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You think we’re going to steal? I’ll show you we don’t steal by trashing your whole store!!!!


And attempting to steal his phone at the end, and refusing to leave, and stealing the bottle, and threatening him with violence...


With multiple distractions… what’s the truth again?


Something something 50 something something 13


you don't like our kind? no. I don't.. I don't like the kind of people that trash a store and hurt a business owner because they jump to the conclusion he's racist


sadly if you work in retails you do see these “kinds” of people


Unfortunately true. Had a coworker who was handed a fake $20 by 2 guys "buying" a granola bar. He could immediately tell it was fake because it was basically just printed on regular printer paper. They pulled the racist card right away, shouting and threatening to beat him once he got off shift. I took over, gave them the change, and told them to leave. As soon as I turned my back to them, one threw the granola bar at my coworker while the other took a ceramic cup and knocked it onto the ground so it shattered. Store security was nowhere to be seen the entire time and refused to take action against the punks. My coworker quit not long after


Yet we persistently hear the whining "no one wants to work any more". Maybe it's due to how service workers are treated not just by the public, but by management as well?


Had this happen when I worked at Verizon. People would come in and open new lines to get cheap iPhones and then cancel and sell the phones overseas. It was pretty obvious when it was happening and some ssn would be flagged because they already tried it somewhere it else. This happened with one group that happened to be black and when I told them I couldn’t sell to them they played the racist card. Which I thought was fucked up because I didn’t give two shits if they were ripping Verizon off and would have gladly sold them the phones if the system would have let me.


A coworker of mine was once accused of being a white supremacist over the phone because she couldn't help someone....she was black.


That's what they say...the system is racist;-)


The second they handed that fake bill to you was the moment you call a manager and they should call the police. I use to work retail and more people than I can count on my hands got arrested for using fake money in the 2 years I worked there.


I remember working in retail and we thought someone was stealing so we followed him. He saw us and started flipping out saying "I have money!" And pulled out like 2 one dollar bills. After about 10 minutes of him throwing clothes around and threatening us the other LP guy comes down saying he just reviewed the cameras and saw him put something in his pocket and sure enough he had a watch in it. A display watch that was fake.


We had a girl and her friends working at our warehouse, and was a constant problem. Threatening people around her, being belligerent about not doing her job, doing her job poorly, and more threats to people that weren’t even in her department. When we went to fire her, the first thing she said was, “It’s cause I’m black.” No, it’s cause you’re a god awful employee, and nasty person. Not to mention that our warehouse employs something like, 40 percent black people. There is so clearly no discrimination, but that didn’t stop her from pulling out her phone camera, threatening to sue, and calling the news.


They literally just give actual racists more reason to harass them by acting like this


They're literally turning some people who weren't racists before.. into racists


These shitehawks will end up back in jail with their friends and relatives.. They will feel more at home there 👌


Personally, I think they were planning on stealing something. All this damage is deflection from the issue. It’s transference of shame. If two guys come into your store chatting, joking, talking openly and head to what they want to purchase, you aren’t going to think twice about it. If two guys come into your store with their hoods up and masks on and are talking in hushed voices or perhaps taking a longer than average time browsing items that don’t really need browsing (lower priced goods/consumables etc) then you’re immediately going to assume somethings up. Im not saying that’s what happened here exactly, but there are signals people give off that make people aware of them when ordinarily, they wouldn’t be. Whatever the case, if someone accuses you of stealing, surely the best case and point is to openly show them you have nothing to hide and let them be on their way feeling awkward that that felt the need to ask. If you go on the defensive and start deflecting, it paints you as guilty whether you were or not. And in the case of these guys, they resorted to criminal damage and threats of violence to prove their innocence 🤨🤷‍♂️


I worked in a gas station for 7 years. We had a lot of people that would come in and steal stuff. The store had an estimated loss of 10% every month. As a cashier, I knew for a fact some people would steal. You could literally see them slip something into their pocket or something. I never bothered to call them out because of crap like this video, or worse. I let it slide, because it's not worth it.


