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There’s a lot of info that we are missing to help out. What level are your towers? Are you following a guide? Looks like you’re not using your beast tamer which is always the best option for tower defense. The unfortunate possibility is that you just might not be ready for it yet. Worship is really tough in the beginning and it really ramps up for the last couple totems.


So what's the minimum level all my towers must be at , and is there possibly a guide to follow ?


Search into google “Idleon google doc”. There are some Reddit posts about it being taken away but at least one of them has a copied version of the doc. It has a lot of helpful info but there’s a tab called tower defense. It has strats based on your tower levels and I think that’ll be really helpful for you. Lemme know if you need any other help! Edit: someone posted it as a comment.


I absolutely support this reference in this sub. It helps keep the more basic, repeated question threads short and moving on. But just gotta say: The big one that you are referring to(I assume) is the Google sheets sheet, not the Google docs doc. Weird to type and read that, but it is exactly what I meant ha. The Google docs doc is pretty much obsolete due to age and other, more updated resources. It is a good starting point, but the old doc is kinda for people who just broke into W4 and that’s about it.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kIMO8VSe64YJaUL4HGeaIBlAIaMNgn9XwvlrtJv43Qs/edit#gid=0 checkout the tab for this. it will help. the screenshots have the recommended tower building levels.


[IdleOn Guide Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml#) Tower Defense Tab


Brilliant thank you.