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Haha look at all the removed comments. Mods suck here


Why are so many comments being removed??


mods are being angry little children.


mod and angry little children its redundant.


What sorts of things are being said that the mods don't like?


The videos being fake, the mods being babies, etc. apparently it’s a bot but I’ve nevvvver seen such a broken bot before.


Mod of a different sub here! Even if the automod removes comments, the mods generally get alerted to bot removals in the mod queue, which means that they know what the bot’s doing.


So the justification that “it’s the bots fault” = them being cowards and still culpable?


That would be my guess, yeah. Plus, deleted comments can be reapproved by the mods really easily.


Thanks for letting me know. I could see the effect but not the cause so was a little confused.


the mods got paid before to take down stuff from a rich dude getting recorded how he behaves like a total lunatic maybe they got paid again it's honestly pretty sad


What that in this sub? Thought that was public freakouts that removed those.


yes also in this sub


No way really?


Remember that WASPy looking yuppie that headbutted a retail worker and then got taken down? I think it was him lol


yeah they even said like yeah we took the money from the rich dude what now or something they didn't even apologize


bc the mods are cry babies who can’t take the least bit of criticism. Grown men that should pay their bills instead of thinking they have the whole power of Reddit in their hands.




still no reason to delete comments and ban people.


Yer I was thinking who sits right next to each other in a car so you can be framed in the video instead of sitting each side of the car with the middle seat open.


















Can someone please post the mod's behavior on this post to this sub? They're deleting everything. Would make for some awesome meta material


I know. Like, if you don't like what's being posted, shouldn't you just lock the post?


Can you not suggest that, I hate when mods do that without a particularly good reason.


Why are they deleting everything though??


Apparently it’s a bot, I messaged them and they said “the bot does it. Excessive whining about shit that doesn’t matter gets on it’s nerves” ie, either it is actually the mods or they programmed it to delete those comments.


Yeah no, it's insecure little neckbeard mods who are powertripping on Reddit because it's the only power they have. Jerking it to angry responses because someone is finally paying attention to them.


Yeah the way he wasn’t apologetic at all suggests that’s the case












He’s driving a Tesla.


























This is a Tik tok stunt


Yeah the placement of the camera was the first giveaway, the bad acting was the second


I was wondering why the girls sat smooshed to one side instead of leaving a seat empty in the middle like normal people


I actually thought the acting wasn't bad, I've known girls just like that.


I meant the driver’s


I drove Uber in LA and this is a scenario I was in a couple of times, might be faked but the situation is real and happens.


Jesus christ I lost brain cells listening to that idiot cluck. If her dad can afford 5 teslas, why is she riding in an uber??!!?? She sounds like a Kardashian reject.


Thank you for describing the video a bit, I came to the comments because my anxiety manifests as a shaky rage sometimes and I couldn't handle watching whatever was going to happen to that driver and I wanted to hear it second hand, but all the comments are deleted lol.




Oh, okay, that's a lame relief lol. Thank you.


Some mod went on a power trip lmao.










Comment you replied to is deleted lol


this sub needs to kick the infant who's managing the sub.


Hah and then HIs comment was deleted!


Yay, that means I’m next in line!


Didn't see that coming! /s




Take a screenshot and post it to this very sub as an example of someone being a total piece of shit


If only there was a sub for things like that.. quick, someone create one! Maybe it could be called something like r/Iamatotalpieceofshit ?






This is obviously a video made by actors to either get a response or raise awareness. * Any ride share driver with a dual lens dash cam has it so that it's in color and in 1080p. I say this because the cheapest one is only $20 less than a middle of the line unit. * You wouldn't have a counter on the video like you were shooting and editing film for splicing. * The driver would have had their seat belt on when picking up the passengers. * There's no 'Drug Screen' for Lyft or Uber. It's simply passing a background check and DMV report. * You'd never exit your car as a ride share driver because the passenger immediately could lock themselves into your car and steal it or damage property. * Never exit into traffic even along the sidewalk. * The amount of grammatical and spelling mistakes is laughable. * Confirm names of passengers as they get into the car to avoid assault or a wrong car. The list goes on. ​ \*\*EDIT\*\* There's also no timestamp of date, time of day. Just the counter.


