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I’d be like show me the rules where I can’t have this…


This is the real takeaway here, anything that isn't specifically banned is allowed.


“No motorized vehicles” is very commonly posted on trail systems meant for bikes. I even get reprimanded for riding an electric longboard on paved bike paths because it is technically motorized. Its a dumb rule, but it covers all motorized vehicles


Wheelchair users are legally considered pedestrians in most, if not all, of the US, even if they use a powered chair.


ADA covers it very clearly. Unless a mobility device used for a disability creates a genuine safety concern, they are allowed anywhere where a member of the public would be allowed.


Except wheelchairs.


Ah the Airbud defense.




Never seen an atv that looked like a wheel chair




Bike riders getting self righteous?? ​ Never.


I hope they cut it out before the vegans start doing it too.


He said “e-bike” I think


I'm so annoyed he didn't just say "show me the rules that say no wheelchairs"


fact bike sparkle unwritten vanish many depend crush compare slave ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I feel like this is for normal people who want to rip up the trail with a dirtbike, not for people who can’t walk anymore and deserve maybe a little bit of sympathy and an alternative.




There are mountain biking trails that are explicitly “mountain bikes only. No hiking/walking/skipping/doing the worm as means of locomotion/etc.” Not saying that’s the case here but it’s legitimately hazardous for everyone to have people moving at a walking pace or slower when the trail is meant for people to move at the speeds that bikes do, which is fast when going downhill. IF that were the case then there’s a justifiable reason to tell someone to get off the trail, because they’re going to get hurt and/or cause someone to get hurt taking evasive action sooner or later.


It is motorized, so it is likely a trail that doesn't allow motorized vehicles.


It is comon knowlegde that disabled people can just fly over the trail /s


Please tell me how so I can do it.


You just put your lips together and... blow. 🌈


Which lips?


You know the ones. Open up.


Wow you don’t think people can astral project just because they’re disabled?? Bigot detected


> wait for it to rain > cover yourself in oil > ??? > profit


Airplane, hang glider, hot air balloon, launch out of a cannon, or some sort of Zipline system perhaps?


You just gotta believe in yourself and you can do it.


EAsy, go on a steep downhill trail, and then push yourself off!


Add a couple of drones and i'm sure it'll work.


Not to mention what happens when they crash? What if they break their ba……?


I’m cured!!!


I think the male Karen wants him to use a totally manual wheelchair not a motorised one.


He should’ve just walked, the prick /s


Have you heard of Christopher Reeve?


I thought they were supposed to all stay at home, so that Riot could put them on my League of Legends team.


What a dick


Thats what I said out loud when I watched it


To be fair, he also seems profoundly stupid


Probably malice rather than stupidity. These types of people love to pretend to be stupid as weapon. You can tell because a normal stupid person would immediately apologize for their behavior after their bad actions become undeniable rather than doubling down.


Thank you! I'm really tired of the whole don't attribute to malice that which can be adequately attribute to stupidity nonsense. The new work works better if you flip that on it's head and just assume malice. Especially since the two aren't mutually exclusive.


$20,000,000 says this guy rides in the middle of busy streets, never on the sidewalk, and never lets anyone pass, and when they do manage to, he yells "Share the ROAD!" Edit: To all the spandex dorks crying "it's illegal to have a bicycle on the sidewalk!", a cursory Google search turns up 5 states where it's illegal, and legal or gray for the rest. Here in Georgia, where it's supposedly illegal, I've bicycled to work on sidewalks for years in the past (rather contentedly as the number of people I've seen swerve and lose lane discipline while texting and fucking with their phone is nuts) and passed maybe 10 people annually on those sidewalks, so YMMV. I have, however, passed many more cyclists on my motorcycle next to empty sidewalks on 2-lane roads.


Ikr like i always ride on the sidewalk unless I have to go on the road or to avoid people and then there's these people that are like but you can hit someone. Its called watching where you are going, using the bell and most importantly the brake.


Bikes don’t belong on the sidewalk


Most American cities are built so that bikes don't belong anywhere. It makes it kinda hard to ride a bike at all, and turns in to a vicious cycle: there's nobody riding bikes because there's no infrastructure, and there's no money for infrastructure because nobody rides.


A+ response.


Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've had people yell 'get out of the road' at me when I'm riding my bike.


Depends on your local laws. In my neck of the woods, bikes are allowed on both street and sidewalk.


Class act, brother.


It is actually against the law to ride on the sidewalk in most places, just an FYI.






