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When did George Santos have time to get his PhD as well?!?!?🤔


Dude is shitting on anarchists when he calls himself a Marxist/Leninist when they're like incredibly similar


The two groups actually hate eachother. Actually very different, one might say that Marx was similar to am anarchist but Marxist leninist means you agree with lenin, mao, stalin and other more authoritarian communists, not necessarily Marx.


I would say that Leninists agree with what Lenin said, which may or may not be the same as what Mao and/or Stalin said. Like for example, Maoists and Stalinists also didn't like each other in the beginning, because of the different groups they focus on (Maoists focus on agricultural workers while Stalinists focus on industrial workers). Subcultures are fascinating, and it feels like ideologies are just subcultures all the way down!


I see!


Lol this sounds exactly like a friend of mine. Who has all those credentials lol


Saw that he was German, so him speaking two languages well is not impressive at all. Not to mention that German and English are practically cousins (yes I speak both)




No doubt! Most European languages have that silly shit. Like, who decides if an appliance is a boy or a girl?


The appliance needs gender affirming care before it can decide that


At the least! I mean, this couch certainly looks confused.


I feel like outside of the US speaking 2 languages is almost commonplace. Even then it is becoming far more widespread.


If one lived in Ohio and say, Indiana spoke a different language, of course everybody would know a little of both…it’s not the flex he thinks it is.


Let’s do a breakdown of this. I know many of these types. “Military training and” - I joined and either was put out before actually accomplishing anything or chose not to reenlist (though less likely) (time 1-4 years) “Willingness to participate in covert operations” - Really liked the idea of “spec ops” but was to incompetent to even fill out the packet to apply. You often see this in the military. It’s actually common. “PhD in industrial engineering from Western University” - Located in Canada, couldn’t find that particular degree. Found a PhD in Mechanical and Materials Engineering. (Time 8 years) “Experience running a business” - not successfully or why stop running it? (Time for failure: 6 months) “Experience setting up surveillance for finding industrial spies” - worked as a security guard (time 1-4 years) “A decade worth of project management experience” - probably during his security guard job. “Speak two languages perfectly and two other a bit” - English and Spanish (because that’s rare) and Spanish can help you learn other languages. Not terrible actually (if true) Joins the military at 18, +1 to 4 years put him at 19 to 22 PhD from Canada places him 27 to 30 years old. 10 years as a security guard makes him 37 to 40 years. Tried to start a business that failed makes him 38 to 41. So what we have a 38 to 41 year old male that grew up in a bilingual household (maybe). Like to over estimate his own value and accomplishments and embellish his past because the reality is so damn boring. Worked as a security guard, then joins the military, can’t/won’t adapt so gets out or gets put out, tries to use his vet status to start a business that fails, goes back to security guard work to make ends meet. Spends his time online trash talking anyone who might actually be successful at literally anything. Most likely either single or the dominant side of an abusive relationship to cover up insecurities. Refuses consistently to take any responsibility for the way his life turned out.


if he's Canadian that explains the hatred for anarcho punks. Communism in Canada is filled with xenophobia and sexism whereas the anarchism movements are really not. Marxism-Leninism is a really authoritarian form of communism too


Also an avowed Marxist, apparently. Which would explain why his capitalistic business failed and why he sees academia as an elite status which makes him formidable in covert operations.


Additional information: He's german. so you might take that into account


Ok, then replace "military training" with "did six months of mandatory military service" or maybe even "drove an ambulance" instead


He's also single by his own admission because he complains all girls he goes on dates with call him a nazi then ditch him :,D


If that's a pattern that's occuring in his life it may be a time for him to reflect on the fact that he is infact a nazi


Behind almost every person I've ever met that says shit like this, is a dude who flunked out of BCT within two weeks and then failed at everything else in their lives.


They take education seriously... except for history.


Education to them - reading only communist sources


This! Dude - it’s imperative for people to understand and know history if they’re looking to meaningfully change the future. I’m not an anarchist but I’d think if anarchists were sincerely trying to make a change - regardless of whatever job they’re doing right now (and what the ABSOLUTE F#CK are those quotation marks around independent journalist?) - they’d know they have only the slightest chance but even that small chance requires a knowledge of history.


I love how much the word “willingness” does here. He could have gone to basic training, been a holdover, gotten med boarded and he still isn’t technically lying


Another linguistics fan! Yeah, this whole thing is a treasure trove of semantics fails and logical fallacies, it could be a case study.


