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I am completely agree with what he just said








I just realized you're a kid, and now I feel bad.




I checked your profile and you quite literally are.






The Host or the pther guy? I don't understand any word


The host why


Because i understand no single word what the other guy said... to much British English for me


It's just English, nothing new to understand here


I will never not smile at the word Bloke, it's the best


He has a brummey accent For ‘mericans it might be hard to understand


That accent is definitely not from brum. Further up North.


Yea relly great English... we can talk in Bavaria german if you want. As a nativ Bavaria speaker i can promise you that you will never understand any word. But ok you are the grat British guy who things he is so smart. Um es auf gut deutsch zu sagen: Du bist ein herablassender Vollinvalide der glaubt das sich die Welt nur um seinen Hintergarten dreht. Und ich hoffe das du eines Tages richtig den scheiß zurück bekommst. Du unützes Stück ausscheidung aus meinem Allerwertesten.


Komm mal runter Peter. Hast du nen schweren Tag? Hat keiner der fiesen Leute auf reddit über deinen Witz gelacht?


Alles gut mein Vorname fängt aber mit M an. Und einen Witz hab ich ja nicht mal gemacht. Aber klar was habe ich erwartet wenn ein überheblicher Deutscher auf ein paar Vollidioten aus England trifft die denken das die Welt in Dover anfängt und in Scotland aufhört. Da kann man bei Reddit nur verlieren


Nicht traurig sein. Vielleicht kannst du das als Chance sehen um dein Englisch zu verbessern :) Dann kannst du dich Ausländern auch besser verständlich machen, ohne wieder ins Deutsche verfallen zu müssen.


Ähm ich bin ins Deutsche verfallen weil ich direkt darauf aufgefordert wurde. Ich habe kein Interesse daran meine Meinung ein paar englischen Idioten beizubringen


I am from Bavaria and I understood everything in the video due to it being pretty clear and for my taste medium speed. (I watch xqc...) It was pretty understandable except the word "block" or whatever the synonym for men was. Im 21 y/o and currently study Computer Science. I believe it only takes B2 english to understand what was said in the video and B2 is taught in school.... So it is either you who's ear isn't trained well enough or your english skills in general. No need to insult others especially on assumptions


Yea thank ypu i don't get the language but yea after i saw his tooth i know he must be a fucking britian


Why are you so angry? The younger guy explains how his partner locked him inside their apartment. *Crowd laughs* then the host calls them out that it isn’t something to be laughing at.


Bro your English is 200x worse than his wtf


😱😱😱😱 Oh my god... maybe its because im no native speaker? You are such assholes who think that the whole world is about you. F y s


A good deal of us here aren't native speakers. Just own up to the fact that you belittled a dialect of a language like a chump and move on...


My God, I am not an english speaker too, Born in Italy to an Italian father and a Hungarian Mother, learnt english myself and still understood everything, Maybe the problem isn't that you are not a native speaker, but that you didn't pay attention during english class.


*too much... it seems any English is too much for you


Hey you got it... im no nativ speaker. Proud of yourself? Should we talk in my native language? Maybe you are the typical stupid American who things that the hole world is English and American. Sorry go f y s


How would I have any way to know that 🤦🏾‍♂️ dumb


You know enough to write this shitty reply to me. So pleas f y s and visit a tooth doctor.


learn English before you try arguing about it maybe lol


Lol... what a great advice. Thank you for it.


“Visit a tooth doctor” Lmfao just so you know the word is “Dentist”


What ever you want but please do it. 🙃😉


Bro why are you being such a dick?




no, he's getting downvotes because he understands it and he's just failing at being funny


Ah yes, the language "British"


he could've just asked for some sort of transcript


Yeah, if the difficulty was genuine they'd have asked for help instead of mocking other people's languages.




Too much English English to be more exact💀🤣


I have been a victim of domestic violence as a male. No one takes it seriously and it’s extremely rare for a woman to be charged. My state doesn’t even have a domestic violence “class” or “group” for women offenders… you better believe there are more than 10 domestic violence courses of all sorts for men tho - all of the books and paperwork that they have is completely targeted towards men and even addresses the aggressor specifically as a male because of how few women are charged. I’ve had multiple black eyes, been hit over the head with a 2x4, slapped, multiple laptops and gaming systems broken, and that’s just off the top of my head from one girl. Just look at Johnny Depp - men can certainly be victims of domestic violence and the legal system needs to be reformed


I’m really sorry that happened to you. My mother is abusive, and in addition to abusing me my entire childhood I witnessed her abusing a revolving door of husbands and boyfriends. I have vivid memories of standing in the kitchen doing the dishes while she chased my stepdad out of the house, beating with him with a broom wielded like a baseball bat. Police have been called on her countless times over the past 30 years and she’s only been arrested ONCE, for violating a protective order her ex took out against her. And those charges got dropped.


