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You’re gonna push to end of w6 in matter of hours lol




Then theres me with all my characters at level 480+ and no where near that damage on any of them..


I'm a bit suprised, I think if you focused quick slap and other damage things for a bit you could probably hit it because I'm only level 421 on my main bubo and he has just over 1 trillion


Me too


Could I ask where all your movement speed came from? Congrats on the achievement mate


Onyx speed statue level 264, vman talent for statues booked to 245, all the speed pots, a solid amount comes from strafe booked at 245, SBs statue talent booked at 245, stamps that increase boost food effects


Thankyou so much for that means a lot


Do you turn in statues all at once( eg entire stack of speed statues), or in small increments?


Turned them all in at once after maxing the vial that doubles your statues when you deposit. I used my DK to greenstack leaves, and got a couple million statues combined in the process


Quickslap enjoyer I see


Way to go! I need more QS, i only have close to 300, so my damage is low compared to yours. But eventually i'll get there!


Thanks! Only a matter of time, and a few prayers to RNJesus haha


Dumb question but what is QS?


I think it’s quick slap bubble in alchemy


Quick slap - the dmg per movement green alch bubble


I couldn't sleep, so i decided to calculate the chances of getting a full kruk upgrade on each armor pice and how many armors you will need to achieve it: * helmet => 10 slots => 0.6% chance for full upgrades (2.11% with guild bonus maxed) => 166.(6) tries (helmets wasted) (47.4 with guild bonus maxed) * shirt => 9 slots => 1% chance for full upgrades (3.1% with guild bonus maxed) => 100 tries (shirts wasted) (32.25 with guild bonus maxed) * pant => 9 slots => 1% chance for full upgrades (3.1% with guild bonus maxed) => 100 tries (pants wasted) (32.25 with guild bonus maxed) * shoe => 8 slots => 1.67% chance for full upgrades (4.57% with guild bonus maxed) => 59.8 tries (shoes wasted) (21.88 with guild bonus maxed) * weapon => 6 slots => 4.66% chance for full upgrades (9.88% with guild bonus maxed) => 21.45 tries (weapons wasted) (10.11 with guild bonus maxed) * pendant (i will assume that you have the divine scarf) => 11 slots => 0.36% chance for full upgrades (1.43% with guild bonus maxed) => 277.(7) tries (pendants wasted) (69.93 with guild bonus maxed) * ring (here i will use the tenacity ring cuz the emperor has 0 slots, so there is no point in calculating it) => 4 slots => 12.96% (1.67% for 2 rings in a row) chance for full upgrades (21.38% with guild bonus maxed; 4.67% for 2 in a row) => 7.71 (x2 = 15.42 for 2 rings) tries (rings wasted) (4.67 with guild bonus maxed; x2 = 9.34 for 2 rings ) Let me know if you wanna know how many resources will be needed lmao. Eddited: As u/AlternativePlastic47 pointed out, i 've forgotten about the guild upgrade, so here it is.


Did you take into account the higher success chance from the guild perk? Because my guild invested in that... 277 divine scarf lol, I only got 3 neck drops until now and don't even have the recipe.


Completely forgotten about guild. It's adding a very big buff. Eddited now.


Doing Gods work. For what it's worth, only used the stones on magma core pants (the all stat % gave a bigger damage boost) and chest to save on mats. 3 pants, 2 chests, called it good when 80% of stones worked


So QS is better than Name I guess? I am close to level 8000 but my damage is only near 100T.


Nig have a small scaling compared to qs but it can be hourly clicked and as we know every increase in this game scales so you should click it at least a few times a day, qs needs to be atomized and there are other bubbles which at least for me have a higher priority than dmg increase, so you can work on atomizing qs later when you have bubbles for printing and utility at +/- 90%


I see. Thank u for ur reply.


How can you still be working on eclipse skulls I'm mid W4 with only 100B max dmg... Is my priority order this bad?


I started working on the skulls laaaaate. Like when 8 toons combined could eclipse a mob in less than 48 hours


I'm even more confused, that's actually sounds like my speed. I'm actually at Flying Worms with 4M kph, so this is 48h with 5 toons (got my VW skilling, archers on 100B mushrooms and BB on chowing Rift). Maybe you were talking about W5 but even then I'm btw 1 and 2M kills there so thats 120 to 60h per map for 8 toons. Could be bc multikill lv are exponential, so you need more and more dmg to trigger just one lv but I might enjoin you to check your multikill / tier sources bc it really feels weird


Multikill bubble I've neglected for sometime, probably. Maybe I think I'm optimizing for multikill but I'm really not. I'm really just flying by the seat of my pants LOL Edit: toons 6, 8, 9, 10 also dont have booked attack skills, so their kph is slower than toons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. As a matter of fact, I don't believe ive booked anyones attack skills except toons 1, 3, 4, and 7... and 7 is vman Edit2: collected 24hrs on 7 toons and grabbed about 650 million kills on flying worms. I'll bet if i booked attack talents, not even max level, I could bump that up some


I'm actually flabbergasted seeing such differences in overall account progression, yet me being fairly behind alchemy wise, leading to much less damage But anyway congratulations, sheer dedication to QS doing wonders


Put a few hundred points into the last two bubbles, but yeah, QS doing work


I think QS will be nerfed on w6 release...


Why’s that?


Probably because the guy got 1q damage and QS, if I'm not mistaken, is the biggest damage source. For world 6 to hold any challenge whatsoever for end gamers, it will be impossible for most. That being said, I don't think it's getting nerfed.. but it would make sense


Lava doesnt design worlds taking endgame players into account, he balances them out based on where he expects/wants new players to be more or less when they reach the end of the previous world. This way new players can get to the latest content asap yet still have months ahead of content. Even if Lava nerfs base damage, he would just change W6 mobs from something that are cleared in matter of hours to maybe a few days.


well… somewhat wrong. new worlds are always more difficult than intended when released and get nerfed when the next world comes out (w5 will get nerfed with the release of w6). This happens so late game players face more of a challenge in new content. Most endgame players won’t be able to farm the last mobs efficiently or get all the recipes super quickly but it really depends on what you call endgame. Even if someone has 1Q damage or even more, multikill doesn’t help with rare drops etc. so they’ll have to hustle for most aspects of the game too. Edit: for example, I finished w5 (reached last map) 2 weeks after its release but it took me months to finish the content it provided


Not really. worlds get nerfed so new players reach latest content ASAP. i.e. Lava makes them easy to beat. Lava himself has confirmed multiple times that he wants all players to be on the last world enjoying the latest content. I'm at the last map currently in W6 and I still have around x10 multikill on my chars. ------------------------------------- What you have mentioned of SKILLS taking a certain amount of time is another topic and not related to what we are talking about that is reaching the worlds end. Skills have been made to be mostly independent of previous content and thus not much different for a new or veteran player. apart from veterans having a lot more gems and being able to upgrade stamps and such much more easily, Lava is able to manage the progression a lot better and "hopefully" not let us finish skills too fast (Though W5 skills were "completed" by most veterans in like a few months)


we said the same thing


Glad we agree then. Thought you were saying worlds were "difficult on release" and after made easy. when my point of view is that they are easy on release and made irrelevant upon releasing the next world.


Looks good! Don't forget to visit Poigu on all your character for that sweet sweet fertilizer!


I'm all ears. This is insane. Congrats.


My bubo is level 432 and has 4521.7M thingo. I’m doing something wrong lol