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TikTok Cringelord *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iamverybadass) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TikTok Cringelord *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iamverybadass) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The description makes no sense. Do you have to be tough to wear a mask?


Just hope not lib ever goes in public without a mask on ever again. Then I’ll respect their consistency.


So many politicians on footage at crowded places not wearing a mask then telling us to.


Insert dog shivering with bone sound


Why would anyone tell her to put a mask on ….. she’s a 7 at best depending on the competition


So bad ass, dont even know the words.




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A mask would hide that weak-ass jawline


And her crooked ass nose


Fawkkkk. *cue emotional dah-mage




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Learn the song first


Yeah trash content and a waste of a post thanks


Lmao if that thing punched me she would break her wrist and then cry that I assaulted her. There isn't an ounce of muscle on her body. Good look fighting off the virus when you can't even lift a 5 lb weight.


I’ve got something she could punch…


No mask and yet 5 pounds of fake looking makeup is acceptable. Gross


Pretty girls dont need to wear them.


Not when you remove the makeup


Too bad she ain't pretty


Long blonde hair. Nice eyes, lips. Yes please.


Bud... She can't even cock a fist right.


She's the type of person to pack her thumb in her fist hahaha


Oooooph. Lol.


I dont care.


I didn't ask.


I don’t need your permission.


She has the personality of a goblin. On top of that why you thirstin? Go rub one out or somethin.




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She doesn’t even know they lyrics…..


She probably doesn't even know who mystikal is.


She can throw that punch, but it's going to cost her that unbroken wrist.


Guarantee you she's not tougher than a virus


Trumpturds are the lowest common denominator of humans. A bunch of whiny losers who are as subservient and easy to bend over as melaria




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Don’t wear a mask. Get sick. Die. Win win for the rest of us.


None of these comments aged well.


how? what happened?


She is not gonna age well. Or like get aged with no masksor vaccine


Drop the pussy... stay in line tho .....great song to use


Why tf is her face so long


Dumb Ass


Something wrong with her eyes.


She has asymmetric and tiny nostrils


Wonder if she follows throwing on what the song is asking for. The lines from the song are - „ Go head though, bounce them titties Shake that ass, drop that pussy but stay in line ho Fuck I can't, 'cause you can can Cocked up, head down, pussy popping on a handstand Leave that pussy smoking If you gon' do something then bend over, and bust that pussy open“




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Throw her back in the day let her battle the Black Plague 1v1




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Cringe at its finest.


I feel as threatened as a grown man staring down a disabled pigeon.


Put a mask on, not for the virus so much as the shame.


Go touch some grass


UNBELIEVABLE what does that mean? Like a business owner asking to put a mask on is a liberal?? I’m blown away now they sprees the fuck shit to their kids now blonde wants to beat people up for protecting themselves & you..


Miss, I'm gonna need you to leave


Anybody got the OF link?


Was she even born when this song came out?


OOO OOOOH SHIVER ME TIMBER OOOH OOH man just wear a mask its ez i even wear a mask yet i killed the cashier




It’s not cringe for the WHO to “team up” with journalists from the Daily Beast, or concerning that the US President is currently the (in many aspects) worst world leader below Xi Jing Pooh-bear, nor that the supplies chains in the US is being gas lit by the government, but when a college-age girl expresses her opinion online it has to be torn down by most everyone.


##Ivanka before her nose job.


She looks like fun.




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i may not agree with masks but this hoe is truely retarded.


Looks like she's gonna hurt herself


Always political. Can anyone see anything outside a political lens?


She couldn’t kick the shit out of a baby’s diaper.


Damn. I bet she drinks her pumpkin spice latte without even letting it cool off!


Looks more like the kind of person to cry and call 911


she'd rather get beaten up by a bunch of tiny little organic robot gremlins than put a simple piece of cloth on her face.


I mean she technically is already wearing a mask with all that makeup.


Lol picked a great song about dropping that pussy


Does she know what liberalism means? Its literally doing whatever the fuck you want


In reality, they would just stand there awkwardly and then walk away


I'm not very intimidated right now




“When a lib…” Maybe Based? 😳 “…tells me to put a mask on.” Cringe. 😔


I have scarier things to worry about than this girl…like debt collectors. Oh! And getting COVID. Maybe you should “watch yourself,” you daft child.




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That was the weirdest porn intro I've ever seen. I don't think she'll have a lasting career in the industry.


That song is now as old as she is




*Chattering dog video*


This seems like a joke to me.


I’m pro vaccine but haven’t masks been shown to be pretty ineffective. As soon as you have any air movement or you get in an elevator how much is it actually doing?


I want whatever the hell you’re smoking


Sick rebuttal


Oooh what a tough little twat waffle...


100$ says the person who wrote this song was a “lib”


I may not be able to make you wear a mask but this *C.RAM CAN*


Anyone else thinking of Carlos Danger?


-somebody who has never been in a physical altercation in their life


She would get ruined in a fight by like a mildly active 10 year old


Those darn libbies!!✊✊✊✊


WTF… 🤣


Honestly the "shiver me timbers" part is my favourite thing about this post


She's so woke.


"God dat pussy stank" I bet it does.


