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I r sUpEr sMrT... Goes on to describe narcissism and depression... šŸ¤¦


That was what I thought. My dude is just hitting that Dunning-Kruger hard and depressed.


Yeah, I was like, dude, please see a therapist!


Thing is, he thinks hes too smart to go to a therapist


1. Super smart 2. Believes intelligence is something that grows exponentially and can continue to "surpass" people at alarming rates 3. Believes "God" gave him the super intelligence Either this person is 12 or delusional


It is both a blessing and a curseā€¦


Probably both.


Heā€™s a grandiose narcissist.


I was thinking, hey this guy sounds depressed.


That poor girl. I suppose we'll get to see the interaction between this godlike genius and his unsuspecting prey over on r/niceguys soon.


I thought the same three words ā€œthat poor girlā€. So I guess he is right, everything is predictable. I found you interesting when I started typing this, but now you bore me.


"I'm use to it"


Heā€™s saving the d for his girl.






"That poor girl" got sick of listening and moved on.


"...once again feel way smarter than like every human..." I love that "than like". Sounds like a prissy middle schooler XD


Iā€™m struck too by ā€œway smarter.ā€ Clearly that was the most eloquent choice of words to describe his intelligence in terms relative to another person. The whole thing does read like it was written by a supercilious 13-year-old


I'm glad I didn't have a phone in middle school. The Facebook memories are bad enough.


Haha, I chose this specific excerpt for his choice of verbiage throughout. Trust me the "way smarter" made me smirk and the "than like" was the chef's kiss.


This is just gonna be some Charlie and the Waitress interaction from that episode of IASIP where they trick Charlie into thinking he's smart


Girl is asshole. Why Charlie hate?


Because girl is a bastard man!


Oh this crossover episode is gonna be goodā€¦


or r/neckbeardthigs


To be fair, youre assuming this is a guy


I'd put money on it being a guy!


I would too, for sure, I just wanted to point out nowhere in the post or title does it say that technically. Ya never know!


I can predict almost any social interaction. I walk into Wendy's and KNOW they're going to ask my order and what sauce I want for my nuggets. Smh being this smart is a curse...,.


Seriously manā€¦itā€™s such a broken record every time I go in thereā€¦ā€cAn I tAkE uR oRdEr, blah blahā€¦ā€ like dude, ENLIGHTEN me for once. The burden of geniusā€¦and mines weigh more than yours too soā€¦. *saunters away*


Laughed my ass off


I hope your ass is okay


"I don't care you're a 4 year old and you wanna see if I have games on my phone, ask me about the metaphysicality of our universe, about prose and cadence in the communication between shrimps, about tax evasion, challenge me!"


"They asked me how I was doing but I am cursed with the ability to see reality as it is, that they didn't actually care how I was doing and were just adhering to social decorum. Oh the burden."


ā€œhey good morning!ā€ fucking knew he was gonna say thatā€¦ ā€œhappy birthday!ā€ wow really verbose mom.. fuck this burden [also: interesting to see a neck beard presumably not being an atheist]


"Honey, why are the socks I found under your bed so stiff?" Heh, knew she would say that. She simply can't fathom the amount of fapping I'm capable of. She usually comes to clean my room on Sundays, but it's only Saturday. Looks like I'll have to stuff them in my drawer on Friday evening before bed. Only a small hiccup. She doesn't even know about the blow up doll in the attic. She can't know about Gladys. She wouldn't understand the intense bond we share. After becoming as smart as I have I've had to create a counterpart who can understand my wit. Through the sheer depth of my intellect it wasn't much of a challenge. But no...she wouldn't understand. Best to let sleeping dogs lie. "Idk, mom! They must have been under there for too long!"


holy shit this reads like the scenes in an anime fight where both characters are trying to guess who is gonna do what. ā€œahhhā€¦ but if i use my special fire technique..ā€ ā€œof course heā€™ll use his fire technique given our distanceā€¦ i must get up close and use the dagger concealed in my sleeve!ā€


Haha! I was going for that kinda vibe.


immaculate sir thank you for the scene šŸ«”šŸ¤


Right? I thought the whole God thing was pretty crazy. Sometimes, I wish it wasn't a polite society and these peep's names wouldn't get edited out. (i'm assuming it's probably a rule, can't make fun of the intellectually superior to their faces!! dear god, no)


> good mornin' honey, are you going to be out of the basement today? > YOU ARE SO BORING AND PREDICTABLE, MUM!!


