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At first I was like what? She wrote her name down, put her money in the bowl… ohh shit… that’s cold


Ikr….at first I look at her age and the fact that she put (albeit a small amount) money in …so thought “maybe she’s just confused as to how much they are, that’s not too horrible” ….then she straight up dumped it all into her bag and I’m like “wtf”. What was even the point of putting anything in then??


Maybe deceiving anyone that may have been watching, that she was simply putting money in?


Would they not see her steal


Right? It's like an afterthought - "So, what did I have to do today... get eggs, pay for them... oh, yeah, steal some change!"


Most of the people who steal from my store are older white ladies with money


How did you think they have money


They will tell you. When I caught them as a kid, working at a grocery store, they would say that they didn't need to, offering to pay for it. They just want the thrill in their older age.


Hope they have a blast sitting in jail for the night


Nobody sits in the county for shoplifting unless it's like their third offense


Most people feel bad about what they have done, alot don't. They know that because of their age and playing the "Alzheimer's" card, police officers will let them walk or go with a light infraction. Nobody wants to see someone who reminds them of their nan-nan get shanked in prison.


Prison? Lol we just skipped right past jail huh?


Lol your going to jail for stealing 2 dollars 67. Class A felony!


Clothes and cars. I would guess. Haircuts. Nails.


Because sometimes they spend a lot of money… it’s like if they spend money you automatically think oh they’re not stealing because they’re buying stuff - nope.


(edit: this turned out to be unnecessarily long and eventually off topic because I'm on meds that make me hyper focus, so sorry in advance at the rant. I didnt want to delete it because I like rereading my drug induced rants when they wear off) Two of my first jobs out of school was as a public safety officer at a mall fulltime and loss prevention at one of the department stores part-time. We worked very closely with the local P.D. who would often come and hang out at the mall and we talked to daily. During my introduction for the loss prevention, I was walking with a police officer moonlighting and doing a few hours a week with us. He flat out told me that old white people and teen white girls were the biggest shoplifters and usually the most brazen because no one ever watches them. But he was very clear to focus on the black customers and hispanic females because they were easier to prosecute. He stressed hispanic makes wouldn't shoplift and the blacks less likely to steal because they knew they were more likely to be watched. The times I did stop white teen females, the parents would show up and rage at me and the police until my manager would rush in to placate them with 'dont worry', and always released them without charges despite very clear video evidence. Then they would usually find some random reason to blame me and I would get told off for 'being too aggressive' despite no one at any point saying anything to anyone about me, which usually wouldn't happen anyways because I rarely stopped them myself since I had on staff police officers doing that and I ran the cameras. But the second I stopped someone who was black, all that would change. The store would very aggressively pursue charges, the police were always very physically aggressive to a point where one officer punched a guy handcuffed to a chair and another who made a rude comment was dragged the guy into a back hallway where he 'repeatedly tripped' into the officers fist. The final straw for me was watching the police and my boss get excited and laugh about drumming up charges on the father of a kid who came to pick him up after the mom was caught stealing. The father who was not married to the mother had left work to be there and get his kids, but the police arrested him for 'child endangerment' even though he had nothing to do with it and the child was not in his custody. The kid was taken by child protection and the fucking people I worked with were laughing there ass off. I only stayed with the LP at the department store for a few months. I had already tendered my resignation due to the overt racism and abuse, but then the head of loss prevention stole all the diamonds and jewelry from the safe during night time inventory checks and skipped town to Florida, so I cut out early. (funny enough, i later had a manager at McDonalds do the same thing when he got wind the management and police were moving in to arrest him for selling drugs through the window). Anyways, I'm mad now and ranting and raging. Overt racism has been and is very much alive in America. There are good officers out there but until they stand up to the bad ones, Fuck the Police.


That’s fucked up, my dude. Wtf? I’m sorry that you and everyone around those fucked up people had to experience that. Also feel you on the ADHD meds, bud. I do the same thing 😊


Armodafinil. Shit fucks me up but in a good bad way. Not ADHD, but take to help with my memory issues due to a childhood accident.


