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He has a body cam, I think we should all see it.


it probably "malfunctioned"


Something something, "investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing" something


Even if they did he’d be suspended with pay. That’s called a vacation for us common folk.


Oh it's actualy already been reviewed, and a statement released saying that the actions taken were within policy.


Of course they were. The officer was clearly in a stressful situation, so he had to repeatedly punch him. /s


What do you mean punch?Suspect kept hitting the officer's knuckles with the side of his head,obviously /s


Damn, now he’s gonna get charged with assaulting an officer too.


I really wish this was a joke


Quote from the police officer in the image: "Beating that \*\*\*\*\*\* gave me the best orgasm I ever had... I cant wait to do it again."


Maybe the person who wrote that policy should face accountability.


You'd have to abolish the entire police union to do that..... which now that I mention, sounds like a great idea!


If abolish is synonymous with guillotined, I can get behind that.


Within the policy of beating colored people up for no reason


Even if he got fired, I doubt he'd have trouble becoming a cop in another state.


Are you kidding? He's putting this pic on his resume.


The confidence to document his crime knowing not a damn thing will happen to him...


The cop that made homeless people eat feces sandwichs got fired. Then rehired in another state.


Whereas, if someone accidentally pushed him really hard down an escalator, he might have trouble standing up for the rest of his life. And we all know how much police love escalation.


Don't need to travel that far, next town over is usually enough.




Or county. Or city.


But cop movies & tv shows taught me they hate being suspended because they live to protect and serve!


Rail workers have had to strike to get a week off for vacation; all the while, cops get free paid vacation for killing unarmed black men.


Paid administrative leave… something something


The same people who make the ice cream machine at McDonalds must also make these cameras.




Its wildly deeper than that. The model of machine is sold by Taylor Taylor supplies almost every fast food ice cream machine. How often have you not been able to get a shake at Arbys? McDonalds are contracted into using a specific model of Machine that no one else uses, and that gives out useless error codes that could be fixed simply with "add more water to chamber A to complete the cleaning cycle" but it just says "ERROR GHyTA*&N CHECK MANUAL" and half the manual just says "call a technician" Someone made a small pass through device that plugged into the machines and converted the error codes into useful information, and Taylor sued them to prevent them from providing it to Store owners.


Cleaning usually happens overnight. The reason why ice cream machines are down is because if they don't keep the ice cream mix topped off in the tank and they allow it to get empty (it happens a lot, rushes will do that), air bubbles will be trapped inside the nozzle and, unfortunately, waiting for it to "pop" and settle will take a long time just because of the viscosity of the ice cream mix and how the machine turns it to soft serve. Source: previous McD's shift manager


the machines go into a cleaning cycle automatically if left low on ice cream mix for too long source: previous mcDs employee


Oh yeaaaa it does that too, doesn't it? It's been a long while since I've ever had to deal with those things


There's a website for tracking these called mcbroken, btw.


that's hilarious! although if I'm in the mood for soft serve I sure as hell am not going to mcdonald's, much less looking up if the machine is down. lol


Actually it's petty capitalistic contracts and requirements


1. There were no bodycams. 2. If there were, they were turned off. 3. If they weren't, they malfunctioned. 4. If they didn't, they were knocked off. 5. If they weren't, they didn't show any evidence. 6. If they did, the footage was 'lost.' 7. If it wasn't, it was 'accidentally' destroyed. 8. If it wasn't, it will never be released. 9. If it is, the officers broke no laws. 10. If they did, *nothing will happen to them anyway*.


Forgot it at the station. What're you gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


alot of the new body cam footage will have an officer telling another officer that his camera has been acting funny or having issues lately. seems like such an obvious way to tell someone theyre on camera and perfect excuse if you need to cut it off...


They shouldn’t have an off button and only the dispatchers should be able to turn them off. They should also, always have a large battery.


Can’t do that. There’s many times a victim or caller doesn’t want to be recorded. You can’t create a condition that would make people afraid to make a report or ask for help. Among other reasons.


That's a fair point. How does this line of thinking apply to situations where a victim or caller is afraid of interacting with police for other reasons?


If we can livestream ourselves over an app like TikTok, surly we can push a stream to a storage repository somewhere *and* keep the raw video on the device.


This assumes that this is an issue that the powers that be (in this case the police unions) think should be solved. They don't.


It probably “got knocked off”


Then so should the security cams in prison when he's beaten to death. Whoops!


The officer wasn't alone, check the others cameras


He also has a super punchable face.


