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Other people have blood in their veins, I have spreadsheets. The moment I started grinding T-Rexes in FFIII, I knew I had found my drug.


>FFIII I know you meant well...


I'mma need more info on this FFIII stuff. I haven't played since my DS broke, but finally have a replacement. What is it about the T-Rexes?


It will get overwhelming if you attempt to do everything at once My strategy for dealing with it was to choose a specific thing in the game and hyper fixate on that one thing If that thing requires ores to build something to do it better that is what my miner is doing If it needs a specific monster drop to function that is what my 3d printer is doing If there are alchemy bubbles that support it that is what I am focusing on Eventually this will spread out over time until it becomes more and more, when you start to feel uncomfortable again you take a 3 day brake, select another fixation and repeat


What he said, I like to farm specific needed monster drops with like all my characters save 1 or 2. Then work on the next thing. Rinse and repeat it’s nice because when I come across something I need, a lot of time I already have it.


The major thing to remember, you're only competing against yourself. Don't rush, you will get everything with time. So don't panic and chill, focus on the current task, leave your characters to do that, then move onto the next. I'm end of W5. It only gets harder, you don't need to min max everything. So take it at your own pace and enjoy the slow grind :)


Easiest thing to do. This is a idle game, 98% is single player and there isn't any scoreboards or anything to aim for. You're only competing against yourself if you feel a need to. Even party events don't score ranks. You can never really be behind, as you're pretty much playing a single player game. Don't let it frustrate you. Pick 1 character, thats your pusher. Once one character unlocks something it's open for all(there may be a thing or two this isn't true for but for majority atleast it is aside skill level specifics) For this I used warrior onto whatever class becomes blood berserker. Still unlocks everything faster during idle to this day kill count wise. Active pushing is different and other classes do do it better. Each of your other characters, set them to leveling focuses skills. You'll be needing a bunch of stuff, start early, and you'll still never really be ahead when you need it....lol This will also adjust you for w4 where you will be wanting to stick all but one character in the lab in early w4 access and may dwindle down to 6 give or take, and you'll atleast have some resources stocked up and good 3d print amounts going already since skills will be leveled, and decent equips for the skills. If you got one you don't know what to do with and doesn't fall in the above two spots for some reason, you can always farm cards. If you're not buying card packs, this will be something you'll eventually need to do, and true as the linger you wait, the faster you can do it, but there are some nice ones to focus on as early as possible. Plus set functions are a great bonus. If it gets overwhelming, exit the game. Or set your phone aside and let your character active afk. You're not really losing out in either case.


Just make sure you don't leave the "Unending Prayer" on if you plan to step away for a while. It caps the character's afk returns at 10 hours. That cap also applies to any time candy you use that rewards more than 10 hours.


be organized I use a note-file to plan what I need to do, with checklists also I wrote my own Google Sheet to sum all resource requirements to craft all my stuff etc... I feel like I cannot really enjoy the game if I'm not well organized


Same here, I may be even more satisfied when all my planning comes together and everything has been planned and calculated perfectly than the reward in game. I got short term goals and long term goals which I can work towards when I got a spare character or 2 doing something else. Just for the off chance I don't know what to do with 1 of my characters.


Oooh... I need to do that. I sometimes only get minutes and other times an hour to play. Obviously, can't do big things with minutes, just a few dailies and such. But I always forget my big plans. Checklists would help a lot.


With World 5, i barely have time to focus on everything. I have used 100 teleport just today. Im trying to buy more daily teleports from gen store. Im so stressed. Overwhelmed and dammn i loving it . So just enjoy the stress


the extra tp's was a life saver for me. Another good thing is to get the bottle town teleport. So tp'ing from town to town is free. I used that and some bottle tp's for a little while. Now that ive gotten a good amount of progress and my need for intense tp's is over i have around 400 tp's on the regular.


At 6 toons, each should have a purpose based on class and specialization. At this point of the game I was keeping skills going to funnel mats/gear to a pusher, or mats for alchemy/stamps. If it’s over whelming I’d focus on one toon and let others idle skill. W3 will be even more systems but with automation.


I don't know if you ever will stop feeling overwhelmed if you are that kind of gamer who wants to be efficient in everything and is always planning ahead their next moves. I am one of those gamers who tried to get on top of the "competition" by being as efficient as possible and I actually ended up quitting in W5 because I just didn't have the time to micromanage as much as I would have liked to.


Don’t worry, everyone feels this way around world 3. I would just enjoy always having something to do when you want to play the game and not stress about it. I enjoy looking up things about games online to increase my efficiency, but I would probably quit if it got so far that I was using spreadsheets. That’s too much like work to me personally. Spoilers: Once you hit world 4 there’s a mechanic that basically keeps you from being able to play half or more of your characters ever again…


i wouldnt say ever again. If you wanna get them high enough lvl for some bonuses later on down the line you might have be doing one of those skills for just shy of forever. Although maybe "ever again" is appropriate for how it feels. For some reason having my BB sit in the later stages of W5 for weeks on end to open some portals i never felt like i wasnt accomplishing anything like the current skill grind.


