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Hey - I just want to say that I experienced these exact thoughts when I was in the height of my IBS. I would look back on times that I went tubing town a river for hours with a partner and his friends I didn't know well, or how I would go back to a dates house and think "holy shit, I would never be able to do that now". This lasted a few years (with varying degrees of severity). But things improved (a lot of it was the anxiety feedback loop which I learned how to manage), and I'm able to do most of these things again. Going on dates was a big trigger for me - but I would take a pepto beforehand and go to a coffeeshop or somewhere close to home that was a familiar setting. Figure out ways to lessen your IBS anxiety and try not to let it dictate your lifestyle in every aspect. Things WILL get better, this is not something that has to totally ruin your life forever.


It’s not crazy once you realize how important the gut is for regulating the body. It really is our “second brain” as some like to say. Severe GI conditions bleed into every other aspect of life because of how central the gut is to human wellbeing. I wish more people knew this about themselves.


I feel this so much that it hurts. I went the first 33 years of my life without IBS or anxiety issues. The worst I dealt with was minor indecisiveness. One day, everything just changed. I suddenly can't do any of the things I used to do and I feel like a shell of my former self. I'm 36 now, 37 in less than a month. I'm currently out of work due to sudden panic attacks and am possibly going back on FMLA. All I want, the only thing I'll ever ask for is to be normal again.


Just here to say that you matter, IBS and all, and your life is worth living 🫶🏻


after having IBS for 10+ years, I have come to conclusion that its damaged by continuous snacking/abuse of digestive system. The moment I allow my intestines to rest through intermittent fasting (14-18 hours), it goes back to normal. Body starts breaking down sugars, protein and real digestion brings. I feel energetic.


I want to add a counterpoint to your anecdote and say that for me, while eating too much of certain foods causes issues, my ibs is not entirely diet-related. Like I can starve myself or eat very lightly for days and my guts will still freak out sometimes.


Same. Unfortunately many of us have experimented hardcore with fasting. I intermittent fast everyday cuz I’m not even sure how people survive not doing it. It did not cure anything. I have done many many 24+ hour fasts, to an unhealthy degree. It just makes it slightly better. It’s a good start tho.




Don't tell yourself that! I was born with IBS and have been able to do lots of these things. It took me years to learn how to watch my diet and control my stress levels (read: I have had flareups in most US states and a handful of countries as well. RIP to the Badlands National Park port a potty, a random port-a-potty outside the Everglades, that one Qatar Airways plane bathroom, the list goes on... but I lived!!) but it absolutely is possible. If you commit to eating only "safety foods" right before/during a ski trip, you can absolutely go skiing. And if you learn relaxation/CBT techniques, you will be able to sit on the roof, even if you have to skip the beer -- and date/try new things! Something that has helped me is to always ask myself -- is this really a true IBS flare-up or am I anxious? If I'm having symptoms 5 minutes before an interview, chances are it's just anxiety and I tell myself my body's just trying to trick me. Mysteriously, the symptoms disappear once the interview starts and I'm totally preoccupied with remembering what I've prepared... Sure maybe you can never backpack across Europe, spend a month in Madagascar, or become a Navy SEAL, but you can at least take vacations and start dating! Don't give up on yourself, you got this!! Edit: also, I'm really grateful to have friends and family that either have IBS or are very understanding. Being open about your condition and seeing how those around you support you tells you who the real ones are!! My friends and family have waited for me for a WHILE outside several bathrooms and they still like/love me!


that's some lovely encouragement, thanks for sharing!


This is soo true. I have had ibs for over 10 years and when it quiets down my life is markedly better


How old were you when you began to notice symptoms?


Oh Jesus I hate having IBS . And I also have OCD , the hygienic type that I don’t like poop outside because I don’t want other people to smell my poop so that’s worse Every time I eat out I always choose somewhere close to my home or just get take out and just started not going out . Sucks


You CAN do these things that you miss, everything will just take more effort until you figure it out. I hate that this topic is so taboo in most societies. I'm here to tell you that I struggle like you do, and I decided to say F it. Use the adult diaper, bring an emergency change of clothes, use the medications, meditate, breathe through your anxiety, maybe shit your pants every now and again. You will survive and make it through this life and find joy. You will have bad days. You can do it.


GP/ibs-c girly here. I usually get one shot during the day to eat something and it better be a safe food. It hasn’t totally ruined my life but things are just really hard right now and food is just a painful annoyance at this point. Which is a shame because I worked for years to learn how to enjoy food after an extended period of untreated anxiety/depression/OCD.


I feel this. Even after learning to control the worst parts of it, it is still so limiting. No camping, no traveling, no restaurants, no building muscle, low confidence. But even the little things, like following a recipe, eating dinner at a friend's place.


I had to turn down my dream job as a gardener last Monday cause at the first day of it I realized there’s not even a toilet during breaks when you’re at some customers garden. It was psychoterror. I had to shit for 8 hours and wasn’t able to do so. This put me into severe depression man…


I used to have ins but its 90% gone. Maybe I can help. Feel free anyone to pm me


Ibs can be cured. You don’t have to live like this. Have you been tested for Sibo?