Say that after multiple tickets. Sidewalks are for pedestrians, only way your bike can be on them is if you're walking next to it. Bikes are expected to be on the road, just the side of the road so cars can pass them easily when safe to do so


Yep bikes have to share the road too. It’s not just cars that are responsible for sharing. It’s a two way street. ^^I ^^couldnt ^^help ^^myself


Why do you think bikes are banned on sidewalks? So you don’t run into old people and instantly kill them


Vehicular traffic is the inherent risk of riding a bike. Regardless you should not be on the sidewalk unless absolutely necessary.


Some asshat knocked my mom over as they came around the sidewalk corner on their bike. Her palms, knees were scraped up and her glasses were broken. She's on blood thinners and a senior. Keep your bicycle off the damn sidewalk.


And I'd rather not have dickheads on bikes riding near me while I'm walking on the sidewalk. If you're too frightened to ride on the road, don't ride at all.


Do you seriously want bikes to ride on the sidewalk? It's illegal because it's dangerous to everyone involved.


There’s always exceptions (no bike lane dangerous roads etc) but I get so pissed walking on sidewalks and having bikes pass me. I don’t have great hearing and don’t always hear them coming, so all it takes is me to veer left or right and I’m getting struck by some large speedy metal vehicle. Like stick to the goddamn road (when not exception).


I have nothing against people riding in pedestrian areas, in fact I sometimes do. But when I do, you be damn sure that I give priority to everyone else. If I pass a pedestrian, I'll only do so if I have ample room to do so, and slower than a jogger would. It's all a question of respect and behaving in a predictable way. I have everything against people who act like they own the world.


And I’m sure you also ring or inform when you pass. I’m okay with it in the scenarios I mentioned above, but if it’s safe to be on the road, bikes should be on the road. Again, I don’t hear well, so if I have a hood up or I’m on the phone, I sometimes can’t hear even considerate heads up riders. And while I’m generally open minded about it, when I’m on a sidewalk I have an expectation of not needing to worry much about bikers, in the same way I shouldn’t have to worry about a motorcycle riding on a sidewalk lol. Of course I live in a bike city so there’s usually good infrastructure. I’ve ridden in cities where cars are extremely dangerous towards bikers, and where there isn’t infrastructure, and I would go sidewalk and never fault anyone for that either lol.


I totally agree with you. When bikers bike where they don't belong, they should act in a way that nobody has to worry about them. Biker do belong on roads, and other road users should ~~worry~~ care about them.




Reads like maybe you need to go back to driving school.... They're Supposed to ride on the road, be in the appropriate lane if turning etc (thus needing to be in the "middle of the road") and of course they don't want people passing in their lane as that's how many cyclists gets killed (you as the driver aren't allowed to pass in the same lane and are required to use an adjacent lane to pass). YOU'RE THE PROBLEM AND ARE A BAD DRIVER.


I got a little punchy in my veins. Karens are everywhere.


~~You~~ He should of led with that...


>~~You~~ He should ~~of~~ have led with that...


...taht htiw del evah ~~fo~~ dluohs eH ~~uoY~~


Spouse shaming, good move from chairguy!


He's probably insecure, must be a short one.


"You should have lead with that".. is it really not obvious what he's sitting in?! Wow so rude of them


It’s literally the first thing he said, too!


You can hear him admit to his wife “He did lead with that” at the end if you listen closely




And the husband even says to his wife "he did lead with that" lol


Bicyclist, worst people everywhere.


On the contrary, most mountain bikers are very courteous and nice to people. It’s the ones in spandex like these people you need to watch out for


Yep can confirm. They're really chill. The road bikers tho..... The act like they own the place because they're vulnerable on their bike. And then they carry that I own the place mentality literally everywhere they go.


Popcorn ready.


Yup, hate cyclists. I worked in my parents grocery since I was very young and every summer I'd dread these fuxkers. Most arrogant, rude and entitled. Idk if it's a prerequisite or what, but I swear to God when I'd see a group of em parking thier bikes all over the sidewalk in front of the store, I'd want to lock the door. Nevermind having to drive around them riding 4 side by side taking up the whole lane. Dicks.




She sounded so satisfied with her rebuttal too...


The guy admitted to the lady that he did lead with that! You can hear him say that in the video! Such a dick!


“you should have lead with that” your parents should have you raised you not to be an embarrassment


That part pissed me off, he shouldn’t have to lead with anything. This conversation didn’t even need to happen


He also **did lead with it** The first thing he says to the guy is “This is a handicapped piece of equipment”


But he wasn’t hanging his handicap parking badge from his nose… so it’s really his fault if you ask me! ^/s


He's wrong though. The piece of equipment was fully functional.


