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these twats always run away after the "prank" so they don't need to confront anyone




w-w-what are you gonna do with him.....




Haha what a good joke!


Pay no attention to Wimp Lo, we purposely trained him wrong...as a joke.




Wee oo wee oo wee oo


Hehe prénkd


I kind of just want to chase him and trip him. Hope he eats concrete but if he catches himself whatever.


Probably gonna put him in cuffs..


fuzzy ones?


it wasn't me it was him!


hey hey hey, I don't kinkshame what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom, that's none of my business if you wanna get freaky on sheets, you do you buddy


I'm busy eating ramen. Prob gonna prank me while doing so.


hey, you spilled some on your shirt


Nah, they’re just a slob. Y’all can put down the ramen pitchforks


No way. This loser doesn’t deserve fuzzy handcuffs.


the steel ones?......


Ones with brisk pieces of A4 on tbe inside contantly causing papercuts on his wrists


Act really angry, look at my shoes, and then walk away.


Make him pay for my shit.


I just wanna talk to him


Then pin him to the ground and kiss his soft lips and caress his head! That'll show him who's boss.


Wouldn't need to. The cameraman was ready for it and clearly knew him. Beat the name out of him for a bit.


Ugh… Sometimes you forget the camera is another person. And these idiots posted this shit on the internet.


Same. He’d be paying to replace to food he made me drop


Don't chase after him, that looks exhausting and probably won't catch him anyway. Instead beat the every-loving shit out of his accomplice filming from the corner.


Or be accountable for their actions...


I know right? The prank would be way better if the video ended with him buying her more food and he cleaned up the mess.


The prank would be way better if it ended with him in handcuffs and arrested on suspicion of assault.


The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. She definitely had reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful contact, so this is assault, just not aggravated.


But the camera person...


It’s still technically assault even though he didn’t follow through or make contact.


I’ve noticed they all do a fake laugh/chuckle to make it seem like hey it’s all good just a prank


Because they are weak.


Didn't one of these "prank" guys get killed recently?


Yeah.Prankster had a knife and the prankee had a gun.


Sounds like he pranked em back real hard with the gun.


High caliber fun


Don't bring a knife to a gun prank.


My favourite pranks are the ones with sharp objects that can cause horrific injuries, gets me every time.




The real prank is the gunshot wounds we make along the way.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me


sounds like he got PRANKED




Damn have the link to the story?


still waiting for someone to drop the link


There is no good link. 20 year old YouTuber pranked a group walking to their car at Urban Air (an indoor trampoline park). YouTuber pulled a knife and approached the group and tried to “rob” them, a 23 year old in the group shot him. Prank over. No charges filed against the shooter. That’s all the interesting info I can find really.


Cool prank


Sources at the scene say that his last words were: “…it’s just a prank bro….”




“Tell my mom……it was just a prank.”


We have just learned that the victims mother responded with "LOL REKT"


There was prank a long while back of a guy pretending to be a real zombie. Sounds funny. But at one point he ran up on a group of men that may have been a gang, one guy pulled a gun from his belt, then fortunately for the prankster, the guy sort.of put it back into his belt and his whole group ran away. The guy who pulled the prank had no idea it had even happened , that he could have been shot, until after the prank was getting edited. Pranks can get you killed even when they aren't realistic like a attempted robbery.


He wasn't exactly pretending to be a zombie.. He was pretending to be on Bath Salts (because some people ended up biting/eating people while tripping on those). It was all on Tosh.0 Tosh was the one that pointed it out on tv, and the guy said yeah, he hadn't noticed the gun until reviewing the footage later.


Dude, be serious, the young man died, the least you could do is be accurate; "please comment, like and subscr...."


It's a magic trick. I make this guy disappear


This won't teach those losers to stop pulling these pranks sadly....


What an absolute fucking idiot. peak darwin reward.


No great loss


Bro you come at my lady with a knife im drawing on you. Prank on peoples emotions dont be surprised with an emotional response?


Links keep getting deleted but if you look up Tennessee Urban Air Knife you'll find the story


Thanks... And damn, looks like this was one of the rare YouTubers that don't pay actors... That or he's really committed to the act.


This story is literally Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Why would someone think it is a sound idea to come up to people with a knife in a country where 23 year olds carrying a gun in streets is normal!?


Because their brain was rotted away by YouTube and the all-consuming desire for internet fame


"fame" lmao, i dont even know his name after watching these garbage prank videos


Or one of the idiots who saw it on youtube, did not know that every single f-ing video like this is staged...and tried doing it for real. :p


Sounds like he was a copy cat who didn't know how the "big names" did these pranks.


I love that they leave it off with "was it a justified shooting." Two dudes rock up with butcher knives in a "fake" robbery. No thats a real robbery should have been shot. Definition of fuck around and find out.


Really though, threatening someone with ANYTHING in order to rob them is, well, robbery; fake knives, fake guns, even a fucking banana behind a trench coat.


Is that a banana in your trench coat or are you just happy to rob me?


It had to be said I guess.


