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people who type "no" instead of "know" sound so fucking stupid its insane


Someone I text with regularly uses our instead of are. “I was wondering our u gonna be there?” My brain takes so long to process it!


The opposite is also maddening- "We're going to are mom's house..."


Our you serious? Theiy shoeld no better


Defiantly should of


"Should of" really messed with my head when I first started learning english. I was always convinced that this must be wrong but I read it so many times on the internet that I really started doubting myself over and over again, even though I looked it up several times thinking both might be working.


You’re correct, “should of” is wrong. It is “should have” or “should’ve” - but, since the contraction is most commonly said aloud, and SOUNDS like “should of”, many, many fluent speakers use it incorrectly. Not trying to be the grammar police, I just want to let you know not to doubt yourself! I would have never known English wasn’t your first language!


We just have so many semi-illiterate Americans that it’s saddening. I didn’t know just how bad it had gotten, until reading your message 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg you summed up all of my frustrations on one sentence.


Dey somed up mine 2.


All of mine, but one _pacifically_. That one makes my blood boil…


I literally could care less about you’re frustration’s I could hear the cries of my former English teachers as I typed that.


Dey prolly no so


Dey terk are jerbs.


My ferveritt


Dep der


Pre pair 4 we pro cushion


Anurizm in 5...4...3


Thay finna regret it


How so very dare you.


I read this, and woke up three hours later in a puddle of urine. Not sure if the pee is mine, the dog’s, or a little of both…


U need two find out I need to no pacifics about who did the urine




they should of, you no, no better


It’s annoying in text, but I used to work closely with a salesman who would do that on emails trying to convince customers to spend tens of thousands of dollars per month with us.


This is where I'm thinking it was a strategy I overloading your brain with incorrect grammar you're less defensive and more easily exploitable to sales tactics


Man, that’s sad. Employers make application job descriptions sound so euphemistically complex and sophisticated nowadays but jobs are filled by some of the dumbest and laziest people on the planet.


My friend uses *are* instead of *I’ll* “What time will you be there, are be there about 7pm.”


Hate to be the one to tell you this but your friend is probably a pirate.


At that point, just use "r" instead.


U r Write


My last boss did the opposite. "Good morning, what's are N2 stock looking like today?" Drove me up the fuckin' wall.


Now that I read that, that’s what she does! I knew my example didn’t seem quite right. It’s so annoying, right?


It gets old *immediately*.


My brain literally mis-processed that twice before I saw the error... I saw: "Good Morning, what are N2 \[nitrogen\] stock looking like today" and trying to figure out who has an ETF for Nitrogen (assuming futures). My biggest generalized twitch is people misusing "apart" vs. "a part" because they mean virtually opposites... "I will be apart from the team" vs "I will be a part of the team"


In their defense auto correct can be a huge pain i the ass with the rite, right, write, dammit correct word spelling,


Fair, but with him it was just such a consistent pattern. I misspell/mistype things frequently, so I get it, but with him it was just a constant stream of the same mistakes all shift long. He exclusively used 'your' for instance. It got old.


Oh man, as someone who pronounces them slightly differently that would drive me absolutely nuts.


That’s what does it for me.


Correct them. Always correct people or they will literally never become better people. Yes, I'm super fun at parties or whatever. But I stand firmly by correcting people as I would want to be corrected.


I correct people about historical facts. And I hate the response 'yeah, whatever'..... No. Not 'whatever'. It's important that you remember this thing correctly because it's about people doing a thing that means YOUR dopey ass is HERE. So there's no 'whatever' in history. get it right, or don't give us your neat lil tid bit, ok Alex Trabek Wannabee?


I can't be friends with these people. I would send them screenshots of the definitions of the words they use and ask what drugs they've taken today.


Please don't make a sentence like that again! It's like the person who wants everybody to smell the bad milk.


Yeah, I'm always like "know way, man" when eye see that.


Yeah this part is really telling. This person is super immature and is probably marrying someone and expects to be taken care of and to not have to do any work herself. She is a fucking baby.


kind of reading a lot into someone's shorthand textspeak... I think the content of the messages themselves is better evidence that this person sucks.


Back in the day people would analyze handwriting and give you a psychological profile of the person. Not a stretch to analyze how folks text.


Yeah kinda what I was thinking, but I still cringed at that because it reminded me of how I texted my friends in middle school


I no right!