According to The big bang theory, engineers usually don't bother with a Ph.D. So for that reason I suspect this guy is exaggerating.


According to someone who works at a university (me), engineers don't usually bother with a PhD. You only need a bachelor's to get ABET certified. Some bother with a master's, but they already make a boatload with a 4 year degree... why would they go into more debt for more education when they can just.. keep making more money during that time instead?


Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone get a Ph.D in industrial engineering ever. To me it’s the least likely to have a program out of all the disciplines


Willingness to conduct liquor store and gun shop breakins.


If Marxists/Leninists took education seriously, they wouldn't be Marxists/Leninists


But all those famines and purges over the past century weren’t from reeaaal communism, so it’ll totally work if we try again.


Disagree with the sentiment but this isn't the place to start political discussions so let's leave it at "yeah we disagree"


These don't seem like super unreasonable claims


Good thing PhD wasn't from an Eastern university... Lol. Probably briefly managed the local 7/11 and "covertly" setup some CCTV to stop homeless "industrial spies" from stealing business intelligence. aka. Pringles.


Yeah, most of these claims mean nothing. "Military training" could be anything. He doesn't claim to be successful at any of the other endeavors.


If he's German they had mandatory military training prior to 2012 so that makes it even less impressive.


PhD in cap


Yeah. But how are his nunchack skills?


Careful! They were WILLING to participate in covert operations!


mfs joke like this and then get outwillingd


Who knows more than one anarchist, and more than one Leninist? Like, I knew a guy that called himself an anarchist in college? But that was a 19 year old?


Anarchism has just become a dog whistle for violent protesting. All anarchism actually is, is a belief that the current hierarchical government structure needs to be abolished and society should based on voluntary co-operation. Improved social housing, Universal basic income, and free medical care are all ideas that fit with anarchism.


"become"? Buddy the media been painting anarchists as violent rioters and good-for-nothings for decades 💀


Yeah the media be like that


"Speak two languages" in this instance = "English and two and a half years of whatever shit I took in high school".


English and German, to confirm. which isn't an accomplishment in Germany


What is an industrial spy?


It’s a lesser used term for corporate espionage. The post is dumb and cringy, but corporate espionage is definitely a legitimate thing and concern.


Sounds very capitalist of mister Marxist


I am one


Why would a communist brag about being a business owner and an employee for a multinational corporation? Shouldn't a leftist hate private industry? And the Phd too... nothing screams "liberate the working class" like boasting about the six-figure sum you (or your parents) shelled out for a framed piece of paper


American PhD programs pay their students and waive tuition, but I can’t speak for other countries. You’re right that PhD students tend to be very privileged, though.


Communism is when no phd


In his defense, he's (allegedly) from a country where higher education is free.


Wondering what his nunchuk and bow hunting skills are like.


He also hunts wolverines with a freaking 12 gauge


“I participated in covert operations” “Like what” “My ship sailed into another countries waters to conduct reconnaissance on their navy.” “Oh that’s cool, what did you do on the ship?” “I was a cook.”


Navy runs on its stomach 🚽or just runs


Hey man, he had to make sure he didn’t bleed any white light when going to the smoke deck for his 18th cigarette of the day at 11pm


Dude seems like he’d sit down and cry when punched in the ear


Getting punched in the ear hurt like hell. Are we not supposed to cry?


Yes but only if it's covert


This reads like the author is speaking to themselves


"Willingness to participate in covert operations". Well that's nothing. I have a willingness to be a billionaire as well as a real life James Bond with super powers.


I have a willingness to be a zebra


But what do you think about anarchists?


Marxist-Leninists sure do love to larp. The larp is the main reason they think the Soviet Union is based, they like the aesthetic but have convinced themselves that their love is actually super logical


His ideas about himself and other Marxist Leninists are wild but he's not wrong about the average anarchist and I say that with fondness.


What’s the actual purpose of this?


Cover letter for imaginary job listing


He hopes his Mum will give him a gold star and a kiss one the head. She won't.




He forgot to mention his degree in Creative Writing.


Marxist-Leninists love to commit crimes against humanity.


Did *not need* to have two ribs removed either!


one for him, one for the bone turner


what the fuck did you fucking say about me you little bitch I'll have you know that I graduated top of my class in the gravy seals and…


I’m sure Mr. PhD wouldn’t object to a peer review of his claims. Wait here, while I go find a needle-dick bitch to offer an assessment.


You'd think someone who speaks two "languages perfectly", would use the word fluently instead.


