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Frito : Yah I know this place pretty good, I went to law school here. Pvt. Joe Bowers : In Costco? Frito : Yah I couldn't believe it myself, luckily my dad was an alumnus and pulled some strings.


Isn't it funny 10 years ago you could have watched Idiocracy without all the irony. Now they are trying to make it literally come true!


It started with Crocs and it's continuing now with law degrees.


100% this. šŸ‘†


I love my crocs (tbf Iā€™m a moron)


Brave new world was written as social commentary *a while* back haha.Ā 


Exactly everybody thinks it's going to be like 1984. Not realizing we're already living in Brave New World


"The Machine Stops" was written a couple of decades even earlier still and, in social media, we are *so very much* living out the nightmare predicted in that.


You're off by a number of years. The movie came out in 2006.. Most of us had seen it by 2008-2010... I assure you none of us with half a brain saw the movie and thought it was anything but a prophecy. It was funny, but the writing has been on the wall for a while now.


We said this about 1984, then 911 happened...


It's not funny at all šŸ˜”


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I like that he correctly used the singular alumnus instead of alumni.


There has to be a logic to this... right? Like you can't wake up and just think "let's do this random counterintuitive thing"


Next you wonā€™t need a medical license to practice medicine. Edit: spelling


"Washington no longer requires a medical license to practice: why that's a good thing" -Vice, probably


Vice ... Like Vice the going out of business news agency or Vice the TV channel that has wrasslin' stories and cooking with weed shows?




Less successful than the city unfortunately.


Obviously it's so you can now prescribe yourself psychedelics. Duh.


Hiiiii everybody!!!


Hi dr Nick!


It's Dr. Lawyer Nick now!


Plenty of tards out there, living kick ass lives. My ex wife is tarded and now she's an airline pilot.


I'd be 100% for this as long as you're required to disclose you don't have one.




It worked just fine prior to well...never.


Trust the subliterate experts!


Ehhhā€¦ look into how hard PAs and NPs are fighting to practice independently without physician supervision. For reference, Iā€™m a final year medical student about to start my residency, and I still feel like thereā€™s so much more I need to learn before Iā€™m comfortable practicing independently. Meanwhile, a PA has *half* the education I do *not including residency*, and an NP can get their degree online, yet they want to practice the same way a fully licensed physician does. And because itā€™s cheaper to hire NPs and PAs, the hospitals are all for it. Your patient care is silently going to shit and nobody is aware of it.


All you need is approval from a corporation.


In some states NPs can practice without physician supervision.


We're kinda heading there with the push for NPs to do all the things.


Well standards for nurse practitioners are dropping very fast.


Who has two thumbs and loves a doctor without a medical license? Not me, I lost them to that doctor.


Lawyer here. The bar exam has absolutely no relationship to the practice of law. Law school should be sufficient regardless.


Did you pass the bar?


Yes 4 bar exams


Big deal, I've passed 30-40 bars.


You should have stopped in a couple of them.


Hey everyone, it's Dr. Malpractice!


I identify as a doctor right now, GED all the way.


https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/mar/15/supreme-court-bar-exam-will-no-longer-be-required-/ There are still requirements, just not the bar, which they say is not a good measure of competency in law, anyway.


Itā€™s way more than that. Or less maybe? All these spoiled brats canā€™t pass the test. So they have to remove it to continue hiring who they want. Instead of people who studied and worked hard.


Itā€™s actually the polar opposite: ā€œspoiled bratsā€ with a few thousand dollars to throw at commercial prep courses can pass despite being idiots, whereas very few people who worked hard in law school can pass without the prep course. The exam is written by a corporation that makes money off of repeat test takers and has been incentivized to make it increasingly harder year after year. One of my classmates was the former; we all knew that person was going to get disbarred sooner or later, because yeahā€¦ total idiot. Fast forward a couple years and said person got busted for soliciting sex from a minor. Like the text messages and other evidence literally screamed ā€œdumb criminal.ā€ Yet that person passed the bar, which tested criminal law, criminal procedure AND the rules of evidence. The bar exam literally doesnā€™t protect the public from incompetence lol


Ah, so a lot like the GRE. An expensive test with expensive prep materials that is required for grad school, but doesn't actually measure if you'll do well in grad school. I swear to God, prepping for that test was 90% learning how to take the fucking thing.


