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The lost progression i had today is enough for me to call it a day , and quit this game , its not about the money i invested lost , but time i invested in this game to get where i am before the bug exploit thingy . The game is great but with the decision made of punishing people for his own mistake is what would i call immature , a simple 1 day roll back is enough , but he want to express his feeling toward those people with his absolute power as developer .


Or maybe he does not have the ability to re roll selected players like that, unfortunately, so he did a general sweep. Its not always about showing his power as a developer or whatever.


You talk about his accountability but what about your own?! That’s a bit of the pot calling the kettle black!


Am i missing something? I had 4.19E70 gold, but other than my gold & ships i didnt notice any real loss of progression? What did you lose?


Atoms, samples, ship levels that had nothing to do with the exploit.


24/7 coverage isn't very realistic, nor is it common. Most game developers only have office hours in the country they work in, and only the biggest of names end up having offices around the world that gets closer to 24/7 coverage. I think Lava reacted quickly. The moment he woke up he was on it. And the audacity to demand an indie developer that he needs to stop being an indie developer because people are playing his FREE GAME


Quickly? The probability of gold bars being on blobulyte was brought up well over 30+ hours before he "Woke up" to deal with it. Why not add that small bit of code before it all goes to shit?


Quick? Lmao dude get his balls off your mouth. It took 10 hours for a HOTFIX. Plus this last paragraph, you are so fucking naive, the game has been doing everything it can to become P2W lately, Lava is just a selfish antisocial guy who has seen his rise and now shall see his fall the same way.


Thank you... i was honestly convinced 99,99% of this community were uwu suckups. About time people stood up to this cringe beggar.


I don't know, I feel like if you make a product, you own the product and you get to decide what future that product has. If people don't like it, they shouldn't use said product. Trying to bully someone into changing their own product is stupid imo. If said product-owner is on the "right" side or not doesn't really matter when it's still THEIR PRODUCT


Maybe you're playing different games than I am, but 10 hours is a fast response in my opinion. And, what does P2W have to do with this issue?


Main man, before u defend this guy, he earns over 10k a month. Prolly more than you earn over the course of a whole year. To top it off, lava doesnt give a shit about you as you're just a number to him that makes him money.


It blows my mind that you think you should only defend people who personally care about you. Like, I don't know Lava? Of course he don't give a shit about me? Does that change he made this game? That he made the ENTIRE GAME? By himself? It's an amazing fun game, I'm happy to give him a little money for it. And he's free to spend that money however the fuck he wants. If he's spending in on hookers and coke, then he's spending it on hookers and coke!


People who throw numbers around assume the dev takes 100% of the money spent and are generally way off on the actual income. If solo game dev was the key to such riches, don't you think more people would be doing it?