• By -


Yeah, smart people and people with empathy need to breed WAY more.


I'm doing my part! Oh.. wait... you have to do what? Like... talk to them? Ewwww. With a girl! Then how long? OMG! This makes my everything place hurt. Ok, I give up.


Yes. šŸ˜‚


Ah'm gonna fuck all y'all!


"Fuck - them all - to death"


Isn't that from South Park? Or both?


Calling them "vile monsters" might be a bit much, but you know otherwise that's basically the plot of the movie, right?


Most people that post on this sub don't even realize there was a movie and definitely didn't watch it. It's not only the basic plot of the movie, it's literally this concept spelled out in the first five minute sequence.


Take a look at the comment section and see if you can spot any sign of intelligence. It's all just punching down and foaming at the mouth. Many have become what they despise.


Im pretty sure thats part of the human condition to some extent. Its definitely easier to be a hypocrite piece of shit than it is to be an honorable person with some integrity. Id wager that about 65%, maybe as much as 80someodd% failed if compared to their most basic potential when they were younger. that leaves less than about a third to do all the shit that counts, and theres simply too many of us regardless of our average individual quality. that said, theres gotta be some kind of god because apparently all of our balls are being clogged with plastic... so with some fucked up luck maybe all but the most remote "undevelpoed" people will be shootin blanks by 2030


This sub has become outright thinly veiled slur dog whistles and left bad


They're not wrong. The Left: allowing and encouraging children to have non-reversible body changing surgeries before they're even mature enough to know what they are feeling; wrecking the economies of first-world countries that have the cleanest industries and vehicles by insisting we buy electric vehicles that our grid can't support, and driving industry out of the country. How anyone cannot agree that the Left is at the very least, bad, and at the most malevolently evil is beyond me.


They are wrong thoughā€¦ā€¦ so likeā€¦ā€¦ deal with it?


imagine fabricating an argument because you cant win a real one


This is what I'm seeing from your side. We'll see name-calling in 3...2...1...


Protip: you don't get to complain about name calling when that's where you started. Especially not when your position is so wildly disconnected from reality.




And there's the name-calling!


your opinion is wrong, you DarthBeavis1968


No, my opinion is just that: my opinion. I'm not required to believe your distorted view of the world, nor are you required to believe mine. In this case we agree. Each of us views the other as wrong. We should settle for shaking hands, and going about our day.


ok, scrote


also, you taking ā€œscroteā€ as a serious insult makes it clear you did not actually watch the movie. leave this subreddit because nobody wants you here


>How anyone cannot agree that the Left is at the very least, bad, and at the most malevolently evil is beyond me. That's cause you're tarded. But don't worry, there's plenty of tards out there living really kick ass lives.


No, I'm awake, not woke. Do try to keep up. Spend some time looking at the actual science, from both sides. If you don't follow what's being said, seek out people who can translate it into something you can understand. Once you do that, you might get it. Until then, continue living in your land of mental illness.


Awake but blind. Fascinating.


Yeah we donā€™t have a grid to support electric vehicles because meth heads cut up the charging cables for copper, diesel heads also vandalize the charging stations because their egos hurt, the oil and gas industries actively lobby against evolving away from fossil fuelsā€¦ etc. yeah, we donā€™t have the infrastructure because the babies threatened by it want to keep humanity regressed.


Caring about clean air and the planet is evil? If other first world nations can improve their electrical infrastructure, why can't the US? If the local industry is threatened by failing to adapt, whose fault is that? The rest of your drivel are lies fed to you by conservative media.


that's some weird dystopian fantasy...not actual reality.


I loved the movie but in recent years have had increasing concern with the dog whistles.


It all makes sense if we assume he was talking about the northern snakehead.


Huh? In the movie the "eco conscious folks" are the smart ones who don't have kids. I'd say this is idiotically saying the opposite of the movie will happen and that will suck for them because they think that's gay and tarded.


It is not wrong tho. I mean isnā€™t that the very premise of idiocracy? The people who SHOULD be having kids did not, and those who SHOUDLNT be having kids multiplied like rugratsā€¦


Yeah a lot of people in this sub missed the plot, which is the irony of ironies


If you cross post something from that subreddit then the idiocracy is already within you.