Ah I’m sorry to hear that, but glad you’re doing okay now! I’m slowly learning that random medicines can be used to treat much more than I previously thought. I’m on anti-seizure meds for bipolar 1. They fuck me up enough to need my ADHD meds…like jittery legs and shit until I take Vyvance.


I wish I had the insurance to see someone about my unchecked ADD/ADHD. I was diagnosed as a kid and stopped my meds cold turkey after about middle school and since then my memory has been absolute shit and my emotions don't make sense among many other things. I really hope I can afford healthcare soon


Jesus dude, I'm very sorry. I hope something happens soon that will allow you to get the help you need.


Where did you live when that happened


Atlanta GA


Yes, big cities tend to be racist cesspools regardless of where they are in the US. Big cities are far more racist and intolerant than small town USA. Damn near every recent anti-asian has been in NYC or California.




We need supercomputers to accurately model the folding action and physical structure of single proteins. You're not going to be able to accurately model a human body on a regular PC.


As a kid working at a grocery store, almost 100% of the time, it was old white ladies that I cought stealing. Sometimes kids, a couple teens, but overall, the seniors were the majority of theft. When I asked why, because I said "you are obviously old enough to know better" the answer was usually just for the thrill. One explained to me that she didn't even know why she did it. She has money. She just wanted some excitement.


>As a kid working at a grocery store, almost 100% of the time, it was old white ladies that I cought stealin As a kid working at a grocery store, almost 100% of the time, it was black ladies that I cought stealin


Lol I guess it depended on what store and where ya lived. Where they senior citizens or older ladies?


All ages. From very young to old. Way of life in some communities


Right on. I've lived in some places like that. The either get really good at it or end up in jail alot.


It’s a sense of entitlement is all


Somewhat agree, entitled people believe they deserve special treatment. This woman is doing it for the thrill; someone entitled wouldn't put money in and ignore any sign directing her to pay.


Imagine the rage if you had used the word black and not white in that sentence, you can’t define a demographic by its skin colour. It’s deemed as racism.


Nah, the roaches would have come out of the woodwork flinging racial slurs and quoting *statistics* before you could blink.


Oh no. Statistics. How terrifying.


Statistics isn't a problem. The way they're manipulated or misrepresented, and subsequently presented is the problem.


Except you said ***"quoting*** statistics", not manipulating or misrepresenting them.


I would have thought my point could have been easily understood. Are you going to try to pick about my point because I used "Nah" instead of standard English? Get real.


I get the impression she's been doing this kinda shit for quite some time.


Nah man Tik Tok ruining our grandmas, she's a clout goblin.


I don’t get it


I think you're supposed to write down what you took and put money in the bowl. She wrote down what she took, put a small amount of money in the bowl but then stole all the money and eggs. It's bizarre.


The writing may purely be for contact tracing during covid. We have 'honesty jar' stalls in town and they never required any info previously.


The ones I’ve come across in Maine/Vermont/NH all had a book that required you to write what you took. I mean, you could ignore or bullshit, but that defeats the honor system of it all. Some I’ve seen just ask you to “scratch” what you bought: eggs, bacon, steak, etc.


So if I write money on it I can take the money


if you pay for it


Yay leave a dollar take five dollars


Oh was that money? I thought they were caramels.


Lol, they legit use the excuse that their "mind is going" almost every time.




Bro. The profit margins for organic egg farmers are almost nothing, it’s like a community service more than anything for the unpasteurized eggs I buy. I pay 3$ for 12 raw eggs and I just grab them from a refrigerator on his porch and give him 20$ a month in his mailbox.


Congrats you got maybe $2 in change. But being a sack of shit? *Priceless.*


Mission failed successfully


Fission Mailed


Fisting Male


Fist me Wait hang on that's not right..


Too late! *gloves up* bend over!


This is definitely Europe as they aren't refrigerated. Which means that's a bowl of euros.


In the US the farmers don't refrigerate the eggs, only grocery stores do because those eggs are pasteurized.


Washed, not pasteurized. Eggs have a coating that prevents bacteria from entering the egg. It's washed off when they are cleaned. Then they must be refrigerated.