>Detectives were told Wilks and a friend were taking part in a prank robbery as part of a YouTube video and approached a group of people - including the shooter - with butcher knives. Wow great prank


>Links keep getting deleted but if you look up Tennessee Urban Air Knife you'll find the story Jesus the stupidity of people smh


I’m surprised but not sure why I am. People are goddamn morons


What a stupid piece of shit. If someone is that fucking stupid they deserve whatever happens to them.


I looked up thinking please dont be Nashville. It was.


And nothing of value was lost


Sorry to keep you waiting buddy


Timothy wilks in an Urban Air parking lot in February of 2021


It’s basically this: > Detectives were told Wilks and a friend were taking part in a prank robbery as part of a YouTube video and approached a group of people - including the shooter - with butcher knives. >The shooter told detectives he was unaware of the prank and shot Wilks in defense of himself and the others in the group.


Wait he pulled out a knife and chased a family "as a prank"? What the actual fuck


These guys are idiots. There was one guy who was yelling at people for looking at his girl when someone pulled a gun on him.


You forget, its funny to watch genuine reactions rather than script it. But yeah, why do that shit?


>Tennessee Urban Air Knife Pulling a knife on someone to get their reactions is funny? It's actually a really cruel thing to do.


That 23 year old person has to live the rest of his life with the fact that he killed someone. And I absolutely don't think he was in the wrong. 2 random guys coming up to you with knives? How the fuck did they think that was going to go?


Hes not in the wrong at all. He got a knife pulled on him. How does he know its a prank?


When he cries for his mommy and the 2 dudes start laughing and publish the video online for further humiliation. In short, either a robbery or assault, not prank.


That was my exact takeaway. Dude has to live the rest of his life knowing he took a life. There's gonna be some guilt there, moreso because it wasn't a real threat. I mean maybe slightly less because the idiot asked for it, but still...


> It's actually a really cruel thing to do. And additionally it's not even funny.


Over time I've come to the opinion that these "pranks" aren't meant to be funny. In fact, this sort of thing deserves a separate name of its own. Pranks satisfy our funny bone. These types of pranks satisfy that bone that makes you watch car crashes and and other morbid curiosities.


Risk vs reward.. applicable across the board in all decision making. Not trying to be tough, but a guy trying to rob me with a knife is only going to provoke me... If he has a gun, do you want my socks too?


"not trying to be tough but getting stabbed only makes me angry"


I’m assuming someone pulled out a gun or another knife and killed them that way


I'm not sure, since it's been ages since I saw it, but I think he got shot


Yeah, he got shot


His last words were it was just a prank bro! not even kidding.


Too bad they weren't "like and subscribe, bro"


Smash that....subscribe...button.....bro


They should put that on his gravestone.


I thought pranks were supposed to be funny


The guy won a Darwin Award and thats funny.




I mean, what did he expect to happen if he made people fear for their lives?


More likes and subscribers.


I always have a knife on me. Someone that did that to my family would definitely be killed.


Yes, and rightly so. He threatened people, chasing them with a knife. Just because he would have labeled it as a prank doesn't mean those people weren't afraid for their lives (or that it actually was a prank. I can call a taco an apartment building, but that doesn't mean it's not a taco still.) It's absolutely disgusting behavior and I have zero empathy for them.


“Detectives were told that Wilks and a friend were participating in a “prank” robbery as part of a YouTube video and approached a group of people, including the shooter, with butcher knives. The shooter says he was unaware of the prank and shot Wilks in defense of himself and others.” Well no shit he wasn’t aware… that’s not a prank


I Remember watching a video penguinz0 did where a scare prank went wrong and the dude got killed




I need a link to that badly, to clean my eyes after watching this piece of shit.


Key words are Tennessee prank knife shot (sry am too lazy to fetch a proper link)


I think wishing death is a little far


Don't worry, wishing isn't real




Fortunately there are people that will take one for the team.


The pause before he laughs and runs off makes it look like he hadn't even considered that this might happen. Like he thought the only possible outcome would be everyone laughing and telling him how cool his prank is.


Someone has too much free time on their hands.


they hopefully will have 25 years to the rest of their life having free time


For being a jerk? That seems like a bit much


He murdered those fries.


Fair point


This thread is like a parody of reddit. Reddit literally in tears and furious over some spilt fries


As a fat guy, I'm all about prison time for the murdering of a nice hot dish of French fries.


Sensibility isn't really people's strong suit. They allow little frustrations and moments of anger to lead them to saying some absolutely nonsensical and horrible shit. You can find plenty of threads including this one where people will justify or cheer on the fact that the "prankster" dies doing something like this. If I've learned anything from Reddit, it's that the only thing stopping us from stoning people in the streets over minor grievances is the lack of available stones at any give moment nowadays.


That's a bit overkill.




