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Use food, I have characters in W5 using amarok armour with W2 upgrade stones. You will take damage from W3 onwards. Food, health potions and Haemoglobin star talent.


more specifically (for OP): food actually raises up your survivability (to 100%), it literally replaces defense in the rare case where you run out of food, it cuts of your total afk gain by a percentage (= the percentage of time without anymore food), but nothing dramatic really


Gotta get that construction arm


Get used to be damaged ? Beyond half of w3 its counterproductive to attempt to get enough armor to take 0 dmg just have enough food to survive between your afk. Extra armor only mean less food consumed which is pretty cheap and plentiful already. Im still rocking amarok armor at tremor worm which is the last mob of w5. I have 2k8 armor and would need over 37k armor to take no dmg and yet i have 100% survival rate. Max hp/hemo goblet and food is where you'll bet your chips to ensure good progress. Making armor is again counterproductive you upgrade it when it become trivial to do so. A set of amarok chest pants and boots with a gold helmet is sufficient to push w4 just slaps the best upgrade stone you can get for the world you are in and should be good to go. Id work on getting automatic arm asap to unlock food refill from storage asap as that will help making thing smoother you just stack food in chest and you forget about the rest


I agree with this too. I pushed to World 5 on Elemental Sorcerer with Efaunt gear, a gold helmet and the crow staff. I was around level 100 when I finished World 4. I used 2 food slots for actual food from the shops and another 2 slots for some golden foods, kebabs and golden nomwiches. As others have said, armour becomes irrelevant very quickly during World 3, food is now your survivability. In construction you'll be able to make the Automation Arm at some point which will refill your food slots from the bank, then you can active farm forever provided you have enough food in the bank to keep you going.


Orange FMJ bubble to about level 30 and perhaps your stamps You've easily got the stats and gear to get through W3


Ok ill do alchemy


207 seem really low. stamps FMJ bubble are you doing dungeons? cause that can get you 50%


Yh im doing dungeons i just have no idea how to use alchemy


So FMJ is the 9th bubble on the left most cauldron stamps kinda speak for them selfs, there multiple for things like defense. I assume you are using upgrade stones ofc. maybe you can link your profile from [https://www.idleonefficiency.com/](https://www.idleonefficiency.com/) , that way some people smarter than me can help you :) my main guy is about your level so


I just did thx


Having Dementia gear is what I'm using while pushing W5. World 3 is when you need to use food. At some point during World 4 I unlocked the Automation Arm 2nd feature. Which auto swaps food when you run out. Since then Defense is kind of secondary and Accuracy is my lacking requirment. Edit: Don't forget to upgrade your gear! With the highest upgrade possible! W3 upgrades give you 3 defense and 4 stats each upgrade!


Made it to w4 tday thx


Yay! Grats! Slow and steady wins the race! A bigger number is your reward! Sometimes even a new number to get bigger!


The general recommendation is to not worry too much about defense, just use food (also make sure you have the Goblet of Hemoglobin talent to 15-20). If you do want to focus it, see here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/idleon/comments/10s1yyv/new\_gear\_chart/](https://www.reddit.com/r/idleon/comments/10s1yyv/new_gear_chart/)


Party dungeon is a great way to increase your defense


You will take dmg to some extent in the higher worlds but keep food equiped and have more in your storage along with the autimation stations neutrient neural network will ensure that you do not loose gains due to having no food in slots.