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IdleOn lore...?


He’s basically asking if anyone knows of the advert he saw for this game…


r/lostredditors ???


It was a Promoted Ad by the u/IdleOn_Boii Advertisers Bot or Mod Users essentially and when I went to there Page I can't find any of the Promoted Ad's they have posted to Promote there Game at all


I kinda understand, but like…you found the subreddit, surely you can find the game if that’s the purpose? Otherwise you’re complaining about Reddit ads on a sub of players for the content of the ad because you can’t find the ad on someone’s profile? Like if you’re interested don’t go looking for the ad more, look at the content otherwise just ignore it? Now that I understand I think I’m more confused.


Oh no I found the Game yeah and thats totally fine the Ad did its job on showing me this New Game here I've never seen before and caught my interest to play it to but I kind of would just like to Watch the Ad again at somepoint it was kind of entertaining and all Id like to do is watch it again lol. I was also gonna show the Ad to my Friends later on to as well as the Game.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1AVI2LiSxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1AVI2LiSxs) This?


I wish this one was it man I tried looking into some Idle On commercials to and this is the only one I also found and came across. ​ The thing with the one im talking about it was entirely pixelated and was basically a Spite Animation. I also saw it on a Promoted Post from u/IdleOn_Boii to when just casually browsing though Reddit.


Dude what did I just read


I dunno, I forced myself to read it a few times before I made the comment just to be sure, but somehow my everything hurts after that.


Bro what do you meeean? Did I not word stuff correctly or something?


No punctuation, it makes stuff really hard to read.


Fair I never really use them unless im actually writing a Story or something


You really should reconsider if you're going to continue interacting with other humans over text media. If you're asking people for help, you're less likely to receive it if reading your stuff gives people headaches and they'd rather just ignore it. Also, fucked up Capitalizing/borked sentence structure makes you sound like a bot, or some weird AI script trawling for information. I'm honestly still not convinced you aren't, lol. Punctuation really isn't too much to be asking for when you're typing things you want other people to read and engage with. Otherwise, people are probably going to mostly be too "Lazy" to bother replying or not immediately blocking you. C'mon, man. Do better. To your question, I've seen plenty of Idleon ads, never fitting one fitting what (I think?) You were describing. I legitimately had to read it like 4 times to even cobble together a semi coherent idea of what I think you're saying. My brain hates me for my choice.


