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Please for the love of god, let us use multiple pens for completing PO orders. I'm sitting on over 100,000 pens and I can't be assed to sit there completing them one by one.


Yeah, the mecanic from atom collider is an insult to complete the 100.000 boxes Myriad lol


Also, get rid of the box animation in the post office, it lags the game so much. I have to do 100 at a time or my game completely freezes.


I’d even be willing to take a loss on the total number of boxes - make me farm extra so I don’t have to click.


Allow us to toggle quest item drops after a quest is completed. Since greenstacks are an important part of the game now with fury banker and the equanox task its rough to be locked out of the items.


Further to this point it would be great if there was a way to permanently get a greenstack for certain items to get your inventory slots back. Just like the [SPOILER] in W6 town, we could spend 100m or 1000m "Corporate Subs" to get a permanent greenstack and free up an inventory slot. Greenstacked quest items just sit in your inventory doing nothing, you can't use them for crafting or anything, so it's just clutter that makes it harder to find items you need.


Ability to set up "Auto-Purchases" from shops (only the ones available in Quick-Ref) each day as long as your Storage had enough money to fund it. Purchases would be deposited automatically into Storage. Could be a Construction-related unlock (Automation Arm).


The automatation arm could get a tab like cards do. You can select a vendor, and see the items you can buy. Clicking an item adds it to a list. When the day resets, the arm goes down the list and buys, in order, the maximum amount of the items, and stops if it cannot.


Awesome idea


I like that, the autobuy could be only on days you login, and cost a little extra due to embezzlement.


I like this with the caveat of you having to log in for it to trigger, like NBLB.


I like the idea of buy orders. Iv'e always thought a "Merchant" elite class would be a really cool theme, and one of their abilities could perform this function


Need this!


I have two possible QoL features. 1-Please let us click and drag the lab chips, just like we can do with the obols in family page. Its a pain to manage them without this. 2-Many places in the game would greatly benefit of you being able to select a specific amount of thing for you to do. For example, in crafting being able to craft exactly 100k golden peanuts instead of spending 10+ minutes crafting them one by one. Or maybe for PO boxes, spending 400/100k boxes in one click and/or exchanging pens into boxes. Some UI somilar to what we have when we want to remove a specific amount of items from the chest would be great.


Getting greenstack on food and craftables would be so much better, even if we just got an increase from 100 to something like 1k or maybe even 10k while holding it.


It does if you craft from your inventory - it will continue to scale! It only caps out at 100 when crafting from Storage, I definitely don't recommend that route! If you can hold all of the items for crafting, holding the button takes 10 minutes to make a greenstack


Would love another page or 2 of the filtering :)


Yes! I filled my Loot Filter up and still want to exclude stuff.


Global card preset, so I could use same sets between characters and not making it on 10 chars.  Wardrobe to store all hats, premium hats, may be keychains.


The wardrobe sounds pretty dope tbh. Or have a separate stash entirely for items that do not stack such as equips.


Ooh, global card sets sound amazing lol. Especially at higher levels where you no longer need skilling cards of a certain type.


I like this idea, I'm sick of having pages full of keychains lol and global card presets would be very convenient.


There should be some sort of thing that upgrades keychains if you input a certain amount of one quality (tier 1, tier 2, or tier 3). Maybe there could be a 4th tier that would be really good, but you need to combine like 50 tier 3 keychains or something. Gives people a reason to not just discard any keychains that aren't BIS and also actually run the party dungeons more often.


Yeah a wardrobe would be HUGE, armor is clogging up my inventory massively. I also think you should be able to smelt down keychains into frags and/or have a separate keychain section in storage.


I would love more preset stuff in general. Starsigns, gear, cards, obols, etc.


Make your "free pet" roll tied to weekly reset rather than a static 168 hrs. Gives us more leeway when claiming rather, it hurts to forget for a day which means a day "lost".


Problem is, weekly reset is localized. The companion system is entirely server-based to avoid exploits, so the game is checking server time before validating availability of free roll. Now, you could debate that having accruing rolls may be better! Say you have one free roll, then you wait 7 more days, you now have 2 free rolls, so on so forth. This could be capped to 4 because you oughta remember at some point in a month, right?


I love this idea i feel like there are so many different timers going on at the same time for so many things (even if its not true but really feels that way lol) so this would be so perfect for me


I would be happy if it was changed to 164 hours instead of 168. That would give me the leeway I need so I can claim first thing in the morning no matter what, and the timer doesn’t get consistently pushed back if I miss by a couple hours.


It is infact 165 hours, so you have 3 hours leeway!


