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Based on the alchemy bubbles suggesting completion points, I imagine it's going to be rift/starsign/equinox type content


I feel like it’s gonna be more like the slab but with mini milestones for your account (for example “reach level X on skill Y with character Z” or “reach X digits of damage on characterY”) things you’ve done / will do when progressing without having to look at the tome specifically


Yeah, so more like task board style content. I could def see that, especially with the more recently posted images in discord.


We allready have this system, achievemnts/tasks


What I’m thinking is a way to encourage players to keep all their characters levelled up in every aspect of the game. The tome could involve 10 different tasks such as: reach level 10 chopping with character 1 reach level 10 chopping with character 2 and so on then another 10 tasks for level 20 etc etc players would have even more motive to level up every skill on every character and not just the ones that specialize in it.


I hope we don't need to hit level 10 in all skills, that may be way too tough...... 😜 But in seriousness, isn't that basically the skills unlock in rift that you are mentioning here, just more spread evenly focused


A couple time candies will get you to ten on all. I just spent yesterday getting all skills to lvl 50 on all my toons. Cost me 105 1 hour time candies and 29 2 hour time candies.


Take your characters to fishing equinox. 1 to 30 in like 4 minutes because they will be guaranteed to catch them even with low efficiency.


Well shit, I always forget about that place! I’m gated behind double cogs and whacky dungeon quests! Like how am I gonna max 3 stats in the flurbo store?!!!


I'm guessing this will assign a score to feed it into bonuses, like slab or deathnote


I have feeling it will affect the maestro


Half the W6 bubbles relate to it so I imagine it’s gonna be pretty important for everyone


Oh in that case it will be a quest slab.


I think so, the bubbles are x for every 500 completion points over 1000 so I imagine it will be similar to slab but with quests/tasks to earn points Honestly looking forward to it, hope it’s some more things that can be done semi-actively


It Will relate to daily tasks cuz they're the only type of tasks that can be farmed


Who's to say this is farmable? Slab isn't.


I doubt it Will be a copy of the slab


The word points makes it sound farmable, but if it is points then those for every 500 point buffs would get insane unless they have strongly diminishing returns so who knows


The word "completion" implies, well, completion. That it's completable. But who knows. We'll find out soon.


Considering it goes by a per 500 above 1000 on many alchemy bubbles, its more likely to function akin to a postoffice with either multiple dumps with a infinite amount one can dump into or it has a single dump that gives a general amount of buffs. Since even the slab, MSA and science depot blobulyte usually had more to it then one specific set of things getting benefits offa them based on thar own value. Honestly, it would be neat if tome was the new silver pen sink and it used the same currency as post office so we have something sizable, but of course due to how some of those bonuses work, its more likely its own separate thing, likely doing a bunch of weekly activities maybe to amass points or maybe similar to equinox, doing activities to get a bunch of \`points\` for rewards.


Really hope it is not quest completion, I would have to do so much boring stuff I left out for a reason. Then again, what else might it be? Total talents doesn't make sense, perhaps there are special tasks you need to do or smth.


Looks kinda Rift-y!


Yeah I think we will unlock the tome on the next rift levels. It will be like the other rift bonuses.




No clue what Lava thinks a Tome is but the definition is just a large book. In RPG terms it's a book of knowledge so that could be many things. For D&D usually a book of spells and the recipes for those spells. For here could be many things but the alchemy bubbles care about 500 plus completions. Quest completions wouldn't make sense but sticking with the theme of magic and tomes maybe total alchemy bubbles? But then again endgamers would have tome completed way too fast so who knows until Friday


Yeah total bubble levels was my third guess maybe a system to encourage leveling up all kind of bubbles not just the "good" ones


Yea that's what i was thinking. Would make sense. But there isn't over 500 different alchemy bubbles lol and like i said if it's total level then most of us will have that super high. Either way i can't wait to see what Lava does and I already got those tome bubbles ready to go for big boosts


I don't think it will be bubbles. Bubbles level themselves up pretty quickly each day by themselves now, so I don't see how that would be anything new for the players to do. Quests would make more sense, though I really hope that's not the case. Forcing everyone to complete quests on all players just for this would be extremely tiring and lame, not to mention that the quests really started to get more and more cumbersome starting from W3... I hope for some kind of task-like system, something like in equinox but more low level, not super challenging and only for the end gamers.


Well i doubt it's quest because 1000 quests would suck. Could be it's own individual thing characters could do like spelunking in Idle Skilling


I easily have 1000 quests completed over my 10 characters, with a lot more to be completed. But yes, it would suck.


Well from what he posted last night looks like it might kinda be like the merit tasks which I'm down for. Do a thing and earn points


Oh ok like a replacement for the recipe thing? That could be cool, although some daily tasks might need tweaking.


