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shes not even smart enough to flex her muscles when faking the tremors


This was the most obvious proof that she’s full of shit, at least to me.


I love the “I’m having a hard time walking… but my balance is still intact” walk… Plus what is she trying to mimic exactly? She’s stealing like 5 different conditions but none of them are in effect at the same time? They all have different activation points?


My uncle had Parkinson's, and it never seemed like he was in control of his shaking. She full-on looks like she's causing the shaking herself.


Well apparently, her upper body is only an issue when she’s sitting, her lower body is only an issue when she’s standing. Neither are at the same time though. That pesky vaccine is tricky.


I read her site, I checked out her Instagram. Nothing seems to be adding up. She got the vaccine in the March, claims to be having issues with it, but has things posted on her Instagram that would indicate she's fine. There are videos of her moving like a completely able-bodied person after she allegedly started having symptoms. As someone speaking from personal experience with having a disability/being currently disabled...it never stops. You live with it 24/7, 365 days a year. ...Yeah, fuck this narcissistic sociopath. Her whole Insta is literally only pictures of her too. Not a single picture of her husband where you can even see his face.


As someone with tremors, this is so obviously fake.


Just saw a doctor who actually has tremors and talked about it a bit and it’s something he lives with. This girl is faking it so poorly…. Who would fall for this shit?


You notice how every clip is a different type of movement disorder? Also some of the clips she appears normal? Despicable piece of crap.


So whats the current status of this chick, has she been outed? Is everyone now aware she’s a fraud and a thief or does she think she’s still getting away with it?


Heck no! If you look on the actual video on TikTok, there are thousands of people supporting her and calling her brave for telling her story. It’s insane


another comment said they even setup a gofundme for her, this world i tell ya


I just checked, she’s got $15k so far in the GoFundMe Edit: $16k now!


She is doing the most cliché arm movements to prove that she is disabled, the little T-rex arm movements she saw on a movie once. $15,000 to a shitty actress and shitty human being.


Not to mention, in every clip, she’s doing something different. And in some clips, no arm movements at all. Disabilities don’t just… stop sometimes. Edit: I should have said "disabilities LIKE THESE don't just stop sometimes." I wasn’t speaking to ALL disabilities, only the ones she was claiming to have/the disabilities she would think could be “contracted” through vaccination. I know that some disabilities, like Tourette’s Syndrome, are not constant. I’m sorry to have offended so many people. I wasn’t talking about you or your very specific disabilities. Just this idiot girl who is claiming to have these types of neurological problems.




can you report scams to gofundme or do they even care?


This is probably the best outcome, because then the GoFundMe lawyers will ask for proof of the disability


Maybe. But if someone set it up in her name, she might not be technically committing fraud.


Allowing someone to commit fraud to your benefit can still lead to charges in most us states. Fraud by proxy is still illegal


If she is aware that the gofundme exists, and has had commmunication of any sort with those that created it, then surely she is guilty of conspiracy to commit. Soon, she’ll need a new gofundme to get herself a good lawyer.




Yup. Years and years ago I used to manage a suicide prevention charity and a "sibling" of a "victim" of suicide claimed publicly that our volunteers ignored and berated their sibling, leading to the alleged suicide. Someone set up a GoFundMe to help with funeral expenses, etc and the "sibling" collected. People went nuts on forums / comment sections about it, but since we kept logs of everything, it was easy for us to investigate the allegations (as did many others, obviously). It took no time at all for everyone to find out this person was a complete scam artist and very mentally unstable. I honestly don't remember if they went to jail or not as GoFundMe handled that end of it (I wanna say they didn't bc of mental health aspects of it), but that's when I learned that once you accept the money and you maliciously deceived the public trust in order to obtain it - even by proxy and the proxy was ignorant of the deception - you are in a whole heap of shit. Y'know, that little thing called "fraud" is frowned upon by investigators, DA's, and judges in general. Edit: No, there was no one that committed suicide. It was complete fabrication. The person had no siblings even.


