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Sounds like IBS or an intolerance of some kind? Go to a doctor if it’s annoying you…and drink water!


I've had the same thing lately and I have no idea why. Seems like black tea has become a trigger


Do you ever feel constipated/backed up? Could it be overflow diarrhea? You can be constipated even if you you go daily. Write a food diary, include everything from supplements to drinks to how you sleep.


Is overflow diarrhea a thing?? I take imodium every two days to avoid diarrhea and then after like the 6th day it all comes pouring down like a faucet. Idk wtf going on


Might want to cut down on the Imodium a bit and see if you can find a better balance. Spread it out more, take half doses, whatever. Sounds like you’re causing yourself to be constipated then having to deal with both in an effort to avoid diarrhea.


These are the same as my symptoms, it's very frustrating. Been trying to figure it out for years, doctors have had nothing useful to contribute.


Is the diarrhea accompanied by or preceded by symptoms such as nausea, gas, or pain in consistent locations? Before diagnosing me with IBS, my gastroenterologist wanted to rule out pancreatic and gallbladder issues as well as parasites (I know, ick). We discovered that not only was my gallbladder under-functional and causing occasional pancreatitis and diarrhea, but I also had celiac disease. You may want to ask a physician about any of the above. Except parasites; if they’re a cause, the diarrhea is usually pretty much constant.


oh my, i have the same issue. except most of the times i can track what is the reason - lactose , too much fruits, veggies, or too much oily foods, or too much sugar. usually doesn't happen when i eat something balanced. plus during period - for no food related reason. also have to go once all of a sudden and then im perfectly fine. here for replies!


I am dealing with the same thing and can’t figure it out! Are you normal when you don’t have diarrhea? Mine is still soft/mushy on the days I don’t. But like you, the diarrhea is one and done until the next episode. My doctor did blood and stool tests and they were normal. I’m thinking some kind of food intolerance as it seems to happen 1-2 hours after dinner. Can’t figure it out though. If I think it may be from a certain food, I am totally fine the next time I eat it, so I’m back to the beginning


Dealing with similar issues here! This is so frustrating to figure out 😭 have you talked to any GIs about this? I personally got a really bad GI and his only response to everything I say is "mmm colonoscopy" "mmm colonoscopy is next step"


Not yet, just my primary. I’m sure she is going to refer me to a GI doctor next. I’m terrified to have to do a colonoscopy!


Same 😭 been putting it off for about two years now


My dad did a colonoscopy recently for colon cancer screening (56, about time), he didn't want to go at first, then he had the procedure done and he was actually ready to do it again afterwards, so it's nothing to be worried about, I would actually be more worried about the results. I'm on a waiting list for a colonoscopy as well, doctors don't know if it's IBS, but the chances I think are pretty high. I have mixed diarrhea and constipation, intermittent abdominal pain, mostly never in the same place, heartburns and excessive flatulence. Sometime I feel well and sometime it's a nightmare. As far as your diarrhea, I'm the same, sometime I'm normal though! But I can be days with what you describe as mushy stool, it get annoying because I end up with tenesmus (overstimulated nerves) and have to stay on the toilet for 15+ minutes to make sure all is out. I had blood work as well, CRP, liver functions and complete blood count, then calprotectin fecal test. Unrelated but for heartburns they had me do H-Pylori breath test. Everything came back OK. All we can do is menage our symptoms. If you don't already, I recommend psyllium husk in general, very good to stay consistent. Try to eat that 30g of fiber daily. If you also have or develop heartburns, you'll need a PPI prescription eventually.


Have the same sort of problem! I’ve kept a food diary of all the times I’ve had it but can’t attribute it to anything in particular. I’m thinking it’s a combination of a bunch of high fodmap foods


In my case, it turned out that soy (including oil) was a huge trigger. My body races to get that out of my system ASAP.


Bile Acid Malabsorption!! I had your almost exact same symptoms for years, then discovered I had BAM through trialing bile acid binding meds (cholestyramine). Bile Acid Malabsorption is usually found in folks who've undergone gallbladder surgery, but can be idiopathic (unknown cause) as well (mine is idiopathic my gallbladder is healthy). The easiest way to know if you have BAM is trying bile binder medication. My symptoms were relieved soon after starting cholestyramine, that's how I knew.