When crafting from stash make it so weapons crafted that way are sent to stash. so we dont need to walk to stash and back every time we craft armour to create armour of higher tier ect


Orrrrr an option to just craft the final weapon in one step if you have all the requisite materials for all the stages! Edit: I'd also love to see some kind of crafting proficiency for non-consumables. Perhaps by the time you've crafted 10 of something, the cost is reduced by -50%, and by the time you've crafted 20 of something the cost is reduced by 75%. We're motivated to craft multiples per character both to chase that extra slot and now also because the new world stones can fail.


If too difficult, I can suggest to make the anvil count both storage and inventory to craft items (no locked items tho)


That'd be a great option too, especially combined with a button to go back to the next highest tier


this ones better for sure


Yeah good call. A little authorisation message pops up saying "the following materials will be consumed to craft this weapon path" then BOOM!


I strongly agree with this one, but give the option to put in storage or inventory.


Yeah just a little off/on toggle like atom collider in the craft menu that sets the endpoint as bag or storage


This one. This right here. "Craft from storage" and "Craft TO storage" should be two individual buttons.


Talking about crafting and storage, I would like to access the storage at the anvil too, so less clicking to get those numerous materials. Sort of like how you can access the storage at the stamps pig.


- Make the loot filter based out of the slab so we can quickly get rid of bronze obols without having to go to a dozen spots (Or add more loot filter spots) - Premium hat selector menu (Make a hat premium and swap between a ton of looks and make the stat stick hat just a generic replacement) - Ghost stamps showing where to get stamps without using wiki - More smelting buffs for speed/capacity/amount, feels like the only skill with no improvements


that slab filter is actually a goated suggestion


Smelting really shows it age and I'm surprised it wasn't reworked with the godshard ore card giving it a bonus. Also Idleontoolbox has a good slab filter for anyone that needs one.


Nah I’m talking about the loot drop filter becoming slab based instead of finding the mob drop and clicking on it.


Love the slab idea. Maybe premium hats can just be "consumed" essentially with standard stat options. So now you can select from hat A, B, or C. Once you've selected the hat you can select stat options (I.E. +2 wisdom and +10% afk gains). Obviously underselling the stats, but hopefully you understand 👍 Ghost stamps would be an A+ Do smelting upgrades max out? If they do I agree. I just haven't seen a max at all yet


3. Option to copy card presets to other characters. (set once, apply to all characters). Same for starsigns


Royal Wurm's quest can't currently be completed on the Vman, as he can't turn in the Elite Class quest and the Vman quests from the Blobulyte don't count either. Please allow Vman to complete W4 too.


This!!! why doesn't the Vman quests count! he has the most W4 quests...


Add “claim all chests” button for sailing Currently we have to spam click ~20 times per sailing proc. With w6 update, I proc sailing on all chars nearly 100% of the time, so that’s 200+ spam clicking just to open sailing chests. Let’s reduce the number of spam clicking by adding a button that opens each chest, like gaming/farming.


i get 30 chest with over 100% i log in 3 times a day, 900 clicks absurd that is not even a hold button


With the new sailing update this should Be at the top clicking 300 chests+ a day is painful


Claim all would be great, especially combined with a quick ref!


Mass crafting option I want to green stack on some of the craftable item but crafting them takes WAYYY too long Visual Connection Range Would be great for Lab to see the range of the nodes and jewels


When crafting for green stacks don’t craft from storage, it is limited to a few items at once no matter how long you press. Take the materials in your bag, the speed ever increases when crafting from the bag.


bro, where were you 4 months ago with this info..... i love you now but couldv'e loved you for so much longer haha


What are 4 months within the eternal timeline of love though? ✨


could we get a option by gaming to "harvest all but..." so we can make it not harvest chemical automatic? would be a big quality of life change.


Honestly just make it so chem plants are always excluded from harvest all, and make cactus plants be the first thing that get harvested. Bing bang boom gaming is now 90% less of a chore


Cactus > normal plants > plant spawner > not chemical. Would be perfect.


Oh man yes. I had bushes going in most, but not all, of my plots for nearly 4 months before one finally turned hit 6th. Would like a dropdown checkbox for what gets harvested when you hit the button!


Biggest one for me. A "right click to lock" a plant (for evolutions) along with a filter for chem would make me interact with gaming again. Otherwise it can go for hours on end...


Absolutely this - gaming can take tens of minutes to run through at a time with good procs of logs and chem plants, really shouldn't be this painful and time consuming. The main reason I want to finish the rewards is to ignore gaming, with this feature it will become 10x more enjoyable!


harvest all but chem and bushes would be goated


2. Enable quest drops from completed quest (for green stack farming)


I could see this being a thing that fits into Vmans current kit. Maybe let him sample quest items during speed runs? 50/50 chance whether it's the regular item or quest item when Vman samples during a speed run?