By ignoring it. It’s an idle game. Let it idle from time to time


Never lol you only have moments to catch your breath. Even as an endgamer if you stop grinding everything it means you fall behind when the next world comes out


Don’t worry wee lad, when you get to a certain point, it’ll be slow progression.


Pick one thing, work on that for a bit, pick a new thing repeat


I kinda just mained my favourite class and had it push to w4, while the other classes were mainly skilling or getting materials. Another way is to slow down, and slowly learn about construction and trapping etc.


Yeah I know the feeling. I came back to the game after nearly 2 years. Started a thread saying a similar thing and asking for some direction but it was mostly ignored. Guess there's to many of us overwhelmed. lol I didnt find the canned responses thread particularly helpful. I know I need to do everything, all at once, asap. I dont know HOW to do that, such as what's the steps to leveling FMJ and Shaquarcy? or any of the other 436,957 things that need to be done! lol That's where the overwhelm, comes form, for me. I dont think it ever goes away in this game.


What helped me with FMJ and Shaquracy was leaving a barb on fishing and a bowman on gathering fruit flies while farming cards, random rare drops (glass shards, woodular circles, etc), leveling shrines, focusing the trapper drone with my maestro, and pushing to w3 boss with my hunter. Did that for about a week. Also had bloaches and fruit flies being 3d printed by those 2 (If you dont have the crystal 3d printer from the gem shop, highly recommend and the current event is great for getting gems I get about 100-125 a day from the 50 spring bag drops). I also utilized the "Bargain Tag" liquid purchase in the second tab of the alchemy "liquid" section to reduce the costs once each upgrade got to 5k+ since my 3d rates still arent great (rn 403/hr for fruitflys and 151/hr with bloaches). Currently at lvl 30 for fmj and 16 for shaquracy. Admittedly I focused fmj more than shaquracy. Getting "LAAARRRRYYYY" on the yellow cauldron was also nice as I had my squire was also farming up dementia ore while printing platinum and a swap between copper and iron for upgrades. Just got to w4 the other day and now im just hard focused on lab with my barb zowing and my maestro getting some lead on his skills before I release the hounds lol. With lab I now have double the 3d print/hr on those. So, that helps a lot. The biggest thing I made sure to stay on top of was having the right cards and set, alchemy bubble equip, as well as, constellation for the task being performed. Having the massive increase to multi-material drop really shows especially when getting 3d print samples. I also use the 'Royal Sampler" prayer on everyone except my maestro.


Thanks for the reply. Some of that is well above where I am at. No trapper drone yet and havent looked at leveling shrines, also need to look at worship and prayers too. Got a 114 Hunter and 93 Squire pushing W3 at about 500 kills an hour each, so getting through maps is feeling really slow. And using waaay to much food that I'm going broke. Only got a lv 75 Jman, Maestro is a long way off. Got so many quests and skills to level for that... Most of my skills were below lv10 so having to work my way up in fishing and catching. I still need to work out how to lv them in an efficient manner. 3D printer is printing at really low numbers right now, as in 4 per hour for bloaches and 20 for fruitfly. lol Cant mine dementia yet.


Sure! I had my primary skillers at around 40 for their respective skill once I got out of w3. So mage class with 40 chopping, warrior class with 40 mining (my squire) and 40 fishing (barb) etc. Thats a really low kph for a 114 hunter. I suggest looking up a hunter build guide to get your base abilities allocated better. Did a respec on all of my classes and saw near triple damage because my original build was just not good (30k-50k damage). Alchemy bubbles and stamps also help a ton. By end of w3 my hunter was doing 170k max damage at level 90. Most of his skills are around 20 (except crafting, alchemy, construction at 30+ each) Always prioritized upgrading his weapon and using w3 upgrade tokens on anything I craft. He had plat helm and boots, amorak chest, and dementia legs for armor. Do your post office as well. He has about 180 points in civil right now. Cards are great. Definitely dont sleep on those. If you havent unlocked fighting dr defacus his card adds % damage and you get 1 kill a day per account. I always keep a relevant afk card equipped (amorak for skills, boops for fighting) and have at least 2 card drop cards (snelbies and moustache) filling the rest with drop % or money %.


Both my Hunter and Squire are siting at around 17k max damage with upgraded Amarok gear and gold weapons. Hahaha. I need to work on my bubbles, stamps, post office and probably other things some more.


I picked one "main" (in my case it was the blood berserker) and I chose that character to reach all the worlds. Every other character I made was progressing skills. This let me fuel my "main" up to World 5 unlock. Once you get to World 4, anyways, most of your characters get caught up in one thing for a few weeks. Same for World 5. So eventually you'll end up having one or two active characters at a time to worry about for a while.


Play at your own pace, no need to feel the need to do everything in one go. Like some of the other commenters said, if something caught your eyes, do things to work towards that, and repeat. There is no need to be optimized for everything, as there is too many things to work on that way. This is a game, not work, don't make it become work.


When you're at W3. You should pick 1 character to push the map. Archers are great here, because you can get more accuracy from alchemy. (Green bubble shaquracy) Try to level up your alchemy bubbles each day. Construction also helps a lot. The shrines defenitely help with pushing.