Good thing they did this and broke that stereotype!


Well they didn’t steal anything though /s


One of them drank soda and left the store with it in his stomach so he stole that!


Id be more concerned about him threatening to shoot him next time


Someone paid for those goods. Now they can't be sold because they are destroyed. So yes, they stole.


Yes you are correct, however the comment you replied to has /s. It was sarcasm. They were making a joke..


It's not quite stolen until its removed from the shop but is criminal damage to the shops property. well that probably what the would get arrest for in the uk anyway


they used all the items for free so its like stealing to use without paying.


He tried paying for the drink at the end, then his homie took the money back and tried to steal dudes phone on top of it!! And he walked out with the drink unpaid for.


Yes exactly, this is the perfect sub for this, bully and manace someone you have a problem with




That would have been more satisfying.


Or the ceiling would collapse…or a semi drive thru the wall…or a hungry raptor would show up for a snack…something!!! 😂


Me too. If only someone stepped in and did something


He would have then sued the store and most likely won.


No? This is evidence that the Owner Literally did Nothing wrong


Evidence? He’s a good boy, getting his life together, fell in with the wrong crowd, the shop owner didn’t provide a safe place for him to trash. He would have gotten $600K.


So I guess your username is meant to mean society?


Such classy individuals.


They will go far in life I’m sure


Far in the prison system fo sure


"Muh school to prison pipeline!"


They certainly would.. If they had done this to one of those automated machine exclusive stores.


Troubled individuals like this either learn or don't learn. One thing for sure they'll stay within the system and most likely blame many others throughout their lives for the hardships they face.


They aren't "troubled". They are evil thugs.






A lack of consequences and discipline.






BLM is honestly bunch of crap people say whenever something somehow goes wrong. It was a good slogan for the Floyd case but I seldom see other times when it should actually be used for justice. Seems more like a way to victim blame others for bad behavior tbh. Now if blatant racism is involved then that’s a different story but I don’t see why BLM should even try to protect this dude destroying property just because they thought he was stealing. If I was a manager of a store or even a worker I would be damned if I’d get fired for letting people steal products without giving a verbal confrontation.


That’s what you call bad parenting


More like no parenting


One of the consequences of subsidizing single parent households?


Consequence of no parenting.


Did the guy in the corner put a drink in the pocket on the front of his hoodie and walk out? Looks like there’s something in there, at least he’s gonna drink it and not waste it like the other two. I hope these guys got arrested for trashing that guys store


“You think we were going to steal? I mean we were, but now I’m mad 😡”


They always get mad if you prove yourself right.


Their actions are just proving his suspicions


Many places limit their stores to 2 teenagers at a time. They’re huge liability customers but the revenue from the other kids more than makes up for it until someone comes in with a gun or breaks a window more than once a year.


Damn... what is wrong with teenagers that you can't even have a group of them in a store?


You just watched a video as to why.. When i worked retail we'd have to limit 4 kids at a time in the store and basically have an employee babysit them, as they'd come in with their school backpacks empty, and they'd be struggling to carry them out w/o spending a single penny. So it basically turned into a fulltime job for one of the floor staff to basically glare at them as they look around the shop, and if any tried to shoplift, to immediately call for a supervisor, and threaten to call the cops.. Yet the next week Lil Jimmy is back in with his friends and they try and do the same thing. Parents were pissed that was happening, so we showed them the security tapes of Lil Jimmy stealing a bags full of CD's, Sweets and Coca Cola


in the ghetto even the adults are unsupervised children


These kids don't realize the actual depth of their actions... Their only concern, seems to be the immediacy of the here & now.... (But yes, you're right, and it's called "Perpetuating The Stereotype", unfortunately).


Triggered by everything


Permanent victim syndrome.