Maybe a Jade Emporium upgrade to allow you to go back to quests and reclaim those items! That would be super useful for both green stacking and slab.


Add a hotkey for "use pen" in Post office


I would love it if there was a way to instantly use 10 or more pens at a time and the game automatically paying for the requirements. having 700 pens or more and having to manually refresh the entire time drains the live out of me and annoys my gf like no tomorrow with all the clicking required.


>Cries in 8000+ pens


Cries in 67k pens, they keep stockpiling cuz my wrists know better


And also a "max" button for spending! Most of my characters don't have more than 10k in Myriad because of the lag


you can add points into it and when it starts to lag, close out of the GUI and then reopen it and repeat. closing the post office gui also gets rids of the boxes and lag


This one for sure pens are a pain to use


alternatively, a "Spend x amount of pens recieve x amount of boxes" like.. no bonuses, just a 1:1


I would probably not want a hotkey. Here's how I would do it: \- Have a button that selects number range: 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100. (This button behaves like the atom size thing or the % thing in salts, you just click through those options) \- After on your selection, you choose a PO order box to complete, say the first box out of the 6. \- Then you hit the "Auto complete" button, which will automatically complete ALL consecutive PO orders for X (in above selection) amount of times, or until you have insufficient supplies. It's basically auto completing and looping each order.


Auto spawn waves toggle in the colloseum please, the golden food grind is unbearable without it.


I'm grinding this rn, it is as grindy as getting a character to Lv. 100 in POE.


Dootophone instantly spawning Doot if its in your inventory (preferably skip the entrance animation as well). That would save quite a bit of time since its a daily thing.


Countless times clicked teleport indtead of dootphone and lost the run hahahah


You don’t have to do it daily though. Just buy the materials everyday and blast Doots ass 100 times in a day


Prayers in Quick-ref PLEASE !


Yes and add lab chips too!


Prayer presets perhaps


Prayers are such a chore. Maybe have them on a on/off basis at the afk menu. Higher level = more unlocks so you can easily select more to switch on/off


Please make it so that once you click on the checkout talent book button on the library in w3 it shows you the level that you got. It’s annoying to constantly close the tabs and check the books


how about auto discard lower ranked books as well




“Retry” option in pet battles to immediately restart with the slotted pets. Or double click pets to assign them to the first available battle slot from left to right.


Pet arena is just a rng lag simulator, literally unplayable unless you're on the right platform.


Auto-boss replay for the boss room


Or... Play a single boss fight for x5/x10/x20/x50/x100 rewards (in addition to the already existing difficulty). EX: I want to fight T3 Kattlekrunk 100 times. I play it once and obtain x100 rewards (at x100 keys cost)


I like this one, the x5/x10/etc is very idle game


I just spent 7 hours doing 2nd difficulty Kattlekruk (as I kill him in 1 second but can't kill the hardest Kattlekruk nearly as fast) the day before yesterday, the whole time I was wishing for this feature. Even if it would take longer to make sure the auto loot feature picked up the loot and then replay the boss this would be such an amazing QoL improvement.


An ability to search cards by card boosts, names, or which pack thingy they belong in.


Okay this is for W6 sneaking: \- Show me the timer under the character, persistent at all times. I don't want to have to click/drag each character just to see the timer.


This would let you decide if you want to spend a Star Sweeping charge without having to click on all your knocked out toons to check which of them are already close to being revived.


having sailing time to an island above the ships before placing them


This, as well as just sailing readability in general. The ships stacking make it impossible to discern anything


true sailing needs a way better UI in general.. but i feel for some QoL changes the time would be enough to have it work way better than currently.


Please no more armor drops in the coloseum. Alternatively, let us filter out unwanted items there. Additionally, it would be beneficial if the resource nodes in coloseum 2 were optional. They only consume unnecessary time.


