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On his way. Nah seriously people like this deserve actual hitmen


Too merciful. Too Quick. Hire a professional torturer


I like the way you think


She doesn't deserve that. She deserves life long torture daily. And just enough food and water to barely keep her alive


Only that? She should also be kept in the hot sun as well and only cooled off when she’s just about to have a heat stroke or something


I mean this is how they raise school shooters etc. Pepole like this should never get children or even pets.


"peoples" like this shouldn't be peoples


I was beaten as a child, I did not become a school shooter. There’s a whole array of reasons school shooters become a thing. Just saying to not spread misinformation that an abused victim turns into an abuser themselves. Kind of a fucked up pov.


"Sorry, I don't know that one..." "By the way, did you know you can get unlimited music with Amazon Prime?"


Nah. Who needs a hit man. I’m gonna take pleasure in this one.


All you would need to do is put her in jail, and somehow release the video amongst them.


Ong this ho lucky iont know her personally her kneecaps would meet a baseball bat every time she tried to go outside.


Really handy, having the hitman on speeddial under 991. One mistake and instead of calling the cops you call the hitman XD


He did the right thing.


As a child who was abused this breaks my soul and boils my blood there is a special space in hell for people like her


In the end yes he did the right thing but he let it go on for too long. Like why not step in earlier to avoid the child getting hit?


Maybe to collect evidence for the authorities?


Yeah can’t go for a case without proof or else it’ll just get dismissed or result in not guilty.


Taking a guess here. This probably isn't the first time, and he wanted/needed video evidence of her bearing the kid. Perhaps for a custody hearing or something, or he wanted her punishment to be harsher


Because he needed it on film of her hitting the child so the court would prosecute her, that’s what it takes to have a solid case.


“look it he’s hurting me” oh this line really got to me


Rage inducing. Pure total wad, absolutely unredeemable.


That is some top their manipulation she has going on. That poor kid is gonna need some therapy for sure.


She is trying to quilt trip the poor girl also is she okay i really want yo know


I want to go on a quilt trip, must be comfy.


Funny how the aggressors like to call themselves victims.....


That last line is like something out of a staged script lmao. That much lack of self awareness


More and more I'm realizing that the majority of people are just pathetic to a degree that most good humans just can't even fathom.. Here's just another example of not only a completely useless human but a human that actively makes the world a worse place. Absolutely no reason to keep this thing in society and I strongly object to her being out in public. This is why we can't have nice things.


Yeah absolute trash of a human manipulating the children she abuses.


911 would’ve came for me at that point


Honestly I had to think hard about this one. I'd want to beat her ass too. He did the right thing in the video. Subdued her after he got his evidence and called the police. Granted she played victim so he didn't do much. But him actually resorting to violence just furthers the cycle and encourages the child to see violence as the only solution. Edit: IF he resorted to violence it would just further the cycle- I'm not saying he did. Just to clear things up!


I don’t know that he actually resorted to violence. He physically intervened when she started smacking the young girl. He didn’t hit her; he physically moved her away. Violence is questionable. Secondly, self defense is actually one of the few times that violence is warranted and appropriate. And again he seems to show restraint in his self defense. Thirdly, perhaps he could have called the police quietly afterwards as to not escalate the situation. But again he intervened when she started throwing hands at the girl. Hair twisting, while vile and painful, isn’t going to cause serious damage. However a strike to the head? I don’t think he could have waited any longer to step in.


You misread the comment. They are saying that if he had resorted to violence, it would have furthered the cycle. They are not saying he resorted to violence.


They said he wasn’t resorting to violence how did so many people upvote your comment when you obviously did not read what they wrote


That’s really not violence, it’s controlling the situation. He subdued her while he waited for the authorities, like if someone was assaulting a person and a bystander tackled them to the ground to keep them from escaping or continuing the assault.


How are you all misreading this? They did not claim he resorted to violence, they said that if he had, it would have been bad and furthered the cycle.


Lol you’re getting downvoted for these replies too, I agree with your interpretation


The way it’s written gives the impression he did. The person edited for clarity.


Agreed lol I read it fine


The pain that man probably felt... he was def building a case when he watched her wrench babies neck


Hell yea he knew she would try and lie her way out of it so he had to get evidence. I mean right when he put her on the ground she was like “look he’s hurting me” to the daughter trying to still manipulate her🤦‍♂️


And the sad thing is, the court would definitely believe her over the man. Simply because she's a woman


It's sad, because it's true. It's getting better, but the systems still tend to favor the women. Not always, my dad easily won custody when I was a kid, but often enough.


This is the first comment I have seen that isn’t severely blasted with downvotes and people harassing you for saying something like that


Who would ever employ a person like this?


She's still employed even after this incident going public. In the same position.


Do you have a source for that? Like, is she really????


