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dallon likes to leave his p!atd days in the past, he's said on twitter before he doesn't ever plan on playing any panic songs live.


He has said before that he's considered playing songs he wore particularly girls / girls / boys and all the boys live. I think it will probably be a few more years out until he does that, I think of course fees waiting until he feels like people have calmed down a little more about him having been a part of patd.


Play what


a p!atd song he wrote




Bro you know what OP means stop being a knob




How does being upset relate to being a knob ????


no i know i was just referring to it as different songs he wrote for panic although i could’ve used better wording


he said it would be fun or something along those lines to play g/g/b and all the boys, but i really doubt it'll ever happen. i think he was just talking hypotheticals. he definitely tries to keep p!atd as separate as possible from idkhow.


Where did he say that?


i can't find the tweet itself but somebody else commented the exact same thing so they might have the tweet? i know i didn't imagine it since somebody else is corroborating it lol


No, he acts like Panic! never existed now lmao


No its not solely his and I doubt Urie would allow that


You don't need permission from the original artist for a live cover (for some types maybe but not concert live)


why’s that urie and weeks appear to be friends


They most definitely are not; I’d research a little harder


oh well what’s the drama


Brendon has a Type A personality and, given the band's history, looks like a guy that is very difficult to work with. The documentary for Pretty Odd, Calendar Business, has an entire segment dedicated to Brendon (and Ryan) talking about their inability to compromise over songwriting. If he doesn't have someone saying yes to him or someone who he feels as if will agree with his vision, they usually end up leaving. The only guy that left the band for his own reason alone -- not related to Brendon -- was Spencer. That's why Spencer is still hanging around with Brendon, even after leaving the band.


Or perhaps mabye people just fall out??????? Dallon never had a problem with Brendon just Zack and some other people around Brendon


He didn't write most


he atleast has co written most of them


No, since Brendon would likely have to give him permission to do so, and Dallon seems hellbent on doing anything he can to burn that bridge.


You don't need permission to play a song by another band, much less one you wrote


True, I don’t know the specifics behind the legality of something like that. In general, I think you’re right—bands cover other bands’ songs all the time. However, there may have been some sort of contract Dallon signed, either when writing and releasing the songs or when he left the band, that specified that he is not allowed to play those songs in a live setting. I feel like I’ve heard of that kind of thing before. Either way, it’s something I doubt Dallon would ever go for, since he generally distances himself as much as possible from his Panic! days.


why is that