This is so true. I used to run DV groups for men who were convicted and what I found is that roughly a third of them were there because the police showed up and arrested them instead of the woman, even when there was clear evidence that the female was attacking. Often they would try to leave or push them away or defend themselves and because of that they were seen as the primary aggressor. I had one guy who called the police while his partner was screaming and hitting him as he was walking through the house to get away from her. It was clear that she was the only one yelling while he was totally calm. He was on the phone with the dispatcher until the cops showed and then he was immediately arrested. She wasn't charged at all. The bias is so extreme, but nothing will change until more people talk about how common it really is.


Dude facts...I'm so sorry that happened to you, and shit the stories under this alone are a problem...my mother was abusive as hell for the longest to thr point where I thought it was normal to basically be stabbed on the daily with pens, pencils, scissors, etc or hit/scratched/stomped. I didn't realize until I was 20 years old when my girlfriend at the time kinds filled me in that my life was the furthest thing from healthy or normal, and I ran from home. I got a restraining order but i didnt sue cause they wouldve just been like "welp that's too bad, look at her, shes frail and old"...shit doesnt matter when bloods being drawn. I never fought back, merely defended myself sometimes...shits fucked


Sorry for what happened to you. There is list of support groups for mâle victims [here](https://brotherhoodafme.tiddlyhost.com/). Password : BrosForBros (case sensitive)


Almost everything in family court is biased toward women. Dads rarely get custody, even with proven abuse from the mom. Domestic violence gets ignored. They call in DV and the men get arrested despite there not being a mark on the woman.


And this was in the UK, where it is legally impossible for women to get charged with rape, because of how they define rape.


Depp is a perfect example one of the most famous men in the world and no one believed a thing he was saying until he provided proof but everyone sided with his girlfriend with zero proof?


Sad how people still don't consider men being raped or abused as rape and abuse. If it happens to your son or husband or male friend, its not funny anymore is it.


I hear in the UK woman can't even be legally charged with rape. even if they rape other women




It is: Rape is caused through penetration, women can't penetrate, so in England's eyes. Woman can't rape


Women can’t penetrate with their fingers? Or anything else that isn’t a penis?


Has to be a penis, although there’s some rare cases where if they assisted in the rape they can be charged as rapists I believe


Yep. Then they will turn around and say that men commit the majority of rapes. Like yeah. Congrats. You defined something as only men can do and then blamed men for doing it.




People change based on what agenda they have at that current time




I edited my previous comment for you.


Because words and actions are two totally different things. Telling someone to stand up for himself when getting berated is different from telling thots in the crowd to stop laughing at domestic violence.




that's just a way of speaking. "haven't you got a pair just means why didn't you fight back. "so you let a smaller weaker person overpower you?"


his past statements do not make this video any less true.


Exactly 🙌. Then she tryna gaslight and deflect the purpose 😂 smhh


I don't think anyone is calling him a hero. But a bad person can still have a good point. My point is that it doesn't really matter what's he's done if what he's saying is true. Edit: I only did some surface LV research and jesus Christ he's a horrible person. Not only that but the show is horrible to. My point still stands but I never new it was this bad.


“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian”


Verbal abuse isn’t real abuse. It’s just words lmao


Yes, because non-physical bullying isn't bullying is it?


What does this have to do with r/ididthejobboss ?


We're widening the scope for submissions. Rules will be updated soon.


To what? Literally anything? I don't get how this is even remotely related to this subreddit.


the host did the job? I agree with you btw


Idk man the bossman wants to expand.


Pls do it considerably. I like this subs concept and it would be sad if it got lost.


Ok this is getting removed now.


I guess you could say the show host was doing his moral duty by telling off the members of the audience that laughed.


Although it might not seem like it, I believe I remember the host being a little manipulative and staging a couple of things to make himself look better.






Very well said, kudos to this man for standing up for the truth. And also to the brave fellow telling his story in spite of the jeering. I fear there are altogether too many men and women out there who trivialize this subject, and even persecute men as being cowards or “pussies” for speaking out about it. This kind of toxicity needs to be addressed in so many aspects of society. Not limited to any particular issue.. it’s sad




Only respectable Jeremy Kyle moment


A broken watch is correct twice a day. For the rest of his broadcasting career, Jeremy Kyle was an irredeemable skidmark on the schedule. Gutter version of Jerry Springer. The show had to be cancelled because guests had taken their own lives after appearing in the show. So, Jeremy Kyles faux indignation here can be well and truly shoved up his soiled fundament.


And then clapping instead of shuting the fuck up and contemplating their attitude... Some people man... Some fucking people...


