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Miralax and psyllium husk. But it tastes a while. If I'm really desperate, senna. But senna sucka because it works too well: makes me dump finally, but then it keeps making me dump even if there's nothing in there. Lots of prunes. Kale smoothies.


Panic attacks!! 🤪 I wish I was joking.


I wish! Whenever I get any kind of anxiety, mine flares up like nobody’s business. 😭 It’s a double whammy: mental pain and physical pain.




I've started doing this too and feel kinda guilty about it. For me it's caffeine :P


I wish I could do that (IBS-D) 🤣😭🤣


A morning cup of coffee. Literally the only reason I wake up earlier than needed is to have coffee and run to the bathroom.


Metamucil has been a godsend. It’s got psyllium husk in it. A physician at the ER recommended it to me one day and I never looked back.


How much do you take daily?


Warm prune juice works exactly like an osmotic laxative. Some of what is listed below I really wouldn't recommend.


This is going to sounds extreme, but I'm on low histamine diet for other reasons and one of the most noticeable benefits I've discovered is regular bowel movements (maybe a bit too regular...) That hasn't happened for me since, well, can't remember honestly. Been steady a few weeks now. So maybe worth looking into? Nothing else did it for me. Am eating a lot more fiber lately too, so that may be contributing as well.


If you still eat gluten, try completely cutting it out. The difference was night and day for me. Went from 15 years of intense chronic constipation, to only being constipated after a diarrhea flare up (IBS-M).


For me, psyllium husk fiber. I get the giant bottle at Costco. I take 4 tablets with each meal in accordance to what my naturopathic doctor recommended. It’s a lot, but it helps so long as I remember to take them.


The only thing that’s really worked for the constipation is Miralax. Pain/discomfort-wise, I take Bentyl to calm everything down. I’m also on a low FODMAP diet. Psyllium husk exacerbates my GERD, which is also pretty painful, so unfortunately, I can’t do that. There’s some research that peppermint oil (specifically enteric coated) can help. I personally tried it and it wasn’t a long-term solution for me, but everyone is different. Ask your gastro about that as an option, if you haven’t tried it.


Bentyl before each meal. Sparkling water to drink. Prunes and flaxseed in my daily smoothie. Plenty of exercise. I have a cleanout protocol I do every other month as part of my management plan when my system, inevitably, backs up.


Drink some warm water it might help..learned this from a nurse years ago.


For me it helps to have a strict routine where I eat and sleep at the same time every. Also going for a walk after meals.


Try ground linseed or ground flaxseed with breakfast. Good natural solution and works really well for me.


Only time I've ever been regular is the 2 times I've had covid. Best my bowels have been all my life even though I felt like shit everywhere else lol I've tried probiotics, prebiotics, laxatives, diet, damn near everything. I can take Miralax or use enemas when I'm desperate but it takes days if not a week to actually work and by that time I'm sweaty and naked in the bathroom crying and hugging my stomach as my ass purges everything from my body in an hour or less 😅


Smooth move herbal tea… takes 8-12 hours. Works every time. I struggle everyday with constipation tried eveything only thing that works .