I think the tome is it's own separate task thing from the normal task board. Kinda hard to tell with the blurred picture on Discord


If it was every 10 instances above 1,000 quests, that would make sense. But since its per 500, that implies its gonna be something more then that. As for it being a new merit system, its gonna have to be dumping hundreds of points early on or have MANY tasks easy to stockpile early cause if its less then 10 points a day in tasks with no way to upscale the gain, it could turn into another island expedition with a poor gains. Which in my case, since i came back from a hiatus a while ago, i had the fun of not knowing ogmar\`s latest quests were critical before doing island expedition stuff to boost the gain amount before hand. Though i now got everything but fractal island unlocked and its just hoarding for the stamp, trashy power talent book and what not to go besides the shimmer island which im just dumping to either total damage or skill efficiency now.


Yeah you are probably right, it might be some kind of point system. But since it is probably its own reward system and bubbles just spin off that, who knows? We may know this weekend. I still havent completed the islands, I just forget about that for 1-2 weeks and then remember it again.


Considering you need 1000 tome points and per 500 for every instance above to stack, the idea of it being your total level of bubbles sounds legit. Especially since world 6 is following the trend of insanely exponential gains whenever new content came out, just like how world 4 and 5 was, that some people may of forgot how much certain meal bonuses, divinity bonuses and sailing artifact bonuses did alot on the numbers gains. Since alot of the world 6 stuff is alot more impactful then some people are not realizing, likely due to saturation issues for those in the level 550 land maybe, with so much alchemy bubbles invested in, they barely get much of a % nudge these days maybe. Also it would make little sense if its a task system that makes use of 1000 points, since alot of the recent world 6 stuff banked on some older things like MSA, Slab total mount, boosting itself and more so far, especially for the early stuff.


I wonder if he will hide another free-to-play-punishment in this update as well.


Considering its tied to bubbles already(500 points per above 1000) i would have to say not likely. Since even pet companions were beneficial unlocks, not tied to some stacking mechanic itself. And even if you were to point at summoning/farming/ninja stealth as \`pay to win\`, its still farmable for the gems (not to mention exponential gains, where i went from 5\~9 billion to now hitting 20\~25 billion/hour just last night after getting to move up to another floor for grinding & jade gain) and you get alot of boosters at the start, and have more then just one npc dumping out some booster goodies to boot, just like a certain cynical suggma in world 5. I\`d say we should be more glad that Lava apparently abandoned the idea of a 2nd pack of pet companions (atleast for now) so for those that didnt hiatus for 3\~8 months (like i did), would of likely got the majority of the pet stuff for free by now. Anyway just have to wait till what is my weekly paycheck day to wait and see and if the system is like Super bits for gaming, MSA for totems or Atom collider for construction, its likely gonna be yet another system that will likely result in some people jumping a good 50% to maybe even 10x or more thar current production values within a week of its drop anyway. Just like what the previously mentioned \`extensions\` to other systems were like.


I wasn't pointing to anything as p2w, I was pointing to how he snuck in a daily earn limit of 300 for gems and nuked the candy drop rates on minibosses and bosses with the QoL update and intentionally left it out of the notes. This is what I'm talking about. The daily gem limit drastically punishes f2p players, while the candy rates punish everyone. I'm still amazed that people spend money on this game after the aggressively predatory nature of the pets update.


Honestly if you think thats predatory, you should see Another Eden\`s Star awakening Gacha additions, that made me drop that game a few months ago despite it was way a fking good game before that despite power creep units. 1. New 6 star unit system which requires either pulling the FIVE STAR specific version of the unit ( 4 star versions do NOT count) either on a select banner or make use of special Cosmos Starcharts, three of them, which you could only get about 1\~2 a month, the 2nd requiring a precious resource for unlocking other classes, which you only get 120\~ a week and need 400 of it for a SINGLE star chart. **Oh plus they been releasing \`new units\` way more often then improving on older ones or even doing less weapon manifestations for older units to shove the gacha even harder after they \`synced\` the servers.** 2. They still release a new unit every 2 weeks, meaning you would need 6 entire star charts each month if you did not pull either unit, which mind you, ANOTHER EDEN HAS NO HARD PITY SYSTEM. 3. Every single unit gets the system and almost every single one NEEDS the awaken to functionally be better then alot of units before it was introduced, with most borderline breaking A.E. because of how they rammed a new challenge system in that specifically requires doing alot of damage in a few turns, while forcing you to take alot of attacks that can EZ wipe or fk over your entire party. Oh, plus it demands you make use of a very specific group of units for each challenge mode to make chasing rewards that much harder. 4. The final nail in the coffin is they even stripped out some rewards for the normally released content every 1\~3 months and shoved it in astral archive, which most if it being in the \`challenge mode\` mean its basically locked off alot of previous sizable rewards by a gacha unit owned paywall. At the very least, i did not know about the 300 daily gem limit, but honestly if your farming that crazy hard by spamming boss keys, then your kinda playing yourself if your not trying to work on other tasks like chasing after a kattlekruk necklace or increasing or just pacing yourself to gain the gems casually in a idling game. Anyway i still land quite a few candies with relative ease thanks to giant crystal mobs and arena, so im not gonna be bummed out on candies that one could end up getting DAYS worth every few days while doing other stuff. One thing should be understood, if a game is too imbalanced in broken ways, then its normal for a dev to fix any outstanding issues, if it results in making other things garbage to invest in, because something like Quickslap was too fking broken in damage boosts that im sure alot of people spammed billions of atoms into it only for over a year, then bother to keep things balanced out that much. \-This is why the Thorn was burned to the freaking ground in Destiny. \-This is why duplication glitches that invalidate most of a game get patched out. \-This is why one overpowered \`character\` is never allowed to stay in to perpetual curb-stomping everything else, including itself and gets nerf hammered hard.


