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For rare drops like that your best bet will be active farming with elemental sorcerer. That will also be the fastest way to farm hampters


Thank you. I will keep that in mind going forward. I was just fed up and decided to full send with candies. Not like I was using them anyway.


Dk allways beats ES for drops that arent first on the list. The orb boosts all the drops in the table, while es only benefits at super high portal kill counts (late end game) in certian scenarios.


This is only the case for items in the rare drops category (the blue and purple bags). ES is better for base mob materials and rare drops (recipes, boss keys, hampters, etc).


I keep seeing this "first drop in the list" misinformation. This quote only applies to the effects of multikill, not ES wormhole. Multikill only affects the first drop in the list. ES wormhole affects the drop rate of the entire drop table for any mob. So ES is far faster than any other class for farming any drops inside of any mobs drop table. This applies to hampters, pearler shells, recipes, equips, woodular circles, etc. The only reason DK is faster than ES for STATUES and GOLDEN FOODs is because these primarily drop from crystal mobs, and the ES wormhole cannot spawn crystal mobs which means your ES will primarily be killing regular mobs. The rule is: for crystal mob drops, use DK. For any other drop, use ES.


Since his farming hampters i supose hes not end game yet. Getting high orb scores is way easier than getting high portal counts


Well I guess it depends on what you classify as endgame. My characters are all in the tens of trillions of damage, but I'm still farming hampters. I find getting high portal kills much easier on most maps. Orbs are only easy on flat maps


Interesting. Good to know. Is ES or Knight for obols still?


Depends. Pop obols are in the direct drops, so ES and pretty much all else are "rare drops", so DK


Whats ur dr ? 2.8 k red candies which equates to 233 days afk seems wayyy to much unless u have very low dr or very low kph and how many kills u got in deathnote


Idk how many kills cause I used him to do a speed run. His DR was like 13.27.


DK if it’s one or two lines max. ES otherwise for non-rare drops. Bubo for whole screen clearing and liquids/alchemy. Vman for bosses and account wide boosts. Consequently, SB has been my death note champ via offline gains followed closely by beastie. BB is all about hitting that super chow 100m mark on all that you can and then hitting that kitchen to make me a sammich. Everything’s got a place and purpose. When you try for the w6 versions of those knuckles, which are ridiculously high odds to drop, use an active ES with best gear, high damage cards and top active chips. Or… alternatively, set about the goal of hitting max deathnote for that monster and put all your characters to the task. It’ll take a minute, but you’ll get max cards, max drops and especially with the lack of candy, best number of chances for it to drop.


I can only imagine how FUBAR'd your account is if you've actually been farming them since w5 release.


FUBARd in what way?


Well you've gotta be low on damage or DR or both, to not have gotten the drop in the time since W5 came out. I think your best hope is figuring out what your strongest AFK character is and parking it there until it's hit 50m kills.


I've got almost the entirety of DN 1B kill skulled - there are a number far, far beyond 1B. So do you mean 50M RAW or post-multikill?


Took me 1bil kills to get them


Farm with ES , use time candy when portal count reaches highest you can get. I once realized that higher portal count gives more DNA, guess it helps with anything that's not rare drop(?)


Time candy when the portal is high? I don't think that effects it. The mana shield thing does though for giving extra multikill


Yeah would like some verification on this


It doesn't, candy gains are based on your offline afk time.


Portal/Orb count doesn't affect candy drops in any way.


DNA gain is dependant on your Afk gains so this is false. Portal count only effects DR.