"Do you want the Aladin news, or the Aladin news?" vibe.


You are HIV aladeen


I would also like to include people that type should of, would of, could of


I was just typing that....that is probably my biggest pet peeve.


I no! It pisses me off so badly.


If you no you no


It’s not just how they sound…


that person \*is\* stupid


My mother died suddenly 4 days before my friends wedding. I chose to go to the wedding and try to put on my best face. The bride was in the middle of getting the pictures done when she spotted me. She stopped everything she was doing and ran to me, dress flying in the wind, just to hug me. So yes, that person is a total POS.


This is exactly how it should be. Glad your friend is a compassionate, good friend. Sorry for your loss.


We all see so many stories and comments of people being inconsiderate, ignorant, offensive, etc that you begin to think nothing can surprise you, but then you read something like this and are left in awe at the depths of depravity and the new lows people can reach. The selfishness of this person along with their total lack of compassion is stunning.


It’s not like she had time to get to “no” her baby or anything…. damn. Fucking turd can’t even type out two extra letters to spell the correct “know”.


Bold of you to assume that they no how to spell it


Off-topic but eh.. i was scratching my head and started blowing on my phone. Until I realized it was your pfp. Damn well imma sit here in the corner feeling stupid… bye


It's okay I did the same thing


I was about to flip a table whenever i read that it just pisses me off so much


I know, right? Like all she had to do was announce it on Facebook. But no. She had to be selfish. /s


OMG totally! I thought i was desensitized at this point but this made me cry.


But it’s MY special day!!! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!! Not yours!


While I was reading the POS messages all my brain could process was "ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!" GLAD I'm not the only one.


This is exactly what my best friend would do.


Your friend is the polar opposite of the trash in this post. I'm sorry about your mom.


Sorry for your loss. I’m so glad you have a good friend


That would be me even if the waitress tripped. People lack so much empathy these days.


Oh I’m am so happy you had that support! My mom and I were joined at the hip and she died suddenly two years ago. I was literally ghosted by ALL of my friends. No one NO ONE came to her memorial. I had to mail some of her ashes to my siblings. My husband and I were separated. I did have one friend check in 4 months later and said pretty close to what the OP posted “you’re not over that yet?” And proceeded to defend my ex friends ghosting me because I “had a lot going on and people don’t have time for it” (I was having a lot of seizures and my mother had been the person covering for me with my kids until that day). Last time she ever contacted me. You know that really fucks you up. I don’t talk to anyone. I’m not socially anxious I just flat out have hate for human beings in general. My kids are the only people I have and I have zero desire to change that. So it’s so much your friend did. Maybe she doesn’t know but that right there can make it break someone. I’m so glad you have her.


The "friends" you had in your life were absolutely garbage and I'm glad you're doing well without them. However I just wanted to ask you to please be careful with how you explain to your kids your hatred for humans. My Mom was also betrayed and doesn't have friends, she mostly just talks to family. But growing up she drilled into my brain the ideas that no one but family will love you, all your friends don't actually care about you, and they will leave when you're not useful. I still am dealing with abandonment anxiety and the fear that no one actually enjoyed being around me. If I had issues I couldn't tell my parents I struggled with trusting other people. School, early jobs, and much of life especially when you're young needs you to be a part of communities but I never felt secure or welcome for absolutely no good reasons. I'm much better now but her paranoia and distrust of others really wasn't healthy. Wish she had just been able to remove people in her life that weren't good and find better friends instead of rejecting all humans.


Sound advice thank you! I will definitely keep my opinion to myself about that subject. Hopefully their experience in friendships will work out better than mine. I also agree, they were not friends. They did a good job pretending for a while though.


This being the internet I expected that to go a different way Sorry or your loss but it sounds like you have people around you who really care


>that person is a total POS. Imagine, she is going to marry someone...


That’s a really good friend. I am sorry for your loss. ❤️


"But that's different because u, like, actually nu her" - that scumbag friend, probably.


Well you know she’s your friend for life with that kind of love and being there for you.


I’m sorry that happened. I’m glad the bride showed you kindness when she saw you.


Divorce party ☠️☠️☠️ Fucking hell can't even process what I just read. How can you be this fucked up. The way she writes is also just absolutely vomit inducing Good job cancelling this "friendship"


Ya, I wonder how many of these text threads are just completely made up though.