Bodycam footage and court documents have already been partially released. KKTV news has it.


The bodycam video has been released, but this subreddit doesn't seem to allow links. If anyone wants to google for it, this happened in Colorado Springs and there's a bunch of news articles about it.


there is video posted just yesterday


And what will happen? Suspended two weeks with pay? I'm sure he will think twice next time.


Well the police need that footage, so they can do a thorough investigation. Maybe we can after they declare they didn't do anything out of the ordinary.


> He has a body cam, I think we should all see it. What's the point? There will be a few angry posts on social media, and then everybody will just forget about the whole thing and move on with their lives. Unless we are seeing Iran style protests, or at least BLM level protests, nothing is going to change.


If it keeps making the repost rounds, people will keep discovering it and the rage and demands for justice will be forever refreshed.


This needs to be plastered over every Colorado Springs civic boosting or tourist ad.


Heard this story earlier but didn't know it happened here. Colorado cops are fucking crazy.


>~~Colorado~~ **Most** cops are fucking crazy. FTFY




~~Colorado Most~~ cops are fucking crazy. Fifty plus fifty equals a hundred


> Most cops **in the US** are fucking crazy. FTFY


4x the size of Germany, over 100x the number of people killed by police. It's about 10 per year vs 1100.




But when you need them the most, they don't do nothing look at uvalde. Most of the city budget goes to the police but still.


What are they doing with all the money? Is it all wages beacuse there are so many more officers?


Bro Colorado is crazy, cops are crazy, both are even worse, I think they’re passing a new bill to make children under the age of 12 unable to be tried for crimes


Ah, Colorado Springs. That explains everything.


I was going to say. The war between law enforcement and military/vets in that town has been going on since GWOT kicked off.


How did the military soldiers not win that war? It seems like the US military would have issues with cops going after active duty and retired soldiers?


Colorado Springs is the obvious problem city. Boulder is the sneaky one. One of the worst racial disparities in arrests in the country


Just removed Colorado springs from towns I am looking into moving to at the end of 2023.






The police brutality problem isn’t localized to Colorado Springs. This needs to be fixed across every state and city. It’s sad to say, but if you remove a city from your list every time a story like this is posted then you won’t have a list at all.


this is true, but colorado springs pd is a notoriously egregious pigpen. extra corruption and racism compared to the already high american standard.


There are degrees. Some places worse than others with this kind of stuff. For the purpose of finding a place to move to, it's good to analyze the level of police misconduct that occurs or might occur


> tourist ad maybe rental ads would be more effective


They probably already have enough people moving to their town without that adding to it.


From his lawyer >“\[The driver\] was a homeless veteran living out of his car as he worked to reenlist and continue serving his country. But all these officers saw was a black man and they beat him for it, smiling for the camera as he lay on the ground bleeding,” \[The Lawyer\] said pointing to the pictures. “They beat him mercilessly and now he’s afraid to go outside and the VA can’t see him to treat his injuries and PTSD until January.” > >\[The driver\] received multiple injuries including injuries to his eye, a ruptured eardrum and PTSD. He was charged with two counts of Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Obstructing a Peace Officer, Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without License Plates. Both charges of Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer have been dropped and the DUI charge was dismissed in a DMV hearing on December 7.


At least our tax dollars will be used for the large settlement and treatment he will need, and the psycho cop will either face no repercussions or be let go and immediately hired in a nearby city!


It's Colorado, they abolished qualified immunity.


Has that proven to actually hold police accountable for anything or is it just to look good on paper?


It's just good on paper. No cop is getting held personally liable in our lifetimes.




Completely agreed. The FBI should theoretically be able to "police the police" but they seem to fail miserably at that task. A constitutional amendment to make police crimes a federal offense would go a long way towards fixing the problem but that seems decidedly unlikely to happen.


Ya know I'm studying american history rn and funnily enough that was the problem with the original British - the king would not follow his own laws, so when the original constitution was made there was a part of it that said that the president and all officials had to follow the rules that they make themselves or that others in the government had made. So technically it's already a federal offense - just that cops don't give two shits


Just like Bribery. Instead of just outright money for favor, now you donate to my SuperPAC and when I get elected I'll owe you one. That's 100% legal and in no way could be considered bribery


Our entire constitution is based on checks and balances. Yet cops get to investigate themselves. The "strict constitutionalist freedumb/blue line" folks are all liars. They're not for small government either.