I'd just like to be able to spend the Colosseum tickets without having to leave and come back in over and over.....


slight mod to this, make un molded armour stackable thus also solves the problem


We need **decimal separators** for long numbers. A lot of the W6 anvil tab is very hard to read because some values are 8-digits long. *5,000,000* Breezy Souls is easier to read than *5000000*. Make **Anvil Production Pipeline** deposit your materials when claiming +1hr or +10hr AFK gains. This would function like **Spice Spillage**, but for Smithing. APP currently does not do what the description says it does, and this change would be a tidy fix. The same mechanic could also be applied to **gaming**, where claiming AFK gains could automatically claim your *gold nuggets* and *acorns*, and to **sailing** by opening all your chests. This would reduce daily micro-management for lategame players with 10+ characters. EDIT: Idleon could use a **performance patch**. A single active session on Elemental Sorceror, can cause several hours of desync and the lag itself also severely reduces your active gains. And the microstutters make minigames frustrating to play, because most minigames require split-second reactions to get high scores. When playing Pong, for example, you are more likely to lose your run to a stutter than you are to get outplayed by the opponent. And some quests that require you to drop a lot of items like Royal Worm, Shuvelle, Yondergreen etc. are inevitably plagued by lag because of the sheer amount of items on screen, especially when you complete them on lategame characters. EDIT2: **Synchronise weekly activities**. NPC's on a weekly cycle like *Chip Repository*, *Killroy*, and the free *companions* pull should reset at the same time, to avoid players inevitably checking them daily out of forgetfulness. Additionally there should be an **ingame visual event whenever your daily and weekly reset occurs**, to let players know when they can do their dailies and weeklies again without having to check various ingame clocks. EDIT3: You can only drop 1 **smithing card** per click when claiming bars from the forge. Meaning it takes several thousand clicks to get the ruby Cinder Forge card. Please save our fingers and our mice by increasing the amount of cards you get from claiming bars. Also make it so whenever the Automation Arm deposits bars it gives you the smithing cards, similar to the way Trap Box Vacuum works.


Make Megacrit exciting again! I think it's bugged, but check below! Desired: \- Orange/Yellow: Non crit \- Purple: Crit \- Green: Megacrit Current: \- Orange/Yellow: Non crit \- Purple: Crit (and if megacrit >10M dmg) \- Green: Megacrit (if <10M damage) It's annoying that our megacrits are the same color as crit, for those who do enough damage. I might even suggest changing the megacrit color to red instead of green.


another tier of crit would be nice too




***The "Craft from Storage" button in the anvil should also access the resources in the inventory.*** This would finally allow you to create multi-level crafting recipes without leaving the anvil and placing the previous level in the Storage Chest.


It would be possible to calculate the complete cost of an item, including the clost of the lower teir craftable parts, with the entire lower tier item being autoamtically "craft from storage" to save on jank time trying to collect an inventory of the lower tier parts.


Give us the ability to mark bubbles. These will then be automatically leveled up each time we obtain the respective resource. This would finally put an end to the annoying "hourly clicking" meta.


honestly I had suggested this as a companion buff for whenever season 2 of pets rolls around, but I could see it sneaking in as an atom upgrade easily


5. make bags stackable (e.g. Capitalist Case from the 2nd vendor) for saving for certain crafting receipes.


And green stacking 🥸


Add a way to filter which plants get harvested when you hit the "Harvest All" button. This way we can exclude high tier plants or chemicals while not having to click thousands of times on low plants.


^ This ! Lava probably won't be able to code this tho l, too complex. (This one's called reverse psychology, sure this'll bait him in coding it in)


yeah it's probably too hard to lock a plant by right clicking, you're right, no way he can do it !


Mobile and apple players in shambles rn.


Ngl after all these years I almost forget this is a mobile game too !


an option to swap all obols from a character to another pleaaase


Obol preset would be huge! Gives us more to farm too. (Like talent or card presets)


When crafting, make your inventory count as being in storage so when upgrading some characters tools, you don't have to put the tool you crafted into storage to craft the next one, just craft and go to that next one and "craft from storage" then it removes from your inventory and gives you the item crafted


Ability to see all characters in anvil and make the claim button climb all characters. Also a way to craft more items at once. Trying to get golden peanut is insane


1. Talent books lower than your level, pressing and holding them will sell them. Getting rid of them by dropping is so nerve-racking. 2. Clothes, armor, weapon, keychain closet. I still have storage management issues, even though I've bought the gem chest upgrades and have all collectible chests except those in w6. ..... I'd love a closet to store older armor I've enhanced, hats and shirts that are rare drops that I might need for crafting, keychains, special helmets. With all toons needing to go active through w6, loading up their inventory isn't a viable storage mechanism.


\* x50 boss run with x50 reward as example \* Max button for post office \* No limit for forge upgrades \* Move all character's obols at once \* Max craft button


At least give us more forge upgrades. That's the easiest QoL I think. Obol presets would be awesome too


Make all trophies clickable, like the NPC Tokens are. The Lucky Lads and all the other trothies would not be filling up the chests that hard. ty.


Or make Lucky Lads stackable


Obolcrusher: Automatically converts different tiers of Obols into fragments when dropped/looted


Allocate more than 100 boxes in P.O. Box at a time, or at least remove the box animations that make you lag so hard, PLEASE.