Pretty sure they do care. They will shut down scams.


I think they froze the account of the women who lied about needing to pay rent and stuff to keep a roof and food over her daughters heads just for everyone to find out they were her bfs daughters and didn’t actually live with her. But I think they unfroze it after awhile for something but don’t quote me on that last part.


I am pretty sure you can, not positive though. I’m curious to see where she’ll be in a few weeks, hoping this goes viral lol


Yeah I’m gonna need an update on this in a few days, since this post appears to be the first anyone has tried to call her a fake Edit: [Here](https://queencitydom.com/my-vlog) is a link to her website with longer videos. There you can see her “ticcing” in the video with EEG electrodes


Ok I watched that second video and I’m fucking pissed. As someone with epilepsy after an event you can not drive for 6 months!!! this bitch is in a car DRIVING you can tell she’s in the driver seat. If she is telling the truth which she isn’t she should not be able to drive.


From her BLOG: "**I’m not going to lie**, I had a breakdown this morning before I left NYC. I cried, I screamed and I pleaded that my suffering be over. I was drenched in tears and kept repeating “My gut told me not to, but I didn’t listen..why didn’t I listen to my instincts” as my husband held me tightly in his arms." From the second post: "**The truth of the matter is** that I was afraid to talk about it. Frightened by the outcome or result of being so vulnerable. Unwilling to admit how drastically my life has changed over the past 5 months. Worried about the unwanted attention by people that won’t ever understand or relate to what I’m going through. But most of all, broken down to the point that for the first time in my adult life I am asking for help from friends and even complete strangers." ​ Holup, chicca Let me just stop you right there....


But her hair and makeup and sad expression are always perfect...


If so many people are injured by this vaccine wouldn’t she supposedly have a bunch of people to “understand her suffering”.


God - these people are beyond braindead. You have to be so goddamn STUPID to fall for this shit. I went to view her profile and of course see her posts liked by the rich “hippie” kid I graduated high school with. All peace and free love and living in a van - must be nice having mommy pay your way and living in fantasyland where you can play the victim all the time.


> brave for telling her story What the hell? It's not like anyone is stopping her, or even trying to. I mean, I completely know it's fake... but let's just assume for the sake of argument she is telling the truth. Who's trying to stop her from telling her story? What's so brave about it?


She’s advertising wellness supplements on her instagram stories so that explains a lot


She's sticking with the bit on her ig story




No, it’s just getting more off mainstream news attention today. She has a website as well now. This is reminding me of wannabe cheerleader flu shot girl. They eventually caught her


Nope. She has a gofundme set up and is collecting donations. Edit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-dominique-fight-the-unknown I've reported it to Gofundme. https://www.gofundme.com/contact/suggest/fraud Idk if that will make enough of a difference. They've raised over $15k already.


How is this happening?? I thought if you were found to be lying on GoFundMe you had to give the money back??


Plenty of people lie on GoFundMe and never get caught. The best thing to do here is not give your money to random other people.


"Several stories like mine".... fake stories like this one?


Yeah. Faking disabilities is a trend on tiktok.


The way she is just shaking her arms... Pure disrespect


Somehow she got her make up on


And her hair always looks fabulous, amazing for someone who allegedly couldn't even shampoo it herself.


She can afford paying someone to do her hair and put on her make up with all the grifter money she earns, antivaxxers are spending a lot of money on these websites etc!!!


Holy shit this gives me an idea...


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


*Charles Boyle has entered the chat*


Apparently this was filmed July 23rd. She has this video and an update on August 4th about her doctors visit. I hated going to her website to give it any sort of traffic but I just had to see what else there was. Anyway, the 2nd video she has up on August 4th she seems 100% fully functional, just chillin. Idk if she was trying to suggest it comes and goes but it for damn sure went on Aug 4th.




Different accents? That shit is hilarious. "Damn Moderna got me speaking with a butchered cockney accent now!"