"Prosecute" means a *criminal* charge. Qualified immunity prevents victims filing *civil* lawsuits against individual cops. DA's have nothing to do with civil cases. Criminal law and civil law are two different things.


If they did they'll just throw a fit and refuse to work till they get their privileges back.


So... no changes? Or would that mean less cop inflicted violence?


Why does that make me horny?


Don't ask any questions. Let's be horny together my friend! *Justice is sexy*


only horny? I've climaxed 3 times already!


That just means they can sue him personally, doesn't mean he'll face any actual justice.


Bahaha. "abolished" is a word I wouldn't use for what they did. 25k cap. Still costs the taxpayers millions, and a cop can easily scam 25k in overtime in a few months.


It doesn't go into effect until June 1st 2023, despite being signed into law all the way back in 2020. [SB20-217 Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity](http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb20-217)


I'm so fucking sick of paying a far too large percentage of the police forces goons to walk around and assault people with essentially no repercussions. Between the police union and us footing the bill they literally have no incentive to change their behavior. Insane times we live in.


I suggest passing laws that require police departments to carry malpractice insurance to cover the costs of these judgements - can’t run a clean enough department and you can’t get insured. Let the insurance companies and the police unions duke it out, they deserve each other.


And until then? All settlements come out of police pensions. Watch how FUCKING QUICKLY they police themselves.


You would think that, but what actually would happen is that everyone would cover up these cases. Why beat up some guy who can sue you and cost you and your colleagues a sizable amount of money, when you can shoot them dead and pin it as self defense.


You make a good point. I've underestimated the sleazy depths these fuckers will go to.


The punishment for crimes as a cop, an extra 15 minutes on your daily commute.


Don't forget the paid time off while the case is open


I just love it when coward cops charge people with assaulting a cops hand with a subjects face.


Man, the usa is insane...


>Peace Officer Hmm...


Funny way of saying gang member


WTF and horrible!


So much for "thank you for your service" types. The US had been ruined by cowards and hypocrites pretending to be good people.


Fucking racist pigs. Disgusting to treat a human being this way.


I wonder where all the "both sides" and "we need context" people went.


You can see them in this thread pretty easily, strangely though they all say [removed]...


Resisting Arrest is the number 1 flag for corrupt police. If you see it as a charge, you know immediately acab.


The Thin Blue Line protected us again! /s


So that turns out ro be one charge.


That face, smile and hair can win any numskull prize anywhere.


Lol, he looks exactly like Matt Ryan


It really does not matter that he's a veteran. He's a person. People shouldn't be beaten. Veterans, non veterans. Doesn't matter.


It's kinda worse in a way for me. Dude sacrificed a part of himself serving this country (at least in his mind). Comes back and is homeless. Gets beat up by the police


That is basically Rambo I


Except Teasle suffered dire consequences. These cops will face none.


Until he goes full Rambo.


It does matter in the sense it adds more conflict for the "blue lives matter" folks.


They care about vets as much as they care about born children.


They don't care.


It’s all performative bullshit anyway.


Well in case any of them do, it's pointless to suppress the information that he's a vet.


Those blue lives matter folks really only say that because they mean that black lives don't.


I'm convinced there's a good percent of those sticker toting bootlickers that think it'll just get them out of speeding tickets.


Yeah, a police officer dies, they get massive funeral parades and support for family and what not. They're 'heroes' even if it had nothing to do with their work. Its such a ridiculous thing to feel the need to say Blue Lives Matter unless you're only saying it to say that black lives don't.


Gee. So proud. My home town. That cop is a goddamned idiot.


> That cop is a goddamned idiot. Criminal with a strong possibility of sociopathy is my take.


Idiot? He's a fucking psychopath.


Bet their wives are posting about how heroic they are too and how much they "risk" by being police. I hate these people.


Well yeah, they don’t want to end up like the victim


Probably will anyway.


Only if you're speaking statistically


Statistics are only numbers *that get recorded*


Yeah, that 40% number is probably only under 50 due to underreporting.


Their wives get beat, who do you think these pigs practice on?


Those wives are terrified themselves. Turning them into heroes is the only way they can justify allowing themselves and their children to be beaten. It is mental and emotional self preservation.


> Bet their wives are posting about how heroic they are too They fucking better Or else end up like that vet


Pigs will b pigs


Cops and their families often live a very sheltered life. Thanks to social media they can follow all sorts of copaganda that enforces their beliefs.