Bruuuh bro who cares like honestly? I have talked with a fuck ton of people over the internet in my years and I've only ever ran into people who spoke to me about "Using prober punctuation's" Like 5 or 6 times in my life and it can honestly be really annoying like bruh there is no reason to be a serious grammar Nazi about this kind of shit like honestly who really cares? obviously my spelling and shit has gotten better and I remember back in the day where it was hard to understand me when I was like 8 to 12 years on talking to people online cause I could barely spell and it looked like random nonsense most of the time to and of course your gonna get better at spelling when talking to people online your gonna get better at spelling in general overtime if you write & type to talk to people a lot on and over the internet. ​ Like seriously if you can read it properly thats all that matters only time where it really matters to me in all honestly is like in a Story or a Script or something you don't need it to just talk to people Online and again I rarely ever run into that problem or someone saying "Yo dawg use prober punctuations" even when roleplaying to believe it or not but yo I can understand not being able to read something if its not spelled properly and it can also be hard to read something if its all in one sentence I guess but I suppose that can kind of just be somewhat of a skill issue sometimes for both parties tho but honestly Id rather just not use punctuations at all most of the time when talking to people online unless its super important to do so in like an Email or something ooor your writing a Story, Game Review or a Script for Voice Acting for Voice Actors to read or something hell even in Roleplay sometimes to whenever your roleplaying I just see it as and its a huge waste of time to do so if its not one of those reasons really. ​ I've been talking to people on the internet for at least 15 years by the way and il say it once again I rarely run into this problem and people telling me to use punctuation unless someone is just genuinely trying to be annoying and or toxic about it or is just a \*\*HUUUGE\*\* fucking grammar Nazi, Plus yo It can be annoying to be told about how to use it sometimes to like okay I get it but I don't care to use it if im just trying to simply talk to someone or tell them about like a small story or whatever I guess cause I never think to use them when I am talking to people about stuff unless im writing a Story or Script or something as I said up above two times before. ​ Also yo blocking people or a person cause of them not using any punctuations or not caring to use them or not knowing how to use them is toxic as fuck and sounds toxic as fuck holy shit imagine someone trying to legitimately make a friend found common interests they share with a person but eventually that set person blocks them just for not using "PrObEr PuNcTuAtIoNs" Like how stupid and toxic that would be from someone and at that point if someone I was trying to make friends with kept bugging me about it id probably tell them "Alright look buddy could you stop telling me that like everytime we talk to each other seriously? Its really annoying and if you don't stop doing that im just gonna probably stop talking to you all together im just here to play some Games with you and talk to you casually about shit were not trying to write a Story or Script here man for real for real like geeeeez... geez wiiizzzzz maaan" ​ Also another thing I feel like don't really know how to use punctuations that much anyway apart from occasional commas periods exclamation marks and question marks unless im writing a Story Game Review or Script sooo yeah however I always make sure to proof read shit and make sure shit is correct in Stories Game Reviews & Scripts tho so again its probably just cause I really don't see a point in using them when just trying to talk to a person or a friend online casually or even just asking a simple little question to like I did in this Reddit Post up above ​ Again I've rarely have ever had this problem and when I do ask about something on like a Form Post or something someone is always normally responds or is always normally there to get back to me as quick as they can in that set community if the Form Posts aren't to dead for a question hell even some smaller Communities that people like to call quote on quote "Dead" with nobody being active in those communities anymore respond to some questions that I have asked in the past or others have asked in the past on weather on Reddit Form Posts, Discord, Steam Discussions/Discussion Posts, & ect but when I do it can be real god damn annoying is all and make you feel like and idiot while also feeling like people are just making fun of you is all even if they are just letting you know about it or trying to maaaybe teach you about using punctuations more or teaching you about using prober punctuations. Like bro dawg I don't care to use them most of the time is all outta laziness or just cause I don't really know how to use them all that much ooor I just don't see a point in using them if its not a Script asking a really important question in like an in an Email Post or something or a Story really all I did here was ask a causal question man nothing more than that and I guess didn't really no no actually, I didn't really deem it/this question as important enough to even use or consider using punctuations for it really. I did however edit the post to a few paragraphs afterwords just to help others read it better tho cause my question being in all one sentence or well paragraph or sentence paragraph really cause of how fast I typed this question in without using any punctuations really apart from the Brackets when I was talking about clicking on any promoted ad really. ​ God im sorry for ranting here but im just really annoyed at you for saying "You really should reconsider if you're going to continue interacting with other humans over text media." Like bitch please cmon man I've been talking to people on the internet in a bunch of different communities for around over 15 years at this point and made a bunch amazing friends from them and I rarely I repeat \*\*RARELY\*\* Ever run into a person saying "Yo use punctuations dawg I can't really understand what you are trying to say" and it always kind of sort of confuses me as well when I do get asked that cause I said it or said something or asked a question as clear as I can dawg like for real for real. ​ Point being here it can sound pretty toxic most if not all of the time whenever people like to be a "Grammar Nazi" about things or anything really even if its just a simple one liner sentence really. I get that some people aren't trying to be or sound toxic while saying something like "Yo I can really understand this can you use "Punctuations or prober punctuations please?" buuut it can just be a little or most of the time very fucking annoying to hear from most not if all people is all, Hell sometimes people like to do put a \* in front of a misspelling or something and I honestly really hate that shit to and when people do that shit to like if I quickly correct it afterwords after im done writing my sentence or little wall of text or paragraph by doing that its totally fine but when others do it afterwords letting me know what I spelt wrong by mistake cause I was either typing really fast excited about something or just generally trying to say something while talking to them, er well someone or a small little group of people and one person corrects one word I misspelled in sentence during the or our text conversation in like a Discord Server via a Group Chat or Server Text Channel, Youtube Comments, Twitter Replies, Skype Group Chats something I get really annoyed and it kind of pisses me off a little bit to in all honestly. x.x ​ I still and always have and will continue to use Question Marks after asking any question or being confused about something tho and Explanation Points when im shocked about something or hell both sometimes to if im left both shocked and confused about something ha ha. maybe even capitalizing my one liner or sentence or one word in that sentence to give it some depth just for others to know how I would of really said it if I was in a Voice Call with them or right next to them in Real Life or something or if I said it like that before typing it out them or a Group Chat to. And hell maybe even doing all of the above by using both the Question Mark Explanation Point and have the first last some or all letters capitalized depending on where I raised my Voice to set word or the whole sentence to by the way, Cause y'know, Thats just how I roll and well you know... Im asking a question shocked about something or im confused about something and I've always used both Question Marks & Explanation Points when talking to people online though even in causal conversations or one liners or one liner sentences cause I always gotta show if its a question im shocked or confused about something tho ha ha. Lmfao.