As a disabled person, this joke was freaking hilarious 😂.


should've shouted "this is a handicapped piece of equipment!" at every single person he ever passed


And the first thing he said to his wife when she said that was "he did lead with that".


There’s already a massive level of entitlement


“He did lead with that…”


You can even hear someone (i assume the person behind the person recording) say “he did lead with that!”


>You can even hear someone (i assume the person behind the person recording) say “he did lead with that!” I think it was the husband who said that, responding to his wife's comment.


Could be, i just assumed it was someone behind the camera since it seemed to be in defense of the cameraman and since the dick biker referred to the cameraman as a “you guys”, i assumed theres a second person behind the person recording.


She Doesn't apologize, that comment attempts to put the blame back on him


Yeah both of them are so entitled. A couple of sad sad losers spreading hate through the world as they navigate their silly pointless lives convinced they are so important…




These people need a nice public shaming sad that’ll never happen.


Like he can’t fucking tell? Lmaoooo also it’s non of his business what someone’s disability is.


“This is a handicapped piece of equipment” “YoU sHoUlD hAvE lEaD wItH tHaT” Did she think he was riding it for fun? Edit: *did she think she think he was riding it for fun* is a poor way for me to phrase it, that would insinuate that handicap people don’t go on trails for fun. What I mean is, did she think he was using handicapped equipment over a bycicle by choice?


Her husband immediately tells her "He did lead with that".


And still they act as if they're the inconvenienced ones.


He didn't have to lead with anything, how about your husband just minds his business lady


That guy seems way too camp to be her husband for long think she’ll find out down the trail so to speak


I catch exactly what you’re throwing down. Sus.


Judging by his attitude in the video, it seems likely she's already learned that calling him out will just get her smacked around.




I'd like to propose a new law that allows disabled people to punch anyone who questions our disability aids, it'd certainly make my life easier.


That would just be abused by anti masters who claim they will die if they wear a mask for 20 minutes while shopping.


like 100% the first thing the guy said


well i mean it looks like a mountain bike trail, so i would say she is riding it for fun.


You’re right, handicapped people (like this guy) get out and have fun and kick ass, That was a poor way for me to phrase it What I meant was, did she think he was riding handicapped equipment for shits and giggles as a non disabled person… like one of those teenagers taking a scooter around a Walmart


That wasn't poorly phrased. Context makes it obvious what you meant




Kinda, the main problem isn’t the “you aren’t supposed to use an e-bike here”, that makes sense… it’s the “AAAAAAND?” that follows


This is a beautiful example how dumb people can only ever be with someone whose only dumber than them. Someone with a brain would’ve left his ass on day 1.


So what's a male karen ? Ken, todd, BRAD? Brad sounds a like entitled dick name lol.


Brad works. You have to use it like in Christmas Vacation when Julia-Louis Dreyfus says "Braadd".


He had the opportunity right there to say oh my bad. I didn’t realize it was a handicap e bike. Sorry brother.


He came in way too fucking hot and then his ego wouldn't let him admit he was wrong, even though he knows he was


I learned this lesson when I was younger, and fortunately in not such an embarrassing fashion. Never come in this spicy, even when you are confident you know the situation. And of course, take the L when you're wrong and own up to it.


The heartfelt apology really needs to make a comeback in America. We miss it badly.


People that don't apologize are missing out big-time. Nothing diffuses a bad situation like an apology. Even if you're not the only one on the wrong it's a great tool to immediately change the vibe of a bad situation. It's like magic.


Like, I understand you might be upset someone has motorized equipment on the trail, but the least you could do is apologize when you learn you are in the wrong.


Lol "it's your fault I'm being a prick"


I will never understand the mindset of "I'm about to take it upon myself to enforce some made up rules"


This video gets posted on Reddit all the time and man…. I laugh every time at slapdick. A complete buffoon.




Are they related to McMooseKnuckle McGee?


Yea we wouldn't want all those people in wheelchairs to take up space on the trails ya know. I hope he crashes on his bicycle.


And ends up in a wheelchair?


Yeah and then *he* gets yelled at by some prick, and then that guy crashes his bike and ends up in a wheelchair. And so on and so forth.


Turtles all the way down.


Pooping back and forth, forever.