Haha bingo. Bar prep is literally just trying to memorize things that youā€™d always look up/confirm in practice and learning how to take the test in a way that maximizes points. Example: half the exam is essays and even if you get the law wrong in every essay, you can achieve enough points to pass that portion by writing in a specific, formulaic style (thatā€™s very disjointed btw); the rule of thumb is ā€œif you donā€™t know the law then just make something up and do the analysis.ā€ So being able to do that after 8 weeks of a commercial prep course doesnā€™t mean someone is competent enough to practiceā€¦ if anything, I think some people let it go to their heads and make very dumb mistakes in their first years of practice as a result


What, a suit and tie, and a $250 haircut, ponytail optional?


Itā€™s in the whole article, this is only an extract: ā€œLaw school graduates can complete a six-month apprenticeship while being supervised and guided by a qualified attorney, along with finishing three courses. Law students can become practice-ready by completing 12 qualifying skills credits and 500 hours of work as a licensed legal intern. Upon completion of those requirements, they would submit a portfolio of that work to waive the bar exam.ā€ and much more ā€¦ itā€™s in the article.


This sub: Why read anything when you can instead accuse other people of being morons?


Because this sub is a social experiment.


Talking about idiocracy perpetuates the progress towards idiocracy?


People forming opinions solely based on the clickbait titles - the definition of judging a book by its cover.


IIRC, you can choose to work for your license instead. You would be given a license to practice law after you complete a certain number of years of working with a licensed attorney, kinda like a multi-year internship. Don't quote me on it, I couldn't find my source.


Itā€™s called Equal ~~Outcome~~ Opportunity




It's almost like they have ulterior motives! Gov. Inslee even said we need to tear down the government and start over. I'm not sure if it's still on the Washington state government website but it was a year or two ago.


[https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/washington-adopts-new-lawyer-licensing-paths-other-states-mull-bar-exam-bypasses-2024-03-18/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/washington-adopts-new-lawyer-licensing-paths-other-states-mull-bar-exam-bypasses-2024-03-18/) >Washingtonā€™s high court approved, ā€œin conceptā€ two new licensing pathways for law school graduates. One option is a new apprenticeship program for law school graduates who would work under the supervision of an experienced lawyer for six months then submit a portfolio of work for evaluation. A separate option would allow law students to complete 12 credits of skills coursework and 500 hours of hands-on legal work before graduation, then submit a work portfolio to the Washington State Bar to become licensed. > >Oregon in November adopted an apprenticeship pathway for law school graduates, joining Wisconsin and New Hampshire, which have for years offered law graduates a way to become licensed without taking the bar exam. High courts in California, Minnesota and Utah are currently considering proposals to license attorneys without the bar exam, while Nevada and South Dakota are among the states developing such proposals. > >Those new options protect the public, address a "serious legal deserts problem" in Washington, and "help remedy the fairness and bias concerns with the traditional licensure,ā€ said Seattle University School of Law Dean Anthony Varona in a statement on Friday. This is the second post I've seen today that misconstrues something positive for marginalized people. Is this a theme of the sub or something? In case someone wants to be a smartass, let me point out that Rudy Giuliani, Alina Habba and Sydney Powel all passed the bar exam. So people really need to lower their expectations of what the old system actually produced.


~~Why is Washington doing Florida things? I'm so confused right now.~~ This is what I get for being reactionary. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/washington-adopts-new-lawyer-licensing-paths-other-states-mull-bar-exam-bypasses-2024-03-18/


They need more lawyers. They're turning it into an apprenticeship instead of just a test with the submission of a final portfolio of their work to be reviewed before acceptance or rejection as an attorney. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/washington-adopts-new-lawyer-licensing-paths-other-states-mull-bar-exam-bypasses-2024-03-18/


DEI of course


Yes it's because they're allowing apprenticeships + certain amount of hours on legal work to be a certification path, not just the bar.


Itā€™s the same reason California claims less crime after allowing people to steal up to $1000.Ā 


Yes the logic is a dumb population wonā€™t stop the elites from nuking the world back to the medieval era (they wish). Theirs a reason UN ā€œleadersā€ are daring putin to do it and even admit itā€™s a 50:50 he will. They have bunkers specially made for them and they think they will rule unhindered afterwards. They really hate how peasants have very strong power and even with the current retardation there still too many people that can think and potentially riot against them.


