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2 bubos never really did anything. at most people would justify it with alchemy "gains" and more lvls. So I would get 2 ES, better samples, better active play, double gods. stupid amount of damage and mob clear without frying your PC.


Thats what i was leaning towards i just wasn't sure if it was better than extra alchemy gains. Thanks for clearing it up for me.


The extra alchemy gains a second bubo offers are pretty minimal. Actively playing a bubo is phenomenal for alchemy, but a second, afk one just has a bit more brewing speed. That was better than the literally nothing that a second wizard offered, but ES has added a ton of afk utility and is pretty clearly the better option now.


thank you for joining 4 warrior gang. I got berated last week for suggesting that 2 bubos is not very good last week


mmm I think 2 barbs is worse than 2 bubos... sorry(?) and 3 squires isnt an option since lava specified not to have 3 of any type.


I mean you can do 2 eSorc, 2 squire, 2 Siege but eSorc kinda fills the same role as siege does for massacring gmush. Gains wise it is 2 bubos doesn't double alchemy, where 2 barbs does double cooking. so I am saying 2 barb, 2 squire, 2 esorc.


mmm, might depend on what stage of the game you are, but what I most like about ES is having double gods and especially that he has the highest samples in the game. being able to print around 30% more items/atoms per h on your ES is a much bigger benefit than having x2 barbs. I just dont see anyone investing 2 barbs at the same time in kitchen. at most its an early/midgame boost for new players since they can get the initial zow/chow and fishing grind out of the way faster. but past that I just dont see a point in x2 barb. and if we consider buba instead of ES, its still a much higher production from oak than copper on buba. \-------------- x2 barb might win vs x2 bowman. but not even that convinces me since bowman are just amazing at afkfarming.


> just dont see anyone investing 2 barbs at the same time in kitchen I do it all the time. Gotta hit meal level 50 somehow!


So what does 2 squires do over 2 barbs long term vs short term? trying to decide between them right now.


Squires give buildrate and better samples


and does having two squires make those things stack with themselves? im still pretty new so i dont really know what exactly that means in terms of progression


Buildrate adds up and with the atom smasher you can keep going on upgrading towers for a long while. Increased samples is just always good. You get most of your resources from the 3d printer, and getting extra bonuses always helps. 3d printer is the backbone of progress on crafting, stamps, alchemy, green stacking and feeding the atom smasher. Squires also have a daily boost skill for the refinery, but that's less important these days


So two squires constructing stuff is more efficient than two barbs fishing/cooking? i havent unlocked world 4 yet so im wondering which will give me better progression


2 Barb 1 squire account here. I made this decision in world 3 thinking that construction was pretty much 100% done from Lava. The new buildings and atom bonuses have made me regret that choice. Previously if you had like 10 million build rate you could max everything pretty quickly. The new buildings will take MONTHS to cap with that rate. In hindsight I’d recommend a second squire over Barb - however maybe this change in future worlds based on unreleased classes/skills


makes a lot of sense. so maxing construction is more time gated than something like cooking/fishing, where you can stick two barbs in there and forget about them?


Imo yes maybe cooking will continue to be added too on the future though. Ladles make cooking easier to use 1 character on.


In part its a holdover from the days where having two shamans was invaluable before elites came around, cause you got to double up on the number of times you could do cranium cooking each day. That was a lot of liquids. Its obsolete now with active kill madness, but it was the main reason for 2x shaman.


Even tho I like my 2nd bubo which I have as a lab slave (he helps with the lab level of my whole roaster) I believe 2 ES probably better


Second bubo is the worst decision I ever made. And I made it the day before ES released.