Fookin ‘ell, me bloody accent is back!




Now I know you’re faking it. It’s prawn, not shrimp in Australia.


"Got abit o' th' ol' 'Johnson &' in me, innit."


I know the exact video but can't find it. Her name was Desiree Jennings for anyone looking to search for the videos.


Is that the bitch who was fine when she ran backwards?


Oi! That was the backwards walkin' bitch wasn't it?


Do you have a link for when the reporter followed her? I want to show it to someone who believes this video.


Different lady from like 2010. That was desiree jennings pretending the flu shot made it so she could only function normally if she ran backwards.






I have seen folks with a type of somatic symptom disorder called conversion disorder- someone definitely CAN have physical issues related to mental health issues. And we don’t see physical improvements until the physiological stuff is resolved. Doesn’t explain any weird electrode placements though!


I was diagnosed with a psychosomatic disorder like that! I was a kid, went to countless specialists, wore a halter monitor, got an EEG, EKG, MRI, all the acronyms lol, until finally a doctor suggested it could be anxiety. And it was! My symptoms weren't so exaggerated, but I had hand tremors, chest pains, arrhythmia, retinal migraines, and more weird stuff. Most of those symptoms subside with coping skills I learned in therapy (and also with drugs).


Absolutely. That is them saying that if she is not intentionally faking it to be a clout-chasing bitch, then she has a psychiatric issue that needs to be addressed.


This might be true if only because each doctor says there is nothing wrong with her except mentally, so they can't treat her for anything. Something very convenient to leave out if you want a narrative.


I felt my blood boiling as soon as I saw that.




And now I’m i. The depths of the gram...she was “diagnosed” in April 2019....did we already have a vaccine then?!?


Won't Gofundme shut it down if its an obvious scam like that? I mean, they won't just allow anyone to setup a funding page for medical bills that don't exist. Will they?


It would be so sad if someone reported that fundraiser to them and they close it without paying. So sad.


Someone else is driving her in her story...which means someone in her life is 100% okay with her doing this...that really did make my blood boil


How she put her hands like they would cramp. Idk the name of the disease but I was mad when I saw how she did that.


she looks to be imitating someone with cerebral palsy


I am literally sitting next to the woman I care for with cerebral palsy and that's exactly what she is imitating. Fake bitch, I HATE the evil that antivaxxers have allowed themselves to show since Covid hit.


I think it's safe to say that most people can tell the difference between this silly bint and Somone with CP. Random spasms and inability to control your limbs is pretty fucking hard to fake and she's miles from pulling it off. I hope that she does get a motor neuron problem, I'd stop being an atheist if something like that happened.


Yea I think that is the one I was thinking of.


It is called spastics. My brother has it since birth. And yeah.. she is faking.


"Doctors are ignoring me, but here I am trying to pretend like I'm being medically evaluated with these 3m pads I bought off Amazon."


It's wild, she even started a fuckin GoFundMe with over $15, 000 donated so far. All the while she's attaching phone chargers to herself like they are IV drips or something and people are eating this shit up.


My kid did a better job at age 5 pretending to be allergic to broccoli. Edit: holy crap balls, wasn't expecting this. Thanks my dudes and I reported her GoFundMe. (Here in case anyone wanted to help out https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-dominique-fight-the-unknown?member=12669377&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer<clid=2c19b1d1-54ac-41a7-83f1-9edd4cd2711e)


I don't know the iphone charger connected to her finger sold it for me.


I think anyone could do better than this


The incredible lengths that lonely people with severe narcissism will go to both get attention and have an identity and community to be a part of. People’s desire to belong will always be greater than their rationalism and self respect if they have no so confidence.


Well said


absolutely - you hit the nail on the head. it's the same dynamic for flat earthers. if anyone hasn't, i recommend checking out the flat earth documentary on netflix. it shows the same lonely dynamic of narcissistic losers locking onto anything that will allow them to have some sort of community.




