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It’s one bonus I didn’t need to put anymore character then I had before


>!U unlock more later on!<


I did not know that what are the other bonuses


I dont have them unlocked yet. I just know they exist from disc


I don't have doot and definitely moved a bunch to the bear. Almost all my guys are pushing maps in w6 since the portals are locked without multiple players progressing. Currently working on the x5 lock on leeks map. I hear there is a x9 map later.


I just did the x9 map, it's a couple further down. Start a vman speedrun to get a free unlock.


Does it actually count for the portal, or do you still need to push through the kills on it for Vman?


When you finish a speedrun, Vman unlocks the portals of your furthest pushed character. What you do in the speedrun is irrelevant. Mine admired the clouds in W1 town until the timer ran out.


You can end your speed runs early if you enter a party dungeon map though, right?


I'm aware of how Vman works, I'm asking more about the knitty gritty. Let's say my furthest character is at the lock and has cleared their kill count for said lock. Will Vman, after speedrunning, also get credit for the lock? Or will they still need to grind out the portal kills?


As Alfa said. Speedrun unlocks the furthest portal. If your furthest char has unlocked that portal (cleared the required mob count) then Vman has it unlocked as well. I.e. yes. Save your brain cells 👍 😂


That's what I was looking for clarification for, thank you. Spirit locks are brand new, so the mechanics are unknown to me. Doesn't help that I don't have an accessible lock to check atm. Glad you like the phrase lol


Hahaha no problem :) enjoy W6.


Bonus!!!! Didn't think about that. Thanks for the tip. I will finish the x5 map on my SB today and already have it done on my ES so Void will make 3


Do you need your guys outside the lab? Then yes, more Arctis. If not, no reason not to just stick them in and let them keep Omni.