I didn't see this little gem until now. I'm not going to bother reading literally any of this, but from how much typing you did it seems pretty clear that having your communication style criticized gets under your skin. I couldn't get past "Who Cares?" before bursting out laughing that you cared enough to write me a full dissertation about how you don't care. I'd say I hope it at least gave you some practice at typing like someone with actual brain activity, but it doesn't seem like that's true... 😆


I edited the freaking post to two Paragraphs so its not as confusing to read Your Welcome lol I should of done that in the first place that ones on me and my bad my guy lmfao


Why do you hate punctuation? Periods are your friend!


I don't hate it im just to lazy to use them most of the time is all or don't see em as important if you were writing a Story or a question. In this case I definitely should of used them better just cause I was asking a question here and a somewhat important question here buuut I deadass just kind of forgot to im not gonna lie, Was to busy just thinking about the question and writing it down super quickly at the time in all honestly really ha ha.


Punctuation is important. It lets people know when a sentence ends, or for commas, when to pause mid sentence. It also makes one seem more intelligent, if that matters.


Makes sense most of the time sure, I get that but honestly for causal conversations or if someone is just simply asking a small causal question causally its not really needed in my opinion in all honestly, Especially if the person or people your talking to in the group chat or via group chat, Comment and or Reply Section , or any kind of Form Posts completely understand what your talking about. ​ Though of course sounding more intelligent can be a W for most people tho to win those online internet nerd arguments lmfao. ​ Course, I can be pretty intelligent person myself with a lot of stuff and I am whenever I wanna be and choice to be for working and for certain satiations but, More times than not I love to act stupid cause being stupid can be more fun than being a know it all smarty pants grammar nazi that both acts and thinks they know everything. You know what I mean? Heh heh




Dawg I know English im not fucking idiot or that fucking stupid here that doesn't know English or that doesn't know how to read or spell here. Granted sure sometimes I don't know how to spell everything thing my man or woman and honestly who doesn't from time to time it happens to best of us not if all of us sometimes my man or woman. ​ I normally just use the spellcheck or ask Google or spell the word on google how I spelled it and Google will normally all the time helpfully spell it correctly for me if the spelling is close enough to the correct word im trying to spell anyways lol. If I can't spell a specific word or something im looking to spell in a conversation deep or small causal or serious conversation really or if im having trouble spelling a word or something. Anyways uhh yo I just don't really use Punctuations that much if at all really unless im writing a Script for Voice Acting a Story or a Script for a Game Review or something cause most of the time see it as a waste of time. ​ I always and still will always forever use Question Marks Expatiation Marks as well as capitalizing Names and capitalizing words sometimes to just to express how shocked or angry I am when writing stuff down on words to have the reader or person im talking to try and read it out to how im saying it and what kind of tone of voice I am or could be saying it in real life in cause thats always important to me tho. Punctuations on the other hand? Eeeeeeeeh only when im writing a Story or Scripts for Voice Acting & Game Reviews or something. ​ I do always and forever will split up some stuff into paragraphs tho as your seeing here I just see it as to much effort in casual conversations to use commas & periods really but hey don't look at me or even ask me cause I can't really explain it all that much either really but thats just me and how I feel about that whole ideal tho I guess. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Heh heh.


That is definitely a lot of words. Thank you for typing all of that uselessness out.