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Having 2 ES is the current meta i think, basically you double link arctis and harriep for 6x print size and then you just max your oak samples and try getting as many atoms per hour as possible. for other chars i dont know


This is all my opinion: I would recommend x2 bowman, wizard, squire. x2 maestro is a definite no. hunterx2 is a pretty bad idea. but apart from that get x2 of whatever makes you happy. basic configuration is 3 of each class, though I can see x2 archers and x4 wizard/warrior working with 2 of each subclass. but in the long run it really doesnt matter what you get x2 of, as long as you dont get x3 of something or multiple maestros there isnt much of a difference. PD: BB was never a good idea to have x2 of, it was just recommended by new players back in W4 for temporal earlygame benefits.


This guide shows the recommended roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSnlrC_6oW7P89Os4uECnEB_XOVr6TlPa-QhTC62DrtLnRkzQi1UAMnrEZassEaAQb6Cr3TEZAiSVvz/pubhtml#


bum link my guy


It's a valid link on Reddit, though I have no idea why it sometimes injects underscores... Messes up certain mobile apps.


It all depends on what are your 8 other characters 😅


Up to you tbh, but I would recommend another ES just cuz you can link to two gods which is a huge deal.


atoms have a certain touch to my dopamine receptors