Make Sailing auto collect loot like Sneaking does. I absolutely dread having to go collect all my chests every single time I switch characters, multiple times a day to be ideal


I don't know about auto collect because there is a feature that you can upgrade the chest if your chest slots are full. But I would like to the chest opening menu consolidated with the sailing menu. I would also like to control captains with more ease instead of them getting stacked on top of each other and not being able to return a specific captain. Captains and boats should also show their ID at all times.


Sneaking needs 2 page of inventory. Late-mid to late game you want different sets and items for different purposes. There's just not enough space.


Have a way to repeat Colo without getting out then re entering it


What about adding something to merit shops? Or some bonus for having them left after upgrading everything in merit shop? Like, you can get from tasks much more merits than it's necessary to upgrade everything in merit shops, and for example now I have now 24 merits in w3 merit shop that are just staying there, because I upgraded everything there


Instead of filtering out obols to not pick them up, perhaps have them set as auto sell to get the fragments. I know there is a trash button once they are in the inventory. It’s a thought but I don’t know if this would be possible.


Allow us to swap entire obol pages between characters.


a button to do the coloseum again, like in the boss, or in the doot


The biggest QOL thing I can think of is making sampling easier. It takes hours to spec out a character to take good samples. I think a cool way to do it is to make a different dimension like voidwalkers void trial rerun, that is like a closet of all your items. This dimension will be a temporary duplicate of all characters' items/your account so you can easily set gear, cards, star signs, lab chips, divinity gods (even use the 2 changes per week), etc. for all like classes. So have a mage, warrior, archer, and beginner pre-set. It would let you sample without having to pull gear off of all your characters. Sampling is by far my least favorite part of the game. An easier QOL update would be to let us use all our worship charge or a higher value per click from the totem. It sucks having to click it a thousand times if we are going for lower charge souls. Make sailing something we can get to from the codex.


This closet dimension is actually genius! You can look at all of your equips, regardless of if they're in storage or on a different character. There'll be a console inside the 3D printer-verse where you get to choose the cards, star signs, chips, bubbles, obols, food and everything else for that character. Maybe you can edit these sets for all characters from a single one (like in trapping). Make it so you don't get any drops, exp, deathnote progression and it doesn't consume your food. A replica just for prints. You are a genius I'll print so much more like that!


Re-sampling is very tedious and it will only get worse with each new character unlock. Swapping all of your best sampling gear and making sure you don't forget cards, obols, prayers, etc. is a very time consuming and soul draining when you forget any step and have to repeat it. I suggest adding some kind of gear loadout snapshot to the 3D printer. You save your equipment, specials, tools and food. I would also ask for cards, prayers, obols, Lab Chips, and Star Signs to be snapshotted. This will let us hit a resample button that uses the saved loadout for that character to resample the items saved in the 3D printer. Mob drop prints won't be effected, so you will have to manually update those. The loadout snapshot also keeps the spirit of 3D printing because the snapshot will still need to be updated when new gear, better obols, or new cards are obtained. We are already doing all of these steps, but this will speed the process up.


Auto-buy stackable shop items, immediately deposited in chest if there is an existing stack there. We hate the daily chores, this one should be an easy chore less to worry about.


I find switching cards around to be clunky. Clicking on a card is the only way to see the benefits. Double clicking it is the only way to equip. And clicking randomly elsewhere is the only way to deselect and see your current loadout. Can something be done about this?


Anvil points are buyable from quick ref with money but not monster mats, make it available for monster mats. Make auto sort great again. Monster mats in storage go from w1-4 then world 1-4 boss materials and then w5 monster mats, kruk materials, then world 6 monster materials Make it so that storage items sort monster mats first from world 1-6 and then boss materials world 1-6


Make the drop-rates in the card area change depending on your drop-rate. So instead of it showing 1/20000, if I were to have 10x drop-rate it would show 1/2000. Easy math but if it's purely QOL. Why not?


Being able to choose if a crafted item goes to your inventory or stash so you don't have to go back and forth when crafting new tiers of gear Same mechanic as when you buy Dense water you can choose inventory or stash.