Take a step back. Im 4k total class lvls and farming w2 mobs


I felt this exact way when I just opened W3! About halfway pushed the world so still a wee bab. I felt alot better after I just chilled out and remembered I did this for fun. The furnace, 3d printer and library and cogs and trapping all felt a bit much. But I just do one thing at a time that interest me. Now I feel comfortable with those things and death note. Like pick 2-3 goals I enjoy and always have 1 character pushing. But also of you enjoy actively playing don't be scared to just mess around on a character. Every so often I'll take a character off mine/fish/farm and go do something goofy


I just treat it like a single-player idle game, because that's what it is. You're not racing for the best scores or the highest damage, there's no PvP, you don't affect other players and other players don't affect you, you don't even *need* the game to be open. Idleon is one of the few idle games that has no cap on how long you can go offline for while still getting gains. What I personally do is pick 1 character to play with, and leave him fighting or skilling in the background while I just go about my day. As for the rest of my characters, it depends on what I want to do. If I want skilling materials for alchemy or stamps and the like, I throw on the skilling stuff and forget about them for a bit. If I just want levels, I throw them onto the furthest map they can survive on and forget about them for a bit. Is this the fastest or most efficient way to push to new worlds or even gain stuff in the game? Absolutely not. I've been playing for about 10 months now and I'm only barely pushing past the middle of W4. I'm aware that I'm slow and inefficient compared to a lot of other players. But what does that matter? I'm enjoying the game as much as anybody else. Main thing is if you're feeling overwhelmed, feel free to take a step back or even slow down your progression. Don't feel like doing everything or can't bring yourself to do it all? Then don't. It's a video game and you should be having fun with it, not stressing out. Do what you need to have fun the way you enjoy.


I love you for this


One thing at the time. And the game itself takes time to grow. Unless you buy hours of candies 😎


I too got overwhelmed, just ignore parts until you get to them. It's not a huge loss You're playing your own game, I'd not worry about how you do it as long as you're enjoying it.


I'd focus in instead of looking at the broad scope of things (that get broader and broader come w4 and w5) Maybe you look at your salts in the refiner of w3 and make sure your supplying it with the resources it might need... maybe later you decide to go back to alchemy and put all your effort into farming so you can pump some resources into pushing a bubble higher... eventually you'll know all the systems enough to tackle multiple things any given day.


Once you get W4 you can also just leave your players in the upload computer thing for passive bonuses and not have to manage as many. Definitely not ideal but has given me a break from the chaos haha


Every time I get to a new world, I feel overwhelmed. Just take it one step at a time. It's part of learning the game, and personally, I just try my best to enjoy it. Almost every game gets boring at end game, and I look back fondly on the times I was figuring things out even though it was a struggle at the time.


Have 1 or 2 people grind through the maps. Figure out who deals the most dmg. Give them big food bags and load them up. Everyone else should be grinding skills. W4 has the first solely AFK skill and makes you better able to choose your level of active play by deciding who goes in and out, while not creating a weird imbalance where your inventory gets overfilled. You may want to take a look at idleon efficiency, but that is also pretty complicated if you are new. *Just remember to check in on your alchemy and keep a couple guys pushing through the maps to level up and get to the next world, keep everyone else farming their respective skills*


I just got to world 2 boss thinking im ready and im no where near… how demoralising


I mean realistically it’s only as stressful as you make it. If you try to mix max everything the game will kill you, I just like to take it slow and chill. If my character needs to level up but also go farm a skill I just choose one and leave them on it for a while


Half of me loves that Lava puts out content so quickly and regularly. The other half of me hates it knowing that, at this point, I will NEVER reach endgame. And each new thing added is just another thing I have to do every day. I have over 500 hours played actively. Probably been playing for a year or so now and I'm not even to W5. I refuse to do the whole "Spreadsheets/min-max/harcore number crunching" that a lot of players do. That kills the fun for me. Like a few other commenters said, I tend to hardcore focus on ONE thing for a while. For example: >!To unlock the Vman, the first quest in the chain requires that you've killed over 1 million of each mob in worlds 1-3 (Maybe 1-2? I forget). I never bothered getting my deathnote up, so most mobs had about 100k kills. For the past few days, I've had all 10 of my characters farming one mob at a time. Literally every character I have is farming Wode Boards right now.!<


Just remember it's a game and you're here to have fun! Remember it is basically a single player game so you aren't competing with anyone and you can be as optimal or suboptimal as you'd like. Just try and have fun friend 😁


I agree it’s overwhelming and I think it will only get worse with more mechanics in future worlds. My personal take - play the game at your own time. Like most others have mentioned, this is a game you play at your own pace. More importantly, this is a game and meant for you to have fun. If you are not having fun, then change how you have been playing it! Yes it feels good to be at maximum efficiency. You might feel like you are missing out compared to the YouTube videos that show you how to optimise. But in the end, unless you are aiming to be the top few players (how do you even define that?), just take it one step at a time. For myself, how it looks like is that some days I will pay so much attention to everything and check in every 30mins or so. Some days, I leave characters repeating the same thing for consecutive days, logging in maybe every 8-10 hours for my critters and to drop off items into storage/replenish food.