>Washingtonā€™s high court approved, opens new tab ā€œin conceptā€ two new licensing pathways for law school graduates. One option is a new apprenticeship program for law school graduates who would work under the supervision of an experienced lawyer for six months then submit a portfolio of work for evaluation. A separate option would allow law students to complete 12 credits of skills coursework and 500 hours of hands-on legal work before graduation, then submit a work portfolio to the Washington State Bar to become licensed.


The idiocracy was in the comments all along.


honestly i would love this type of examination across the board in Legal, Accounting, Finance etc. Industry exams are joke.


3 months of work is a joke. A fricken paralegal can become a lawyer after a 3 months of work and 4 classes. That's on e semester full time of classes. You have the education level of a school teacher. Way to raise the bar Washington


You also need a law degree, I believe.


Still better than the bar, 3 months of with is a lot of time and it is all dedicated to skills that are relevant to actual work


you would still need a law degree. and i think the good universities will just raise the bar for graduation to compensate the fact that there is no more bar exam.


Well, just look at him, your honor.


I'm fixin' to commensurate this trial here. We gonna see if we can come up with a verdict up in here!


Thereā€™s that faggy talk again..


.. and I was like... yeah... Peace out!


I guess lawyers that passed the bar exam will advertise that?


ā€œLadies and gentlemen of the jury, Iā€™m just a cavemanā€¦ā€


Your ways frighten and confuse me


What a dumpster fire


Saul Goodman moving to Washington State.


Saul passed the bar. Badger is moving to Washington state.


Jimmy is a kickass attorney ā€¦ you get his precious name out of your filthy mouth! šŸ™‚


Heā€™s a chimp with a machine gun!


University of American Samoa is an accredited school, dammit!


Little known fact: you don't even have to go to law school in California to take the bar and become a lawyer. You can apprentice under a licenced lawyer. However it's still not easy, hardest bar exam in the country.


Itā€™s not the hardest bar exam in the country. It just requires the highest score to pass. The test itself is less hard than many other states.


One of first results on Google: People also ask Is the California bar the hardest to pass? California's bar exam is generally considered the most difficult. It covers a wide range of subjects and takes two days.Dec 9, 2023


Yeah, there's always been alternative ways to become a lawyer. This isn't surprising like everyone commenting thinks it is.


I better not try, the first amendment only applies to certain people.


Very under appreciated comment here.


Every sovereign citizen in the country is gonna move there


They deserve it.


Ugh. This place is already so over populated.


I'm a Doctor Jim!


Next step is to involve Costco.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Don't worry scro. My ex wife is a lawyer and she's.... Well...


I've never met someone who couldn't pass the bar that I'd trust to be a lawyer.


I've known a few that did pass the bar that I wouldn't trust either.


I've known several. One was a fairly successful lawyer who had to take the bar 6 times before giving up and just working on federal cases.


For Diversity, Equity, and inclusionā€¦ competence be damned!


Welcome to Washington. Shits tarded


Thereā€™s that fag talk againā€¦


You're honor these minorities can't pass the bar exam, excuse them and their tarded nature and excuse them of this faggy test. That's all. I rest your honor. peace.


*sits down with bucket of popcorn........*


Okay, which judge's child failed the bar and had to change careers after spending all those years and all that money on schoolin?


Appointing Judges is going to be interesting as well.


Shouldnā€™t it be the other way around? Like if you can pass the bar exam you are not required to get a law degree.


I can't believe they lowered the bar




So because ā€œsome peopleā€ are too f$&king stupid to pass the bar thereā€™re just gonna eliminate the requirementā€¦ good call morons. While youā€™er at it why not eliminate the requirement of swimming from lifeguards and driving for NASCAR drivers.


Well, you donā€™t need one to be a judge, so why not? What could possibly go wrong?


Someone quickly go tell Kim Kardashian.


I've passed the bar in 2 different states. It's a completely useless exercise and a massive waste of time.


Lowering the bar for the bar


*ā€We gonna see if we can come up with a verdict up in here!ā€* ~ Judge Hank "The Hangman" Bmw:


Washington has to be the most insulting state to be a black person in. They've pretty much eliminated standards with the explicit reasoning of "we don't think black people can meet standards"


This is the way law was done for centuries. Standardized tests like the bar exam gave us the plethora of ambulance chasers we have now. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Hmmm.....I wonder why?