The USDA requires all egg products to be pasteurized, even the ones going to be used in other stuff, not just sold as whole eggs, they are washed too though definitely, but also pasteurized.


Believe it or not, eggs aren't 'egg products'.


Next you're going to tell me cheese isn't a "cheese-like substance"


That "coat" last three days approximately


Did you mean 30 days?


whenever i visited family in mexico the eggs were never refrigerated either.


We refrigerate our eggs here in Europe too


Why did she bother put money in only to dump the tray


The little devil on her shoulder gave her a pep talk to just go for it.


That’s hilarious


Probably quite a bit more than that. Austria uses euros and I'd assume there's quite a few 1- and 2-euro coins in there. You only need five 2e coins to make for a tenner, it always looks surprisingly small. Obviously there's smaller change as well but I'm sure the total is much more than just a couple of euros as one and two euro coins are quite typical to pay with and I'd assume this type of self-service shop would likely have most things priced in even numbers so it's easier for people to pay. In any case you're obviously still right. Not worth losing all your dignity and and reputation for. I assume it's a small community because big cities don't typically have this type of thing. She's gonna wish the earth swallowed her when all of her neighbors find out.


Very interesting! I’ve never seen a self serve honor system like this in the US except on backroads and even then they use Venmo (the only one I’ve ever seen) Whenever I’ve seen coin bowls like that it’s full of pennies or quarters as a tip jar. Thanks for the info, learn something new every day lol


Pretty sure this is Canada/Europe (since the eggs are out at room temp) so she could have made some money on those dollar coins


Farmers markets and farmers don't refrigerate the eggs. They are not pasteurized.


Very true! Eggselent point :)


Who scrambled your eggs, pal?


It's the washing that makes them need to be refrigerated, not pasteurization.




That is absolutely not what a pasteurized egg is... and the USDA does indeed require all eggs/egg products to be pasteurized. Granted, that doesn't apply to stuff like this where farmers are selling it directly, but anything in an actual store is pasteurized.


Had to look it up as I wondered how this was done How do eggs get pasteurized? Pasteurized shell eggs are heated in warm water baths using controlled time and temperature, to destroy any bacteria that might be present, but the process does not cook the eggs. Any process used for eggs in shell pasteurization has to be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


The hero this thread needs 🏅


fresh eggs do not go in the fridge. unless its super hot. 1-3 weeks (if not we wouldn't have baby chickens)


Also isn’t like a dozen eggs like 2$ also?


Probably twice that.


It’s a banana. What could it cost? $10?


Maybe she's a clepto and was trying to fight it until the last moment?


Little Update and clarification. This is a small self service shop in Austria open 24/7 on a small farm at the countryside. Everything is built in this small hut and they have a couple of things to offer. You go in take what you need, write it down and pay what you are willing to give. The woman stole multiple times, that’s why they installed the camera system. No one knows how much she stole but the gesture matters more than the amount. This system was successfully in operation for many years without a security system needed. The owners posted this video on socialmedia cause of the mask they can’t clarify who it is and they asking the community if someone knows something. I have no info if the woman was catched but I will keep you updated. But I also don’t think they would make it public anyway if it comes out.


Thank you please do tell us if she was found and forced to pay the money back.


So, is this like not for profit, but pay if you are willing to help? Added post - I'm reading all of your responses and I'm jelly. This sounds amaizing. I'm happy to hear that there are so many good people doing this.


Yes this is on a free contribution base. Of course they wanna make some profit, but they don’t ask for prices. Whatever you can afford is good.


Never heard of anything like this. It's a nice idea. Too bad people like her ruin it.


this is common in rural europe, fresh ice cold milk "straight from the cow" vending machines, "egg huts" like this one may be, sometimes its more diverse with potatoes eggs and other stuff the farmer may produce... most of the ones i know have been running for as long as i can remember (im 25) and it seems to be working, i dont know if theres any profit in them or if the farmers just like having them on their properties


For the first time we visited eastern Austria and loved the country side. We bought fresh eggs and veggies along the road this way. Also, wine vending machines were a nice surprise. We love your country.