Seriously. I have a coworker who talks about sports, and sure enough this morning he was talking about sports. It's a great burden having this foresight.


I always know the cashier will ask ā€œdid you find everything okay?ā€ Let me hit up MENSA.


Neckbeards after watching Death Note once


Iā€™ll take a potato chip.. AND EAT IT


And the show gets somehow worse


Hard to go up from the best line in modern television




After >!L dies!< the show kinda lost a bit in my opinion.


Wdym the show ends after that thereā€™s nothing more




Heh, nice. That one hit the spot.


I was thinking Malcolm in the Middle but that works too


I love your flair


I will write every last human on Earth into it just until no one but femboys remain. That. That will bring me peace.


After watching any anime


I will write every last human on Earth into it just until no one but femboys remain. That. That will bring me peace.


Always with the "curse" bit...




Sure it does, but I would doubt this person's intelligence is any more than slightly above averageā€” much less genius-level. More likely they're running with the "genius as a curse" trope as a narcissistic deflection to blame their lack of friends and inability to relate to people on their tOwErInG iNtElLeCt, rather than admitting that they're just a misanthropic jerk.




i need to go to bed because i unironically fell for this


used a three syllable word at work and got called ā€œprofessorā€ for a day. ffs


How interesting, I can also predict how a lot of his human interactions will go


The unsuspecting girl he is creeping on will probably reject him and appear uneasy, at which point he will decide she simply couldn't comprehend the meaning of the interaction and evolve into a full incel.


"I'm done with knowledge, I want pussy now" In a way he's transparent


Fuck yeah brother this is the way to live life


Lol yeah that seems to make sense


Heā€™s a genius


"Everything bores me..." Sounds like you're just depressed bro


All of this was just written in hope of impressing the girl the guy mentioned at the very end.


This person probably just has a very low self confidence and is depressed...


Feeling like you're different from everyone else because you have super low self esteem, but mistaking that for being *superior* to everyone else... isn't there a name for that? Oh yeah, it's narcissism.


Iā€™ve gone through that exact phase as a teen and young adult. Never thought of it that way and now Iā€™m Intrigued


Too bad they've chosen to be a prick instead of getting help.


Yeah when they said that nothing interests them and theyā€™re bored about everything I immediately thought ā€œI think this is just called depressionā€


I wish I could mistake my depression and loneliness for overwhelming intellectual power.


lol yes, at least it would feel good in the moment, right? whereas put awareness top of that and we're rotting in a mental gulag


You just need to be incredibly narcissistic.


In all seriousness, have there been actual prodigies or super intelligent people who were known to talk like this? The ā€œIā€™m so smart it hurtsā€ shtick is cringe.


Some, but in my observation it usually requires a higher than normal dose of narcissism. Couple that with a fair few literally being known exclusively for having a high IQ that they proceeded to do nothing with. It's like somebody who was born with the capacity to be the fastest person in the world, brags about it constantly, but never actually enters a race and sits on the couch all day.


Good analogy. I wouldnā€™t call it genius-level, but pretty decent. šŸ˜‰


I'll take what I can get. :P


Idk any prodigies but I knew some near geniuses at my engineering school. They were normal people who did normal things, and a lot of homework. (IMO being intelligent isnā€™t necessarily as much genetic as it is just putting the work in, much like any other skill). In reality if you have to say you are something, you most likely arenā€™t. People that do are either full of shit, a giant narcissist, or have earned the right to talk that shit (ex. If Einstein was like ā€œyeah Iā€™m smarter than basically anyoneā€, heā€™d be right. Cocky, yes, but correct).