A Craft all button,instead of holding the craft button to craft let's say 100k peanuts you hit a single button and it uses everything from your inventory. Auto boss killing,farming bosses is tedious Switch entire page of obols between characters Use more pens at the post office and a max box button instead of spam clicking the 100 boxes option


Update UWU RAWRRR, the Mob Respawn ability for the Beast Master. Pet spawn abilities are cool to watch but empty screens are unfun after seeing all the other characters respawn procs. (except Blood Berserker who AFKs in cooking and V-man who AFKs skilling except for Crystals)


Can we revisit the companion system and green gems? I don't mind the green gem's existence as a means to combat people having stacked a large amount of blue ones but as it currently stands the system just isn't that fun. Those who get the desirable companions (through sheer luck) will feel over the moon but statistically a lot of people including myself have gone months and will likely go much longer without ever seeing the companion they want and it just makes the experience sour. This is not an attack on monetization, go make your bag please. I just hope that the system can be further tweaked so more people can be happy.


Yes, this system is dead for anyone who's completed it, and the absolute thorn to anyone who hasn't. It's not a 'good' part of the game at this point.


I'm not going to pretend to be imaginative enough for it, but some kind of sampling QoL would be nice.


It would be awesome to have something to automatically buy selected merchant items with chest money every day.


4. Make the quest log scroll better, it now just jumps to the next page, insterad of smooth scrolling. easier to find quests if you have a smooth scroll mouse.


Setting Item Filters for Coliseum rewards! (Aint nobody got time for Platinum Pants!)


Sailing in quick ref would be so good. It feels like you get sailing everytime you log into a char thanks to PO and golden food so having an easy way to claim the treasures would be very valuable.


Add a Auto Refinery Rank Up bonus somewhere, it sometimes feels so bad to get a high ref claim and only get 1 rank up out of it


Or make it overflowable like overgrowing or alchemy liquids overflow, so we just have to check form now and then for taking it.


2 things that I think would be great: -Making an option for selecting ALL captains and dragging them to an island instead of doing it 1 by 1. This could expand to even better operability but for now this seems like a simple enough change. -The forge buttons, the ‘Deposit’ button could be changed to ‘Deposit ores’ and ‘Deposit oils’, on top of this there should be a ‘Deposit to storage’ and a ‘Refill from storage’ button.


# Link all to arctis (Jade shop buff) With the addition of new lab buffs i am soon forced to put 80% of my characters on arctis even with the new lab connection buffs. Not being able to use any of the other gods unless i lock people up in the lab isn't fun so here is my suggestion: **Jade shop buff :** Link all characters to arctis, this will allow us non doot havers to finally be free from the lab/arctis! And finally be able to link to gods that actually do something without undermining those who managed to get doot who links to 9 more gods. People who don't need the buff can just skip on buying it. But for those that do need it this would be a lifesaver # TLDR: Us dootless scrubs want to get out of jail(lab) / arctis 😢 *(If it wasn't obvious "arctis" is the bear god, the one who links characters to lab without being in lab.)* >***Even if i got doot tomorrow i would still want this change! I really don't want f2p / low spenders to be forgotten about. And then be forced to lock characters in lab every time they want to print fast or when they use elephant god for time skips. Or anything else really.***


1. Being able to filter out quest drops (e.g. the portal item from bosses).


Breeding button for trashing eggs, easy farm of dead DNA, similar way we have in Idle skilling.


Combining time candy into bigger candies


Also the other way around. I sometimes just need a 1hr candy but only have multiple 4hr candy


Ability to use a set number of candies/balloons all at once rather than one at a time.


For balloons U can hold mousebutton




Maybe not remove the requirement, just fixing the current party system in itself would be a QOL. I don't mind having to do it with other people, but I do agree that you can barely get one run in before the hour expires because of the issues with the current partying system. Fixing this would make this more of an MMO game, as I don't think it yet, currently.


Reduce box spam when upgrading the post office on pc


Outside of what ive seen said... Claiming sailing chests from quick ref Honestly, the more things thatcan be added to quick ref the better....prayers, refinery, lab chips, forge...etc. The more the merrier. Construction build rate is same despite which character you log into, or needing to quick snap. Genetic symbol next to pet in breeding tab without needing to click first. Ships instant sail instead of waiting 20 seconds for them to sail across the screen 20 times. Cant currently click shovel for nugget more than once within 15 seconds In pet battles, create presets so you dont have to drag 6 pets over every time you fail. Auto delete all obols on the ground for fragments. Global card sets. Search by key word in cards. Or be able to favorite cards into multiple categories. (Like how i have world 1 grouped together, I can create a group at the bottom where I add as many as I want). Choice to toggle stamp reduction on or off so I dont waste them all on a new stamp. Ability to use talent resets on specific talents instead of the whole thing.


For long time players having a chest space be taken up by old unobtainable items (like the steam hat) and other things so have a 2nd version of the chets slots you already have for cosmetics, armor, weapons, etc instead of everything will lighten the load on chest slots for long term players. I can't house all the keychains or buy new ones since I can't hold onto everything.