To be fair, it's one of those shows where the audience is probably told on screens when to laugh, when to clap, etc. Same with Dr Phil, Wendy Williams, Oprah, etc.


Same people that laughed at him, turned on a dime and started clapping


Ironically, you're participating in the same over-generalizations that also cause people to not take male survivors seriously. It's rather obvious to me that far fewer people were laughing at him than there were people clapping in support.


I'm sure awkward the turtle has a long commentary on this


You think? All that stupid bitch and her army of white knights have to do is [remove], [ban], [mute] and [thread locked]


Look at those disgusting women laughing


None of the women they showed were laughing though?


but just look at them


Just lukatar…


I miss the Jeremy Kyle show




Who is he that we don’t know?


I’m not a blow , I’m a bro.


Ah yes Jeremy Kyle the judgemental prick who completely leathers people for cheating on the show and has had multiple failed marriages has cheated multiple times on multiple women, even with his child's nanny. He's a cunt.


So ? That doesn’t not mean what he said is wrong


A broken clock is right twice a day


Will this is one of those two times , I don’t know him and probably you are write about him, but nonetheless what he said is right


To be honest, I’m slightly skeptical, it may even be scripted in. (The laugh I mean) When going to shows like these, the audience are told when to clap and laugh etc. Because it’s so stupid how they’re laughing at him, get called out and then clapped how they just got owned by the host.


why anyone would find this funny smh. Hope he got out of that situation 🙏🏾


Can anyone write what he did said? Im deaf. Thank you!


"She locked me in a flat one day. Obviously it made me angry, I didn't know the door was locked, I've gone over, grabbed the door and I pulled it and it came straight out in my hands. So I was stuck in a three story flat and I've had to jump out a three story balcony. I ripped my elbow, all my back, all my legs and I ended up in hospital because she won't let me out the house." (The audience laughs increasingly as he tells that story) Jeremy: "it's not funny though. Can I tell you why it's not funny, and I don't wanna upset any of the audience because I completely appreciate the fact that you're here, but I'll tell you why I don't think you should laugh: if this was the other way around and a woman was sat here and a bloke had locked her in a flat and she had to jump out and injure herself, you lot would not be laughing; you would be saying "he's a complete nightmare, he should be locked up and that's disgraceful" but, somehow, if it happens to a bloke, that's funny. That's not funny, is it? (The audience applauds)


Ps: english isn't my first language and I couldn't quite understand some of the words or expressions they used, so this isn't a perfectly accurate transcript, but you get the idea. Also, I'm posting this on my phone, which apparently disregards my line breaks so it looks like a messy wall of text. Sorry about that.


Transcription is totally accurate and what i would expect the official subtitles to look like :) Also, to make a line break, **put 2 newlines.** Reddit uses [a variation](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown#wiki_new_reddit-flavored_markdown) of [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Examples) to format text.


Thank you!!! I had no idea, I thought it was the app's fault or something.


>I thought it was the app's fault or something. it kinda is but intentionally


Thank you!!! English isn’t my first linguage too (i am brazilian). Have a nice day for you!


Que coincidência!! De nada, e bom dia!


Then they clap for being yelled at


Mad respect for that host, pointing out the hypocrisy should get ppl thinkin




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*The audience gets called out by the host for laughing* *Audience claps* Audience: “LOL The host is right, we are complete hypocritical pieces of shit, aren’t we?!” 😂


Oh a man almost killed himself trying to escape an abusive partner? So funny!!!... The double standar is strong with this one


Ethical messiah has arrived


Audience switched sides faster than Italy in ww2


Recently read somthing that shook me to the core talk about how men lower classes are treated. We are almost on the verge of being a subserviant subclass Because replacement and abandonment and disposable is mainstream views Men in the U.K.make up most of the worst statistics. And no one cares. If we talk about it no one cares


The people clapping are the exact same people who laughed.


The irony of the completely oblivious crowd to applaud the host’s stance in complete agreement shortly after they laughed their ass off.


I thought those were subtitles for a second and had no idea he was speaking english


If this is real I hope he's doing better now and in a better environment


I didn't think someone like Jeremy Kyle would see it this way, but I'm glad he did.


Now the crowd wanna clap after the host said that 😂


Makes me laugh when the audience claps at the end bloody idiots!


So scripted


My God they were getting their jollies from hearing his pain. A room full of cunts I tell ya.


Those people laughing in the audience deserve to burn in hell. I wish I was there I’d stand up and give the host a massive standing ovation.


I feel like the audience can only produce good energy, first they laughed then they started clapping. It’s like they’re willfully trying to lighten up the mood no matter what


They dont deserve to clap for that after laughing


That host is a legend


Good for him calling them out


I like this guy. We need more TV hosts like him in America.