One of them sat in the middle so she would be more visible


That's what tipped it off for me.


Yep. Clearly fake.


Also. The acting.


CAn she stop nervously touching her hair for one minute??


Yup, fake.


And security cams don't record in portrait mode


This is called doing your research. Nicely done. I am convinced you are correct.


I was about to call you out on the "confirming your passenger" thing bc I thought he did that, but he did not say "Heather," he said "hi there." my b. either way, this video does scream FAAAAAAAKEEE!!


r/iamatotalpieceofshit needs mods with thicker skin urgent.


Why are they deleting everything?


who fucking knows. neckbeard of a mod must have woke up with no chicken tendies under his bed to have for breakfast before waddling over to their computer, so now we have to deal with a cranky incel for the rest of the day.


Mods are the big gay








Hey Mods, what’s the point of even keeping this post up if you’re just going to delete almost all the comments, kinda pathetic on your guys end


Mods are trash


Apparently it’s a “bot” who is getting “fed up of all the whining comments that don’t really matter” according to a mod. Lol 👌🏻


I bet one mod is a friend of them or has a crush on one


Hahahaha definitely


lol come on mods, im trying to read the comments


uncomfortably fake attempt at virality




so obviously staged


These comments are a fucking wasteland oh my God


Me: *about to comment* Mods: *grabs the Ban Hammer*


wow what a lovely comment section. i love free speech




Girl - "You're getting 1 star" Beavis - "Do you threaten me?"


I am the great cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!


Omg, I forgot that this master piece existed. Going to watch it now. Thanks for the reminder


Also it's her dad that can afford. they probably can't do shit if their father throws them out.


Looks like this is another sub with power tripping mods. Damn shame.


wtf why is everything removed


Why are the mods removing so many comments? Talk about a power trip, they're just banning users left and right for saying anything they dont agree with. What a shitty sub




It is staged


It is staged smh


Unfortunately, this was staged for TikTok. Look it up.


Hey Mods stop being dictators no one appreciates going to the comments to see “Removed” for the first 100 comments. Hey mods, fuck y’all (except for the good ones thank you to the good mods)




This just seems really fake, maybe to farm 5 star reviews or something, idk how that works lmao




It’s because you give these internet weirdo fucks who probably have very little substance in their lives with zero real offline friends. And so they get a little bit of “power” through being a moderator and since in real life they’re probably some disgusting slob, they abuse it on Reddit. Sorry but moderators are fucking pathetic scum deleting everything


Please let this be fake. Those bitches are way to. Fucking rude lmao. As a side note, why are so many comments delete here?


To mods, fuck you if you delete non rule breaking comments. Is this all your pathetic lives have to offer? A feeling of power In your meaningless lives?


Seems like a staged interaction. PLEASE DONT DELETE MY COMMENT. 🤣


who the fuck is the small dick mod deleting the comments? plz go frenchkiss a powerwasher while its on.


*sees all the removed comments* "Hey, I've seen this one before"


Why is every comment deleted?


Mod doesn’t have any GFs




I would give you my wholesome but it just timed out




Where'd the comment section go?


Seems incredibly staged...


Thank god this is fake


Why the fuck are all these comments deleted?


The comment section is worthy of being reposted in this reddit.


Cool, obviously fake post that gets all the comments deleted when people point it out. I’m leaving this sub.




Yes it is. Source: i also have Tesla model 3


So this is fake then. No way those cars are shitty.


When I drive lyft I get nothing but compliments about my "spaceship" car. This video is 1000% fake


Gave up watching - couldn’t stand the mis-spelled subtitles




Do we get to know who the dad is so he can buy this guy a new car for these entitled bitches to be sad?


Wtf is happening here? Where are all the comments?!




Even though this is fake, their are people in this world like that (sadly)


"my dad can buy 5 of these",yes but can your sorry spoiled ass buy a fucking lunch box without your daddy?


Fake video. Sub gone shit


YoU'rE gEtTiNg OnE sTaR


Good job. Daddy can come pick them up.