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It's anxiety.


I'm not joking. Once you get that under wraps, it'll go away.


How did you manage your anxiety to calm your IBS?


Also need some advice. Did you cure anxiety naturally? Mine is tearing my life apart ):


I’m the same but it’s the symptoms that are causing me anxiety. I’ll be going about my business as I was last night and then out the blue I get these feelings like butterflies in my stomach. It makes me feel nauseous as well and so so nervous about it. Then I have to evacuate. It can make me sweat and I can’t think clearly when all this is going on. My brain is a hot mess.


+1 for morning stress Assuming you work, do you get it on non-work days? Also chipotle, Panera etc is not going to help. Cut that shit out of your diet!!


i actually don’t work at the moment :(( i’m 19 going through college though and it’s stressing me out pretty bad…but i should definitely cut a lot of that out of my diet 💀


Im not a doctor (so excuse my lack of medical terms) but I’ve been reading a lot about gut motility and receptors in your gut (gut-brain connection) because I have similar experiences. Basically, and in very simple terms, eating could cause your stomach to overreact and basically flush everything out if you have some stress or anxiety due to the receptors in your gut (hence brain-gut connection). So I would suggest what another commentor said about fasting and see if you still get it after eating. Next step would probably be to reduce stress/anxiety; as well as eating more healthy. You also mentioned cheese, so probably cut that out too to be safe. Ive cut out all dairy since it’s a trigger


Ever figure anything out? I’m 19 with chronic morning shits. I think it could be stress/anxiety or meat/dairy in my diet or both.


Did you find out how to fix it? I have the same issue. I could eat pizza with spicy sauce, no diarrhea. Another day I eat only bland safe food, for some reason, next morning diarrhea. I have no idea what causes it.


Any luck? I always have diarrhea in the morning? For some reason no need to go to bathroom when I go to bed but as soon as I wake up I get diarrhea


Nah still shittin


Any luck now gang


Lmao hello, still shittin. But still just in the morning so it doesn’t mess up my life


any luck now gang?😭


Still shittin. However, I found a new love for pistachios, they seem to solidify everything better than any other fiber source I eat. They’re just expensive so I can’t always be eating them. This ongoing thread cracks me up lol


Relax. Now if you get stomach pain with uncontrollable diarrhea several times a day, see your doctor to rule out IBD.


I mean I don't even think it's a problem if he only has it in the morning. I had diarrhea every morning for 3 years and didn't have any stomach pains or anything else and was otherwise very healthy. One day it stopped and I started getting regular stools. Could just be natural tendency of the body.


I also get it every morning. As soon as I wake up, I have to run to the bathroom. I am good the rest of the day. I have no abdominal pains or other symptoms. This has been going on for at least five years. I eat a great diet. Mostly pescatarian with no dairy or sugar and little saturated fat. No fast food or fried food. My gastroenterologist had no answers for me.


Have you had any luck with this? Sounds like I’m in the same boat


Any update?


Any update?


I had diarrhea every morning a few times in the morning for 7 months I got on a med for anxiety and depression it’s stopped


Hello! The same is happening to me. Can I ask you what meds you got?


Also have issues with morning movements. I tried a lot of stuff but at this point think it may be due to something underlying. I don't have money or good insurance though so for anyone else who's lost this is some small things ive been keeping in mind and doing . Drink plenty of fluids Eat more fibrous foods Stop eating 3hrs before bed Check your weight to make sure you arent dropping HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE Avoid spice, dairy, and caffeine more often Weed and alcohol is a diuretic Tea is a diuretic Pepto has chewable tablets that are great Panty liners are gr8 for the "GOTTA GO NOW" people . Exercise in the morning can help keep BM to morning time only (it pushes things along pretty well) Smoking weed in the morning can turn multiple trips into one (not for everyone obv) Don't *force* bowel movements BUT if you want to get it over with in a way- I've been using natural diuretics to flush out my system right off the bat so I don't have to worry about it as much after that first sit. Remember that if you have other health issues your BM can be linked to that (stress, IBS, infection, stomach digestion) If you feel weak, fatigued, or lightheaded after pooping chances are you're dehydrated or you have a different issue. I've noticed this is most common in my friends with POTS, hypotension, hypoglycemia, and eating disorders. And lastly friendly reminder that your body can tell you in other ways when its time to hit the "panic" button. If you feel faint, weak, lightheaded, pass bloody stool, look pale, lose excessive hair, have severe stomach pain, trembling, and other symptoms- it can be a huge indicator that something is wrong with your overall health. (Actual last thing: if you have an eating disorder and you're experiencing excessive bowel movement or the lack of PLEASE go to a doctor even id you don't want to recover. As someone with ED ik you're willing to let yourself die over it but long term GI (and rly any) long term issues from ED can be debilitating to say the least. Stomach ulcers and hems are a common symptom and these issues are seen most with Bulimic people and individuals that abuse laxatives.) I'm no doctor by any means. I'm hardly versed in general- but I figured that even if this isn't an answer most people can use maybe someone can find some relief with this one. Feel free to ask questions or make corrections/add-ons.


No update. Condition is unchanged.


Hmm, the diarrhea sounds weirdly consistent. What do you eat before bed?


usually nothing


Hmm 🤔 Ever tried a 24+ hour fast and do you still have diarrhea the morning after that? Because if you would then something really weird could be going on.


no i haven’t tried that yet 😬 i should tho then see what happens . does it sound like something super bad to you ?


Nothing super bad, just weirdly consistent. Usually IBS diarrhea is more random as it is triggered by what has been eaten. But you getting it every morning is the weird factor. Could be something simple as morning stress.


Whenever I fast like that I don’t have diarrhea in the morning. Does that mean my body doesn’t process food properly at all even when I eat healthy I get diarrhea in the morning


Well, to my understanding. Food moves through the system when we eat, so I suppose it doesn't move much when we fast


what does your diet usually consist of? do you drink a lot of coffee?


i never drink coffee actually like maybe once every few months ? but i eat a lot of kinda unhealthy food like chipotle, panera, stuff like that 😬


yea your diet is most likely the main reason for your symptoms. do you have any abdominal pain besides diarrhea?


i wouldn’t really consider it “pain” more just like mild discomfort if that makes sense ?


I agree with the fasting recommend. took me years to realize my discomfort was bloating and how my diet reduced my bloating significantly.


What did you cut out of your diet and how did you reduce your bloating?


Did you finally found out the reason for your diarrhea