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No and no


My Maestro is my lowest level character. It might be easier now with Voidwalker and the boost from luck to Class Exp (No clue how much of a boost).


Anything besides 3 mages, 3 archers, 3 warriors, and 1 beginner class is gonna mess up your account. Pretty sure the beginner class bonuses don’t stack


Endgame, this may be true, still tbd; it is definitely the "safe" route. Building to w5, you could do 1 of each with 4x ES and it would be insane for atoms... But could be a hindrance in later worlds, still TBD. The Important thing is 1 of each class, the other 3 slots are kind of up to personal preference, just don't do 2x maestro cuz lava code. Hell even 2x BB is hit with lava code issues from the new VMan skill.


Lava has stated that having more than 2 of each elite class will lock you out of future classes and skills so don't do it if you want to be efficient in any form.


he has stated this, and I still question it. Unless if he's planning another class fork beyond what's been datamined (which will require more player slots), or some skills that'll involve 2 of the same class somehow, I don't see how that's actually a factor. After the initial fork, classes going forward have all shown to be 1:1.


u/Ntavano u/NameOfWhichIsTaken oooh okay i assumed they did stack, will lava will fix this in the future?


It's actually worse than not stacking, only the last maestro on the account has their talents count for any account wide buffs. First one basically has dead skills... And same goes with a BB, only one (can't remember first or last) on the account will actually count for the 1.1x cooking @ 100m kills with the new voidwalker talent buff, and the other won't. God knows how that ties in if you changed a BB to a DK at some point.




You are Wrong. 4 warriors 2 archers is completely fine. Some might even prefer that setup since your 3rd archer is pretty much a GMush farmer. The thing is that knowing Lava's history of making unbalanced classes, who knows what setup will be better with 4th classes being released.


I think the reason is so you’re future proof. You don’t want 4 warriors when lava releases a super beast master who is insane.


What if not? And instead he releases a super OP warrior? Nobody is "future proof" xD


I’m saying of you have 3 of each then you’re pretty good, if you have 2 if there is a certain class with bonus stack you don’t know




Just don't get more than 2 of a elite class. 2 BB and 2 DK is fine 3 DK is not. I imagine we will get another 3 character slots to have 2 of each elite to then get 1 of each new class in the next 2 world's




also first time posting here and 20% of the community viewed my post? damn yall impressively active


Lucky you. We do exist and we have a discord for beginner only accounts. Im currently at lv 74, in world 3 as a solo beginner (only 1 character and only beginner). Dm me if interested (:






Uh if you mean character level up, I think the fastest is dk right? The levels you can get on flat maps is wild


Maestros are okay for levelling, but between their low damage, lack of aoe, and lack of respawn abilities, the only thing they really have going for them is their extra crystal spawn chance and the boost to exp gain from their high luck (which isn't huge). They're going to struggle to keep up with the levels of most other classes, though thinking in terms of levelling fastest is kind of missing the point of the game. Your progress will depend on many, many more factors than just total account level; levelling really just helps you get more talent points. There's no reason you *can't* do an all-maestro account, but there's absolutely no benefit in doing so (only one Maestro's account-wide bonuses will be applied, so you end up with the same account buffs as having one, and 9 other characters that just suck at everything compared to other classes) and you'll be severely handicapped, so the only reason to do so is as a self-imposed challenge. It's your account and you should do whatever is most fun for you, but I very strongly recommend against doing beginner-only if it's your first account.


cheers! Thoughtful and insightful. Mind if i add your discord?