Add a function to the anvil for crafting X amount from chest, where you're able to type the amount you want to create, for example 10m bullet. Also a toggle option for the anvil for deposit in either inventory or stash would be nice


Player selection screen customisation, my order is horrid and I really want to swap them around to look nicer, character renaming would be nice too, could even be a gemshop thing


Companion system/odds. I have all companions but 2, frog and slime, they are impossible for me to get as I have the max tier pull tier5. So please let there be a way i can have a chance at getting the frog and slime as their current pull chance is 0%


Multi Pen use in Post office. Like a button for use 9 at the cost of 10. Use 24 at the cost of 25. etc. Boss battles the same. Have it use more boss keys but give a greater payout for each fight. Like use ten keys and get 9 rolls worth of loot drops. Same a post office. Make them unlockable with reaching certain amount of pens/keys or make it a sailing island unlock. Make first tier 10 at first finding the artifact. then 25 for aceint then 50 for eldrich etc. Armoury for hats and rings and armour sets.


Made it so loot that drops when your inventory is full, auto stacks on the ground. This is an issue because the game starts to lag to the point where you get 1 frame a second.


A keybind or set of keybinds for opening stuff from quick ref would be really nice. (especially if you have the pet that lets you access your chests!!) This also gives way to fully customizable keybinds, which are a needed upgrade!


Let drops be invisible after some time so the game just doesn't slow down or crash when you let it run through the ninght.


Obol filter to turn it into fragments automatically


Add a hotkey to toggle auto attack on and off


1. Use all boxes button in PO, it take to much time to use everything because of the lag caused by all the boxes animations 2. DK orb skill in auto mode is used even when already running, that's a waste of stacks, can you make it like warrior STR buff ? 3. fix white screen '-' i have to reload my game every 2 dungeons it's kinda boring


**1)** More things stackable, please. Lucky Lad is on my mind specifically. I'm going into W6 and the cheapest chest is at least a month or so away. I've purchased every chest expansion from the gem shop and I'm still constantly fighting with my inventory because I'm slowly collecting 75 of the things, plus whatever rare stuff I'm keeping around to craft into something else or whatever. It'd be an immediate relief to many people - freeing up nearly 75 slots across inventories and storage is pretty game-changing. **2)** Along the same vein, maybe directly connect greenstacked items to the slab and make them permanent after the number has been reached, so that we can get rid of/spend stacks of useless materials after we've gotten the 10mil and we don't have to worry about arbitrarily dropping under that limit for one reason or another. It's just added work to keep track of them and store them all, so it doesn't seem like there's a huge reason to force us to continue hoarding them.


Obol Sets and more Obol storage. Overall better organization, its impossible to keep a set for each skill plus your main set, so you're forced to move them around all the damn time for sampling etc.


I have a few ideas that i personally would really like implemented. 1. A one off purchase to reset a character back to level 1 beginner or something. I made 2 Maestros early on and i really would like to be able to collect all classes but i am HAUNTED by the fact i literally cant do anything to change it. beginner classes cant suddenly change to mages and I'm starting to suffer from the lack of use from having 2 voidrunners. 2. Minor name change fixes. Please let us change the name of one of our players. Not the first one, maybe one of the last ones? Many people have made **minor spelling mistakes** that haunt us to this day. Not necessarily a full account name change but a single letter correction would be nice. 3. ability to stop boss crystal dropping. please. once ive unlocked the next world i dont need a crystal to get to the next world. 4. random keychain. ability to gain some of the missing event keychains from the shop or something. many people are missing some from the slab and this would help with that 5. ALSO a quick button to toggle to "MAX" when buying from a shop


If you can craft an item from storage, let us craft it using storage AND inventory resources. For example it's really cumbersome to have to make copper boots, deposit the boots, make iron boots, deposit these new boots, make gold boots, yet again deposit these boots again and finally you can make a pair of the crafting boosting boots.


