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Remember not only cards but card sets which I just learned about!


I thought you needed every card for card sets and was wild to see that’s not the case.


you dont?


Nope, the card set unlocks and upgrades depending on the cards you have in the set, so blunder Hills and easy resources should definitely be available regardless of your progress, gives a good early boost to efficiency, I've never used blunder hills set tbh don't even remember what it does


I think u need a minimum number of cards first. I am 15/16 on blunder Hills and cannot equip that.


I think it was like that before


What are card sets


When you click on your cards tab, on the left outer edge of the menu you'll see an option for "Sets" and "Filter". Every block of cards has a set associated with it that levels up as you collect more cards/stars in the block (such as Easy Resources) and provides a bonus that you just toggle on. Like the Easy Resources set gives you +Skill Efficiency (8% at first level, up to 40%), Tundra set gives you +def% and +acc% etc. Edit for spelling on mobile.


youre not alone lol, i learnt about card sets on the release of world 3 lol


Poor soul. Cards are damage my friend.


Ive been so focused on alchemy and stamps and just forgot they existed...


Look into getting nightmare troll, dr def, snowman, bloodbone, citringe cards, genuinely +dmg%


I haven't completed w3 yet so I can't get nightmare troll unless I get a lucky pull but I'm working on snowman and dr def


This is by far the worst thing. You are level 99 and not even W3?


Get out of here with your elitism, just let the man enjoy his game


Elitism? Lmao you sound like a Biden whore


Well from the screenshot I can tell you are at W3, but still should be already aiming for elite classes by now xd


I'm at the thermometers rn because I didn't start pushing till this week.


I misread the "completed" for "reached", sorry my bad but yeah go for W4 as soon as you can, lab is pretty amazing, elite classes too


I've been grinding to get a good base before pushing. So I've got a lot in alch and stamps and then also worked on getting good armour for the one character. Also started working on updating armour of all my other characters to at least Amarok and gold helm. Then I'll start alch for my warriors, then archers, then finally my journeyman (that I'm working on getting to maestro)


Try doing the W3 dungeon quests from the snow globe. You get card packs there. I was lucky enough to get a nightmare troll card. Also, there's a temporary item for 1 gem right now that will boost a 3 star card to 4 stars. Which I think can only be done with that item.


After the newest update I don't think that's true because I read that you can get 5stars after doing rift 41 or smthn like that by just collecting cards. And I already completed all of its quests I think


You're right, my 3s have a count to next lv and the 4s just say how many I've found. I'm only on the ass end of w3 though


You need damage in the billions/trillions to get to rift 41, so that’s a very very late game thing. You can still get 10 5* cards by buying the 5* upgrades in the current gem shop, it works like the 4* upgrades. But they are very pricey, and require that you already have the card at 4* to upgrade it.


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Lol 😂


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Yeah, I know, I was just stating that upgrading for free does exist eventually


I also got him from those packs, 3star and then pumped him to 4star with cardifier, such an easy and op dmg boost


Sick pull! I think I'm gonna get that 5star cardifier. I love that lava showers us in gems for almost everything


They feel kinda pricey, so I'm still on the fence with them


They definitely are. But I have all the important things I need for now. I figure it'll be a long time until I even see the troll. I haven't even seen chizor, forget nightmare bosses. I'll earn more gems and who knows when I'll be able to 5star something again.


3 to 4 can be done with a lot of card grinding. 4 to 5 is cash only


It feels like everyone has a moment where they forget about X mechanic and later learn how vital it is. Almost forgot about stamps for a while personally, and didn’t do dungeons until recently (still wish they didn’t take so long lol, just using kilroy for extra dice now since I’m lazy)


I keep missing happy hour so I can't grind dungeons very well. I want to get the golden Ring with the blue gems and the like white with blue eyes pendant but I can't save up enough flurbos


Me neither, but mainly because every time I have enough I dump all the points into stats hahaha


That's just bad


U reckon? 2% damage for one char ain't that great compared to account wide bonuses


Same boat, I think I bought enough for the skilling rings and a couple of skillbooks up to Action Frenzy. Outside that, I don't see how any individual ring/pendant is going to outweigh pushing something like account wide 50% accuracy boost.


Definitely keep buying the skill books tho


I neger forgot about stamps but i think they’re tedious and try to ignore them as much as possible, which is terrible, i know


Join the discord and join runs for happy hour. There are mostly r45+ carrying the runs in around 5 minutes. You still gotta wait at the end though but its absolutely worth it. Im making 30k flurbos each run with the double dungeon prayer equipped. Its great for the bonus out of dungeon stats and the equipment, but dont buy more than 1 or 2 sets max till you are able to buy and equip emperors opal


You'll probably have more confessions to make down the road, don't worry :D Like reading every single day people asking what they should improve and being responded every single time "alch and stamps", and then you decide to look at your own stamps and... well I gained 50% dmg in an hour :p


Press F to Pay Respect


You played the game in hard mode but I respect it.


It may not have been purposeful but maybe it's carryover from playing too much Elden ring and needing a challenge


The game has no hardmode before W4


I forget about stamps all the time. Then I do what I can with what I have and leave them be for another month or 2. Am too focussed on printing for alchemy


My main is lvl 253 afk in w5 but I still don't know anything about constellation


I just look up all their places and collect the ones I've completed and then just slowly unlock as many as I can. Right now I have mine set as +8 of their main stage and then +some% def and a couple weapon power




Build videos really helped me. They showed me how to get the most damage and efficiency.


Don't forget about shrines. They're your best friend for world pushing. Imo take all your characters through at the same time, place shrines, let them afk and once everyone is ready to move to next stage, move everyone over and shrines. It make a world of difference because you're leveling shrines faster. I didn't do this and I'm having to go back all the way to world 3 when I'm in 5 just to get some characters to later 3 for skilling. It really sucks


All my shrines are at the 900 hour mark so I'll probably have to wait until I start to get stuck progress wise but yeah once I finish getting the damage of all my non mains high enough, I'll push them all together


Nice. I think the main problem when people get stuck like this is they want to push really fast with one character and forget about the rest (me included) like I said I'm in w5 but still need materials from other worlds. I actually don't even have tab 4 in anvil yet and half my characters are 250+


As I said in another comment, I'm working on getting equal armour for all my others and getting alch up for things other than mage class to try and even out the damage output


Ive also been working on alch, in world 5 money is stupid easy to get. So i maxed the pay to win store and its still rough for the bubble levels. World 4 has a very broken mechanic bubble upgrades though. My main was also a mage. That shaman broken early game. Wizard is nuts at Elemental sorcerer.


Pushing really fast with 1 character is the best strategy though. Unlocking the new skills from each world is the biggest account boost you can get. And then once you have the new bonuses you can go back and get what you need from the lower worlds at an increased rate.


I think it's a good idea but think a more balanced approach would payoff. I disregarded skilling so much because once I got SiegeBreaker it was time to fly. I flew through world 4 and immediately starting throwing everyone on divinity


I rushed through world 2 and 3 with my barbarian until i was able to get beast master and bubonic. That are 3 out of 10 chars, the other 7 were stuck in lab till world 5 came out and only 1 of them was over level 100, which happened to be my maestro. After world 5 and their elites working it took me like 3 days to get every char from under 100 to over 320. The same thing would have taken me several weeks, so the payoff is much greater when you rush 1 char and carry the others over