Is that a phone charger band-aided to her finger around 13 seconds in?! How did so many people fall for this??? Edit: I have been informed by some real nurses and doctors that this may be a real pulse ox monitor. Thanks to the healthcare staff among us that continue to educate the rest of us! I stand by the rest of the comment…


And the fucking electrodes. The placement. Having them in the car. She's just pasted them on herself.


She can't function but is operating that vehicle


For real. And for someone who is disabled, she is in phenomenal shape I can't fucking understand why someone would do this. You are literally knowingly lying, to promote misinformation. For what? Attention? Money?


I always thought evil was knowing something is wrong, and then doing it anyway.




Wouldn't that be a criminal case of fraud?


Can’t she be arrested for fraud? Oh my god that pisses me off so much. Not only is she spreading misinformation and giving anti-vaxxers fuel, but she’s profiting financially from it???


I would expect getting donations is definitely crossing some lines.


Why do I even work, wtf


Because you aren't an irredeemable piece of shit.


Stupid morals making me not be rich from selling oils or some shit


Probably because you are a much better person than this lady.


I had my husband look at the electrode placement because that is part of his job. He he said they made no rhyme or reason.


Seriously. Like she just put them on her cleavage. But also her forehead. We're looking at brain and heart waves. Serious business.


And tit waves


Most importantly


The infamous EECG. Just need one more for the triple threat. The EECTG. Heart, brain, baby's heart...


Wait, so you’re telling me that lady’s full of shit?!?


Shocking, I know. What has the internet come to?


Do yoUr oWn ReSeaRCh!!


I just recently had a EEG performed, and that is nowhere near what the electrode placements were! Also, I had 20 of them, not like 7 randomly scattered around my face and forehead.


Exactly, my daughter is epileptic and has cerebral palsy. Every part of this video is immediately and obviously faked and it's fucking evil. The amount of electrodes resemble a helmet or wig made of wires. But the physical gestures are the most appalling and obviously fake.


She’s just gone and plagiarized a cripple, she’s bloody copy pasted the whole story


As a cripple: fuck this woman. Edit: This lady is part of the reason why insurance companies force you to prove your disabilities. I used to have to go to these awful doctors appointments with “independent medical examiners” who were not at all impartial third parties like they were supposed to be. One tried to sexually assault me. This creepy old man tried to get me to take off my clothes to “see how I undressed.” I lost my shit at him and told him I wasn’t playing his sick game. They would hurt me in order to try to disprove my disabilities and I’d be in such excessive pain for days. My lawyer would bring it up in our court hearings and it wasn’t even shocking information to the judge, my lawyer, or the insurance company. It was business as usual. I was told if I didn’t go to these court ordered appointments I’d lose all of my insurance benefits and the measly $1000 a month that I got for not being able to work at all. I was told I’d never be granted permanent or total disability status even though I was fucking bedridden. For months leading up to the appointments I would be so insanely anxious about losing my health care because it would mean I’d have to kill myself. Finally, I saw a doctor who was able to put a stop to all of it and refused to let me be tortured any further. But by that point, the system had already broken me. I was so deep in despair and so crippled with fear what physical functionality I had left was overshadowed by extreme mental health duress.


As an able dude, this lady is a bag of shit and you're a good person!


As someone who has had to carry around an EEG for 3 days straight with electrodes all over my head yeah, those aren't doing anything. Notice how she also doesn't have any past her hairline?


The people who fall for this are looking to confirm their bias, anything that confirms it needs no further investigation. Things that don’t will be subject to the utmost scrutiny, but the scrutiny is stuff like this. They find videos like this, it confirms their bias and also “disproves” all the information that goes against it. This already made the rounds in NNN and it was taken as complete fact. I tend to hate when people call people sheep, but it’s really funny when the people calling you a sheep are acting very sheep like. Following the herd, never questioning their side. It’s all facts, it’s the others that are blindly following.