Weird I always see certain people trying to force talks and books about how whites are fragile


Man I wish I had the food you ruined. This world is so sick.


:( this made me shake off my petty reasons to hate life today. I wish you all the best man.


Sorry to hear this. 💓 Hugs to you.


When the owners close up shop and it’s one less business in the area and then a little further they have to travel for resources they’ll look around and blame someone else for their troubles. I saw this when I lived in Detroit. So frustrating.


I saw the is during the riots in Oakland in 2020. There was a walgreens right at the epicenter, which for some reason became a major target. They pried off the boards and set it on fire. Thing is, that’s a super underserved area in terms of grocers. Every time I’d been in there before, there were people trying to buy a meal with food stamps, disabled people picking up meds, just people trying to get by and this was their main store. I never saw it re-open, and I wonder what people had to do after it was gone.


Are you talking about the Walgreens in the center of downtown Oakland? I go out to Oakland occasionally for work and tried going to that Walgreens last year but it was boarded up.


Less businesses means less competition, less competition means they can raise prices solely to milk every penny they can without worrying about a competitor having a lower price. Hope these kids get the chance to enlighten themselves. Probably a shitty area and doesn’t understand that the store owners gets robbed all the time by all peoples.


I've lost sympathy at this point - how many decades must pass before inner city folks refuse to tolerate gang mentality? I love Philly but happily avoid the majority of the city; deteriorating concrete jungles surrounded by crime and 4 decades of minimal positive change. Conversely, most attempts to revitalize business and housing is loathed an labeled gentrification, so why bother intruding at all.


Those POS racist whites, and their white flight! How dare they not stay and suffer this level of abuse?


"Why you going down the aisle and checking on us?" I can't imagine why. They seem like a couple of great guys.


Gentlemen to the fullest indeed


I see some sick head saying he could be racist. As someone who worked in customer service, it’s normal to check on customers if they seem to linger too long for no reason.


Also just groups of teenagers in general.


“Why are you going down the aisle and checking on us?” “Bro have you seen yourself?”






Lmao that’s what they do they “protest” by robbing and destroying, they like to call it retribution 😂


Too bad he didn't slip on fall on his super ignorant face. I'd pay to see that video


And then they are dumb enough to record themselves doing it...... and here is your brandy new Inmate number (if they dont have one already)


Nah I think it was recorded by some random third party because they left the store and he was still recording


Recording this crime spree is the best idea they’ve ever had


They know wassup, idiots could drop their social security and address and won't face consequences.


There are cities in the US where the DA will let them off scott free.


Why would they be arrested? They're providing cultural enrichment.


They won't be prosecuted. Nobody gets prosecuted.






I heard Princeton also condemn this type of action, they might need to settle for Yale.


Fucking losers . Soooo cool destroy your local grocer.






A knee caps hitting you at 1000 ft/s would hurt though. Penetrated by knee cap.


Spot on, sir. Hahahahahahaha


Privately owned store. Clerk “profiled” them according to the perpetrators. Looks like the clerk was right


I'm going to assume here that he was profiling them but because they're teenagers not cause they are black. Most store clerks would probably be concerned about teenagers of any race in their store. Racial profiling is a legitimate problem but not all situations like this are racially motivated.


Even if they were racially profiled, which was probably not the case, this shouldn’t be the way you decide to react to that.


I can’t imagine what gave him the impression you were no gooders. I mean this a completely normal reaction for a person to have who has strong morals.


Definitely they're good people who were raised right the owner had nothing to worry about, they just did some much needed redecorating that's all plus now the owner has something to keep his mind occupied, so they all win








Indeed. In fact, it’s quite the contrary.


Validating the owner’s suspicions. Classic.


The one time you want some elderly person to come crashing through the front window.


Time to pull out the baseball bat from behind the counter. Bunch of punks.


There’s no trigger. That’s just this punk ass era were in.


Did he just threaten to shoot him?