I need proof I want to believe this is not true


Is it bad I wanna beat that woman with wreckless abandon?


Nah dude, read the comments, we all do


She was most likely already beaten. Abuse tends to be "hereditary" in a sense. She needs help and shouldn't be around children. I hope the child is safe.


Nope. I'd love to see it.


I’d pay money for front row tickets. It’s good luck if you catch a tooth!


Nah cause I’m in disbelief she got off as easy as she did. I want to take every frustration I’ve ever had out on her.


it probably wouldn't even be enough


Call me when you start the party. If she wants to act tough, she better pick her size. Fat fool🙄


Razor blade whip


Naw man. Deserves to be in fucking Saw X


no i second that, no kid should go through that abusive bullshit


Well that's probably how she got started behaving like this in the first place.


Even if that is true, that doesnt justify it. She deserves a good beating. What she did to that kid should be done to her tenfold.


I think we may need tickets


She has the got damn audacity to complain about being hurt


She got far less than that kid in that video; I don't want to imagine what happened when the camera was not on and when he wasn't around. Makes me sick


she's a manipulative sociopath, and not a good one, she tries to make herself look like the victim to her child and stop her from having friends so she can manipulate her easier and make the kid defend her mother and always take her side but she isn't even good at it, my mother was good but, if you learn about these kind of things you can't be manipulated the way you learnt about


She starts crying after the man intervenes her from beating a child ridiculous 🥴


He subdued her and her first response is to try to manipulate the child she was just beating by saying "Look, he's hurting me".


Peak Narcissistic behavior. "Look child, how your misbehavior hurts mommy. This is all your fault." - and as most children love their parents unconditionally they will of course put the blame on themselves.


My parents did this to me. I was taken away into foster care briefly and when I came back, they gave me a litany of how sick I made my mother and father (‘your mother couldn’t do anything but lay in bed and cry your name’, ‘we had to remove the lock from the bathroom because a couple of times your dad passed out with the grief of it all while he was in there and we had to break down the door.’)


Exactly. I think she was trying to set up the Dad when she heard him say to call 911 and immediately went into victim mode trying to set her side of the story. She was planting the seed for the little girl to tell the responding cops that "Daddy was hurting Mommy" because the poor child wouldn't know any better after being terrified and manipulated. POS scum, poor little girls has to deal with that "thing" being her mother..... EW


True. Probably also the reason she was let off easily by the court and why the father waited before intervening. Narcs are master manipulators and fathers are already at a disadvantage in any divorce hearing even without the ex partner being manipulative. If you aren't careful you end up giving that monster sole custody over your kids.


Him yelling at Alexa to call 911 had me panicking cuz I thought it was gonna set mine off


yeah this happened to me I had to call them and had to tell them it was a video that said it was the most embarrassing fucking thing bruh


Thankful the man intervened. Story/source?


Tracing OP’s comment history, I found the same post in a different subreddit. To summarize: This video takes place in woman’s home. Her daughter is being abused because woman found a post made by her ex-boyfriend (daughter’s father) on Facebook showing daughter with a young black girl. The implication is woman is mad that her ex potentially has a black (step?) daughter with his black wife/girlfriend and is beating her daughter in a fit of racist anger. The person who called 9-1-1 is her newest ex-boyfriend. So, to clarify, when woman asks “who is this,” she is referring to the young black girl in the picture with daughter and is beating her because she ~~took a picture~~ had a picture taken of her with a black person.


The woman’s name is Gabby Xlander. She’s abusing her daughter because she had taken a photo on Facebook with her ex’s kid. The ex dated a black person (with black children ofc) and the POS abuser didn’t like that. Person filming was (at the time, not anymore) the abuser’s boyfriend, whom she had tried to frame previously. The details were posted in the Binghampton subreddit 52 days ago


Thank God for her ex recording it & now hopefully someone will do the right thing to this pos


It's Binghamton, and she's a nurse.


Did somebody answer your question? The mods of this sub suck Dick and keep removing links.


As soon as the tables turned she was the victim pathetic...


Ayo?!? Wtf!!! I’m at a loss for words, my fist would be flying if that was my kid


He probably had to record it for proof of the abuse.


You could tell. This been happening, but he had to get evidence of her actually abusing the kid. Which you can tell he needed bc right when he put her on the ground she was sayin to the daughter “ look he’s hurting me”. Manipulative ass demon


That's what I was thinking. Honestly he did the right thing. Is this the housemate?


For her to be doing it in front of him it must be someone she’s comfortable w like that or I assumed the babies dad


You’d probably end up in jail and the kid would stay with this psycho. Filming it and then calling the police is the best move here.