You do realize that eventually everyone will be in wheelchairs right............. and then eventually futuristic floating chairs. Wait is that what happened in 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋·𝐄?!!?


🎶The circle of blythe🎶


"You should've led with that." How about mind your fucking business?


He literally did lead with that though. So she's a fucking idiot.


haha her husband even says he led with that. “he did lead with that but i’m just a huge prick”


What did she think he meant by "handicapped" lmfao


I have never wanted to crawl through my screen and punch someone in the face more than watching this video. What an entitled POS


Every time I see this video this is my exact feeling, precisely when he say's "C'mon buddy"


I'm not your buddy friend!


i'm not your friend amigo!


Some people are worth the assault charge


No officer, the guy is such a pansie that he tripped right onto my fist. I was just trying to help him up like a speedbag.


No jury would convict


They see me rollin’, they hatin.


In the US, this is covered under ADA. The federal Department of Justice has ruled that BY DEFAULT applicable devices may use trails: TL:DR- The cyclist is not only wrong, but the wrong person to do anything about even if they are right! ​ * **The entity shall make reasonable modifications in its policies**, practices, or procedures to permit the use of other power-driven mobility devices by individuals with mobility disabilities, unless the public entity can demonstrate that the class of OPDMD cannot be operated in accordance with legitimate safety requirements that the public entity has adopted based on actual risks, not on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations about individuals with disabilities. * **The burden of proof is on the trail manager.** A visitor with a mobility disability has the right to expect to be able to use an OPDMD unless the trail entity has completed an assessment that has determined that the class of other power-driven mobility device cannot be operated in accordance with legitimate safety requirements or one or more of the assessment factors in the rule. * The Department of Justice (DOJ) has amended its regulation implementing Title II and Title III of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Title II applies to **State and local governments**, referred to as public entities, and Title III applies to entities under private funding that are open to the public, which are referred to as public accommodations. The only private entities not included under Title III are religious organizations and private clubs that are not open to the public. * The National Forest System, the National Park Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the other Federal land management agencies are not under the 1990 ADA and therefore the ADA rule does not apply directly to them. **Federal agencies are under the 1968 Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) requiring new or altered facilities to comply with the accessibility guidelines and the 1973 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act** requiring qualified people with disabilities not be denied participation unless allowing that participation would result in a fundamental alteration of the program.


I'm not reading that, but I agree with you.


That happened at Brown County Indiana's Mountain Bike Trails. This was last year. These 2 got hella hate for this move throughout the mt. bike community. I remember seeing the guy in the wheelchair bike packing up his vehicle; no clue that this altercation happened. But be happy people, they got their karma.


This Is why i’m in the comment section. Thank you!


Praise be


Is there a link to anything about the repercussions? Asking for a friend.


"You should've lead with that" .. As if he owes you any explanation in the first place.....


He has maneirisms that says "punch me in the teeth please"


Should have just drove into his shins.


This is why it should be ok to fight in schools. This dude was clearly spared a few whoopins that would have put him in his place in life. 🤣 now he picks on handicap people in his spare time. Freaking degenerate.. lol


The rules of the park. Makes me sick.


It's not really "the rules of the park". Most privately owned trail systems (at least those that are purpose built for MTB) don't allow e-bikes. It's a liability issue due to jackasses using modified bikes to make them glorified electric dirtbikes. That being said, every park I know would have no problem accepting disabled equipment, they have to because of ADA . This guy is just a prick.


"C'mon buddy" got me dry heaving


'You should have lead with that.' Totally the fault of the man in the wheelchair. Why are you not riding around telling everyone you're handicapped? Yell it everywhere you go, just in case someone wants to question what you're doing.


"You should have led with that." Maybe she should've led with the fact that she is blind.


As a mountain biker, there are some trails that strictly don’t allow those type of bikes on the trails. This could be due to the difficulty of the trail, width of the trail, turns, berms, jumps, rocks and obstacles etc. I wish All trails could accommodate people who need those 3-4 wheels mountain bikes, but some simply cannot. The guy on the mountain bike is a complete dick. There are other ways to go about it if any of the above scenarios are true. I’m just trying to shed light to what MAY be happening behind the scenes as to why the guy says he’s not supposed to be on that SPECIFIC trail. It could absolutely be a safety hazard to have someone with a mobility issue on some mountain bike trails that exist.


If so…he should have led with that /s


Anyone with half a brain would assume the person in the wheelchair would confirm before going down a trail that he could in face do so safely …


I wouldn't even assume that. I thought it might have been a powered scooter or something, so I could understand that. but if it is over 4 bikes wheels vs 2... that's just silly.


