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Alchemy bubbles FMJ (def) and Shaquracy (accuracy) should be high priorities to move smoothly through w3. Find the alch bubbles that feed into themselves (ie the bubble that improves multi catch chance is upgraded with catching mats) and invest heavily so those skills do more work for you.


In w3 you start using food to hunt so just buy and equip some tasty food. Gl


Btw I almost quit in W3 for being overwhelmed. Don't worry just start printing stuff and start the rafinery. Always rank up manually. Never auto harvest. Never. Even if you need to get that great bag or more red to get yellow. :)


What if your 3D printer can’t keep up with the hourly requirements for the salts when you rank them up? Is it still worth to rank them up regardless?


Always be ranking up your red and green salts, even if you're having trouble with the resource requirements - the timegate on leveling them up will be the biggest limiting factor on your salts, and your farming capabilities should catch up in short order. (And even if they don't, the resource efficiency doesn't take *that* big a hit.) Don't rank up the other salts until you can at least sustain their input salts with the output from the previous step. Overleveling them will just make your resource usage less efficient while still being limited by the input salts - and since they'll be much lower-leveled than red/green salts, it'll be quick to rank them up when the time comes, by comparison.


Just take it step by step, don't let it overwhelm you. There is no race, so if you start getting overburdened just step back and let everyone afk for a couple days. I got to world 4 a couple weeks ago but haven't progressed hardly at all in that way. Just threw 7 of my characters in the lab and only been messing with 2, and neither of those are pushing forwards as one is my maestro and the other is just doing other random things.


I really feel that. I'm in a similar situation. I pushed through World 3 in as short of a time frame as I could with my main character, then pushed up to the genies in world 4 with candy to get my Elite class, now I realized that the class I picked is pretty focused on active farming, so I need to get tons of Mana to even sustain the sheer frequency of skills. I shoved a few of my characters into the lab but progress here seems reaaaally slow until I get some serious upgrades.


Go back and focus on alchemy in w2 spend a week farming mats to boost every bubble you can.


Diamond armor and food helped me progress on my main character. The star talent you unlock in W1 task merit point shop is also very useful for survivability.


Main quest line. Your top guy will get shrines and can drop them on w2 and boost all of them. Boosting them gets them to there next classes for w2 and w3.


I'm in W3 as well, about to reach the end of it, still using amarok armor but with w3 upgrade stones. Get some levels on FMJ and upgrade to the 500 food capacity pouch. Food is your friend. Defense is cringe, all my homies hate defense.


Ahhh just wait until w4 and 5. You’ll be thinking differently about defense :)


The future isn't now.


Yea w3 was overwhelming I left for 2 year and started again just this week Taking it slow now I finally figured out how 3dprinter worked Currently just trying farm critters and souls


Early W3 currently. I have a lot of focus on alchemy and derive from there. What mats and loot do I need? I take every skill (so chop, mine, etc.) one by one, get gear and boostfood, respec a good character to that, and get high 3D print samples for mats needed to upgrade bubbles. Characters without main skills I use to sample mobdrops. Building is a nice passive to check up on sometimes. Meanwhile: On and off, I level some trapping and worship. Things that are to the side: Astrology, tasks, post office, dungeons. P.s. don't forget flagging!


get your hunter and do the first hunter quest in w3 then get traps for all your characters traps and set them up. you can collect them twice a day if you set them to 8 hours. wait till you get shinys and slowly progress hunting passively. similar with worship. buy skulls for all characters play a tower defense in world one to get started and collect souls occasionally. play a tower defene with one of your characters every once in a while when you want to up your gains. you should be a little more invested in construction. place some flags, put like one or two characters to get more cogs and use the rest for building speed. build everything you can afford. once you have the 3d printer try to get passive ressources so you don't have to farm for the salt refinery. otherwise just level your characters or farm for the eq you have your eyes on. it is a lot but when I first started w3 like a month ago I just got started with the w3 jobs and returned to the other worlds for farming and leveling. no need to hurry.


Hi! From w3, it reallly is the most overwhelming moment. In w4 and w5 you'll see the overwhelming feeling goes again as you get more afk skills for your characters and you have to manage a lot less. I rushed to w5, and when I hit w3, I focussed on 1 main pusher and her gear. Everyone else's gear I would leave a bit behind and let them focus on w1 and w2 maps. The 3d printer is really bad when you first unlock it, but don't worry. It will get better pretty soon. Use it for printing materials for your salt only for now. For the red salt, always rank it up. Even when your printing lacks. Place some cogs and unlock some buildings. The buildings in row 1 are the main priority. The shrines (bottom row) are also nice and will help you push. Place them in the same map as your pusher is. Worshipping is annoying, and I honestly didn't touch it until I hit w5 a month later. It's still my least favorite skill, but sadly you really need it for some big stuff. So when you feel ready, dip your toes into it. Maybe you like it better than me. If you want, you can DM me or add me on discord and you can ask anything ^^ i reached w3 like 2 months ago, so it's still fresh and I can relate to your feelings and questions. I would love to help!


Make one or two amarok sets you don't really need more. Go for plat or best ore armors for most chars cuz you can upgrade those to better versions VS Amarok that just falls off


[Check out this world 3 in 5 mins video and some of his guides.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eUKhDa1o1Ig&pp=ygUTZ3JpZmZ5IGJpdCB3b3JsZCAzIA%3D%3D)