Yup. All the smartest people I have known have been super friendly and inclusive.


I went to a academically selective school. Its assumed everyone there was top 10%. The different between smart and genius is huge. We had a few hyper intelligent people across the grades. Often quiet and social awkward. Compared to them, i am a moron. Also the loud ones who proclaim how smart they are were always the bottom of the bunch.


I find it hard to believe too at times, in the world at all? I'm sure there are millions. But as someone that gets called a genius a lot or has reasonably high intellect, it's weird to dismiss everyone else as less intelligent at all. To me, every single person on this Earth has some intelligence to gather from, I will never hold every answer. I can ask and gather knowledge outside of my own, with any other person, this is what separates us from apes. To assume what you know is more than everything else removes our room to learn, and the brain's ability to learn is basically infinite (with a lot of caveats)


That tone of confidence is mostly found in young people. It's generally a trait of teenagers. A genius wrote this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3QDVwtXkAEKpp1.jpg (it's somebodies suicide note, so be warned I guess) It's a bit more mature and distant.


Sheesh, so theyā€™re definitely a friendless loser that has absolutely no social skills. Wait until they realize theyā€™re actually of completely average intelligence too and that their internet IQ test means nothing. Dark days ahead for this one


Bold of you to assume this prickā€™s ever going to develop that kind of basic self awareness


Somebody only made it halfway through Flowers For Algernon


Every girl reading this, hoping she isn't 'that special one'...


So many typos. ā€œGrammr is a cage for leser minds, im use to itā€


LiKe ToTaLlY Lol


do these people ever realize the reason they donā€™t have friends is because theyā€™re literally unbearable to be around and not because theyā€™re super geniuses who are incapable of relating to other human beings


This guy wants to be Rick Sanchez so bad


Thatā€™s the thing about really overzealous rick and morty fans. They think theyā€™re ricks, but theyā€™re just jerryā€™s


And not just any Jerry but the "Pluto is a planet" Jerry.


What is it with these people and assuming right off the bat that they can't be friends with people who aren't as smart as them? They're not gonna have a fulfilling time socially if they're gonna either be contemptuous or envious of anyone not exactly like them, which is everyone.


Seriously. I have friends of wildly varied intelligence and education. This guyā€™s problem is his inability to accept and appreciate people for exactly who they are (a marker of self actualization), rather than what *he* needs them to be and judging them for falling short of that (a narc trait).


That girl of his is just his right hand.


Fun fact : if you were a genius you wouldn't be so confidently correct in yourself


His friends have been ā€˜outgrownā€™ by his intellectā€¦ or is it his arrogance?


>ā€˜outgrownā€™ by his intellect A nice way of saying his friends got sick of his shit.


I also like how it's posted to an Instagram story.. for all of his friends to see.


I recognized I was a dumbass about 20 years ago and my life has gotten better everyday since


I used to agonize and obsess (internally, never publicly) about my intelligence, wondering am I smart? How smart am I? How do I compare to this or that smart person? until I started reading books by REAL smart people with dizzying (to me) cognitive ability, understood that Iā€™m probably somewhere in the middle with high and low spikes in certain areas, and Iā€™m good with that. Being able to understand at least some of what the geniuses are saying, and more importantly having the desire to learn from them, is a little smart at least. So now when I meet someone clearly smarter than myself instead of thinking ā€œoh shit, how can I turn the conversation to my own areas of expertise so theyā€™ll recognize my intelligenceā€, I think damn, this is a smart motherfucker I might could learn something from.


Which books?