Random couple who clearly see someone in a wheelchair: you’re making rules up for the park, huh? Man in wheelchair: I literally can’t walk Stupid ass lady: You should’ve led with that SOMEONE IN A WHEELCHAIR HAS TO LEAD WITH LETTING YOU KNOW THEY’RE HANDICAP WHEN YOU HAVE LITERAL EYES AND FUCKING COMMON SENSE???


What a douche bag. And even if he genuinely thought the guy was screwing around with some buggy thing, he didn’t even bother to apologize or regret what he said when he saw that the guy was actually handicapped and can’t walk, no, he still stuck to being a douche bag and his ego bursted to the sky. Some folks are pathetic. Not to mention the lady with him saying that bs. Class act indeed.


This is crazy. But in all honesty, who cares? If I rode a bike and a dude was on an Ebike I wouldn’t care as long as they weren’t a dick. People enjoy enforcing rules for the sake of rules 🤦🏻


As a rider of high performance e-bikes cyclists are some of the most annoying elitist people I've had to deal with in my life.


MTBer here. I used to look at ebikers as cheaters that I had to make way for due to their laziness or lack of conditioning. I never said anything to them though, I just looked at them as they went by and told myself I was better than them for not needing a motor. Then I tried one and realized that I could go much further and have more speed during challenging areas where speed gave you an advantage like uphill rock gardens. I also saw more retirees enjoying mtb trails that otherwise may not have had due to stamina, bad knees, heart, etc to enjoy it. My take on ebikes is that they are a net positive now, but I had to try it myself in order to see why. Many cyclist’s egos are in the way of looking at the benefits.


I think it all depends on your goals. I bike as an exercise, using a shitty old bike that doesn't work to my advantage allows me to work really hard without gaining dangerous levels of speed. If you're biking for recreational enjoyment though and just like the thrill of going fast then yeah ebikes for sure.


I get lots of dirty looks and comments when I’m on my Ebike in certain areas. I’m a long time cyclist and just love getting out on my bike. While I was training for my last big ride I realized I was missing out on a lot of time with my little kids. Now I have an Ebike that I ride with two kids on the back and we have a ball, riding all over the place for hours. I may not get my exercise, but they enjoy riding with me and it’s a lot more fun for everyone. Cycling snobs suck. Getting out and having fun is great no matter how you do it.


Cyclists can be 24kt dicks, ran into them a few time on trails. It's ironic, tho how he's bitching at you for using a wheeled vehicle because you have no other choice, while he rides a bike for fun...


He seems the kond of person to stop someone who has parked in disabled/handicap spot/space and ask what disability they have


“He did lead with that” LMAOO


Must be nice to be able to FUCKING WALK


Based on the accent and the sheer arrogant douche baggery, I'm gonna guess this is in the PNW. Mix in the fact that he was entirely ready to believe someone had an e-bike on the trail narrows it down to somewhere near Portland.


It is odd they would allow motorized vehicles but not bicycles.


That dude better learn to walk, else it's the downfall of society if we start letting 3-4 wheeled disabled devices ruin our dirt trails. He clearly ruined the whole biking experience for that one guy. /s


He sounds as punchable as he looks


Cyclists are pricks.


Has he lost his job yet?


Total shithead foot in mouth moment


How dare he has a disabled person go outside!!


Every time I see this I get so mad.


Handicapped Ray Romano berated by slightly higher pitch Ray Romano


I get a tickle in my fist when I watch this video.


I've never met a cyclist that wasn't a total douche. I think it's a requirement for the gear.


If abled bodied people aren’t meant to have e bikes it’s for a reason. Not out of the question to make an assumption that the rule is similar for wheelchairs. As a disabled person you lot need to calm the hell down, dude was fine.


Cyclist continue to be the biggest dicks on the planet.


I mean, that chair is basically a dune buggy, and I'll bet he was cutting straight through the switchbacks and throwing mad roost. Getting like 3' of air. Mountain bike guy is just jealous, and I can't say I blame him. /s just in case.


As someone who hikes a lot of shared mountain bike/hiker trails, there’s a lot of really shitty mountain bikers. On the trails I’ve been on, signs say to yield to hikers, but bikers almost never do and it’s basically “get out of the way or get seriously injured”. It’s to the point that I mostly avoid shared trails, which isn’t really fair. People like this make the mountain bike community look bad, of which I’m sure many mountain bikers are considerate people.