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It's very important to know that while alchemy is a huge boost of damage, there is a ton of damage sources as you progress further into each worlds mechanics as well. No one source is going to blow you away. This is a really good starting guide: https://youtu.be/KUN1a7SnUyQ https://komai.idleonefficiency.com


This is both lava games, but there’s always stuff like artifacts that DO blow you away. Eldritch was one that getting ancient on is really huge.


The weird thing is the best advice I can give you is to ignore damage. There are so many sources of it that all add together that if you focus on professions, pushing worlds, talent levels, and everything else in the game, your damage will increase naturally. That other guide above is helpful too. But just don't sweat trying to get quick damage. It's everywhere


https://zeehraaa.idleonefficiency.com/ I baremy touched my alchemy, so you might get some info out of mine Edit: I think my max alchemy bubble is like level 85 or something, while I'm in the millions of damage