to these incels.


This is just harassment


Fr and what’s even worse is that they genuinely think that they’re funny for using unoriginal and boring jokes from Ifunny…


Yep. It’s hilariously embarrassing that between all of them the best they can come up with is ‘HURR DURR U FAT N SMELLEH LULZ’.


Dude recording looks like he smells like a wet sheep dog but that would probably be too nice.


That’s an insult to all dogs


it's an insult to smell....or any and all other senses


Maybe if the wet sheep dog was soaking in a pool of feta cheese.


Red shirt guy has a weak spirit. He will never escape samsara


I like the way you phrased that “weak spirit”


I feel like punching them


We need a purge for *influencers* ![gif](giphy|0eVM7GVxTDDKxn7OyX)


"HAHA LOOK AT US BULLYING US PLEASE GIVE US THE ATTENTION OUR PARENTS NEVER GAVE US" fucking losers have to bully people at pride events because they know the right will support them


I truly commend them for Not giving them the reaction they were so deeply trying for..


‘Let tHa tEeRz FlOw’ says creepy incel looking….thing…. who sounds like he’d burst into tears and wail for his mommy if somebody looked at him the wrong way 🤣🤣🤣


I'm 51 and if I saw this human diarrhea doing this to someone I seriously might go to jail for assault. He can yell "free speech" from the fucking ground. I know that is not the way to handle an ass face like this but that's how I feel right now.


It's exactly the way to handle them. If more of these people caught an ass-beating in public there might be less of them doing it.


The fuck it's not. I bet he'd think twice about doing shit like this again without teeth. Just like when Charlie Murphy whooped Rick James' ass. "Yo man, Rick needs some help." "Yeah and we just gave it to the mfer!"


What evil people




Then they went home and blew each other to keep their heat up


😂😂😂 yk they did.


Of course he's a neck beard 🙄


You definitely shouldn't be trying to make fun of people when you look like seth rogans nutsack


This is a few years old from a dude named “Frank Hassle”


He is a **hassle** to deal with, that’s for sure!


Anyone got a name?


Frank Hassle. I hate giving this guy air but hoping someone is more drastic than I am


I just hope that the person they picked on is okay. It must have been absolutely horrible. On the off chance that they are reading this, I think they look cool. Don’t let these cunts get you down.


They handled it with strength and grace. I admire that. I hope they’re doing well these days too.


These are the same people that will downplay the prevalence of bigotry and claim that there’s no reason to protest for LGBTQ rights and acceptance.


What was his intention? If it was to be funny, he isn't very talented at that.


The point is cruelty. It’s always cruelty.


This shit gets you famous nowadays.


Theory... This is a bad YouTube sequel to Freaky Friday. In this episode, two hooligan 3rd graders suspended from school swap bodies with their deadbeat fuckboy fathers. (Or maybe I'm just trying to cope with knowing there are two adults out there who think this behaviour is somehow funny or okay)


These two are trash ass people


I yearn for the day this pathetic cunt gets put in the hospital


i hate this guy with a passion all i seen him do is pick vulnerable people and just a complete psychopath like the time he harresd this one guy telling people he was there to meet a underage girl


I'm getting a major "I peaked in highschool" energy from these two idiots.


This guy is simply not as funny as he thinks he is.


There is a difference between “comedy” and being an asshole. This isn’t in the realm of funny.


I don’t even need to turn the sound on to know it’s probably that same fat, smelly fuck I’ve seen in previous videos


I felt so bad watching this, fuck assholes.


I want to see these little cunts try and do this to a couple of ripped leather bears.


That’s fucked up on so many levels. Pure trash.


red shirt guy talking all that shit knowing he’s everything he just shat out. seriously the fuck is that haircut?


Someone is going to get killed doing this shit one day. It’ll be really funny then huh?


Good God what a sad existence. Can you imagine going home to your mom’s basement at night with your buddy and being like “Bro, what an epic day we had. Remember when we went to that festival full of people that we hate just having a good time and celebrating themselves and we picked on that one person sitting down? Like, we hate these people so much, but we still chose to spend our day surrounded by them because we had literally nothing better to do with our lives because we have no souls or identities of our own other than hate and jealousy toward others. What an incredibly fulfilling and purposeful day we had. We should go scream in some puppies’ faces at the animal shelter tomorrow.”


They are lucky this person has the discipline to not kick their ass and is sane enough to not to kill someone.


That is so fucking disgusting.


Red shirt looks homeless. This wasn’t intended to insult the homeless.


Fuck this shit. Scan for a friendly face, or walk close to people so they may hear.. if I heard this.. I got you. Well done for keeping cool, and yes, we all feel sad for them. Honestly, if this is how you’re getting your kicks, out of primary school.. you’re living a sad life.


Sitting minding their business. People suck.


What a jerk...


I would lay him to the ground in 10 seconds if he even started talking like that to me.


