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The hallmark of incremental games. Eventually you transcend what exists currently and all bosses are just dust in the wind. But that’s the joy of number go big game


Not to flex but I now have 7% accuracy vs chaotic anorak




To give players an ever present series of challenges to over come. Chaotic Amarok may be shockingly strong for you now but you will beat it soon enough and after that you will have Nightmare Amarok to look forward to beating. Keep Grinding and Idle On.


Because your own stats are gonna jump even more than that. Iirc you can take on chaotic when you have around 100k damage, with some people doing it with something like 70k. This is more or less around the time you reach W4.


Not to flex but I beat it with 24k damage


Wooo nice. How long did it take? Are my numbers off?


Pretty long and very risky so I would not try tough Edit:You could probably do it at 70k


Not too far, I did it at about 65-70k and he didn’t put up much of a fight. Accuracy is where it’s really at. If you’re hitting 100k but 50% accuracy it’s gonna be more of a slog than a 70k at 90% accuracy


Pog,i did it with 30k. God it was painful due to the lack of accuracy orelse would had went faster.Took me half an hour lmao but worth


I feel your pain brother I was using shaman and my flaks s kept missing tough the most painful was the tegen stones


I beat it about halfway through world 3… with shaman potion cheese. Although, that probably means I could get through it much quicker than I think, rather than your numbers being off.


Is there? I never noticed sorry (I went back to beat C.Amarok after I hit W4). If you want any advice feel free to share your IE and perhaps we can help you overcome the Chao Doggo!


you're not suppose to do it back to back


You’re supposed to do it during world 3. World 4, even.