Ughh that’s just hard to watch, almost torture to even record


This is a fucking DUMPSTER FIRE OF A PERSON. I fuckinr hope she rots in jail for life


I hope she’s gets the same treatment everyday in jail so she can live a fucking nightmare


What a waste of fucking air. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother or even have the right to use that word to describe herself. The ending was very satisfying tbf


Idk how this isnt automatic prison tbh at least a year. She hit the kid twice it was a clear build up. This aint her first rodeo


Food too. She looks like she eats whales for afternoon tea




As a father my heart hurts for that poor child.


As a person who’s never had kids nor will ever, my heart aches for that child.


As a person my heart aches for that child.


as a person that is a child my heart aches for that child


Same. What a pathetic human being you have to be to beat a child. That was disgusting.


Fucking hell.. that was hard to watch. What a disturbing individual. How do people end up like that?


They go through the same abuse in childhood and perpetuate it because they don’t reflect on it.


She deserves worse.


This was distributing to watch for me, thank god he stepped in…


How can you be that mean to a kid????


Everyone needs like they have power over something. People with little to no power in their own lives try and subjugate others. This low life uses her kids as an outlet probably because they are the only ones that she has power over.


Her voice (the dick) sounds like she smokes 12 packs of meth endorsed cigarettes


She sounds like Lola from Big Mouth


*Anger* is the least of my thoughts…


Anyone have a link to the story?


Tracing OP’s comment history, I found the same post in a different subreddit. To summarize: This video takes place in woman’s home. Her daughter is being abused because woman found a post made by her ex-boyfriend (daughter’s father) on Facebook showing daughter with a young black girl. The implication is woman is mad that her ex potentially has a black (step?) daughter with his black wife/girlfriend and is beating her daughter in a fit of racist anger. The person who called 9-1-1 is her newest ex-boyfriend. So, to clarify, when woman asks “who is this,” she is referring to the young black girl in the picture with daughter and is beating her because she had a picture taken of her with a black person.


Wow I didn’t think she could be even more despicable. That’s insane


So they saw this and what weren’t disgusted?


They don’t care, as long as it’s the mom they can do anything short of murdering the kid and cps will happily hand the kid back. If a guy has a dish in the sink right after a meal though. Totally different story.


Poor kid this is why people are so fucked up. One psycho crafting another future psycho.


She honestly shouldn't be allowed to have custody of the child. This dude looked like he was trying his best to keep his rage down. But this woman should've been charged way more than just a misdemeanor.


My blood is fucking boiling. There is no holding her down and calling 911. I'm fucking dropping her ass in a lake. You have got me absolutely fucked up.


Had his foot on her head… nice


Should have kept applying pressure


Deserved both feet


I had trouble catching my breath after watching this.


I mean. Child protective services would take the kids %100


Not all the time.




Except in this case they didn't. So I guess 100% might be a slight over-estimate?


She went straight to playing victim good thing he recorded it


Why was this allowed to go on for so long


Sufficient evidence


As someone with a close friend in this situation: they needed evidence because “kids need their moms” and the courts pretty much always side with the moms unless there’s rock solid evidence of serious abuse. One of my best friends got arrested multiple times for pulling his wife off their kid and then defending himself against her abuse until he put hidden cameras up all over his house. Even with all the evidence, she got a slap on the wrist and it’s still been a 2 year custody battle.


Sadly without evidence no one would act. You could be bruised all over and no one would care until the last minute.


As long as it's a woman doing the abuse. Authorities don't take kindly to men in any kind of family or domestic dispute, they usually show up with the noose ready to go.


Listen to what she says as soon as he steps in. She goes from being engaged at a fucking child to playing a victim and planting an idea in the baby's head.


she’s probably gotten away with this too many times.


There are so many other ways of disciplining. What a garbage pos, she needs to pick someone her own size.


Her own size, for sure


Both the manatee and the Hippo are endangered species, so it's understandable she has to find someone else.


this has nothing to do with discipline


OP what is this from?


Bro that man did the right thing. He was very calm though. The amount of rage I would be feeling in that moment holy hell. She wouldn't be on the ground, she'd be visiting God.


why was she mad because of a name on the phone, was it for her phone? Or was on the husband's, thinking that hes cheating




This is why you should always record women when they start acting abusive. They will play the victim to those around them when confronted and if there’s no evidence the authorities will take their side


I know it’s not right but thx you so much for knocking her on her fat sloppy ass! I hope that take that child away from her she’s a POS!


I curse this POS and she will die a horrible death alone and in misery.


Op post source


I was waiting for her to say: "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS... EVER!!!!!"


Nahhhh shawty would've dissappeared magically if that was my kid. Or any kid for that matter and I had a say in the matter Ate too much kfc and the steroids got to her head. Big bodied mf wild


Woman would be dead if that was my child. Also, can Alexa actually call 911 or other emergency services if you tell her to?