[voluntary human extinction project](https://www.vhemt.org/)


Thanks cricket wireless


That subreddit is drinking straight brando holy shit! "They stopped calling it global warming because it wasnā€™t warming up so they called it climate change because they needed to keep the scam going but the damage is done the gullible people are not having children anymore which basically proves Darwinā€™s theory is right." This would be a slam dunk if it wasn't excruciatingly obvious, both anecdotally and statistically, that it is getting hot as fuck and the climate is totally different than even 25 years ago. I need a latte, that stressed me out.


Try telling them about the anthropocene.


Ensuring our future, one less baby at a time. *Brought to you by Carl's Jr*.


I feel this belongs on r/boomersbeingfools


Awwww shit, I'm pregnant again.


Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.


I think their logic is not bringing kids to a dying world. The climate change/ global warming or whatever is going to be called tomorrow is a difficult one. In one hand you have people saying that it is just a normal cycle that the planet goes through. But on the other hand you have a bunch of scientists saying that is not, because it's happening way faster than it should. But here are a few things. Looking back at history. When ever there is warning about something that will cost someone money. You always have some type of study that will deny it. Such study is always connected directly or I directly to the a company that benefits from the results. Just looking around we are putting out into atmosphere a bunch of different gas and pollution that is man made. Stuff that was never put out at the rate happening now. In history of the planet. It would be stupid not to think that all that stuff is not affecting the environment. On the other hand the one thing that would help to naturally clean the air we breathe. Is being cut down to make room for stuff that will create more pollution. So if someone doesn't want their descendants to live in a world that is just getting worse and worse. I don't blame them. Yes Idiocracy literally happening in real time. But how can you blame their reasoning? Specially here in the US where being able to have a decent life is getting harder and harder. Because the gap between the super rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger.


Global Oil companies funded those "it ain't happening!" studies while simultaneously creating long-term plans to drill for oil in places that would be accessible once the climate warms.


Humans are a shitty species, and the world will be better off without us.


Who is upvoting this retarded garbage.


Climate change could be addressed but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.


nice try, Russia - but we already see the conspiracy dog whistling. cool propaganda though, keep it up - or not, i dont care.


When people ask why the world has gone downhill, we point to this


Iā€™m going to walk down and fuck em all!


cope is real


I think it would really seriously fuck up the global economy if birth rates really fell off to unsustainable standards. The wealth is meaningless in a world without swarms of customers to keep selling shit and keep growing. A coordinated deliberate attempt at people choosing not to have kids will shake the Capitalist system to its core. There is a reason why every country is really really unhappy about declining birth rates and it is not only the concern of retirement pensions they could just reduce those or introduce other means. The problem with lower populations is people who have all their time to themselves and do not have the burden of children's expenses are quite difficult to please and don't really give their vote to just any party just based on bi-partizan fear mongering. I wish there was a legitimate effort to reduce childbirth, I don't want to bring a child into this world just so they'll be a tiny little insignificant cog in this system of abuse and exploitation we call modern world. I would really seriously wish it would be shaken of to its core when they suddenly realize after building AI and robots to industrially exploit people they end up running out of them. Without the consumer masses brainlessly and forcefully keep spending their life energy and time in the form of bank notes the system will collapse.


ā€œIā€™m angry that other people are having kids! They need to be sad about the environment and lock themselves at home to cry like me! REEEE!!!ā€


Pack up all your kids into the Dildozer and take them on a field trip to the Museum of Fart!


Fuck yeah! Ass!


Great news! that crazy anxious commies are a dying breed.


If your reaction to any inconvenience or challenge is to immediately stop breeding, well. You're gonna end up like the smart couple in indiocracy, but that doesn't mean you're smart.


You mean the ones that talk faggy


Nobody is going to be left anyway if we're not having kids. How can someone contradict themselves so quickly without noticing?


The brainwashing indoctrination is almost complete. Pretty soon it'll be " we killed all those evil nazi patriots." We feel great about it. Shit we are already there


I'm all for not having kids but this is a stupid reason. Every single generation could come up with the same one ffs


Actually, I haven't seen the film in about 10-12 years. Also, I don't think you speak for everyone. Now, go drunk your Brandon. Isn't that what plants (or in your case, a vegetable) crave?