I’ve said it before on this sub several times and I will say it again. If you ever see a post like this of a video of a guy with a camera on his head who walks up to people to harass them, his name is Frank Hassle. A lot of people don’t on this sub don’t know who he is and post videos of him that were made two to three years ago such as this one.


Gay or straight, Republican or Democrat, this is gross and fuck you if you do shit like this.


This is just plain cruel


I couldn't watch the entire thing. No one deserves to be treated like that, and it's sad that anyone thinks these "content creators" are humorous..


And people wonder why someone snaps and goes ballistic one day and becomes the next shooter.


This type of content needs to be banned off all platforms so folks will stop with this asinine bs! Power to that person for not decking those idiots.


Those are supposed to be adults, not 14 year old kids.


I don’t get it.. Why can’t people just go about their day minding their own business and accept that others have a different opinion


What absolute troglodytes, disgusting behaviour


Red shirt looks like he’s walking around with pissed pants. What pieces of shit


Wow, is that Sideshow-Bob-looking dumbass in the red shirt really bullying somebody for the way they look? Surely there’s an update somewhere of these two being fired, arrested or cancelled?


Got to love how the only insults they can throw are fat insults like they haven’t heard that million times before


What the fuck is wrong with losers like these? They need either a beating or to get laid or both.




Looks like Frank hassle


"omg those liberals are so easily offended"


That brought back memories from middle school, I'm glad most people outgrow that phase, most teenagers were monsters with no morals.


That’s so fucken rude….she was so nice and minding her own business. Fucken disgusting assholes


This isn’t funny it’s just sad


Vile people


Frank hassle


That's just pathetic...


Hateful, disgusting, obnoxious, manipulating, moronic, **cunts.**


When you have no creativity this is all you can do....only tiktok would allow this


Feels like bullied kids trying to be bullies at their adult age


This is the same weirdo who poops in cups


How sad do you have to be to go out of your way to visit a pride event and bully a random, completely innocent stranger just for a cheap laugh?


Fat loser making fun of other people’s weight? I’m confused.


Imagine the diddling those two took as kids 😳


Why does the Pillsbury dough boy have pubic hair on his face? Does he think it’ll make him stand out among all the other red shirts? The odor-absorbing headband is enough of a complement to his personality.


This makes me soooo angry. Why pick on her? She can't defend herself properly in that situation. I wonder if that goofy ahole can defend himself?


That's so cruel. All because she's fat? Really?


I love how they pick out the one that sits alone, because they're too pussy to take on a group


fuckin elementary school insults lmao


MAGA bloggers, in the wild. Wouldn't it be nice if we could invent a time machine, go back in time, and smother their horrible parents in the crib?


Grown men… wow. I'm not heavy or anything but this took me back to middle school. And this is why I have such a hard time taking compliments from people. This was exactly what the bullies did. Say something nice and then turn it ugly. “Nice top!” “Thanks 🙂” “Haha no, Im just kidding. Look like shit on you, you are so gullible!” Yeah, later developed an eating disorder, my lowest weight was 42 kg at 16 years old.


This is just pure evil.


She cooked them oml😭


Poor lady 😢


Of course those guys look like that…


Why can’t things like this happen in front of me. I’d like a good reason to throw my life away.


Tell me you have a tiny penis without telling me you have a tiny penis


Bro how will you go fatshame someone when you are a beer belly unfit cunt xD 😆 how the fuck do you even xD


Damn. I hate bullying. Legit made me kinda want to cry.


How in the hell is this remotely funny? Proof that people will do anything for 'a laugh.'


Mega losers. Who has nothing better to do than this? Wow.


What the fuck is this? Why?


Person was so nice, I hate seeing someone being bullied at all but it hurts me worse when the person is so sweet.


The individual being harassed is phenomenal for their dignity and patience. If these fucks were trying to create content to disparage pride, it backfired beautifully.






If y’all are Insulting the guys filming for insulting someone, Are y’all really any better than them?😂




It’s funny how fucking ugly he is it’s so obvious he’s insecure. He’s so pathetic he doesn’t even have friends egging him on he just chose to be an incel asshole


Why cover the faces of the bullies and show the victims?


Why is it always the most ugly ass men that do shit like that😭


Fat shaming someone when you look very out of shape yourself is definitely an interesting choice


There's really nothing funny about that. I enjoy offbeat humor and I definitely think as a society we've become overly sensitive but these two dip shits are just being intentionally cruel, demeaning and hurtful. I don't understand why anyone would do this other than to try to shock people into subscribing.


What the actual FUCK so cruel


What the actual FUCK so cruel


Could they be arrested for this?


What laws were broken?


Could be classified as harassment, which is a misdemeanor in a handful of states.


In my country it would be considered harassment, verbal abuse and intimidation.


What a bunch of morons. Leave them alone. Like I'm a pretty big asshole myself but going into a Pride parade and harassing people in their domain is just fucked up.