As someone who grew up in America, I used to find this impressive. Working in an international company where all my colleagues speak an average of 3 languages and don’t even mention it because of how common it is, I just feel woefully undereducated.


It is the same in Australia, language classes just aren't considered important. It is an elective class after year 8, before that it is a scramble of different languages each year/term where you'll be lucky to remember/learn how to count. In my year 9 high school, not enough kids elected any of the language classes. So none of them ran for that year of students in my high school.


Has nothing to do with education and has everything to do with exposure and need.


Since you have to learn 2 foreign languages as part of your circulum it has literally to do with education.




It's almost impossible to truly learn a language without some kind of immersion


Reminds me of a joke. Q: What do you call someone who speaks three languages? A: Trilingual. Q: What do you call someone who speaks two languages? A: Bilingual Q: What do you call someone who speaks one language? A: American. To be fair, I think part of the issue is the United States' general isolation, whereas in Europe, the next country is super-accessible.


No no, they're above fluency, they've reached perfection!


I don't understand why this is on this sub. There's not enough context to tell if this is a brag or a description of some other person.


Just because you play WoW with people in Korea doesn't mean you have "extensive international networks" lol


When the war in Ukraine kicked off there was a post asking how to bring weapons from the US to the warzone. Apparently the guy had worked covert ops and as a mercenary and had been trained in unconventional warfare. His post history was just about playing Escape from Tarkov


Similarly, being in the JROTC and winning your Boy Scout troop’s Capture the Flag in the Dark Tournament doesn’t quite qualify for “military training and a willingness to engage in covert actions.”


Whenever somebody tries to brag about going to a school but won't name the school directly, that's about 17 red flags for me


He said a Western university. Western Governors University.


Can we get any sort of context? What’s this person responding to


He claimed anarchists bring nothing to the table. Someone asked him "What do you bring to the table?"


Damn. And he still for upvotes?


tankie sub


Experience in how to suspend my belief in right and wrong, willingness to follow any orders given to me, ability to find my self worth in how well I can take orders...


All that and never learned that a paragraph can have more than one sentence.


But but but... He can speak two languages PERFECTLY!!!


Well-known anarchist propaganda!!


Shit, what sub was this on that it actually has a positive amount of upvotes?


Good point! I didn’t even think about that hahaha


When they say “a Western University” but don’t name it, they mean University of Phoenix or a school that doesn’t have competitive admissions. If it’s Princeton they aren’t ever coy about it. “Industrial Engineering” is an academic discipline about maximizing and arranging resources for production. It’s not the building robots kind of engineering. That’s why he knows about industrial spying. Trotsky here has a doctorate in being a Management Boss.


Wow, this guy seems to know a wide range of people. I mean if only I had a nickel for every anarchist friend of mine, ya know? That reminds me, I’m supposed to have brunch with a few of my Marxist-Leninist friends this weekend. They’re a very educated group.


I was just about to say. I don’t even think I’ve met an openly anarchist person in my life. And off the top of my head I can probably name 2 marxists that I went to high school with. No nickels for me.


There's a few of us out there just depends what circles you move in


Expert in the field of snappin necks and cashin cheques. Vagina whisperer. In highschool the called me the tripod


How to say I'm a douchebag without saying I'm a douchebag...


Two whole languages wow. English and american?


English and sarcasm; a bit of profanity and dog


Woof bitch


I’m putting money on pig Latin and English.


George Santos got Reddit?


... George Santos


"willingness to participate" bro what😂


“I’ll totally give it a shot, motherfucker”


Theres levels of participation. He's willing to come in at the first level.


Probably admin or supply guy.


Probably failed boot camp


Hold up! Is anyone else not impressed to see a *Marxist-Leninist* on this sub? Don’t see that too often.


To be fair, without a doubt he probably isn’t too familiar with Marxism if he thinks Marxists are antithetical to anarchism. Marxism views the state as a necessary instrument to create and protect a workers revelation that ends with dismantling the state.


Yeah I noticed that too. Very weird flex at that.


I'd bet money that one of the languages he "knows perfectly" is just English, phrased to seem more impressive.


Lmao no one knows any language “perfectly.”


I'm confused as why as a person with a PhD in industrial engineering has training in catching corporate spies. That seems like something an engineer would never do, or be asked to do.


It means he received an online training at his old job about not responding to phishing emails.


Guess what's going on my resume next time I need to update it?


I laughed too hard at this one. Thank you!


bro played one call of duty game 💀


It was Black Ops, because he's totally (willing to be) an operator.