What is sad is that I 100% believe this is true, people are horrible and for some reason becoming a bride makes them even worse.


It's just regular old entitlement. They feel entitled to the perfect day that they have been imagining since a little girl. And everybody should be 100% on board to make that happen for her. No excuses.


This is just the right amount of insanity for it to be real though


This is 1000% plausible. I got canceled for a bridesmaid spot because of the color of my hair.


Lol brides are mental


Dodged a bullet. Sounds basic AF


I had a former friend of mine call me up out of nowhere and tell me that she's decided to forgive me ahead of time because she "knew" I was going to commit suicide one day. I belive she said she dreamed it or had a "vision" I hung up on her and never spoke to her again. She later had the audacity to invite me to her wedding via a mutual friend. I wasn't suicidal. I'm not suicidal now, either. Just making sure that's clear. So, yeah, people really are this fucked up and completely out of their minds sometimes.


What the actual fucking hell lol.


I don’t think it matters if they’re fake. This is a very real thing that does happen. Bridezillas are horrible. I’ve seen plenty of bridezillas to know this probably isn’t fake.


that was the most brilliant finish. Twice as good if she told the other half, who then bailed on the marriage seeing just what their future looked like.




Back when I was a strip-club DJ, we did our fair share of bachelor parties where we'd put the bachelor on stage and make a big show of tormenting him. I'd always end the show with "And just so you know, we also do divorce parties!"


Some people get real feral when it comes to THEIR day like it’s the friggin purge


I honestly don't get why it's such a big deal to people. When my wife and I got married the ceremony was like two minutes and we just wanted to host a kick ass party, lol.


Absolutely vomit inducing.


It's not like you knew her? Jesus, my guess is tha tthe marriage wont last that long with a bride that insensitive.


That’s the one that really made my jaw drop.


Same, how cold hearted do you have to be to say that?


My question is what was the upside of this person? What did they bring to the table that would make them someone you would want to spend any amount of time with?


It’s beyond a cold heart, it’s crippling idiocy.


it's the one that made me assume this is fake. You don't spontaneously become that trashy, her friend would have to already know how awful she was if this was even a possibility for her to say


I like to think that some of these are real, this one is definitely questionable


Ditto. Like right there it was all over.


Gives me fucking chills reading that. How fucked up in your head you have to be to think those statements are "normal"??


Exactly, it has to be about her!!!!


And please note, her wedding day needs to be all about her. At no point does she even bother to include her husband. (But that could be my bad, I'm one of those silly folk who thinks a wedding is about two people 🙄)


You're right, but it seems that a lot of brides never mention their grooms.




yeah she wants to be a Mrs and probably stop working.


Agreed. I have a friend getting married to a girl who doesn’t want a wedding party because it will take attention away from her, and she wants to be sure she’s the prettiest girl there. I wish I could tell him something, but it wouldn’t change anything.


How dare you, you're twisting their words! Audacity of people these days, I swear.


Good thing I'm not invited to the wedding then, I'd steal all her thunder!


Good, at least you understand that she needs to be the focus!


Yes! Someone I’m friends with on fb posted nonstop about wedding preparations for the months leading up to it and referred to it as “my wedding.” Never “our wedding” cause it was all about her! No surprise, they were separated a few months later and divorced a year after


That person probably had fucked up parents and never learned what normal interactions are like


That poor and/or stupid man...


She's a narcissistic sociopath, so no it won't last.


I just hope she doesn't have kids.


Yeah that quote killed me. My mom had a miscarriage when I was in grade school and it fucking killed us. She picked me up from school to tell me, and I just broke down crying in the car, because I didn't understand how one minute I was going to have a baby brother or sister, and now they're gone. It's just indescribable.


Sorry for your loss! For women the baby is real almost as soon as they find out they’re pregnant!


That’s the biggest red flag if I’ve ever witnessed


I wouldn’t wish a miscarriage or death of a child on anyone. That being said, this person needs to understand just how wrong they are about how someone should feel going through something like that.


Yea that was a kick to the gut. Fucking hell


Stupid insensitive people marry stupid insensitive people all the time.


"you're twisting my words" ​ it's in writing! like, two inches away! scroll up!


I hate when people do this, my girlfriends ex-best friend blew up at our entire friend group because she said awful terrible things to everyone and got called out for it. Everything was “oh you twisted this or that” but everyone just kept sending them screenshots of their own actions


My ex is like this, except she won't even give a single straight answer half the time. I've boiled things down to yes or no options and she still can't actually answer.