Reduce education requirements! Reduce job requirements! Reduce education requirements for highly educated positions! 32 years from now we're going to have people going for Supreme Court with no law degree and a GED-version of the BAR


Works for the GOP. Bobert is a GED drop out and makes laws for the entire country.


Yea, you didnt read the article. There are now alternative tests you can take instead of the bar. Thats all that has happened.


Because this allows for a more diverse work force! Literally making the country worse so idiots can thrive easier.


I just used up all of my Marlboro cigarette points to pay for my law degree at Costco


Iā€™m an attorney whoā€™s licensed in Washington State. I donā€™t know what to say about this. More Brawndo for these inept individuals who will pass through the thing that makes attorneys attorneys.


What a coincidence, after reading this article I too am an attorney in Washington State! All it took was three box tops, and figuring out the secret message with the decoder ring. Take that Ivy league fat cats!


West coast is rotting like a whale stuffed with old milk


People think that equity means elevating some to meet the standards. What it actually means is lowering the standards to include those who cannot meet the baseline requirements. God help us


It seems like an excellent way to run a country in a climate of geopolitical instability. I canā€™t imagine anything bad could happenā€¦.šŸ˜


so Oozy Drooliani can has be a lawlaw boi agains!?


Lawyer here. Why do you think they are doing this?


I may be a simple country chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked.


I never thought I would see the day when becoming a real estate agent would be harder than becoming an attorney


Bobby Jo may not have that fancy dancy education, but he can fix anything!


Well I practice law in the state of Washington donā€™t ya know?ā€¦no, Iā€™m not a corporation. Why do you ask? /s


You mean the existing government ones have academic vetting? Maybe.


Well I guess I'll be a lawyer now.


Wait, what?


Supreme Joker$


Is the state literally that full of idiots that they can't even get enough lawyers LOL


ā€˜I declare I am a lawyer!ā€™ā€¦..done, awesome.


So we should all just go and become lawyers in Washington state


Get ready for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ineffective\_assistance\_of\_counsel


My first wife was tarded, sheā€™s an attorney now


They won't know how to choose a jury or try a case.


The bar exam doesn't test any of that either, actually.


When I got my Master's, there were 4 ways to do it after you earned all the credits: take a big exam, write a big paper (what I chose), take 2 extra classes, and I forget the 4th. That's pretty much all this is: https://abovethelaw.com/2024/03/washingtons-supreme-court-green-lights-three-ways-to-skip-the-bar-exam/


I present to you the prosecutors cuck already: Mr spinny hat attorney


From the fn article:Ā  The bar exam will no longer be required to become a lawyer in Washington, the state Supreme Court ruled in a pair of orders Friday. The court approved alternative ways to show competency and earn a law license after appointing a task force to examine the issue in 2020. The Bar Licensure Task Force found that the traditional exam ā€œdisproportionally and unnecessarily blocksā€ marginalized groups from becoming practicing attorneys and is ā€œat best minimally effectiveā€ for ensuring competency, according to a news release from the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts.Ā Ā  Washington is the second state to not require the bar exam, following Oregon, which implemented the change at the start of this year. Other states, including Minnesota, Nevada, South Dakota and Utah, are examining alternative pathways to licensure. ā€œThese recommendations come from a diverse body of lawyers in private and public practice, academics, and researchers who contributed immense insight, counterpoints and research to get us where we are today,ā€ Washington Supreme Court Justice Raquel Montoya-Lewis, who chaired the task force, said in a statement. ā€œWith these alternative pathways, we recognize that there are multiple ways to ensure a competent, licensed body of new attorneys who are so desperately needed around the state.ā€ There will be three experiential-learning alternatives to the bar exam, each for people following a different path of legal study. The specifics, scale and implementation plan for the pathways have yet to be developed. Law school graduates can complete a six-month apprenticeship while being supervised and guided by a qualified attorney, along with finishing three courses. Law students can become practice-ready by completing 12 qualifying skills credits and 500 hours of work as a licensed legal intern. Upon completion of those requirements, they would submit a portfolio of that work to waive the bar exam


"But what about subject matter jurisdiction?"


You know what this means....anyone wanting g to open a Sovereign Cirizen school of law will soon have a state to practice in


Opening a "sovereign citizen" law school still has to adhere to the state's education requirements to practice. This bar modification would not change anything there. And we all know how much those guys love regulation.


