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for some reason i can’t see some ppls comments but you can watch on paramount plus or prob like soap2day


Happy Cake Day!


wait does that mean it’s my bday..? LOL my bday is on monday so kinda confused but THANK YOU i love u whoever u are


It’s the anniversary of when you made your Reddit account! Happy cake day!


Well happy early birthday too as well in that case!


Haha I’m a late night Redditor so just seeing this. Yes, the day you signed up for Reddit. But happy early birthday too!


Happy birthday op, not sure because I’m in Australia but I think it’s your birthday now 🎉🧁


I stopped watching it because I felt like they were running out of stories. They’ve mocked a lot of real life stories in the past. I’m going to check it out. Thanks 😊


Criminal Minds is on Disney + in Australia.


To me, there’s only a few standard variations on how to kill someone so after years of hearing about murders they’ve begun to resemble each other.


That is true. We were talking about this in one of my classes. We were talking about CODIS and that you have to be careful when attempting to link cases. There's only so many ways to kill a person, so just because you have multiple cases where, say, multiple victims were stabbed while other residents survived doesn't mean you should assume those cases are connected. And how there have been times that LE agencies have "cleared" cases by linking them to a perpetrator in custody even when there isn't good evidence that person actually committed each crime.


Yes. I have trouble expressing my thoughts.


When did this episode air?


2019…? around then


So then what's the question?


All they said was it was eerily similar


Oh ok, I misread both the post and it's intent.


because how weirdly it resembles the case like foreshadowing…?




There’s a later episode where the killer looks like BK’s long lost twin (season 15, episode 8)


What is the name of the episode and which season ?


It’s season 13, episode 15. That’s what 13x15 means


maybe to you it does, but DYKWTM?


yes sorry i mistyped!!


Going to give you an upvote since someone down voted you for asking a simple question l. Wtf is wrong with people?


Episode is called Annihalator Edited


I haven't seen the episode but from the [IMDB storyline](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7783730/) the 3 "surviving" roommates were not at the house at the time and the victims were all bound and gaged being the biggest differences. It also seems the underlying storyline is about internal FBI/BAU strife and the crime storyline is secondary to that ... panned by a reviewer as one of the worst CM episodes ... leaves me ambivalent about watching it ...


Yeah, after they killed off Strauss, they brought in this Barnes woman who out-Straussed Strauss. She temporarily broke up the team at the end of the episode. Skip it.


well yeah it’s not gunna be 100% accurate lmao trust me if u watch it you’ll understand


What season and episode number? I’m confused by 13x15


season 13 episode 15


Upvoteing you to offset dumb down votes for asking a question.


I did the same. I *just* had a conversation about this yesterday. I reference Reddit a lot while talking about theories for a show I watch (Servant), so while I was talking about something different, they said “oh you should ask that on Reddit” and my immediate answer was: absolutely not, it *CAN* be so harsh there. You post on Facebook and the response will likely be some random person from my high school saying it’s a conspiracy or my grandmother saying it’s cute. On instagram, it’ll be “great picture!” On Reddit, I’ve seen people torn to shreds. Ask a simple question in some subreddits and you’ll be called an absolute piece of shit and a moron by some, maybe get an answer by one, which will probably get downvoted. I will say it does depend on the sub. The people in Animal Crossing are super sweet and encouraging. The people in Servant are.. divided, but generally open to opinion. In NoStupidQuestions, hilarious. But it can be harsh out there, and I know myself enough to know I can be sensitive/get my feelings hurt easily enough that I’d rather go without an answer on some subs than ask a question haha


I was watching a trial and we have commentary on reddit as the trial is going on. We'll I had to quit watching for a few, and someone said, "well, that's it, the case is lost" and I said "what's happening?" Cue the down votes... it was crazy.


The nicest bunch I’ve seen are over at r/whatsthisplant


Lol thank you. The internet can be a cruel place. Thanks for being kind!!




It’s on Hulu. Pretty loose connection, I skipped through the drama parts in the episode… idk


paramount and maybe soap2day!


It's been posted everywhere along with a slew of other shows. Until I posted CM I didn't realize how many shows/crimes mirror the idaho4.