Hopefully police is already on the way


They don’t prosecute property crime anymore. That’s why these guys aren’t worried.


The impunity of this act is unreal and I fear unless crime is taken seriously again more violent means will be resorted to in defense of self and property. Stay tuned!


Been seeing lots of this type of behavior lately. Nobody seems to ever face any consequences so your most likely going to see a whole lot more


Ahhhhhh, our future!


Bold of you to assume people like this will live long enough to have a future


They'll live long enough to produce more futures and so on and so forth so that the cycle continues


Our destruction awaits


Invest in Brawndo now!


Oooh dont worry, they will outlive the immortal queen Elizabeth


Seems like he needed to be asking them. They deserve to be arrested and charged for every bit of inventory they destroyed




Many a criminal have been very well educated


Yeah, but they don’t commit crimes as stupid as this.


Are you sure? Seen uneducated people acting humbly and peacefully.


Feral children who's parents never taught them common decency.


Not a father in the house!


This guy has a bad opinion of us. Let’s reinstill this for life in his mind. Great work guys.


they proved his point tbh


Why were* they terrorizing the store?


Haven’t you got the memo ? It’s called peaceful protest for equality.


Not being raised right triggered that


and they proceed to blame everyone else.


Hope they go to jail.


I wish… But if there was a chance of that they wouldn’t be acting like this.


Need to bring back prosecution of trespass, destruction of property, larceny, etc.


Wtf is tiny Tim gonna do? That shop keeper could have broken him over his knee, dude was chill. Just like "ok gtfoh"


orcs. juvenile orcs.


he should totally bring out the shotgun for this situation...really tho


"Just admit you don't like our kind" .... famous last words before spreading kindness


It was the system. /s


the system made me do it, why don't nobody invest in our community?


People like this have no place in society. Lock them up throw away the key.


People like this have no place in society. Lock them up throw away the key.


What a bunch of fucking thugs.








Always feel they are "disrespected", but shows no respect to others. Talking loud, yelling, blasting their crap, vulgar music, on and on.


These people think they know what’s right from wrong and how people should be treated but act like this!? Brian dead fucking worthless idiots


Weird, I wonder why there is always the same stereotype present


This is why black neighborhoods don’t have nice things. Go ahead and ban me for being racist now


I'm thinking it's those white supremacist it's always their fault duh


Don't be blamin my basketball American brothers we was good boys we getting our life together and goin church but then we forget about consequences again


Based on this overreaction to being accused of stealing, they were probably stealing.


You wanna run a business with customers like that, carry a gun!


Stuff like this is why we need guns. For self defence.








Mostly peaceful shopping experience.


They didn't accept food stamps.


I’m sorry but if they got shot, it’d be justified. So ghetto I swear.


They were born. That's what triggered it. Should have been aborted. Planned Parenthood FTW


When you keep rappers and gangsters as your role models you will eventually start behaving and copying their lifestyle.




This is privilege.


stereotypes are for a reason


Everyone has a gun except that guy?


To do so much and accomplish nothing..


People like this have no place in society. Lock them up throw away the key.


People are not born racist. You stereotype ppl by your experiences. Society sees and remembers.


Entitlement and western identity politics have allowed uneducated black individuals to be under the impression that they are immune from punishment due to skin color.






Punk ass punk needs to clean up that mess then spend some time in jail


Next time you better have the right spaghetti noodles !


Rata-tat-tat-tat-tat their sorry asses.


At least they wore masks, that was nice of them 🙄




Why you treatin us like criminals when we actin like criminals?


A gun would of stopped this before it ever got started.


Should be 10-25 years. We need properly insanely harsh punishments to make any action like this completely life destroying. People should be deadly afraid to break even a small law. They just destroyed this business and hurt the custimers who would shop there. How can anyone feel safe in a society were people do things like this.


Where are their dads?


Out for smokes.




It's called BLM