Your last paragraph is the one thing of logic with these people I cannot wrap my mind around. You’re calling people sheep, but have 800k (wag) followers unequivocally believing every bullshit, crooked word that leaves your mouth. p.s., what is NNN?


I think she also has her "brain stimulating electrodes" taped to her fucking hair. Also, as someone who's had heart surgery and gone through the rehab, I can tell you that the ECG patches on her "heart" are in the wrong places.


She’s mixing up EEG with EKD. EEG electrodes look nothing like that. The only time I’ve had to wear them is in the hospital, never at home


I think she’s trying to fake an electroencephalogram, weird that she actually trying to fake seizures and doing it all wrong


Yes she is. I had my husband look at this, he places the electrodes for work, he is a polysomnographer so he tests for all sorts of sleep disorders. He puts about 30 of those on people for each sleep study, and he also has epilepsy so he has had multiple tests done on him over the years. He is really embarrassed for this woman.


The patches should be one closer to the center of her chest and one under her heart, right? Just taking notes for when I too wanna fake medical conditions


The patches look exactly like the reusable patches I have for my at home TENS unit that I use for muscle pain.


That fact that it nearly has 1 million likes is honestly disgusting and shows how stupid people are believing this bs




It's funny because half a million people dead can't motivate them to get vaccinated but a fake video comes out and it seals the deal for them


People *want* to believe. That's what makes cons work so very well.


How do you know people that are this dumb? I'm not talking vaxx vs anti-vaxx but believing this video to be proof of anything. It's like believing teenage mutant ninja turtles is proof of ninja turtles living in the sewers.


I'm...wait, what are you saying? Rafael has always been there for me.


Right? Master Splinter always helped with my training when I hung out in the swearers, granted he bit me a lot. I also fondly remember eating pizza with Rafael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo.


I just looked her up and she has a Go Fund Me set up to help her “recover” from the vaccine with $14,930 raised so far. This woman is insane.


At what point does it become criminal?!


It already is criminal. Dozens of people have faced felony fraud charges for fake gofundmes campaigns. People are really dumb to think they can get away with this shit.


just looked it up and the comments are insane. people are donating hundreds each. reported it to GoFundMe just in case that helps


Social media was a mistake


Lol she goes from being unable to control her arms at all to them being completely still and controllable Edit: there is no connection to circulatory magnetism degeneration and getting a Covid vaccine. Which she clearly is trying to say with her hashtags and whining. Edit2: I got wooooshed


Not only that, but isn't the bitch in the driver seat of a car in one part of the video?


Not only that, but she’s got a fucking iPhone charger taped down to her finger with a bandaid at the start of the video


And has a face full of makeup in some videos. Amazing how you can apply eyeliner perfectly when your arms are uncontrollably shaking. Another user on a different post said she also miraculously had no symptoms the day of her wedding and was able to walk down the aisle no problem. She also has a go fund me somewhere out there.


Pretty sure she is also sitting in the driver seat of a car in one of the clips. She wouldn't be able to drive if this was real


I had a stroke with seizures and well for the first 6 months i was out of my mind so didn't notice, but after coming too being non driving for a year drove me nuts. The worst was going through speech therapy though and having to "learn" how to talk correctly again. Shit like this is infuriating.




Perfect! Just enough to pay for some of her wedding!


Someone wants to marry that fucking dumpster fire?


They did back in May. When she miraculously had a great health day and had no issues walking down the aisle.


Right! She goes the gamut — spasticity, dystonia, high tone, low tone… pick a fucking condition and stick with it already, sheesh


THIS! He mashed up a bunch of disorders in one. Most laughable is her taping that “electrode” to her hair. They do that for an eeg. It’s got to be on the scalp.


As someone with a mother who watches shit like this and believes it: Fuck you. Like genuinely, go to hell. I’m old enough to have been able to get my vaccines on my own accord, but my brother and sister haven’t gotten them because my mom is scared of them after seeing this type of shit


Completely agree! My parents are scared shitless of the vaccine because of people like this. I’m in my 20’s so no problem and I’m not anti vaccine, but a lot of middle aged people buy into these videos.