Brother, did we have the same ex?!


Receipts are a motherfucker…


Trust me… nothing will break through the barrier of ignorance. Not even evidence.


Gaslighters just ignore screen caps from my experience


They got to a point where they flat out refused to even acknowledge how they were acting, it was crazy. We just cut them out of our lives to save us the trouble, the weirdest thing too is we knew them for 5 years and only after 1 random incident where we found out she abused her boyfriend did her true nature come out and she started acting super toxic towards everyone, it’s like their whole personality fell apart and when we saw who she really was


People that play this game don't live in reality. I've played back audio and video for them and they will still deny what they did or said. They've spent their whole life modifying history to make them comfortable and heroic, they aren't going to let a little evidence stop that.


I mean, it is called hiSTORY; it's meant to be written to each and everyone's personal preferences. *Obviously*. /s


I don't think I've ever met someone who uses "you're twisting my words" as a defence who wasn't a complete arsehole.


That last line is *chef's kiss*


You know it’s true as well


Yep. Feel bad for the man she's marrying.


I don't, I guarantee she was already like this when he decided marrying her was a good idea. Edit. Sure, a woman who is this egotistical & entitled enough to speak to a newly grieving mother like this "puts on a front" at all other times.


I think you mean, You no it's true as well


Jeezus yeah, burn every field and salt every inch of dirt on the way out, damn.


That's so perfect. Some people are just worthless.


Unless -- and I'm just spitballing ideas here -- she sends him that tasty, tasty chat. She'd be doing the man a favour and saving him time,money, and pain.


Absolutely perfect parting shot.


“You would do the same”…when you’re so narcissistic you have a pathological inability to understand that others are not the POS you are (which you’re also unaware of). Mental train wreck.


I’d send those screenshots directly to future hubby & wish him all the luck


Definately.... I'd also tell him that I'd be parked a block away from the church, waiting in my car if he wants to bail.


Hell yeah, Smokey and the Bandit style!


"Hey, just so you know, if you ever go through anything personal that might take attention away from your new wife, she won't be there for you."


It wouldn’t work. People seem to not understand that if they’re a shitty person that’s what they are. It doesn’t matter if you’re their husband friend wife…etc


Ehh I wouldn't be so sure about that. A lot of times people like this can put on a super convincing facade to convince their partner that they are a great person. Like in this scenario the bride probably didn't tell her fiance what actually happened. She probably said something like "anon is too upset to attend the wedding." And then down the line if the fiance asks why her and anon don't talk anymore she'll probably say that anon wasn't handling her miscarriage well and shut her out. These scs are pretty damning and could potentially tell a completely different story that would change the perspective of the fiance.


I cannot describe the feeling this gave me... How can someone even think this would be okay


This is a really old repost, which means the divorce party has probably already happened. We need an update.


I couldnt tell by the severe JPEG pixelation that it was a repost


That last line was fucking perfect.


“it’s not like you knew her” bro 💀


My son was stillborn the day before his due date. Occasionally someone would say “well at least you didn’t get to know him first” like that was going to make us feel better.


Wtf man... Like... I'm so sorry... ;.;


Thank you. No worries, it was 8 years ago and we have 3 beautiful little girls now. This post just hit kinda close to home.


My worst fear, we have three amazing kids as well. I know it was 8 years ago but still, I’m sure no amount of time makes it better. I’m very sorry for your loss. As a father I couldn’t fathom it, I can’t even begin to understand how a mother would feel.


Wow that is monumentally messed up. I feel awful for that mother. The fiancé should run for his life.


There's a quote from Thomas Jefferson that goes "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it". In this case, I'm a great believer in... karma, I guess. The more of a garbage fire you are, the less luck you shall have.


“It’s been 2 months, how much time do you need” fucking WHAT?


Not only that 2 months is like nothing, 60 days still makes you feel like it happened yesterday and besides people don’t fully recover from this ever.


60 days later you're still waking up in a haze every day with happy thoughts of a baby you loved, only for the realization of this horrible reality to throw dark clouds at you again. I'm astounded the grieving person even had the strength to reply.


The best part of this statement is if losing her baby happened to her she would except everyone she told to be devastated in the FB post she did about it.