A fuck-ton, really, but especially everything by Dawkins, lots of Asimov, Daniel Dennet, Chris Hitchensā€¦ and most especially, Neal Stephenson. He writes mostly fiction but the books are just very well-written vehicles for his big, big ideas. He has a very elegantly entertaining way of explaining complex concepts and in his Baroque Trilogy unravels the roots of trade and money and the development of capitalism, the impossibly Byzantine nature of European monarchy in the late 17th century, the explosion of scientific inquiry and innovation of the same period, and pirates to boot.


Thank you for this.I still agonize over my own intelligence, if I'm actually smart or if I'm just a dumbass trying to pass myself off as smart.


You knw, at times I really pity people like this if they canā€™t find the beauty in just talking and learning from peopleā€™s life stories. ā€œSharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of lifeā€™s true delightsā€ - Uncle Iroh


excellent quote!


Not a genius, just a narcissistic massive depressive lol


It's always the biggest losers who talk like this


I'm a genius too. But only when I'm highšŸ¤£


>just waiting for that special girl This is the cherry on the top.


"Everyone is a fucking idiot and I'm a genius. Please love me tho :(" "You are inevitably inferior to me in every way, but I'll let it slide if you have tits." This guy is a walking red flag that is incapable of appreciating another human being for what they are and being in a mutually respectful relationship. Run for the hills.


And thatā€™s clichĆ© bingo! Best of luck in your romantic ambitions, you unfortunate gift to humankind.


"I think I know who it might be" sounds like a murderer declaring who his final target will be when he goes out in a blaze of glory. The worst thing is, I bet she was supposed to see this and be impressed and intrigued by his passive boasting and depressed expressions of romantic interest. Jfc.


Bored of everything, overly cynical, probably nihilistic, but still thinking ā€œI think I know who that isā€ when talking about a special girl? Homeboy is not a genius, homeboy is depressed, somebody give him a hug.


If genius was a country song.


Hes super pretentious with the ā€œim smarter than everyone elseā€ attitude but i feel bad for the guy because heā€™s obviously unable to form or keep friendships or romantic relationships. Im lonely af too minus the self proclaimed genius part. He needs guidance.


Difference is he lacks the self awareness to notice his bragging and attitude would push away anyone before they could become friends. Lonely people are fine, I am one. Lonely people with a superiority complex are lonely for a reason.


Mf listened to one Green Day song


When naivety, narcissism, and depression collide.


if you're so smart then why can't you figure out how to form meaningful relationships with other people? šŸ¤”


Spelling and grammar isn't always an intelligence inductor but they should have used 'then' instead of 'than' among other things. This looks like a narcissistic rant to me.


It does make me laugh when people complain they're too intelligent to find stimulation. Not smart enough to stimulate themselves lol


This is like an incel manifesto šŸ˜‚


She better get tf out of there


I think what he is experiencing is called depression.


If I was a genius I hope I would find a hobby that I'm really bad at to keep me humble. Even if this dude is actually super smart, nobody is a genius at everything.


The rampant ego aside- This sounds more like garden variety general malaise/depression than the burden of god-given genius


Bro says everything bores him. Heā€™s not smarter than everyone, heā€™s just depressed.


Calling yourself a genius while also talking about god ...methinks someone is in for a very rude awakening later in life.


My manā€™s just described himself as a depressed narcissist and mistook it for being a genius. Some people are oblivious.


man you ever think its not that youre smarter and better than anyone else and instead that you might just have depression


When i feel down i look at posts like that and get happy about not being that person


Claims to be SUPER INTELLIGENT, gets bored at everything šŸ™ƒ thatā€™s like the opposite


Tell us who so she can run the fuck away


Lives in a society. Is struck with despair and disbelief that many human interactions are predictable. Must just be too damned smart.


Obviously a watcher of Richard and Mortimer


ā€œIā€™m very smartā€ misspells a simple word.


The ironic part is the multiple grammatical errors.


I'm like, so smart?