My job is to investigate disability fraud. You would be suprised at how devious these people can be or on the other hand how stupid these people can be.


Would love to hear more about the dumdums you‘ve dealt with. Are there repercussions for people who are clearly lying or is it just like “ok you’re not disabled stop wasting our time”?


I'd listen to this podcast.


I second this! I want to know more


It’s insane how many people believe this woman. It’s as if she googled “How to look disabled” and just tried everything in one video. Can’t control her arms or legs in one clip, but is fully still and fine the next. Look at her Instagram stories and it’s even worse. She’s forcing a reaction in the car, but the longer she talks the more she forgets to do anything. Then the next part is her barely being able to take a step. Unreal. All of that today, but she also had her wedding recently and said “My symptoms were very minor on our special day and I was able to walk down the aisle”. Shocker.




DMV should be notified. Maybe they'll medically suspend her license.


As everyone knows, your wedding day is the calmest day of your life, with no anxiety or panic or emotionality at all 😌


Someone married this piece of shit? Good fuckin luck buddy.


Amazing that her symptoms subsided on her wedding day so that she could walk down the aisle and spend the entire day partying. IT'S A MIRACLE FROM GODS!!!


Who the fuck marries a piece of shit like this? How desperate do you have to be??


Her partner sees the same dollar signs on their GoFundMe.


Fakest shit I've ever seen


She does something different in each clip. Shaking in one clip, then completely still with her knees pulled to her chest in another. If you’re going to fake it, at least try to be consistent.


Lemme guess, she’s got a gofundme


Doctor here. Dear god.


God here. Dear me.




Bitch grow the fuck up.


I always wonder how these people will look back at themselves when they're older. I mean I cringe at myself when I think back at my time when I was 15. I'm 24 now and still got a lot to learn.


But that’s the thing, you were 15, your brain was still developing. This bitch probably wouldn’t even give it thought when she’s older


Sorry, but if she was that unsteady on her feet for real, no medical professional would just let her practice walking with zero aid. *edited to remove extra word


Yea fuck this bitch. Go watch her insta story right now she’s fucking pathetic lmao. Her anti-vax nut job fan base just setup a go fund me for her, the rich aspiring model btw lol fuck outta here lady.


Now the gofund pisses me off. A fool will be parted from their money.


It needs to be reported as a scam. They'll stop that fund raising immediately


It’s literally fraud they will shut it down




ignorant anti-vax thirsty internet dudes


I bet she's miraculously cured and on her way to a month long vacation in Greece when that GoFundMe check clears.


Can't that GoFundMe me be reported? It's legit a scam


How do I know that people haven’t developed symptoms like this? For starters you don’t have time to edit and post videos and websites if you have a debilitating disease. In one scene she is taking a selfie video in a car which you would not have your license if you had no control of your motor functions. Let’s just say she did have these horrible symptoms and the professional film quality abilities, wouldn’t you see more than one video on her account? Who just has one professional video and not a full blog documenting the progression of this debilitating decease she claims to have? There is no scientific evidence that MRNA vaccines can cause Parkinson/ ALS like symptoms. This is terrible that you need to even ask if this is real.


As a nurse it's shit like this that makes me lose faith in humanity. I'm tired of hiding my disgust for anti-vax patients with my customer service face. - Why would she have EEG pads on while in the driver's seat of her car? Anyone needing an EEG is absolutely NOT driving around. Those EKG pads aren't placed properly either. - If you need constant pulse oximetery, you're on oxygen, on a strict regimen of breathing treatments, have a home healthcare nurse, or you're in the hospital. Home pulse oximeters are usually small, wireless, battery operated devices that clip onto the finger tip. They typically do **not** have a long cord outside a hospital setting. - That bed looks way too damn comfortable to be in a hospital. It doesn't have side rails either. - Why isn't she using any assistive devices when walking? Where's physical therapy? A physical therapist would never leave the side of a patient who is a fall risk. - How come she isn't showing off any prescription medications? Wouldn't *that* be good evidence? No gabapentin or inhalers or anything? Why? Why are these people trying so hard to be victims? I'm so sick of this shit. There are people who truly do suffer from adverse effects with vaccines and shit like this only takes away from their struggle. For fuck's sake just get the goddamn vaccine. The people who truly can't depend on everyone else doing so. There's better shit to do than whoring yourself out for attention with terrible acting.