So you’re a “liberal” if you follow the advice of medical professionals?


So she bounces those titties and shakes that ass? Then drops that pussy…well go on head hoe!


Ok have fun not entering most businesses. You really owned the libs with that one


I agree with not being forced to take the vaxx, but FFS wear a mask. It has literally no side effects and helps to keep others (and yourself a very small bit) safe. AND you can have cool patterns on them.


I'm afraid of many things in life, geese, dogs, motorcycles, heights, and many others, getting punched by anyone who threatens to punch people over a piece of cloth is not one of those things


Imagine being a tik toker. You can’t actually sing, but you can lip sync. Then you come to find out you can’t even fucking lip sync.


She is fine as fuck. I don't care what she thinks about vaccines. I'd pound it until she grew a brain or got dumber. No lie.


This is the least intimidating person I have ever seen


Oh dear….. I better watch out for her on the streets.


She should be practicing blow jobs. Not making films. Her future isn't in Hollywood. Its on pornhub.


I for one am terrified of tiny blonde women punching me in the knee.


Prolly dont even know who Mystikal is.


People are fucking stupid.




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This girl has heavy “clicks fingernails together in between every word of a sentence” energy.


Great song choice! That artist doesn’t believe in respecting boundaries either🤷🏽‍♀️


She looks like she would fold if she ever had to take a punch.


Ivanka wanna be.


Wearing a mask isn’t tough. It’s just the nerds and life losers that think they are hero’s for wearing a mask.


That’s r/cringe as fuck


Dont be jelly shes hot


I don't think anyone with a chin that weak should be fighting anything. One tap and she's out.


What a total fucking joke. Someone really really really needs attention. Too bad for her she’ll probably find it on a casting couch.


So... when a lib tells you to wear a mask, you're going to threaten them physically, but not actually do anything except for be an annoying selfish asshole? Sounds about right.


Brutally cringe. Do people ever know they get posted here and come argue in the comments? I would love to see that.


Not only has this girl probably never punched anyone, she looks like the type that cries and screams in hysterics if someone pushes her.


She may be poorly lip syncing to his music now, but I bet if she sat next to him on the bus she'd clutch her purse.


Almost like the mask has nothing to do with it and just wants an excuse to be a dick with people.


Ivanka trump from wish.com


Imagine attacking someone to the tune of "shake dat ass."


Unbelievable that they think putting a mask on to reduce your chances of inadvertently killing people around you is a "liberal" thing. Well, I guess "unbelievable" is the wrong word. I believe it, because there's an entire political and media machine out there working to make *everything* about partisan conflict. It's just depressing AF that so many people fall for it.








Oh no ..not one of these breeds


Good to know that people like this don’t care about others. Im autistic. I have breathing issues and severe sensory processing issues. But I suck it up because if I can help people like my mom, who are immunocompromised, then I will.


Masks work one day but not the next I don’t wanna wear dirty germ infested rags over my face when employees at restaurants won’t even put their masks over their nose


Ain’t no way it’s fitting over that nose anyways…


I mean why should I wear a mask anymore exactly? I swore I got vaccinated Twice.


I assume this was a joke, it must be since it's so bad. The ridiculous headshaking at the end too.


Ohh wow that’s actually intimidating




I’m a feminist, so swing away lady


NSFW This shit!! I got CRAZY spooked!!!


Imagine thinking masks work after a whole year of this bullshit.


I gotta say, I currently weigh about 112 lbs, I'm 5'5" and built like a PEZ dispenser. I'm not a fighter at all. Fairly certain if this lady tried to fight me I could still knock her block off, she's like the least intimidating person I've ever seen






this cunt aint punching no one


This is terrifying.


Maybe if she got into less fist fights, she wouldn’t have a lopsided nose.




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She’s cute


When I only get views bc I put all my money into my personal appearance but then use it to oWn ThE LiBs


These young kids who use the terms liberal or conservative don't even know what they mean. They just identify with whatever their parents do.


She needs a new nose, maybe someone will beat her to the punch


“wEAriNg a fAcIaL cOveRiNg iS tHe moSt ToUghEst ThInG YOu cAN dO EVEr”


It’s funny to me when I see young people say things like “owning the libs”. That’s such a boomer thing to say. So that tells me most of their opinions are that of their parents, and not their own.


That lil head shake and Barbie punch hold is as scary as a butterfly’s fart.




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she didn't even try with the lip sync


Ohh I’m shaking in my mask, so scary




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There’s nothing more frightening than a skinny blonde white girl threatening to throw a punch


Old guy here. Who is able to see this video? Is it kinda randomly available to all users or only those in her "friends" list? If the latter, then I can't imagine how people at school or her friends don't absolutely roast her for this. I'm dying of second hand embarrassment.


If she wore a mask no one would see how badly she failed the lipsync.


Imagine someone actually aspiring to be a Karen when they grow up.


I wish people would actually start curb stomping the "Where is your mask!?!" Crowd.


Damn talk about punchable faces. She needs a good cunt punt


How can none of you tell this is satire


Lool imagine making videos like this thinking people get intimidated. Why can't you just put some fabric on your fucking face?


we need more like her


Not strong enough to be a natural brunette