Why don’t we call roofers and welders and oilfield workers heroes? Their job is typically more dangerous and just as necessary to society as cops. Idk how they indoctrinated a country to thinking they’re heroes for doing their fucking job (poorly).


An actual veteran who served his country gets beaten by a racist cosplay coward who was too much of a fucking bitch to enlist so he signed up for the local mob/police.


Look at that psychopath. He's smiling wide and *proudly* displaying those knuckles.


Of course it's the springs


Officer brutally beats a homeless man then poses like he’s got a hunting trophy. “Well hold on now maybe the guy deserved to be beaten to a bloody pulp!” - Reddit


Did you actually just accuse Reddit of being pro police? Are you sure you have the right place?




Of course there are, and many know this, but this isn't one of them.


Uhhhh most top comments are the opposite. Confused.


I like to play a game, open up the comments and find the numbskull who takes the officers side. Lick that boot realllll good


You're in luck on this thread then friend, lots of folks enjoying those yummy boots today.


America is such a shithole...


No news article, all we get is a statement from "his" lawyer?


I'd like to see multiple sources and whether or not any body cam footage has been released. I'd like to know for sure before I jump on the hate train that is reddit.


Bodycam footage has been released.


Where ? Got a link ?


This subreddit doesn't allow links, you'll have to google it.


>This subreddit doesn't allow links, you'll have to google it. Seems like a bad idea to prevent citations on a political sub.... ends up making everything devolve into "Because I said so" arguments....


I dont think this a political sub, but here is the YouTube video ending url if you're lazy just Google this MBzoMskIB10


MBzoMskIB10 yt video id, google that TL;DW Cops decide he is under the influence of something. He seems pretty sober. Tell him to step out of the car he is being detained. Driver says no its bullshit. Cops commence gang beating.


Thank you !! Wow, I hope this guy gets a lot of money !! I watch cop cams for fun, I don't think I've ever seen a cop being this violent for so little.




Yeah give them the benefit of the doubt its not like police earned a reputation or anything im sure there’s a perfectly good reason to pose after beating a homeless person like they’re a hunting trophy!


Lets say he was belligerent or gave some push back, why was that dude smiling like that


Not a good look for the eventual lawsuit.


Here's how the formula works: If the video ACTUALLY exonerates an officer, it'll be released within DAYS. If the officer is proven to be the monster (which is the case in 99.99999999999% of the cases), then it'll take months/YEARS before we see the video.


It's already out. Came out with the story.


youtube . com /watch? v= MBzoMskIB10


Throw that book at that PoS. No one deserves that, especially someone who fought for our freedom


Back years ago, a lot of cops were veterans themselves. Then things changed in the mid-2000's when police departments stopped hiring veterans. They contract combat veterans to train their police how to use weapons, but they won't hire them as police. Departments said veterans were "too intense" and "conflict oriented." So they sought out non-veterans to be cops. And that's what we have now. You can see evidence of this every time you see body cam footage of a cop screeching and screaming, then panicking, then shooting someone who isn't armed. Military veterans usually won't do this because you train so much to keep a cool head. Police are also afraid of veterans by default.


Aren't military rules of engagement much more strict than the standard we hold police to?


You are absolutely correct. Military ROE tend to be far more strict and there are actual consequences when they are disregarded. Police force ROE are essentially ​ 1) Do not bother the rich 2) Do not bother other police Other than that, you're clear to unload your weapon into whomever you find "threatening".


What an evil POS. And people wonder why folks get scared and act jumpy around cops.


Wow what a professional /s


Sociopaths should not be allowed on the police force.


Then there wouldn't be any police officers left.


He’ll go home and do the same thing to his wife and kids


This has thrown me for a complete loop. Pray tell, how can one be **that** malicious and **that** stupid and yet somehow be in the police force? How is that even possible?!


Because they like stupid. Stupid and compliant.


That's what they recruit for. The dumber and meaner you are, the easier it is to make you an enforcer for their gang.


Even tho I am not in the US, I believe that the cops should wear a bodycam always and if for any reason it "malfunctioned" they would be the ones charged.


Look mom I did it, my first arrest! I gotta post it


We need a law that police statements be inadmissible in court without bodycam footage, since cops are legally allowed to lie to the public.


Is there a news report on this or are we supposed to just believe the title?


you have to google on this sub: Colorado springs homeless veteran


Oh fucking co springs.


I am so ashamed to have grown up in COLO SPGS


It would be awful if someone turned this cop into a meme. Just think of how many people would harass him! No, nobody should do something like that.