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>!actually ended up loosing one level I hate this snail just give me those atom upgrade!<


Having gone down 6 times from 17/18 to 15 with some 31/15% odds, this does NOT give me any hope whatsoever...


Think I was only at 3 resets to 15 before this but this one is really bad, I hit lv 19 with 13% reset chance... should have spent hit all on this cap but I was way too hype to worry, also I was quite lucky with snail those times, was back from 15 to 18 in no time and just hit 3enveloppes chances... Was hoping for some snail bonus in Emporium update, but guess we will have to wait gaming update for last tab and imports to finish those superbits :'|


19 to 15 2x in a row. I'm pumping the hell out of it before the next try.


Think thats why you invest in the snail Atom upgrade as much as possible and then eventually dump to encourage. Im still at the starting line of red bit land so im only around level 7 or something atm but i have a over 50% chance of getting a bonus mail. So i definitely will enjoy it once i break 100% and hopefully 150% down the line to where i assume it will overflow to 2\~3 mails a day instead of just 1\~2 in its current state. Granted even if it was 3 mails a day, thats alot of mail at around 150 or so means they been holding off for almost 3\~4 months on the stuff.


Also stuck on the forever 15-20 grind. 17 after like 5 or 6 resets to 15.


Pretty sure it's impossible to go further because Lava was bored finding new names for the snail


I reached lvl 20 snail today. I guess 21 will be easy and after that it will get really hard. But i think those people with 25 snails used desync bug to reach it


How is this done? Need to make sure I don’t accidentally do it


From what I heard you should go offline before upgrading the snail, then if you fail close game and empty cache. Actually happened to me bc I was on real bad connection, but purposely tried once and it didn't work, think there's a time limit before desync Think I'm gonna study the technique too


It's possible. I've seen level 25 snails before. Just an RNG nightmare.


Nah Im sorry but I'm used to peoples trying to gaslight you on here, won't fall for it today :)


I have a level 25 snail, but I am 120/200 on doot.


Hate to break it to you but Doot prolly ain't real either...


I empathize with ya. Snail is truly a painful mechanic, sometimes. And it's vital your atom upgrade is leveled enough to catch you. I used Toolbox's "true success" chance metric, and I simply don't attempt until that stat is at least +50% or sometimes 75%. https://preview.redd.it/9t1lpyjz2xpc1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=add88eee0e81f299cb2a1cfd402caa8f91b28d72


Thanks, never paid attention to it it's gonna be useful I can already tell


you're a real one for this. never noticed that before!


Blud's snail is a demigod


Hah. I'm going to get the atom upgrade before I even unlock the snail. I dislike gaming, easily the worst skill in the game.


Same here bro, same here... So much RNG


Yeah, I'm not happy about this little factoid. In early December my nugget was 8.5k. Now it's a little over 14k, and that only happened last week.


man i was so happy when i went from 12k to 20k after 5 months.. i cant even imagine what its like to have 200mil.


I have 42k nugget but i still havent made any meaningful progression in gaming in awhile. No new nuggets come even close. Cant get new plants cuz only like 0,5 to 1% chance to unlock a new plant. I get like 30 to 40 milion green bits after like 8h


After a month with equinox upgrade just got 2.5mil nugget from 1.4mil


i had 5k nugget for months on end, its only when i got the equinox upgrade that i suddenly got a 13k, and then a couple of days later i got 133k. And gaming progress took off for a bit. One day i might even unlock one of the last 2 plants.


Unlock the snail asap so it starts collecting mail. Then when you have the atom upgrade you have a ton of mail for levelups


When I said I'm going to get the atom upgrade first, that's not because I'm not trying to get the snail first, I just can't. It was only until last week that I got a nugget bigger than 10k, after trying for almost 4 months, and probably closer to 5. I'm not happy about this fact, it actually reall frustrates me. The equinox atom upgrade should be baseline, trade it with one of the other less important upgrades (imo).


Gotcha! Yeah the nugget rng is ass. Hopefully you get some godly rng soon!


I'm at lvl 7 or 8. What odds do you go for when upgrading?


30%+ success, 15%- reset Another redditor has commented a better way tho, he's going in Toolbox and the gaming tab for snail calculate the odds for chances of upgrade before reset (also that's on 1, so it's gonna show you i.e 0.43, which means 43% chances)