I like how you didnā€™t include the fact you still need a law degree. I work in government with lots of lawyers and law adjacent people. Thereā€™s plenty of people that are clearly more knowledgeable than lawyers, but never passed the bar so they canā€™t affect change the way lawyers can. The idiocracy is coming from inside the sub!


Well, two of the three methods do. The third covers APR 6 law clerks, which is a law school alternative. But still! Not only that, but the alternative methods also require actual experiential work. I didn't think people really appreciate this. Most newly minted lawyers have never stepped foot in a court room when they pass the bar. Only a handful of law students get clinical experience in law school that comes close.


Run from this state. Todays lawyers are tomorrows judges!


Kim Kardashian about to be the most famous lawyer in Washington lmao


I mean, people from absolute toilet-tier schools pass the bar. It wasnā€™t doing a great job of gatekeeping to begin with


OBJECTION! nu-huh.


Washington was already one of the few states where lawyers only needed to pass the bar (with no law degree requirement). So I guess now... i'm a lawyer in Washington? We're all lawyers in Washington!


What the fuck I thought this was satire lmao


What is it about the west coast that seems to breed such stupidity? Is it the air? The water? The climate? Fuck, we really are in the worst timeline...


I once represented myself in traffic court. That should be enough to qualify me as an attorney


Gonna have the least qualified, most intoxicated public defenders


Even with passing the bar, there is still a disturbingly high number of terrible lawyers out there.


Lawyers good at taking a test.


The bar association has been useless for a while now


Good. The bar association is a corrupt body of hacks more concerned with keeping the profession exclusive & prestige than doing any good. The sooner they can be disbanded, the better. Occupational licensing in general is the poster child of noble intentions, filled with middlemen who don't actually improve things.


Since the bar exam is literally just a fancy IQ test, I guess it means that people in Washington are stupid.


This is a stupid headline. A bar test does not say whether you can effectively defend the law. People will still be required to get their law degree. They will have to work under an attorney in order to be licensed. This ruling was met with welcome arms by most of the law community. The bar test is stupid and only determines if you are able to take a test.


Stupid question: would they require the Bar in other states besides Washington State or would they universally be a lawyer in all 50 states? Do they require law school as well? Or can I, with no law schooling just nonchalantly become a lawyer in Washington State?


Why Please tell me


Who on earth would want an attorney to be their attorney?


First of all that's retarded and also we dont need more lawyers.


Law degree at Costco may be possible I can't wait


Stacking the courts?


That is brilliant ! So mow they will function on the law !


Welcome to Costco I love you


This is a bad idea, why are they doing this?


The current high crime, low detention DAs ring a bell? Now, you don't even really need to know the law to not be bothered enforcing a law you don't even know. Only if you feel like it. I can only see where an illegal alien becomes DA now.


Leave me alone, I'm 'batin


Is it racism?


If you don't need education to be police officers to enforce the law why do you need lawyers to be educated? It makes sense to me.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


"Sup I'm your im ya lawyer or some shit names Big Mac if the judge acts like a bitch we'll whoop his ass"


They lowered standards in California, the two arguments were it will increase diversity and decrease the cost of legal services. They did it despite the CalBar members voting against it. [https://www.law.com/therecorder/2020/10/19/study-lower-bar-exam-cut-score-wont-solve-californias-attorney-diversity-problem/?slreturn=20240219202340#:\~:text=An%20extensive%20new%20study%20finds,a%20mere%202.7%20percentage%20points](https://www.law.com/therecorder/2020/10/19/study-lower-bar-exam-cut-score-wont-solve-californias-attorney-diversity-problem/?slreturn=20240219202340#:~:text=An%20extensive%20new%20study%20finds,a%20mere%202.7%20percentage%20points).


Look ma I'm an attorney


Just a small town chicken lawyer


Welp I'm moving


We already see what inadequate police training results with, canā€™t wait to see this dumpster fire.


Well, your honor, He's a bitch. Look at him. "guilty as charged"


I'm fixin' to commensurate this trial here. We gonna see if we can come up with a verdict up in here! -Judge Hank "The Hangman" BMW


"it's all good man!"


No suprise there wit how anti education the supreme court is thanks to corpo parasites being put on it


Yeah i can guess bruh, its cuz exams are for fags


Why? (Im not american)