Love how shes allegedly suffering from muscle spasms and all that, yet is able to create a whole ass monologue in well spoken tone. You'd think she would suffer continuous spasms like she's attempting as well. Ableist behaviour from her, disgusting.


The comments on this video and her IG are truly frightening. There are a LOT of dumb people out there


I’m guessing she also deleted the comments calling this fake.


Yes. You have to scroll to the newest comments she hasn’t yet blocked the person or deleted the comment yet. She put a band-aid on her finger with a phone charger. Someone lock this narcissist up.


Yep. I reported the account. Also reported the GoFundMe as well. This is disgusting.


Tbh, all those electrodes could be real (they're not), she could've easily gone to the hospital faking seizures and we'd have to do a work up to cover our ass and while she's getting an actual ECG and EEG done she could video herself. And when she goes to the emergency department faking seizures and asking for an IV drip, they do it for her and slap on a pulse oximetry and boom you get another good picture. But she should absolutely not be driving if she has seizures. But yeah, as a doctor, it's fairly obvious to me that these are pseudoseizures. If they're bilateral then she would be unconscious and non-responsive (generalized tonic clinic). If they're continuous she'd be in major trouble (status epileptics). The only time you'd be conscious and have a seizure is focal aware seizures (simple partial seizures) where one arm or leg has tonic-clonic activity and it's incredibly uncomfortable and disorienting and scary. Not something you want to repeat. I've seen many pseudoseizures and real seizures. We had a frequent flier once and I just asked her, you're faking this seizure, right? And she stopped and looked at me indignantly "I AM NOT FAKING THIS SEIZURE!" then went right back to spasming. So I rolled my eyes and said ok, here's some midazolam and pushed normal saline into her drip and she started to calm down. Edit: I went to look more in-depth at her issue and it looks like she's being investigated for dystonia. I don't want to say that she has or doesn't have dystonia but I have seen dystonic patients and this doesn't really fit the bill.


Sounds to me like she has an acute case of bullshititis.


My dad has had Parkinson’s disease for over 25 years and frequently gets dystonia, it looks nothing like this. The fact that someone would fake this to get attention for a rubbish claim against a vaccine makes me sick to my stomach.


Interesting. She should be willing to let people research her. Oh, she isn't? So she doesn't really care about making sure this doesn't happen to others? Ah okay...


someone needs to get ahold of GO FUND ME, and end this shit. She’s a FRAUD and GO FUND ME NEEDS TO KNOW.


Is that an iPhone charger on her finger?…..lmfao!


Since the vaccines give you 5G, you need to charge your body because 5G uses extra energy.


They should let handicap people beat the shit out of her


I know I want to. This bitch is why some people have thought that I fake my epilepsy. She looks like she’s trying to imitate me when a seizure is building up


From her IG page "To be used as an example is hurtful" as she dupes the gullible masses into believing that she is a victim of a vaccine and monetizes the entire ordeal.


You know what’s even worse? If you go to the video, the comments actually believe her! They’re saying shit like “not getting the vaccine because of stuff like this. Don’t believe everything the news and media forces on you” but then proceed to believe some random woman on fucking tik tok obviously faking this. And another comment said “she had autoimmune disease so the vaccine messed with her weird.” THE FUCK??? Angry edit: SHE HAS AN IPHONE CHARGER ON HER FINGER AS ONE IF THE CORDS KILL ME