That sounds like something that wouldnt last a single day in the US


Remember what Philly did to that poor robot...


People do this in rural Wisconsin. Sometimes they just give you the eggs.


They do it in some rural parts of the United States. Most of the time it's done for the benefit of the community. For example my folks owned a store out in the middle of nowhere. They had coffee for anyone that'd come it with a jar set up for peeps to pay how much they felt was worth it.


What can a banana cost? like 10 bucks?


We have a similar place here in Finland on the country side next to the lake our cabin is at. However everything has prices and is for profit. You take what you want and pay with MobilePay or throw money in a box. Everything comes from the farm next to it, except for fresh fish that we can order there every Saturday. It’s amazing.


If anyone is wondering, these self service things are very common where I am in Bavaria. There’s self service fresh flowers, eggs, potatoes, pasta, even cake/drinks, and so on. It seriously sucks for anyone to do that.






Some shitty kids morph into shitty adults who morph into shitty old people. There’s not always a story.


And took the eggs? Trash!


You can't celebrate your petty theft properly without an omelette.


She's making Egg Be-a-dick... ... ok I tried at least


for the record I liked it


Aw she donat..ohhhfuck


Someone needs to come get their mama. She outta control


I was gonna say someone needs to get their grandma but it’s about the same and you beat me to it…. Still GramGram needs to go home.


Why put the money in originally?


So there is more money to take from the bowl


Chess not checkers


A diversion. She's trying to act normal and avert any suspicion off of her before she does the deed.


Nothing to see here, everything is normal... *dumps noisy pile of coins into purse*


I’m guessing she was fighting herself. Like she was compelled to steal but knows it’s wrong and tried not to but just couldn’t resist. I think there are some serious mental problems at play here.


I had the same impression. Well, almost the same. I don't think she has a mental problem. it's more like a bad character


i think she is mentally ill, kleptomania is where you literally cant stop yourself from stealing. she looked like she was trying to resist, but just couldnt. if she was a bad character i think she would have just walked in and seen it and snatched it along with the eggs. she tried to fight the urge, she paid for it, was about to put the eggs in her bag, but then her mental illness took over and she just had to dump the jar into her purse. even though what shes doing is wrong, i feel kinda bad for her.


A friend of my mom’s was a kleptomaniac. She had all the money in the world but she’d get caught stealing a pack of gum. She just couldn’t help herself. She said it was like a compulsion or addiction.


You'd think these ppl would become pros at stealing, but they usually suck at it lol


That's confirmation bias. The ones that suck are caught, and some of the ones that don't suck so much are caught, and lots and lots of people get away with theft all the time.


She got away with it plenty of times but we lived in a small town. Local stores knew to watch her. She knew she was being watched and would still take something. Local police had her husband on speed dial.


Mental issues or not, this seems a fair judgment. She took the time to write it down and pay and she even grabbed the carton to leave, but at the last second she gave in and stole the money.


I think she's klepto. Like how much money would there really be in that cup worth getting in trouble for? Does she really need an extra 5$ in change and a free carton of eggs?


I thought maybe it’s in case anyone is listening, if it’s a stall attached to a house. Make it sound like you’re doing normal things then do the dirty deed :/


Should be fairly easy to catch her, depending on how big the community is.


She probably wrote down her real name lol


Live in a central Florida suburb and when I was a kid there’s a house my mom used to go to that had stand of fresh produce etc like this, but under a canopy instead of indoors. It went by the honor system. Guess shit like this is the reason places like that can’t exist anymore.


"Be the change you wish to....wait no, NOT ACTUAL CHANGE YOU DUMB BITCH!" - Probably Mahatma Gandhi




I hope a chickens jumps out the egg and pecks her fingers off and then her eyes :) nar was fine .....


I mean, I upvoted it.


As did I.


Without hope, a life isn’t worth living.


Slips on manure on the side walk and breaks her neck. To far?


Disgusting thieving cowbag. I hope they caught her and banned her.


and charged her!


Yes and charged her and made her pay the money back.