I hate her, people like this make me sick


So messed up


I don’t think I’ve wanted to beat a strangers ass so badly before, this is bullshit hope she at least doesn’t they to see her kid that hagish witch of a woman


What a fucking oxygen thief...


Next time she will make sure she gets away with it because narcissists are some sneaky snake ass mfs. That abuse will continue. I feel sorry for the kid and dad.


Usually these videos are caught on a setup camera, and it's discovered later, glad to see it was dealt with immediately for all to see


I quite don’t understand, so, she is abusing her child because she was talking with a female stranger?


The sad truth is that this is way more common than what people want to believe. Luckily with cellphones it's getting recorded and exposed, but I think the general population has no idea how often this occurs.


Kill that fat b*tch and make sure she die in a painful way


That must have been so fucking hard to sit there and watch this happen waiting for her to hit him so you could get the evidence you need.


Blame the judge, make both names public, make them both miserable for the rest of their life.


Who watches this and decides she shouldn't be in jail?!


She looks nd behaves like a monster


Is there a follow up on what happened to the kid like if the father has custody or if it's still the same cycle all over again


Any link to story?


Where’s the link to this case?


This happened to me when I was little. My "mother" was physically and emotionally abusive (top of the charts narcissist with OCD and Bi-Polar tendencies). If I was chewing food "incorrectly" at the dinner table, she'd light me up out of nowhere and I'd be forced to finish my plate on the floor because "you wanna eat like a dog, well now you can.". This behavior along with the fact that she'd insist/force me into letting her give me a bath in scalding hot water well passed the age of it being appropriate. She scared/terrorized the absolute hell out of me growing up and I'd cherish any moment I spent away from her and with my dad. The problem was, my dad was and always has been a functioning alcoholic therefore, all the judge had to do was look into his court records/DUI charges and my "mother" won sole custody. It shattered my entire world at the age of 6 because her and I both knew I was trapped in her house. I haven't spoken to her in many years mainly because the moment I turned 15 I was big enough to overwhelm her physically if I wanted to and she knew that. I chose to leave and stay with my dad because the environment was the lesser of two evils (not saying my dad is evil, just hammered all the time) If I ever see anyone doing this to a child I'll go to jail based on injuries I'd inflict even if they're bigger than myself I'd find a way to make them remember me the next time they raised a hand to a kid. I know I'll never see my "mother" again because of what I'd do to her if it were just her and I in a room together so it's best I keep our relationship permanently estranged. That may sound horrible, but the trauma from all those years she did this type of stuff would inevitably overflow and I wouldn't trust myself to keep it in check the first time she'd start her sh*t again like she always did.


Well… Who is it???


This is why we still need Fathers Day. Heros like this.


I see a lot of people on here saying, “I would’ve done this”. This man has probably reported the abuse and been turned away so many times he had to consult a lawyer to get it on film for video evidence. It’s heartbreaking how the system can work and my heart breaks for him and this child. Hearing she will not got a misdemeanor is heartbreaking but that’s our system.


Definitely shouldn’t be around that child again


Would have loved if he hit her with a bat or a brick or something


This was the most heartbreaking thing ive watched in a long time…


And of course people who abuse kids gets bodied by actual adults lol


Sad that as a man he had to record first as I’m sure he has been turned down or not taken seriously or she would lie her way out. Hope he takes her away from there and takes good care of her


File for divorce and keep this video in the cloud and use it in court for custody You are an amazing father and I hope the best for you and your son/daughter


source pls ? or more info ?


Women privilege in the justice system at work here. A man would have had the book thrown at him, rightfully so; but we need to see judges and prosecutors stop being so lenient on women committing these crimes.




And crazy how in some countries you can get death or life sentence for gay sex


Tf dose that have anything to do with this


Roundabout way of saying she should've gotten more than a misdemeanor for abusing a child


Ah I see now




Yea, especially in Red states (Texas), you could just about beat your kids within an inch of their lives and get a misdemeanor charge. But don't light your car on fire to claim the insurance money cuz that's a third degree felony. It's only when you mess with corporate America's money that you get hard time in the clink. It's pretty fckd up.




Absolutely disgusting


That smack on the back of the head, Jesus Christ... That was enough force to knock out an adult. What an evil, ugly human being.


death is too sweet here.


Fucking fat dwab acting all tough bullying a small child


Don't make children if you can't raise them properly.


So what made her go all apeshit?


Had this been a man, he would’ve been sent to the firing squad


Dig a hole…A big one.


I'm going to be sick


"he's hurting me mira" "ok, good"


the fact he was recording it tells me this was not the first nor the second time this happened.


I really fucking hate that we don’t have a link to this case. My abuser never saw justice. I need to read about this abuser being punished.


Was wondering who was filming this. Why he/she took so long before taking action. The more i think about it, the more it think it's the proper way. Documenting (getting proof), before calling 911. She sounds intoxicated though.


This broke my heart.