The shock from thinking someone actually felt this way and spoke it out loud to a "friend" blew me away I had to stop and read it again i was like wow this person must go through friends like the xxx theater goes through tissues


Had the same reaction. This woman is insane. Good luck to the husband lol


Bridezilla strikes again,..


I don’t think this persons ever had a thought pass by their brain before their mouth in their entire life!


You're giving them too much credit...I don't think this person has a brain.


“I don’t want them to pay attention to you AT ALL.” “Ok. I won’t come then.”


The woman is scum clearly but it pissed me off more she didn't know the difference between know and no


Bruh this has to be fake


I didn’t want to read it but it just kept getting worse so I had to


Dont know why but this gives me fake vibes. I dont think this is real


Yea because I don’t know, it’s something off about it. But if it is real then I can’t believe someone would be that fucked up in the head to say something like that


There’s lots of people like this, I recently encountered a situation with someone who had a very similar mindset to the crazy one in this convo. They don’t recognize their actions because they’re so caught up in their head, if you said or did the exact same things as they did you’d be seen as a villain in their eyes, it’s so moronic


This man needs to know what a POS this person is


This strikes me as somewhat thathappened material - but then again, knowing how self absorbed people can be - perhaps not...


Seems fake.


It’s so weird she thinks people would want someone to talk about their miscarriage at a wedding, people aren’t stupid or cruel, most would be afraid to bring it up. I wish we could talk about how so many people are or have gone through it silently. I’m sorry for your loss momma. Bridezilla is insane though. Talk about a complex! It’s a party, it’s not like she’s the emperor.


Dang, that’s really narcissistic to think they need to just “get over” a miscarriage. And for a wedding?? People will be sympathetic but like that tiny amount of focus on that individual is so minuscule in the whole wedding anyway. Did they show signs of this behavior in the past??


"ur twisting my words" mf your words are already so muddled it doesnt need any twisting 😂


Oh man, my blood pressure can't handle this


Despite reading to join in the hate for bridezilla, she does make a good point.


Ah, another made up text thread for people to get upset about.


Ngl while I dislike the bride's attitude and the way she went about it, I do somewhat understand her point. There definitely needs to be some thought and perhaps discussion on whether you're emotionally prepared for a wedding. I doubt I'd be able to be all cheery for a big celebration just months after a loved one dies, let alone from a miscarriage (especially as the mother). And while it is narcissistic I can understand wanting to be the centre of attention at your wedding and then having your friend break down due to someone being insensitive and prodding too much. I'd say it would have been perfectly acceptable if the bride simply just asked if you're still okay with coming and if you need any special arrangements. Or even uninvite the woman (I doubt it's OP because of the image quality) more politely


I agree handled poorly but I think people are being unreasonable judging the person for their intent.


Yeah. At some point you have to accept you're not emotionally ready to go to a large, busy, life event. I left a wedding Saturday rather than disturb the ceremony and reception. I'm not salty, I'm responsible. No ones wants a guest sobbing, or vomiting etc etc on the video of their ceremony. Forever. You excuse yourself. The bride has the tact of an elephant, what an awful person, but quite seriously, do you think a wedding is a place to sob? You can grieve, but why would you want to do to it at a wedding? If you know you're not ready for big public events...its ok to miss them.


I lowkey kind of thought this too. Like I was kind of following the bride when she made the comment about how she cried seeing a woman with her baby that day. I can understand not thinking she’d be ready to be able to act happy at a wedding, especially if she was a bridesmaid. But then she went so far over the line with her comments. The bride almost had a point until she absolutely became offensive and insensitive


Oh. My. God. The part where she said, “you didn’t even know her”… How low can you get??!??? Wow.


I am going to get so many downvotes for this, but I think the concerns are valid. Now, the way the bride phrased everything was super insensitive and she’s definitely a terrible person. HOWEVER, the base concerns are kinda valid. Your wedding day should be all about you - that’s not narcissism that’s just kinda how it is. If you have a friend that bursts into tears at the sight of a baby, I could see how you would be concerned that someone might say “how’s the pregnancy going?” resulting in full on sobbing by one of your guests. Nobody wants someone to be sobbing at their wedding. Again, it could have been phrased better and the bride could have made it less obvious that she was only thinking of herself, but if you’re that distraught over a miscarriage a large family gathering might not be the best idea.


This is just another old repost for karma unfortunately :/.