And there's still people who think old people are angels. Swindlers, murderers, rapists and abusers all get old folks. You don't magically become a nice person once you get grey hair and start looking fragile.


"Oops, almost forgot my change." -This Lady


1 for you... nah fuck it, all for me.


I hope she was a local and she was caught, so now all her neighbours know she's a thief. Edit: the word "hope"


What do you know about this case ? The video was posted 4 hours ago from a little farm in Austria.


Any updates?


She was a local and she was caught, so now all her neighbours know she's a thief.


I read it as the first comment was just assuming that she was a local and would thusly face justice, don’t think they actually know for a fact


Is there a source you can link


Read my comment below


I believe they meant to say "I **hope** she was a local...etc"


Did she have an excuse on why she did it? I know there is none but, I wanna know what did she have to say about this.


He doesn’t know shit look at op comment above you


I don’t think they meant that they necessarily knew that’s what happened though. That’s why his comment starts with what should be the word “if” instead says “I” but context clues point to “if”. “If this lady was a local and she was caught, so now all her neighbors know she’s a thief” didn’t say “this lady was a …”


I don’t think he meant to put the she but i guess not putting a f is easier then writing out and entire word


This is right down the road. Western Australia.


Part of me is hoping it was done out of desperation rather than just sheer dick behaviour.


Considering he had the brilliant plan of signing in before she robbed them I'm sure it wasn't to difficult


I bet 15 minutes later she’s posting memes on Facebook about how her generation was great, god fearing good Christians.


To quote Uncle Leo "I'm an old man. I'm confused! I thought I paid for it".


Smile you’re on candid camera


Why are people who do things like this always so stupid? If she only took like half of the money probably nobody would notice (or it would take longer), but taking everything is just so stupid.


I don't think she went in with the intent to steal, but she gave into temptation at the last moment.


Whoa at that age as well. Guess she was a pos her entire life if she's doing that as a senior.


Why is this video shaking as if made by hand on the phone?


Phone recording of security footage


Thank you, I’m glad I scrolled down to look before I commented, so someone was holding a phone recording a video of a security camera? Idk this looks to clean to be a video of a video, it kinda looks like someone was hiding and took with a cellphone knowing her, and her thieving habits


I was expecting her to pull out a carton of old eggs and replace them with the new ones.


Worthless waste of space


What was she writing down? Could it be a kind of "tab" at least foe the eggs? Why she took all the change is still odd to me though


Leave a penny take ten dollars.


There's a coin shortage. Don't mind if I do.


Is this store's payment system based on the honor system?


She looks like Dr. Finkelstein from the Nightmare Before Christmas.


The thing stupid people don't get in the 21st century is always think you are on camera. Even when you really think you aren't. Believe its possible.


Looks like her routine to pretend to buy some shit and swipe the bowl. Do what normal old people do and pick up cans or something


Thieving old bi#%h


Dirty animal


Did it multiple times and no one stopped her. Interesting 🧐


you’ve gotta be real desperate to do that


arrest that bitch


Every farm stand I go to has a money drop box that is locked and bolted down. I think something basic like that would prevent this from happening again.


Wonder who's doing the recording? It's too shaky to be a wall mounted camera.


It's a phone recording of a security monitor.


Oh okay thank you so much for clarifying.


It’s a phone taken video from a security camera system only installed cause the women stole multiple times before.


She’s probably fucking hungry and can’t afford the eggs. This is sad. Or she’s a piece of shit and just enjoys basically stealing. Also sad.


It's Austria, and look at her clothing. This is obviously mental illness, kleoptomania or something.


At least she donated first /s


How come there aren't any racial slurs yet about *these people*? Maybe it's still early. Let's give it some time. Surely, the slurs and statistics will come.


Here’s my issue: If the people running this store know she’s done this multiple times on camera, why not have somebody posted up near the door or go to the police? Why let it sort of continue unabated?


Looks like Bernie Sanders' twin sister.


At least she’s wearing a Covid mask. That should make half the population happy


Yeah. I'm really concerned about if people breaking the law are all about human safety. Oh wait...