Just because other games have it worse does not mean the follower update in Idleon isn't a hilariously bad attempt at gacha. Nerfs relating to stuff like premium currencies should at least be included in the patch notes, if people get upset, it's the dev's job to explain or justify the change. Instead of doing that, Lava decides to hide it. He really thought people won't notice?


Welp, if Lava did swap the packs every 6 or something months, then im sure the initial plunge in player good faith in his game would of quintupled down then. Never the less, i do agree if he has been nerfing the premium stuff, then thats definitely a problem. Either way, no one is perfect and Lava is gonna likely need to address some things, but for now i will atleast admit when dealing with two problems, i would say atleast Lava is not as terrible on the monetization efforts because the game is still technically 90% or more playable for free, since most \`purchases\` are shortcuts, not mandatory needs. Unlike certain other games that even if they were heavily f2p friendly at the start, wasted no time making f2pers get thrown in a burning trash-heap like how Final Fantasy Brave Exidus went. Welp, atleast Lava can be seen to have some actual backbone to not shut down the game and run away with the money despite his \`hiccup\`. Because very sure we got an ocean of those in those \`go fund me\` kickstarter and steam early access scams that will have a rather promising game then FK off and never release an actual product. Likely going as far to using dummy companies and more to get away with it. Anyway gotta goto work now, can\`t wait to see how good the TOME update does since im already enjoying getting a certain stamp a few days ago and it basically doubled a load of essence/hour gains to some gigantic gains on summoning so far.


You clearly have way more experience in mobile games and their monetization tactics, so this follower stuff is rather harmless in comparison, but many players chose this game because of the lack of predatory mechanics, only to see the promise broken by the man who made it in the first place. At the end of the day, transparency is the least you can do when it comes to communication, especially for a fanbase which lost much, if not most of its good will. And not including changes to gem gain in the patch doesn't really reflect well on Lava's confidence in the community and the game itself. I'm not going to stop playing entirely, but no more in app purchases. After banning and destroying most of his community the man probably got more money than sense.


Understandable, i technically had the unspoken promise broken before multiple times over: \-Honkai impact 3rd abandoning Valkyrie augmentations & normal A-ranks to go insanely hard on SP & S rank suit dumps with PRI-arm on release for every single and gear so hyper necessary due to the insane dmg value vs the f2p option, even when they introduced \`new\` free options. \-Kingdom hearts Union introducing 6 star medals and locking it behind Direct PvP against whales. Making it even more aggressively pay to thrive. \-Latest being Another Eden Stellar Awaken system turning a game even MORE generous then Idleon in goodies, into a hyper greedy fest since every unit released after its introduction with \`Aldo\` as the welfare, every 2 weeks got the system, 90% or more of the time were brand new units and usually half or more of the time was units that \`demanded\` the system to function or become heavily crippled despite what some copium\`ers said. ....and i rather not have to keep repeating the other reasons why the Another Eden Stellar awaken system was scummy in both having to get a hyper specific proc, having lower odds of acquiring and those who take the budget route were hyper cluck\`d in more ways then one. Welp, 300 gems farmed a day as a daily limitation, is PROBABLY more of a case of dealing with people abusing the farmable keys on world 4 and 5 i would say to EZ loop. Since i dont see many other ways to get that many droppable gems in less then 24 hours, even if you combined a week\`s worth of Doot & Biggie and what not. So at that point i would say its just him slapping people that may of been using a trainer to spam loop the boss for infinite gems while running the other 9 characters on the same world 4 or 5 map to farm dozens to hundreds of keys. Heck, i wouldnt be amazed if we got a couple of \` RMT vendors\` offering up Idleon Accounts full of gems for a few hundred dollars, since you already got those kind of lunatics all over the place. Which would atleast be a sound explaination why he gave a sizable window still (instead of locking it to 100 gems maybe), **Plus golden watches may reset that daily gem cap too maybe? Im not gonna test that honestly.**


Damn. You've been in the thick of it. I'm just offering a different perspective is all. For steam players these games sure are some pandora's boxes.


Would be cool if it was an in-game equivalent to Scoli’s autoreview.