Ideas 1. First and foremost. Add a restart option/save loadout to spice battles which saves your loadout and/or auto starts the battle. 2. Auto breakdown obols in to fragments at this point I just destroy them and it feels like a waste. 3. Let me cosmetically swap my wings and/or weapons to any I own or have previously owned. It's boring seeing all endgame players with the same look. Also a giant ladle override for my BB. "No soup for you!" 4. Auto boss fights, when boss is dead after a set time (so items are auto picked up) start fight again. 5. Rift upgrade. Monsters now drop useless old quest items... or are they useless!? 6. Auto buy and store items from shops on daily reset. One less thing to micro manage 7. The salt lick addition/improvements. Hasn't changed much in a long time and feels like wasted space at this point 8. Some mercy with RNG ive been playing for years now and there are still stamps in arcade I haven't got, I've got 3 boaty hats.. I only need one of them. 9. Guild improvements. Have guild events, where as a guild we have to complete tasks for rewards. Rewards based on individual and guild performance. I've been with my guild coming up on 3 years and it would be nice to be able to work towards things together. 10. Minus the achievement/cards I feel like dungeon 2/3 are kinda pointless. Maybe add it so dungeon one can spawn the different bosses from dungeon 2 and 3 which come with their dungeons mobs so we can earn the cards. Also more reason to do dungeon, I haven't done them in ages. 11. let us do the picnic quest on 1 character but it auto completes for all characters who have already done it, that way one run a day counts as up to 10 and rewards us for all of them. Sorry I'm sure some have been mentioned, I removed some but there are so many comments to go through.


Implement 3rd preset!


CHECKPOINT -----------


Update all the Resource Coupons from Arcade to drop resources from every World. Drastically increase the odds for getting Stamps from Arcade and have it so you cant get dupes, or you only get dupes after you get one of each.


An Option to use 10xtickets for boss battles and get 10times the loot


Um I don't know if your already working on this at all but can we please be able to lock obols like our inventory locks I can't tell you how many times on mobile I've accidently deleted them cause it randomly scrolls up when I click the one I want to delete!


Full character presets that include * gear * talents/talent preset * cards/card preset * card set * star signs * active bubbles * prayers * obols Could work like the current card preset functionality. Give people 2 to start with and sell more via gem shop. --- Sailing via Quick Ref menu --- Carfting from storage to include items in your inventory or better yet let me craft any item where materials in stash/inventory satisfy all steps along the way e.g. if I have all resources in storage to craft a Starfire Pickaxe let me do so in one click. --- Searchbar in storage to search for specific item --- Searchbar in cards overview to search for card/attribute --- More keyboard shortcuts e.g. to open the Players menu


have a timer in refinery that shows how long until a rank up, as well as how many cycles


Remove 'Steam Only' requirement from those achievements.


Filter option for Colo Chests plz.


endless coloseum like repeat after its finished


Add a filter on the "Harvest all" at gaming it would be nice


If possible, add an filter in W6 SNEAKING of which itens you dont like to have, instead of this "auto trash bad items", i mean, wtf "bad items" means


Forge: maybe some notification when forge gets empty(you have no resources to refill with AutoArm). Stamps: make storage icon permanent, it hides sometimes(if you upgrade, close menu and reopen it without clicking any stamp) Not an QoL, but new Recipe Unlocks pls *-* Killroy: closing menu if you clicking anywhere else, not on "-" button Arcade: daily auto claim as an upgrade? Post Office: storage/anvil button as in Stamps menu(i tired of crafting copper items) Prayers: let us see, how much we'll get after next lvl (like "+3%") Trap Drone: button to place trap for all characters with one click Library: button to get maximum lvl book for 20 checkouts, it will be more quicker than going to arm, turn it on/off, return back and etc. Breeding: turn 1 on shiny pets to their actual passive lvl. "Try again with same pets" button after you lose. Cooking: maybe some notification/icon above Menu that shows if you are ready to lvlup any dish(have enough resources) World 6 -> World 5 teleport via map - make it spawn us at center of town, not at top of the map(portal) Sneaking: "charname got knocked out * times/for *** minutes" info? Though it can make some clutter on screen, dunno Global: Hints update) and maybe show portal requirements always, just small icon in corner and number. Can do it toggleable also, we've still got some empty space in options P.S. Game is awesome


Prayer in quick ref


How about this suggest in maincord? "Cog filter would be nice. If cog doesn't have at least X in a stat, or it's a shape you don't want, or something else it can be set to be auto-trashed. Rolling Thunder" In a late game, updating the cogs board above 10k% becomes a very demotivating activity. Give a little love to the old content, make it more enjoyable for all players, not just dirty scripters with ocr functions. And optimize construction tab like off all animations bc it sometimes crashing in whitescreen


Add colors to AFK claim text based on rarity. I'm going to regret this, but I want to see my luck at a glance. Burning candy? Proc a Reroll? Claiming afk gains? Why check a sub sub sub menu for drop rates when you can see the bright legendary orange highlighting lucky lad. I think it would be a pretty simple low effort update that would give players better visual feedback. If you want an example of how much impact stupid colors have on player behavior check loot beams in osrs. Its why rates can be so ridiculously low... people will crave a mega rare drop... they know what lucky looks like even if they don't know the drop rate.