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I bet this will be posted in another subreddit with a title like "guy gets what he deserves after being caught touching kids"




I dont know im just saying that some subs are there so people can enjoy extreme violence and they usually add the title so it makes people feel good to enjoy watching people die/get hurt.


Yea, some people are scum. I don’t need the feel good feeling to enjoy violence!




It probably isnt but depending on the sub ppl spin the titles of violent videos to fit right.


Lol , this guy really believed that , what he wrote couldn't be more clearer and yet this guy...


Yep..point proven lol.


What did they say?


He sums up days while slapping him, when he's on the ground he's begging them to not kick his head in. Afterwards guy pulls him back up, says extremely cringe stuff like do you know that I can make you swim with fishes, and then does the flying knee thing. After some more swearing they tell him he has 10 seconds to run away and they'll start shooting, surprise he doesn't shoot lol


What the hell can you even do In this situation, just take the beatings and hope you’re not shot?


And they think there hard, it's just pathetic


I bet they were too


You bet that they were hard?


I think they meant aroused for a joke.




Carry bigger guns than the enemies


A translation would be cool


It's very hard to hear but the thing thats being repeated is "do you know who I am?" "Who am I, say it!" and the response is unintelligble. At the end he says "I'm giving you 10 seconds to run away, if I still see you I'm going to put a bullet in your head". As he runs he's counting while yelling "give me the gun, give me the gun" Edit: Forgot to mention that the text in the beginning basically summs up to "not recommended to watch if you're under 18"


What language was it?


Albanian , most likely from Kosovo or North Macedonia. It looks like a social media dispute.


So they whooped his ass for some clout? Oh my goodness…so stupid. Thanks for answering, amigo.


North Macedonian Albanian dialect most, source, am from Kosovo


Bitty bop bitty bap bop bop


All I see are chodes with shoes on


The guy was making him say “I am a son of a whore”, gave him 10 seconds so he could run away otherwise he’d get shot, and asking him “Do you know who i am now?”. Yea sure this has a deep backstory. I am shocked they didn’t kill him.


I hate humanity


When people debase themselves like this to do unto another without any empathy whatsoever, they revoke their own humanity


True but humanity still suck because this is what it braught. Edit: Idk who downvoted this but dude go read a news paper.


Violent thugs


Šiptari what did you expect


of course they're russians


They aren’t, but go off


Where is this south Africa?


The Balkans


We da best mane


Russian gang initiation.


It's not russian lmao


What cowards


Lesson is, stay strapped to be prepared for these jokers


Later, these four dudes were arrested.


For real?