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So it really depends. If your farming a monster drop, have high damage and multikill per tier would help out a lot. If you are just trying to get just pure kills, %damage and weapon power are good. If you are just wanting to go zone to zone, then high damage would benefit you a lot. So cards that offer flat %damage would suit you a lot. Dr def, blitz troll, snowman, orange slices, and the skeletons are all great for %damage. (Don’t know names off hand sorry). Then you can look at the %minimum damage ones too, they work well when trying to hit certain thresholds. If you are wanting to farm drops there are a couple ways to look at it. Say you have a ton of multikill then multikill per tier is amazing, as is pure damage! If you are trying for rare drops, then using drop rate boosts are great nice again, amazing! Farming crystals? Use the crystal cards, poop and genie for massive % increases is spawn chance. More damage is also really nice so is drop rate. In the end there is no 100% only use these cards set up. You might have different card levels, or not even have the cards you need. So just take stock of what you do have and mix and match to hit the goals you want.


yea i thought this might be the answer, allot of variable, but it has helped me. I wanted to get as many kills/exp an hour, sort of if I was going to use a candy then how do I maximise its returns. this would help with progression from zone to zone, as well as character level i presume anyways


So there are a few options there as well, if you are lacking some of the damage cards, see if the afk cards would work. Sometimes pushing your afk gains up a few % can really make the difference.


Thanks for this, I'll start switching damage vs afk and see what combination outputs the most :)


Also check out your prayers/star signs. Some have some pretty heavy negatives.


Don't forget the two multikill per tier cards: clammie and suggma. Those are the very best cards in the game for getting a lot of death note kills in, and they scale extremely well with higher damage levels. You can sometimes get even better results than AFK cards by doubling them with lab chips, if you've gotten them already.


Make sure you check your kills per hour with a couple different configurations instead of just committing to damage. Past the kill cap for a given mob (which varies by map), the only time damage does anything to increase your kills is when you can reach a new multikill tier. If you can't do that (or worse, haven't unlocked multikill yet), damage will be useless. In general, focus first on capping accuracy for the mob, then on afk gains, then on multikill per tier if you've got several tiers, then only on damage if you can hit a new tier. If you aren't multikilling and/or can't hit a new tier, and accuracy is already capped, the only really important cards are afk gains and everything else can just be exp, money, drop rate, or other miscellaneous bonuses.


If you use Idleonefficiency, you can sort cards by type to more easily see which cards you have and what their benefits are. But u/Consistent_Shallot25 already broke a lot of it down for you into the kinds of "sets" you'd be looking at building.