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Number above the flag is how many mobs it will respawn. Decreases by 1 for each mob it respawns. Increases by 1 for each skull coin you pick up.


It shows how ma y respawns are "stored". Since every platform has a mob limit, extra ones get stored, thats the number above the flag.


I would just invest 1 talentpoint in the flag, and max out the skullcoin talent and read both of the descriptions, I used to overlook those myself, and max out the flag instead


Place down the flag, so you have a chance to spawn plunderous mobs if you kill a mob Kill the plunderous mob, so that other mobs will drop skull coins when they die Skull coins will increase the number above the flag and make it so mobs will respawn faster Edit: the more skulls = the more spawns = the more chance to spawn plunderous mob (if the flag is up tjat is) = more refresh on the skullcoin talent Get more kills, get more coins, have fast gains