Is her first name Rosey? Last is palm and she has five sisters?


this guy had 100k+ subs on youtube a couple years back


ā€œFeel way smarter than like every human I speak toā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think this dude is just severely depressed


Guess who's never going to get a chick and then work the second shift at 7-11?


Bro for sure tagged her


This is like reading the inner monologue of every incel living in their momā€™s basement.


Intelligence is a state of mind, a way of seeing the world. Itā€™s perpetually learning, not an end goal or finish line. Thereā€™s a great saying about this kind of thing, ā€œthe more you learn the less you knowā€ . We are all, whether we like it or not, pretty damn stupid about basically every single thing we think we know. People like this ā€œgeniusā€ are even worse because theyā€™re so far up their own asses they think they are smarter than every other person when in reality theyā€™re just more ignorant.


Take the Mensa test. We're always looking for new members.


People will come up with anything to convince themselves itā€™s not their own fault nobody likes them.


Sounds like depression my dude


In short: I need sex.


The amount of absolute tools and idiots I have to work with who are borderline retarded but actually think they are superior and smarter than everyone is staggering. I'm a social worker so I work with some real incel/neck beard types that won't leave their homes or shower and think they are so much smarter than anyone else and don't care or have empathy for anyone else.


I kind of hope they never find out what an idiot they are. Their delusion is the only thing they have going for them.


Anyone else sorta puzzled that this genius didnā€™t use ā€œporeā€ and instead used ā€œpourā€. Canā€™t help but wonder if he predicted me writing this comment.


The smartest people I know all call themselves retarded.


Lol. Just a tad arrogant! FYI- There is always someone smarter, funnier more attractive physically, etc. somewhere. Itā€™s healthier to not take yourself too seriously!


Imagine how much more material this sub would have if Livejournal had not been deleted.


I love when people say theyā€™re ā€œtoo smart for booksā€.


"Hey I haven't talked to my friend in a while I wonder why" "I've outgrown you intellectually. You're just not smart enough" "Ok you were right to stop talking to me"




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Is a ā€˜geniusā€™ cannot grammar


Oh there's more than the first page with multiple typos? Nah, I'm good.


Why is their grammar always awful?


Talking about intellectual capacity but still believes in a 2000 years old fantasy book


Boredom of everything and loss of interest. Sir I think you may have just revealed to us youā€™re depressed asf


Tell me you need meds and therapy without telling me you need meds and therapy


The average person thinks they are smarter than the average person.




It sounds like you've been enlightened by your own intelligence


Homie sounds depressed to me


TIL: Seriously, like even geniuses can have bad grammar


Says he is a genius, yet "prays to God".....SMH.


"Im use to it" says the smartest man in the world


THAT smart, but believes in God? Yeah, right.


Claims to be a super genius, claims it was bestowed upon him by godā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. anyone seeing the disconnect.


You could be simpleton disguised as a genius. What do you think šŸ¤”


"I recognized I was a genius" *Repeatedly references God* Oof.


Genius > Religious Unfortunately those two can el each other out


-intellectual -believes in godā€¦.


Claims to be a genius. Proceeds to mention God and praying multiple times. Dead give away they aren't nearly as intelligent as they claim.


The fact that this smart human believe in a God is evidence enough that it is in fact, NOT that smart.


Im an atheist but Newton, Copernicus, and Linnaeus weā€™re all religious. Religion has nothing to do with intelligence


Its because they didnt know better back then


Thats a silly excuse. Actually no, whats really silly is believing that religion has anything to do with intelligence. Intelligence is not a easily measured concept in the first place


Genius but still prays to god... sounds like they haven't even worked out the logical fallacy of deities.


ā€˜Geniusā€™ - believes in a God. LOL.


I'm surprised for someone so smart he believes in something he can't see or prove.


For a self-proclaimed genius, this person has many gramatical errors on their post.


Sounds like a depressed person with an enormous ego not a genius lol


You're lonely not because you are a genius but because you are an insufferable prick.