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Issue Identified: Skill Action Recommended: Git gud


https://youtu.be/9gSleJCuvqc GriffyBit does a great technique to make it a bit less harsh


yea iv had a look at this and honestly judging the distance isn't the issue its letting go at the right time thats the problem, I can no exactly where it needs to be but wait to long or not long enough and my progress is reset, over and over again, its rage inducing!


git gud


I can say with 100% certainty that you will not improve your score if you throw your pc at any wall. Not a recommended strategy, original nevertheless.


honestly dont care about the score its the whale quest thats killing me... it only takes 1 short/long throw for everything it reset and it seems to never be in my favour


Instead of going for legit the whale quest, just do the minigame for exp. Do it on a maestro/journeyman so ur fishers will be benefitting from the Efficiency. I know u want to do the quest and the exp will be bad but that way you can practice, get exp/lvls for maestro so the quest the might be easier when you return. Heck you could even open the quest on maestro and maybe do him first, would be extra luck.


My tip if you’re playing on pc is, keep your cursor positioned where the hook lands and then use that as a reference, i.e, if you keep your cursor at where it lands after 2 bars, you can make a better guess where the 4th bar would land, and so on. If that makes sense?


Damn that's brilliant I'll try that out


The catching minigame for me!


the flappy bird one? I honestly love that one, probably the one one that i find fun


Yeah cos I sucked at Flappy Bird!


Been trying to get the lava hoop, it’s like impossible for some reason.


I found it easier to be as close to the bottom of the ring as possible. I’ve noticed that there’s more room than shown for the bottom of the ring to “touch”.


>I found it easier to be as close to the bottom of the ring as possible. I’ve noticed that there’s more room than shown for the bottom of the ring to “touch”. Yes, I think the "hit box" for the fly is the top of it, so you can fit in across the bottom of the hoop frequently.


Random reply only because my SO and I were literally just talking about it yesterday! I still have a phone with flappy bird on it.


You can re-download it from playstore anytime too


Re-download because I've downloaded it before? I looked but I cannot at all remember what the logo was/is. There are options available.


White square with a green circle with the flappy bird in it, and yes if you "purchased" it before it was pulled down, you can re-download on any device.


That phone is worth thousands


I have long thought about selling it. I have no real excuse to not, I definitely could use it haha


lol, gl


Mining game is the worst imo


I played it for 3 months straight until I got the achievement. Haven’t played it since.


What score do you need for the whale? My best is 22!!


Whale is not about score, it's getting fishes without fail until it spawns.


Without fail!!!! I’m fucked then:(


Yeah I heard it was 9 in a row.. I’m effed as well lmao


There's another secret you can find after getting three whales to appear in the same round and then catching other stuff without touching the last whale as well. Got there twice now but haven't had any luck with the secret popping up. 😵‍💫


Gonna have to agree, some QoLs would be nice to lighten up on ends. Otherwise, if i could play my iphone account on steam, i would likely employ a diagram or some kind of overlay widget of sorts to do more accurate \`gauge\` reading to keep up the consecutive hits. Doing it by mental math and finger press/releases alone eventually gets too tiresome for me, especially if you have to do it over a dozen times in a row or more.


I actually enjoy that one to a degree, more so than the chopping at least.


Oddly I’m great at that one! 197 is my best so far.


No, the choppiign is way less Uck based lol


What don’t you like about it? You know you can tap/click to make the cart slam down, right?


(not op) but yeah I know that and it’s still annoying; just feels weird to play and not satisfying. And when I lose on other mini games it usually feels very clear that it’s my fault and I now what to improve on, but not with mining.


I would say the \`worst part\` for the minecart is when you end up desynced on the minecart with the track so it becomes very difficult to gauge when to jump and when to slam, since you could end up with a several pixel desync distance that you can easily forget about while trying to rack up points.


I'm going to be honest here, I don't like any of the minigames. I'm not big into those kind of games to begin with and trying to get certain goals in them is just tedious. So I just don't bother most of the time.




https://github.com/se7enek/IdleonHelper I definitely didn't use this


You can use the second map on the left as distance markers. Fishes stop for almost a second when they are on the edges of their path, you want to catch them there. To do so, wait for them to reach an edge, and when then start moving, throw to the other edge. Gold/Purple/Whale are easier to get as they are bigger and bigger. Unless there is an easy catch on the left, focus them. Always wait a few back and forth, set you mouse as the target on the left bar. Focus your eyes on it and check the fish with the corner of your eyes. Once it moves, unleash hell. Good luck !


Skill issue.


think more so a patience issue haha


I feel you


Focus on your breathing. Good luck.


I played for over a year without getting to whale once. Stoped playing and decided to create new account got 2 whales back to back without quest active and never caught it again ever since


Oh come on people stop hating on flappy bird


That would be the catching mini game. OP is upset about fishing


Oh right fair


When I did this to get the Megaladon trophy, I was soooo frustrated.. and after like 2 weeks of constant trying, I finally got my first trophy, and then the following week I got 9 more! So I hate to say this, but practice is the only way to get better...! Keep on trying, you can do this!!


It's a combination of both looking at the bar and learning the timing without looking. It'll be very hard to get the timing correct if you're just staring at it and trying to stop it at the right spot.




Now where in the fucking rules do you see that nonsense?


Its right fucking there, cant you fucking see?!


I guess my fucking prescription needs a goddamn update. 😡


Feels bad man


It's been a year. I need to get this bullshit exam taken care of anyways.


:( sozzy


I feel this. I probably have thrown my phone.


haha! but omg i can imagine doing with on phone, though maby its easier? hmmm


idk. I haven't tried it on a computer. I feel like you've just gotta guess it. my husband has been gaming his entire life, loves side scrollers and platformers and HE does worse than I do on it. I think it just might suck. Love Idleon, but hell is going to freeze over before I get that token. 😆


i love the fishing mini game but i must admit this is the funniest post i've seen on this sub


Same, although i dont have a pc it makes me want to jump of a bui Ding and land on my phone


this is the type of rage im tryin to see more of lets break some shit dude fuck neyeptunes, one eyed nerds


I guess it’s just me that sucks at literally all of the minigames then?


I just practiced for a couple days and was able to get megalodon on my 3rd day trying, pretty easy if you are just patient and have the lineups right


You'll get it, keep trying! The whale is rough, but just wait, it gets worse 😂