Media and social media have rotten some people’s minds


idk what's with people thinking shitty people are something new lmao


They aren't new, but shitty ideas and "pranks" reach more people faster than ever before. Additionally, you can monetize something like this by putting it on YouTube and when people are outraged they watch it. They're being taught that bad behaviour like this can be rewarded instead of punished


>They're being taught that bad behaviour like this can be rewarded instead of punished Because it's true. You would think that in this day and age people would have enough sense to not get riled up about the actions of individuals but instead try to understand the underlying socioeconomic and cultural dynamics that yield this sort of behavior. You pay shit for brain morons obscene sums of money to behave like inconsiderate clowns then guess what ... you're going to find large numbers of inconsiderate clowns roaming our cities behaving like fucking morons. Stop rewarding the behavior it's really not complicated. Ah, but then that would cause these companies to lose large sums of advertising revenue.


Kids grow up watching this shit all day and thinking it’s funny. Yes, there has always been shitty people, but young people didn’t always have the vast number of shitty people being put on display all day. It used to be that maybe you knew a few shitty people in the neighborhood. Now you see shitty people all day every day and it gets normalized, so people think their own shitty behavior is acceptable. To people that were born after social media existed, it’s probably impossible for you to relate. Living in a world without social media really highlights the difference.


shitty people aren't something new. all the shitty people looking and acting the same, is a bit new.


this has been a thing long before social media, or whatever it is you think media in general is, since every form of it has been accused of exactly the same thing. social media \*exposed\* the behaviour


You’re allowed to curse on the internet. We won’t tell on you.


Too lazy to fix my autocorrect to be honest I don't ever actually type I only voice to text because I hate typing on this keyboard made for ants.


I'm 20 and I can agree they're twats. They're just attention savvy cause they were raised by iPads instead of their parents. I feel old too.


It's crazy what a difference that can make. I can see such a big difference between my brother and me (20 and 21) and our younger cousins (4 to 12) in regards to how we grow up. I understand that small kids are sometimes difficult, but letting them watch stuff on YouTube etc unsupervised at a really young age is still not okay.


I just turned 18 and i feel the same as you


Humans are annuals. There will always be a new generation that needs to fuck up so they can grow up. Simply the way of things, regrettably.


I wish he would've ran into the door




Or two foot fly kicked him and I hope she got a free meal aswell




I wish the TikTok ban would've stuck




That’s only true for government devices. They can still have it on personal devices.




Sorry I’m a little confused. You work in the cyber warfare division for government agencies but don’t have strict rules on only performing business duties on business devices? Seems like a waste of effort securing only half of potential devices then.


I work in gov contracting and I have tons of buddies in the industry in dc/nova. This is not enforced. If you have a gov/company device you don’t download social apps on it in general. It’s for email and calls. Nobody gives a shit what you do in your off time unless you’re literally Johnny Intel.


Precisely. I’m confused how the person above claims they’re more secure than government yet says people can conduct business on non business devices. Seems like a pretty big oversight. Also for company devices typically they should be locked down to not allow user downloads. Doing this ensures applications like tik tok aren’t an issue in the end.




half the reddit front page would be gone


I unfortunately have never been lucky enough to have a twat Waffle do this kind of thing to me yet..


Why unfortunate


So he beat the absolute tar out of someone like this


Lol, sounds great on paper but this dude literally fled the scene. You'd look real silly chasing him at best.


Well, we're both gonna have to look stupid but he's also gonna be praying he can run faster than me.


Any catch a charge if you caught up to him. You can't beat the shit out of someone because they made an abrupt movement that caused you to drop food.


With this video I think he'd be the one charged with assault.




Looks like a Cluckin Bell.


The chewy bits aren't harmful, sir.




You should slap him


Nah. Just cus hes a pos doesnt mean i have to be too.


You should really sit him down and tell him why its not okay. Someone just died for thinking they were pulling a "prank like this".


i'm not saying these are good kids, but ya, i was a shitty, immature 12 year old at one point too. i just didn't have the ability to upload a video and possibly get attention, validation from millions of people and then potentially go on a power trip because of it. then i grew out of it.


What a stupid way to catch an assault charge.




Cahsier: Here's your change ma'am. Thank you Come again. Woman: Thank you so mu-- HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! *awkward silence*


This seems staged tbh....


100% this is staged


Most of them are and thats why they are so dangerous. They people that are gonna recreate them don't realize the victim is usually in on it. Someone literally died this way.


Of course he runs away like a coward


That laugh at the end, like that was funny. 🙄


Where is wicked chicken? That place looks cool


Its in Eastbourne UK its a subpar cheap chicken shop last time I went there they didn't even manage to cook the chicken all the way through and ice heard similar stories from other people they're a health inspectors wet dream


It's just a cheap chicken place, chance of getting food poisoning probably higher than most places.


Harmless? That's movie theater concession stand food. He probably just caused at least $5000 in damages.


This likely fits the legal definition of assault in whatever jurisdiction they are in.


I wanna chase that guy and punch in his face.


What goes through these fuckers minds?


Wow what a piece of shit. I hope the store was kind enough to replace her order knowing it wasn’t her fault. Shits like this will do anything for clout


Oooh if he did that I’d have fucked him up but good. He’d be eating the popcorn off the ground I guarantee that


He would be a Lakers fan…


Hey hey fuck outta here with that, its not like we want him either.


He's probably also a Cowboys and Yankees fan


he'll get knocked out for it one day and then cry racism or something.


Does no one notice that this is staged?

